Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1904)
March, -April, May There is tverythlnir- tblnpf can bt done to the bout ad vantage, most easily and moat ef fectively. Now it the beat time for purifying your blood. Whyj Because your ayitera is now trrlna to purify it you know this by the pimples and other eruptions that nave come oa your face and body. Hood's SarsaparlUal0! womn ,who t0T V5' ' ciaitan rs given In a queer old build and Pills Olrl BtadeaU at Osfbrd. Tbs proportion of women students to man students in vxrora is srxui 3UU to 8,000, and It baa bti only about a aoora of rear slnca women wera ad mitted, while man hart had tha ad- best time lor doing tidUih of tha university for can- that is, a time whtn a turiea. All tbt teaching; of to wom an Is undor tha Association for tha Education of Woman In Oi ford. There ara no class or lactur rooms, and ao teaching excapt private tutoring In tba bal) that U, Lady Margarat Hall, BocLarrllla College, Bt Hugh's Hall, ate. Tba students taka tip courses ar ranged by tba association, Tha lac turaa by members of the unlvarslty JUDICIAL DECISIONS. Ing, ones a dissenting chapel. Girls .uul w.-w, ,Mlj ,n plBCM recommended by the association, and ara called home stu dents. the work thoroughly and agreeably and never fail to do it. iioous are the medicines you have always heard recommended. '"I rnot rtnimmtnil Hood's Brprlll too tilrlily u a acrlne madlelna. W'honwf take It In the anrlug ws all feel tir-ttrrthrougb tone. ." Hu 8. 11. Ns.U MeCrsys, I'l " Friendly Advice. "I'd edrlse you to tike thin poem to s chiropodist," said the editor in s kindly An aMlicnce Is held, In Wiggins vs. render N. C). 61 L. II. A. 772, not to be deprived of the benefit of a cove nant of warranty In a conveyance of real estate by the fact that be Is not named In the covenant, If assigns are named In the habendum clause of the deed. The relation of officers snd directors of a corporation to it and Its stockhold ers Is held In Iioyd vs. Mutual Fire Association (Wis.), 81 I. It. A. 918. not Is claimed for its use. to be such as to prevent their taking; King, Washington, V. C thn tioneflt of the atnfnrn tit limit. 1 tlons In an action to hold them liable General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C, 28 Army Generals Send Letters of Endorsement to the Inventor of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na. Brigadier Qcneral King, of Confed erate Army, Writes: "I unhesitatingly state that I am convinced Peruna is a medi cine that will effect all the cures tbst J. Floyd Ui summer." Ma. 8. U. Niu Hood's iareaparllla promises to our and keeps the promise. The I'ropor Thins;. "I hop you lo not consider It wrong for s young lady to wear (Ins clothes and jewels," snlu Mix (lidding. "Certainly not," replied the person. "If the heart Is full of vain and rldlruloua thing, there can he no objection to ad verting tlio fart." Itecsuse why?" queried he of the un cut hair. "it's feet need attention," replied the editor. Tba Wonderful Cream Separator doea ti work In a mlnuta and Irsvcs 1m than 1 nor cnt tnittar (at. Tha price U rldli ii Itiunly low, according to !, tiih in 14. uu etch, ml you have one you would not pert wierswiin Kir nny timet na com, Jl!sr hind thin nitics witn or taiui.a fur tHiMaya to me jonn a. eei-i .,..,,. , ...... n.,1.. ...... rr ni i . ,V vn-m, wi... and gt their i oid eat very little and was very riioif,riin a"Tii,iiiif ihirniiirkiH rram yellow even the whites oi her eyes For Orowlng Qlrls. West Pembroke, Me., March 21. Mrs. A. L. Smith, of this place, says that Podd's Kidney I'ills are the best remedy for growing girls. Mrs. Smith emphasises her recommendation by the following experience: "My daughter was thirteen years old last November and it is now two yearn since she was first taken with Crazy HjellH that would last a week and would then pus off. In a month she would have the spells again. At theHe times Hvparator, ami hundred ol otliar Uwli ami arm antila uaod by the larmer. If. C. J. J Am Awful Jolt. Haphead I aw knew In advance thnt we were aw going to have a benMly Imwd wliitnli, doiicher know. MIki Csustiouo Indeed! And how did joii know it? Hntdiead I aw felt It In me bonee. Mint Catliiie Itealljr? Then you are a believer In the old lwno theory. