Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1904)
pJWsa LADI ESI Those Swell Pattern Hats Are Here Just-in-by-express - r-- V i Tfl tTiHt iri Ta iht-irlf 4,1 rial . ? i 1 iVal ir- - 99 PAIR Mens-$2.00 to $3.50 - - PANTS - - $1.50 SPRING CAMPAIGN SALE THE FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE opens the campaign with hot shots at high prices that hring them tumbling down within the reach of all. This is a season of unusually high prices in all lines and tho effect is keenly felt by the average retailer, but ouu patrons will not notice it because of tho fact that wo belong to the Cash Buyers' Union, comprising over GO large stores, who buy and sell for cash, and' ordi nary conditions do not affect us, and the peple are not plow to appreciate the many advantges of our sys tem, the main one being the saving in money. We raise the standard of quality without raising the prico Note the Prices Given Below Garment News For tlie Lodies We have all the best new things in Suits. Siik, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Kim onas and Wrappers, and we employ an experienced dreps maker, thus insuring a perfect fit. Ladie Eton suits in blue cloth, braid and button trimmed,. .$7.50 Ladies' Eton suit with attached girdle, in gray suiting and black cheviot capes, trimmed with buttons and silk braid. .. $12.50 Ladies' Eton suits in lron voile, trim med with stitch taffeta and buttons, silk lined jacket $18.50 -4 a 3 S - SB 3 W 3 X mm American Lady CORSETS Stvle 21)2, white batiste girdle " 50c Stvle 58, pink and blue tape 5 girdle: ("o 2- Stvle 455, black ami drab short corset..: 95c Style 325, drab straight front corset :. $1.00 Style 425, white corset with supporters $1.25 Style 501, white tape girdle $1.00 Style 475, drab-long with supporters $1.25 Style 407, drab Longfellow model $2.00 Our Specials Tlie Money Savers Best grade wash taffeta, black and colors, yard. . . . ! 75c Jap wash silk, all colors 35c grade, yard Ivo All wool albatross, black and colors yard 50c 4"2-inrh worsted dress goods yd 25c White India linen, 8c grade.. 05c Birdseye toweling, white and bn'n yard 04o Best grde apron check ginghan.s, . yard 07c Best grade staple calico, all colors, yard 05c IVst table oilcloth, colored yd. 18c Best table oilcloth, white, yd. . 20c White torchon lace 1 to 4 in. wide yard 05c Ladies all linen handker'fs. . . 05c Children's colored border " 05c Lndies' hose, black and grey mixed pair 10c Children's and Misses ribbed hose pair 10c Men's and Boys' cotton sox. ... 05 Men's double work shirts, ea . . 45c Men's handkerchiefs, white and col rs, each 05c Luster embroidery, cotton, all col ors, 04c 4 in 1 Quaker cantil soap, long bar 05c Paper of tacks, paper of pins, hair pins, each 01c i i ! ; i i ; ; i f i LL'ji I iblill i HAINES Furniture Co (Successor to WIU.I.S id COMPANY.) Carpets, Rugs, Mattings Oak, Ash, Fir and Mnplo lknl Suits $18 to $15 Tho most complcto lino over shown in Heppner Kino pillows and comforts. All wool blankets, made at Union woolen mills. Nice now pat terns of Floor Oilcloth, at 35c and 40c per yurd Linoleums, at - - (0o and 05c per yard New Homo Sewing Machine, the beat on earth, from $:?2.r0 to $50. Organs $80, $05 and $il0 Stoves and Ranges And Cooking Utensil, Cheap. Crockery, Lampn and Clocks, Vm. A. Rogers' Silverware Anything not curried in ttck cWrfully ordered, cheaper than you can send for it 13UUCIS MA INKS, Prop $ HARDWARE we have a complete stock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OIL HILS, WIRE, ETC. Boys Suits SI.45 to S7.50 AND Ball and Hat . FREE with each suit fold C. Unaware Decorated with Heppner Klood Scenes- fi Uweful and Pretty Souvenir The BAIN Wagon Gilliam & Bisbee l THE HEPPNER TIMES. Published Every Thursday by A. J. HICKS O SUBCRIPTION One Year Six Months Three Months - KATES: O SI.OO 75 BO for county offices. