Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1904)
n ....I fa AS fa ft ft ft ft ft ft (ft ft ft i 1 ANY SUIT, COAT OR SKIRT IN THE STORE AT 1-2 PRICE ANY SUIT, COAT OR SKIRT IN THE STORE AT 1-2 PRICE GREAT UNDERPRICE SALE OF BROKEN LINES To Be Continued Until All Odd Lots Are Disposed of Cost price and a great deal less than cost is the system. We have set about to clear out all odd lots and bro ken lines and are determined that the Spring of 1904 will find us with the best selected, brightest and most up-to-date stock in Eastern Oregon. Men's Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes, Dry Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Ready-to-wear goods, Tinware, Hardware, China andGraniteware.all at underprices which you have never deemed possible, and in fact are made so only by the perfect buying system of The Fair Store Company We advise you to anticipate your wants as this is surely an opportunity of the most unusual attractiveness. Items From the Ready-to-wear Section vt if ) ) vt t t t t vt HAINES i Furniture Co i (Successor to WlvU.S it COMPANY.) fa fa fa fa fa fa fa (US fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Ladies $15 suits at $7.50 Any of the ladies' Tailor Made Suits at one-half v,.ir rMilr nric. Think of it. the already low r,ri nf The Fair Store cut in half. All are new and desirable goods of the 1904 aeRson. Materials are Serges Z belines and Stylish mixed Suitings; all sires, all prices at just HALF value. Children $5 coats $2.50 All the Childrens coat in sizes 2 to 14, and Misses sizes 14 to 18 are reduced to HALF the regular prke. All shades Zibeline, K. rseys and heavy cloaking. Any price, any size at HALF value $1.50 street hats at 25c Street hats includidg almost all styles and colors, all the regular $1, $1 25 and $1.50 goods in one lot at, choice 25c $3.50 Street Hats at 1.25 All i.adies street hats ranging in price irom flio to $3 50 at the uniform price of $1 25. Some very dMinhl poods in felts and beavers. All shsdes. choice of the lot at $1-25 $5 Trimmed hats at 1.98 Every bat in the store, not included in the other two lines, is included in this lot. Mostly all are trimmed goods in the most artistic styles. Regular prices run as high as $o, choice of lot Jl 89 Waists -5 off Reg. Price An exceptionally fine showing of splendid waists in flannel and mercerized effects. All are of the at est 1904 type and have all the newest and most original style pattetns. Regular prices run 75c to $0 Special prices 1 5 off or 20 per cent discount, $ 1 .50 Dres'ng Sacks 98c Very pretty dressing sackt of all wool eiderdowns, pink, blues and grt ya, very pretty trimmed effects wiih applique collar effects and piped edges, any size, choice of lot "8c Carpets, Rugs, Mattings Oak, Ash, Fir and Mnplo Bed Suits $18 to $-15 The most complete lino ever shown in Heppner Fine pillows nnd comforts. All wool blankets, mado at Union woolen mills. Nice new pat terns of Floor Oilcloth, at 35c and 40c per yard Linoleum, at - - COc and G5o per yard New Homo Sewing Machines, tho best on earth, from $32.50 to $50. Organs $80, $J5 and $110 Stoves and Ranges And Cooking Utensils, Cheap. Crockery, Lamps and Clocks, Win, A. Rogers' Silverware - - Anything not carried in tck cheerfully ordered, cheaper than you can send for it BRUCIC HAINES, Prop I Bargains in Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings 07 Rn fWc Suits at A 75' $15 Men's Suits at 9.85! All Wool Underwear 83c VI iwW I - - l i-vi i is v v ni i ii s? Boys' suits in Norfolk Sailor, double breasted end thre piece stvles. Materials are worsted, eerues cheviots Suits that were priced at $5. $6 and $7 50, all thrown in one lot for a quick clean up. Ail sizes, all styles and a large variety of pattern, choice of the lot fr-75 25c Boy's Caps at 10c Ail hn. irolf. sailor and scotch in colors, plain weaves and mixed, all sizes, choice of the lot. .25c Millrr'a nerfect fittine clothine in all the ne worsteds, serges and cheviot weaves, worth regu larlv 12.50 to 15. ami put in tor a special sale. Truly a splendid opportunity as all are recognized highest grade goods the lot All kizee 34 to 44. choice of $9 85 $15 Men's Overcoats 8.85 Stvlish coats ot heavy meltons, vicunas and mixed coating All are maile up in the very latest style of cut and finish We guarantee them to be the regular $12 50 and $15 goods, special price. . .