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought would he yellow. The doctors gave us no encourage. mcnt, they all said they could not help her. Alter taking one box of Poud s Kidney Tills, she has not had one bad siKill. Of course, we continued the treatment until she had used in all about a down boxes, and we still give them to her occasionally, when she is not feeling well. Podd's Kidney rills sre certainly the best medicine for growing girls." Mothers should heed the advice of Mrs. hmith for by so doing, they may nave their daughters much pain snd eicknean and iimure a healthy happy future for them. Bears the Signature The M yeter r. i j eat i i it ... ine piaiii people,-- said the weary millionaire, "don't know what the rich have to put up with." ' Pout you believe It," replied the plain man. "We know you've sot the money to put up with, but we wonder bow aoine of you ever got IL" i'hlladel' phia l'reaa. Beware of Olntmaete for Catarrh That Cantata Marcurr, Ai marrtiry will fiirely datlro? tha ernae of men ami enmiaieijr arrange me wnoia aye- I'm whfneutnns It tUrouga the muroin lur fac. Such arilcira ihould narar ar erpl on iirrarrlptluna from reputabla phral Clani, ai Ilia damage Iher will do It ten fold to tha mikhI ou ran powlblT derlre Irom tham, Hait i Catarrh Cure, manufactured bj K. J. t urner A 10. Toledo, ().. oonialm nomercnrT and la taken Internallf, a lliij dlrectljr upon the blood and mnroiii aurlaoea ol the iraiam. In buylna flail's Catarrh Cur be aura tou tel the irnnine' It la taken Internally, and made In Toledo, r. J. Cheuer i Co. Teeii. tuonlali Irre. Mold tr lrus(lita, price 7Ae. per bottle, liail'i Kamlljr i'llla ara the ban. Preliminary Tractlce. "lour friend haau t had hia automo bile very long, but he arc in a to m annua It exceedingly well. He aeenia particu larly rlrrer at aterrlng through a crowd ed atreet." "Oh, I'opley'a all right. He hss had yeare of experience with a baby car riage." rhlladelphia l'reaa. Mixed I'p. At a trim in a uerman court a man sp pes red as a wit new. "Your name?" nnked the Judge. "Veil, I calls mynelf Fritz but may be so. I don't know If It la llenrlch. You see, Mr. Judge, dut mine modet kIio hnf two little loys; one of them was me and one wua mine proder, and tinier wns myaelf ; I don't know which and my moder, ehe don't know too and one of na waa named Frltx, and todcr llenrlch, or one llenrlch and todcr Frits. I don't know which It for misfeasance or ir.alfoannee in of fice. 1 The defonse of the statute of limita tions Is held In Wheeler vs. Castor (X. I).), 61 1.. It. A, 74!, to be a meritorious one, which will Justify the opening of the Judgment taken by excusable de fault In order to let In such defense. The right to open default Judgment to let lu defenae of statute of limitations Is considered In a note to this case. The requirement In a policy of in surance agalnat loss by the accidental discharge of an automatic Are extin guishing apparatus, that aaaured must use all reasonable means to save and preserve the property Insured, Is held, In Wethemor-8warts Shoe Co. vs. United States Casualty Co. (Mo.), 61 L. K. A. 76(1, to refer to care to be taken after an accidental discharge of the apparatus, and not to care to pre vent an accident The uttering as true of a forged mortgage and a forged note, which the mortgage purport! to secure, at one time and to the same party, Is held