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon a second-4-lass matter. full tickets: Republican, Demo cratic and Prohibitionist. How ever, the latter doea not hope to elect any member of their ticket. The Democrats, although largely in the minority, are hopeful of electing one or more of their ticket. It ia not at all probable, however, that they will elect a single man. Conceding that they have a fairly good ticket, on the other hand the Republicans have a very strong ticket, and with a majority of 300 in the county, it ia almost a fore gone concision that they will elect every man on the ticicet. But thara a mviAimna tKat tVia pamnaian liked, yet it was not bad for the J , , , will warm up to fever heat before There ara three 1 iwn Monday evening on bu way to Heppner. Quite number of our cilizeni attended the Democratic convention at Heppner Saturday. KAWLINn POhT NO. , O. A. R. MEET AT Odd Fellow' Hall at Heppner, every third Saturday of em b month. i. W. Khka. Adj. O. . Smith. Cora. THURSDAY, APR 7,1904. While the weather for March waB not just what we woula have growing crous, ant me siocsmen have little room for complaint ' ; , put up, which will result in draw days, to the growth of grass and : . . T ... the close, The" Democrats will make the etrongest fight they can ing the lines in the Kepublican ranks more closely. When one side lines u j hard they may grain, and the loss of s ock was very light, prac'ically nothing. . . ' , ,. , pect the other to follow suit were unfavorable for lambine, but, few ehet-pmen had commenced lambing at that lime, and reports ftom those who had are to the effect that the loss was very light. Lambing is now very general throughout the county, but the past week has been more favorable end no losses have been reported. The farmers who have been de layed with their spring set-ding on account of the tncecsartt rains have been rushing their work along at a rapid rate the past week and now have it about complett-d, getting their grain in the ground in ample time for a good crop. Hmce there is room for little com plaint from either stockman or farmer. The psst winter has leen a favorable one for both, and with the opening of "pring, with their flocks and crops in good condition, they have every reason to feel very jubilant. Nth Mgnn-?n vir.ted at J. T. Mc Millan Monday. He returned to Hepp ner Monday evening. Harry Beaucbamp returned from Salem last Friday. He bus been attending tbe medical college there. He will teach the Hinton ere. k school this ving. The type niade us say J T. McAlUter w hen it should have been J T. McMillan, in la?l issue. We are pleased to note that Uncle John lOntinuea to improve. Tbe Ivaster services at the Congre gational church Sunday evening were enjoyed by large crowd. The pro gram was eicellent, and reflected much credit upon those who had tbe work in charge. The children acquitted them elver creditably. Tbe music wan especially good. ex- Excursion Rates. The O. H. A N. Will make tbe fol lowing round trip rates from Heppner on account General Conference of the M . K. church at Ia Anitelei com men cing May 3, l'K)4, arid the National As sociation of Kelail grocer at Fan Fran cisco May 3, to K, li04. Heppner to Ia Arielei and return hj stearrmhip $14 W; by rail $13 85. Heppner to an r'raiiciwo and return by steamship I'.T) 85, bv ra I .S0.85. Tickets ill bo old for steamer sailing from I'ort and Airil 23, 24, and 25. Via rail from I'ortlund April 2.1, to 30, Iricltimvc Uf turn limit June 30, from Lot Anjfi les, and June 13, from Han FranclHco. Hop over will be allowed in California only, and only on return trip. For further particulars Inquire ot our local agnt LEXINGTON ITEM) At The Churches. Christian Church- Kvery Sunday, bible school 10 A. M., preaching 11 A.M., Y. P.8. C. V. 6:15 P. M.. preaching 7:30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. J. V.Cbawfokd, Minister. There will be regular services in the Baptist