in State vs. Moore (Minn.), 61 L. It. A. 810, to constitute but one offense, so that a conviction on an Indictment for uttering the mortgage is a bar to a subsequent conviction for uttering the note. With this cane is a note discuss ing the question whether the forgery of different Instruments at one time conatltutes but one or more than one crime. Failure to effect a change of bene ficiary In a mutual benefit certificate, because of refusal of the one In whose favor It was issued to surrender the old one, is held, in Labey vs. La hey (X. Y.), 61 L. It. A. 701, not to give the original beneficiary any right to the proceeds as against the claim of the one In whose favor the new certificate was to be Issued, where by statute and the rules of the society there Is an ab solute right to make the change, and everything required by the rules is done except the surrender of the old certificate. . ALASKA NOT FARMING COUNTRY was, and one of us got died, and my modcr she could never tell which It was, me or mln broder who got died Ho you see, Mr. Judge, I don't know whether I sm Fritz or llenrlch, ami my moder she don't know." In the city of New York alone there sre I.WI.ikkj people living To-day who rould be dead if the mortality of fifty years sgo still prevailed. The Ilrglaning of It. Judge You provoked this fight your self, didn't you? 1'rUoner No, sor, he done It. Judge Hut you struck the first blow. Why did you? Trimmer Itckase be sex to me: "If 01 am wan, ye're another." l'blla delphla Tress. AS OLD AS cl r2i That blood poison existed among the ancients has tjeen proven beyond question. It bas been traced back thousands of years, and is ss old as the rvramids. This Mighting curse has been banded down from nation to nation and from individual to individual till it has Spread to all parts of the world. Contagioua blood poison, as it is called in modern times, begins with a small aore or ulcer through which the virus enters the blood. This is followed bv inflnm. ination and swelling of the glands of the groins, a red eruption breaks out on the body, sores appear in the mouth and the throat becomes ulcerated, and as the disease takes a deeper hold and the blood becomes more thoroughly infected, the hsir and eyebrows drop out, the akin is spotted with copper-col- wrcn apioicuca, uic uonea ana musciea acne, ana It seems to the vicliia of this monster scourge there is not a sound spot in the whole body, i .The horror of this awful disease Gov. Hredjr'a Agricultural Reports, Bays an Alaakan, Are All Wrong. "When people read that Alaska Is capable of great agricultural develop ment they should pass up the state ment for rubbish and nonsense," said II. Bratnober, at the Arlington. "Alaska Is one of the richest parts of creation In the precious metals, and that Is all It ia fit for. The Lord never Intended It for a farming country, but Gov. Brady bas for years, In the in dulgence of a hobby, been sending out reports of the wonderful farming pos sibilities of the tereltory, simply be cause he mnniiges to raise a few rad ishes and cabbages In his garden. The truth Is thnt a very few of the hardiest vegetables can lie produced In some special sKt that gets an unusual de gree of sunshine, but this Is about the limit. 'I have been In Alnska for several years, and at the risk of Incurring the Governor's ill will am here to say that people who go to Alaska in the hope of raising crops are on the hluhest sort of a fool's errand. I-ast summer, away up on the Copper Itlver, I met three honest farmers, who bad been induced to sell their places in Indiana ana go to mat uesoiate region with a view of cultivating the soil. They planted a ton of seed, but never grain came up, sod when I saw them they were heartsick over their failure. It la a shame to send out such delusive reports. Alaska Is all right as a mln