church next Sunday bo h morn ing and evening. J. W. Mount, Tastor. At M. K. Church Service neat Sun day at 11 A. M.and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M ., F.prlb League 0:30 P. M. You are cordially Invited to a'teud. II. ',. IIip.ciitol. Pastor. Republican Ticket For County Judge GliO. J CURRIN i For County Clerk VAWTl'R CUAWPUKI) For Sheriff K. M. 8HLTT For Treasurer M. LICHTF.NTHAL For Aseenor W. S CONNOR For School Superintendent E. JAY Ml'RRILI. For Surveyor D V. S. KF.II) For Coroner ItR. A. RFII) For Commissioner 2-vear term F. M. GRIFPM For Commissioner 4-year term J I). FRENCH Sixth Ju licial District For Justice of the Peace GF.ORG K WHITI-IS For Constable GIO II ATT THEY'RE HERE! An immense rtock of Fall and Winter Shoes AT M. LICHTENTHAL'S The pioneer Ixiot ami ihm dealer of Heppner, who al ways carries big line of Itoots and Klmea, Kubliera, Ktc. Repairing a sfiecialty, and rat intact ion guaranunl. Old stand. Went nidi, of Main Ktre.t. There will 1 preaching at th M. I'., church . south, every Sunday at II a. m. and 7::!0 p m. .Sunday school at 3 p m. A cordial invitation is exlrnded to all. P. C. Apkini, Pastor. Catholic church service will le held at Heppner on Sunday, April 2ltb. The campaign may be considered now on in Morrow county, since all nominations have been made Whooping Cough. "In the spring ol l'.NJl my children had whooping cough," mj Mr. 1). W. Capi s. of Capp, Ala "1 used Cham- ! berla n'a Cou h Remedy with tin iiio-l MtUfartory retutts. I think this I Ihl Ijest remedy I hVf ever aeeo for whoop ing cough." Thi remedy keep tbe Ul cough loose, lrns the severity and frerujuency of th coughing spell and I counteracts anv tendency toward tn- u- R. P. Wilu.ot, of Ion, pa sed through , ,uouu. iot Mia by siocura Drug Co. ..GORDON'S w w LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Wm. GORDON, Prop. II added a number of First Cla horre and New Rig, both HiiKitio and Hack", and ff!Vs von first vnn service, and you will receive conrtaoii treatment. A share of your patronage j Ht(LIUITKI) a MAIN STREET, Heppner, Orogon. w w Tbe sick members of Mr, ft. 8. S i Tyler' family are all improving, i Miss Mary Reaney was quite s ck week, but is much Utter at present Cured Hie Mother of Rheumatism "My mother ba been suffer for many year with rhrumatimn," say W, II. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At time (he was unable to move at all, while at times walking was pninful 1 prmeuted her with a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain Hal hi and after a few application! at decided it wa the most wonderful pain reliever she had tver tiled, in fact, she 1 never without it now and I at all time able to walk. An orci ril application of I'hln Ilatnt keep away tbe pan that be wa formrilv troubled with." For sale by Slorum Drug Co Notice of Final Sottlomont. In the Cminlr t oiiil ol Ilia etala ol (ingiiu lor Mnrruw i mtiif. In Hi rnnllrf i.l Ilie e.lnle u f it ! Me Hrl'l. d . .!. (illr III beretiy fivm that til" ndr.rne1 bal R!et bit filial ri ("ill tiiillil'liatof li( Ihar-lataot Samuel Mi raat villi lha a ot nlill4 1 oilil. a. Ilia I aal.l rntirl teas n.S'la sn Ul-lor Haiti alur'1a)r Ilia Hill liar of Arll, v4 at Iha hour nt luo'i lia k a, m, a Hit lima aii'l Ilia ( nuiily ( imrt rwm at th cuurl hoiiaa In M"' iif f '.n Ida liia)i Inrtlieflnal kaailng snl aeillmaiit ul hI4 arro. nt. . tutu Mi Haii.s. n 10 a7 AiliuliiliiiaU.r. ..Palace Hotel.. HEPPNER, ORECON. Oat aptMilnted Hotel In Kaatern Oreiton. Kvery Mulern Convenience. !.lfhted by elertricity. Peat Meals in the City. UNDER NEW MANAGE. MENT PI I IU sMICTSCIIAN. Jr, Prop .TELEPHONE. LIVERY BARM Mo.kJowm Ik Sons, Prop.. w V. Ill a.l t s niiini-( i.( huiK, an t rl, hoth Miisilea sn. llai... .nil nffnr too Aral law ap(. Y"'i III ir. rlt. riiiilnn Iii..ii. hi, A liafi( your imiiotiats a o 1. 1 1; I t i 4 LOW EH MAIN HTMEtT " Menpner, Oregon w