lug country, and not a tithe of its wealth bas beeu taken out, but a innu wants to go there exclusively for mln ing or to view Its beautiful scenery." Washington Tost. Writes: "I have used Peruna for ca tarrhal trouble and find it beneficial and to be all that it promises, and free ly give it my unqualified recommenda tion." Robert Smalls. Gen. Abbott, of Washington, D. C, Writes: "I am fully convinced that your remedy Peruna is an excellent tonic. Many of my friends have used it with the most beneficial results for coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble." Ira C. Abbott, 006 M. St., Washing ton, D. C. Captain Yarnell, of Washington, D.C., Writes: "Your medicine, Peruna, I believe to be the best medicine for ca tarrh on the market. I have taken only a small amount, and can see very beneficial results." W. G. Yarnell, 2322 Lincoln street, N. E., Washing ton, D. C. General McBride, of U. S. A., Writes: "I have no hesitation in rec- on mending Peruna to all persons who are afflicted with catarrhal troubles." J I). McBride. 450 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W.. Washington. D. C. General Longstreet, of the Confeder ate Army, Writes: "I can testify to the merits of Peruna, both as a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Peruna enjoys the greatest reputation as a catarrh remedy of any medicine yet devised." James long street, Gainesville, Ga. General Noske, of O. V. U., rites: "I commend Peruna to those who are troubled with colds producing catarrh as a most efficacious cure and as a good general tonic." Chas. F. Noeke, 213 B. St, X. W., Washington V. U. General Erwln's Recommend. "Many of my friends have used Pe luna as a dyspepsia remedy with the most beneficial results." John B. Er win, Washington, D. C. Brig. General Schell Benefitted. "Peruna is indeed a wonderful tonic and for coughs and colds I know of nothing better." F. M. Schell, Wash ington, D. C. General Duffleld, of the Union Army, Writes: "I have used Peruna in my family and have found it a valuable medicine, and take pleasrne in recom mending it to all who suffer from ca tarrh of the stomach or who require a tonic of efficiency" The Cairo, Wash ington, D. U. General Butler, of South Carolina, Writes: "lean recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I have been using your medicine for a short period and I feel very much re lieved. It is indeed a wonderful medi cine besides a good tonic." M. C. Butler. Brigadier General Klrby Writes: "I can recommend Peruna to all those who sre afflicted with ca tarrh." General D. T. Kirby, Wash ington, D. C. Gen. Powell, Hecker Post No. 443 Writes: "After using one bottle of Peruna I became convinced of its cura tive qualities, and contihued its use to ate. All symptoms of catarrh bave disappeared, yet I continue its moder- te use as a preventive, and an old man's tonic." .W. II. Powell, Belle ville, 111. Gen. Sebring.of the Confederate Army Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy Peruna as a very excellent tonic, and also good for coughs, colds, catarrh, and general de bility." W. H. Sebring, 133 W. 4th St., Jacksonville, Fla. General Lumax, of Washington, D. C, Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your remedy as a permanent and effec tive cure lor catarrh, colds and to any one who needs an invigoiating tonic to build up their system." L. L. Lumax, 1603 19th St., Washington, D. C. Gen. Payne, of Washington, D. C. Writes: "I join with my comrades in recommending Peruna to my friends as an invigorating tonic to build up tbe system." Gen. Eugene B. Payne, 407 4th St., X. W., Washington, D. C. General Talley, of Pa., Vol. U. S. A. Can never be told. The one who con tracts it suffers in body and mind, snd if the poison is not eradicated transmits the taint to his children, snd Contagious Blood Poison thus becomes responsible for many of the ills of childhood SVin Eruptions, Catarrhal Troubles, Sore Eyes, Scalp Disease, White Swelling, Scrofula snd others just as bad. S. S. S., the great vegetable blood purifier snd tonic, Las long been recognized as a radical and safe cure for Contagious Blood . rolson. It counteracts the deadly virus snd cleanses and purl Ccs the diseased blood, and tinder its tonic effects the" general health Im- HAD AIL TBS SYMPTOMS. Sear Blrei Aaareaultof saarloua blood dleorder "7 oiooa Dinoii polaonad and I euf fr4 eavaraly with khaamatlam and other eymptome not naoaaaary to man- Uoa. Airland of mlna told tna that he bad baa a anrad of my trouble by B. a. B.. and upon bla raoomraandalloo I bas a a Ite ia. After natna It lor some time mr blood waa thoroughly eleanaad of aft polaon and luade pure and atroae aaln I wish alaotoeoeah of ite tonlo nron. ertlaa. Walla ruraloo- my blood of Impurities, t built up my aanere baa'th, Improvad my appetlla, tare cue tnoraeaed strength, and I fell better la rary way, I am a treat believer la . 8. .. and with pleaaure eoroaiand It to all la neai ei a Blood madioloa, Yonra vary truly, HOHUKT M. ZWFlITZia. 038 Walnut Bt., Lebanon, Ta, proves snd soon all signs of blood poison art gone. The strong mineral remedies, Mercury and Totash, which are Bo often prescribed for the disease, dry up the sores, skin eruptions snd 1 an external aigns, inn icave tue siomacn. and digestion ruined and the system in such condition that the disease usually returns in trorse form than ever. S. S. S. ia guaranteed a purely vegcta ble remedy, it, 000 is offered for proof that it contains a single mineral Ingredient. It you have blood poison write for our special book, describing the different stages snd giving alt the symptoms, with directions for treating one's self at home. Our physicians will furnish any saiormauoa or sancs waoteu iree 01 charge. ptc swtrrjrcctnc co., atianta. cju Write: "Your rerooa hoe been used by me and my friends sa a 'relief tot catarrhal troubles with the most bene ficial results. I am so convinced of the efficacy of Peruna that I do not hesi tate to give it my recommendation." Wm. Cooper Talley, 713 D St., N. E., Washington, D. C General Bigelow Cured. Gen J. G. Bigelow, 151 C. St., N. W., Washington, D. C, writes: "Peruna has made me well and it hss given me moie thsn ordinary strength and spirit for work." Gen. O'Belrne, of Washington, D. C, Writes: "As many of my friends and acquaintances have successfully used Peruna as a catarrh cure, I feel that it is an effective remedy, and I recom mend it as such to those suffering from that disease as a most hopeful source of reliel." James R. O'Eierne, 290 Broad way, Washington, D., C. Gen. Chase, Ass't Ad. Gen. Q. A, R., Writes: "The excellence of Peruna as a cure or relief for catarrhal disturb ances is well established. Many of my friends have been benefitted by its use." B. F. Chase, 28 Ilaairison St., Anacostia, D. C. General S. S. Yoder, of Ohio, Writes: "I have found Peruna to be a wonderful remedy. I only used it for a short time and am thoroughly satis- -fled as to its merits." 8. S. Yoder, Washington, D. C. General O'Connor, of U. V. Legions, Writes: "If you are sufferinz from ca tarrh or phyiscal debility, immediately commence the nee of Peruna. It has . been of the greatest benefit and service to many of my friends," Dennis O'Conner, 738 32nd St, N. W., Wash- ngton, D. C. Gen. Wright, of the Confederate Army Wiites: "I take pleasure in recom mending Peruna. It is a remarkable medicine and should be used by persons who are in need of a good tonic and by sufferers from catarrh." Marcus Wright, 1724 Corcoran St., Washing- ten, D. C. Gen. Hawley, of Washington, D. C. Writes: "I have used Peruna and find it very beneficial, for kidney trou ble and especially good for coughs, colds and catarrhal troubles." A. F. Hawley. Gen. Urell, of Spanish War Veterans, Writes: "Many of my friends bave used Peruna with beneficial results as an effective remedy for catarrh." M. Emmet Urell, 813 12th St., N. W., Washington. D. C. Other Army Generals who praise Peruna are: Brigadier General Cook, of W'ash- Ington, D. C. General Sypher of Washington, D.C. General Middleton, Hancock Regi ment, U. V. U., Washington, D. C. If yon do not derive prompt snd satis factory reunite from the use 0 Peruna, write at once to Dr. JJartman, giving a full rtaatement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. The Secret Oat Aikitt I wonder why a doctor never prescribes for himself when he is ill? Kuoitt Gli, I guess it's because he can't seud himself a bill. Plso's Cure W a good coueh jnedicine. It has cured coughs and colda for forty yean. At druggists, 25 cents. The coffee planter gets an average of 9 cente a pound for his crop. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilows's Soothing Syrup the beat remedy touae tor their children during the teetnlng penoo.. Pavings banks In New Jersey hold un claimed amounts aggregating $1)8,133. Hanrty Hat Faatenera Something nw tor tha lalla. Better than hat pin. Holila any tylw hat on awurely. Kvery pair guaranteed. Armla wantnl hample pair 2&c. Wright kuililer l u., Indei, W ah. Coffee Is a very strong antiseptic. There sre many diseases the microbes ot which are destroyed by It. FITS Permanently c-urao. wo flu or nerrouauaat after flratdiir'auaeof Itr.Kllna'aUraM Na aawirer. Kend for Frea thalbntilrand traatl lit. H.U. klUia, UJ . Hi.' Arvnht.. 1'hlladatphla, la Ills Heart la Tuo Tender. After working its a deputy sheriff for two days, tieorge made u his mind that the Job didn't suit hliu, and went buck to bis old poxltlon ui superintendent of IMi-Unmui Kiiuare ou Moyamenslng avenue, between Morrlf and Tusker streets, rhlladelphia. "I tried being a deputy sheriff fot two days, and came to the conclusion that I didn't like the place," said Mr. Mtntzer, who was found busily en gaged lu removing suow from tin walks around his watch Ihs. "You see, It was like this I ouly took tho place on trial. Senator Vare, whom 1 have known since be was a boy In kiilckcrtxx'kcd, offered me a Job as a deputy sheriff. It psys 1,KJ a year, which is Ki more than 1 get for looking after the square. "Well, after working for two days 1 got disgusted with serving writs on people who were In hard luck, so I Just resigned on the spot. None of that for me. I nut tI7 years old, and I guess thnt my heart Is ttio soft for a deputy sheriff. I would rattier be shoveling snow and watching the children at play than going around with writs and summonses. "I guess I'll lie content with my work for the balance of my life. It Is enjoyable, at any rate. There Is fur more satisfaction In pushing a lawn mower and plnntlng flowers than there Is breaking men's hearts with writs and attachments.'' Ktrtling Coincidence. lMiffiu Casey, yes clock Is broke. It tiiu k foire for six. Casey Faith, It's more lucky than f. thin. YlfctiiMy whin OI wor broke OI hod to shtroke fuive for wan. Kau sos City Journal. Chronic complaining luck all tbe tougher. makes tough Cheerfulness makes love of life, and love ot life is half of health. On the ecutrary, sadness ana discouragement hasten old age. Yon Can Oct Ailcn'a Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen B. Olmsted. La Rov.H. Y.. for free sample of Allen's Foot-Kane. It eurre aweatlnr, hot fwollen. aching feat. It makes new or tight hort eav. A certain cure for corm. In growing nalla ana bunions. Aiiarog- gilts sell It. Zbc Don't accept any suMutute. Itell vs. Belle. There's a church bell In the steeple. There's a church belle In tbe choir; The first to worwhip cells the people. And the second calls them to admire. Deafness is more common in cold conn tries than in warm climates, the ear be ing very sensitive to stmospheric changes. . : Perrin's Pile Specific Tho INTEENAL REMEDY No Case Exists it Will Not Car THERE IS M?JB, slicker like:' rry years and after nty yesra of U3 on the eastern coast. Tower '3 Wcterproof Oiled Coots were Introduced in the West ond were called Olidera by L . . . j A . -rv L - If. use pi"ii j bin vwyoya. trU3 paproc name has cone Into such geKral use that it Is frequeritry though wrongfully applied 10 mar su&Jiuines. you want the $cn ,; Look for the Agn of the hslvand Vv thenar Twer on the buttons. .I ' ruMetaart uawuowAie) 4 I m i oCi-O fcY BtPVrSeNTATTVl TRACE f ftfl . TMC WORLD OVtB. , JLVJx A J TOWtltOLSOSTOHMASS 0 IA ONLY MALLEABLE GRUBBER Warrantaa, Saw or no Saw: 111 horaa power wttb twohonva. W'rlia .r circular of ahnvc, ar any thing alaa wantad In U machinery Use. REIERSOI KiCHIIERT CO. FOOT MOKKISOS ST. PORTLAND, OB. 10.000 for 16c K i iijtvrv mm si s 1 Ayers For htrd colds, bronchitis, isthma, and coughs of ail kinds, you cannot lake any thlne better than Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I haS a tarrthle annah fnf wacka. Thas I tmk Arar'a I harrt l'wlra an oalf aoe Svtlla fwnpln.if rnr4 " Maa. J. n. UasruBTB, St. Jeaepfc. Mien. IM.,M..f. A l ).. r. for .e. to. uvea an. Coughs.Colds You will haetan recovery by tali Ing on of Ayor't Pills m bodtlmo. VV. L. DOUGLAS 3.13 &'3 SHOES union HAUl W. L. Douglas ehot have by tlielr scellrnt Style, eaay-tlttlng, and superior wearing: (lualllles, achieved the largrat sate of any shoes In tha world. TIihjt are lut ss good m llioaa that coat you, l to $1 tli only tlifliirciica la the price. So' faara mhtn. Look for name snd price on bottom. Dnttctaa aaes Corona l oltakln, which lsr; m Kara nwmlnl la hatha Hunt I'atant leather t rmlwr4. 'n Ca'ar I '( a.r. Kkao kfaiall.t a.atlra rl'e ter CsUlog. .L.IMslaa, Srwklaa, laaa P. N. U Ma. U-l04. yUSS wrltlag aa vertleere alaaaa 1 f swan Ina tale saati. Mora aartma and farma ara planted la MiM-r a sww ujaa anf iHirtr la Awrlra. llr.iitMMrf..iil. waewn and ouaiaia orvr awa,-r. iw tha arorii-uva ol oair warnoNt w.ia, laotO ioin4nrtua io ir um.oi ' aMrnlnt oCarl U I raw 10 (,enrs romipam a twa llMw hto,. sua twif uiiw, lana Sm t.m ., a nora arm pliM -on lain mm. n-til a la atow h'j'u m.ta. fur. 7 a.UUlia arkHMIaal Sra J ant U4a iikI I., at ri. nru. Jt k.uwii wiihonr rmiiniiii, ft trllitia all ahnut la. It.iMa Tl Small Irsila, air., all lot (ar la atamna Ml Ikla imIh, Mam. ' a-tn laipaaarataitaralnM, aa, f iUHS A. SAL2II if COCO la Crasae, tsia. Dr. C. Gee Wo TONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thla woacWrfol (lo. Snnor la aaJMd trmt kwraaaa ba rmrm V r.-a'a wiiiumh ocawar , Uoa thai araaiaaa ' M Ola. Ha rr wlik f Ihoaa WnaaxfiU t bl- I ,t aa4 kwka aaaanla ma ara aaumf kaowa ta art- ra la Una awuairr. Tam.i,h n,a aaa r lh,a karmlaaa ramadlaa ua fammia opaf knowa l ha artina of aue d K-rnl ram- 'a. wklrh kaaan-aaarallf aaaa la .ff.rnt an.aa-a. Ma (uaraalaM la rata aatlark. aaik ana. !. IhniaA, rbaamauant. mtimnK ai.m.arh. Il., twln.r. at. kaa kyn'lrxla J toaumuaiaia I haraaa anraiaraM. t ail ar.4 aao klaa. I'all.aia w af l.a ruf woia t, Manka a4 Hroiara, nA a L i, nilusikta, AI'LiMana The C kt Wo Olnue Hcdldnc Co. Ill A War SU. rwllaat, Oragaa. VMaauaa aaa. NQTMi 9Q Ortoo roe Cx?a:tw nTK PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD ( W 1 n awkM Haae Uj aaS Keeat V J OhMawa, R ,tran(tMn yaaag 3 Mr ?oe aloaaaa raaam i , ak..d a tattaw M rr l l lT'. H Cans Snip, I art (a I tSKlii, e4 aaai tsam eraw. tm2UtMVk. T rtMaa aa.M r'e. a1 arw laia . 4-n I m. Iltaitwrf , UIUIII roL'I.IST r.Mil,. oklca a.,.Md Jraaa d.laa a4 I kaa . -l H aa kiail ala-o I fa Rn4 I aa ). .mHnil I rial aiUf. o a aioois.iaxak, a aaa. rVKTI AMU SKBU to., rrtlaa4. 0,., Ceaat Agaat