$3.85 All the regular $1 and $1 25 Men's all wool uuder wear in ribbed and flat goods. Tans, blue and natutal wool colors, all sizes, the regular $1 00 and $1 25 values at 50c Men's Neckwear 38c Four-in hands, tecks and ascota in the new l'.W4 silks. Very pretty and desirable goods in all the shades and colors. Regular 50c good, choice. .158c $i oo Men'B Hots at 25c All cheap felt hats ranging in price from 75c to $125 lilack, brown, nutria and gray, all sizrs ami shapes, choice of lot .'. 25c THE HEPPNER TIMES. vt vt t vt vt v! v? VI VI vt vt vt p to Published Every Thursday by A. J. HICKS may have oue of the most tractive parks of any town in country. O SUBCRIPTION On Year Six Month Three Month RATES: O 91.00 75 50 Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon as second-rlau matter. B1WI.IVH POUT NO. 81. Q. A. R. MEET Al Odd Fellows' Hall at Heppner, every tbiri batardny ol emi d moniD. G. w. Khka. Adj. G. . SMITH, C om THURSDAY. FEB. 4. 1904. The groundhog saw hi ha1n Tuesday the 2, and, -ccording the oi l proverb, we are "stucl. for six weeks more of wint weather. In other words we vii have a late pprinz opening. at- the The Oregon Ir:ieator, pubish at the new town of Itrigon in th northern part of this county, pad its debut last Wednesday. It W four page, tix columu in size and has a very neat appearance. F. B. Hotbrook, manager for the Oregon Land & Water Company, is its editor. The object of the paper can be learned from a, para graph in its firBt issue, which reads: "A its name indicates tbH paper has been established for the pur po-e ol preaching the gospel of ir rigation, and more particularly ir rigation in Oregon. To that end we intend to devote our best ener gits and all of our resources." The proposition of R. F. Hynd fir a cry park for the town of Heppner is a good one and the city officials houM not delay the acceptance thereof and providing the town with this much needed improvement. It is agreed that there is In tier spot in the city for the making of a beautiful park than this. The soil is rich, the urface level aud all other con dition! favorable. All tht re mains to make it an attractive plot is the planting of trees, ihrubl-ry n.l grass, snd with the proper care, in Usi than fire yurs II ppner hen the present work, now under way, upon Heppner's streets is completed no city in Eastern Oregon will have better streets, and the city council i& deserving of due credit for its good work along thie line. Main, May, Gale and Church streets, the most traveled thoroughfares, will be made self draining, that is round ing in the center so that the water will ilrain each way to the curbs. As Main street has much gravel and crushed rock it is believed that the present improvements will clear it of mud, or compara tively so, at all seasons of the year, beside the street present a much more attractive appearance than he level street even in the dry reason. Tha Pendleton Tribune, in its Sunday edition, throws some light upon the gigantic combination of heat buyers who control prices in Eat-tern Oregon and Watbington. The Washington wheat growers were the faret to uiscover the ex istence of the powerful combination, and laid the matter before the com mercial club of Spokane which drafted strong resolutions atking Governor Mc Bride to intefere an. declare the combination a monop- ly. The operations of the buyers a t .1 11 r is explained in tins way: "io local buyer is allowed to purchase wheat from another buyer's ware house " So when ft farmer, having wheat to sell that is stored in a certain warehouse, goes to the various buyers and offers his grain for sale he Is invariably turned down and forced to sell to the buyer in whoe warehouse his wheat is stored. This being the case there apeare but one solution of the problem, and that is for the farmers to combine and build their own warehouses for the storage of their crops. A statement showing the debts of the leading nations of the world has been recently given out by the Bureau of Satisticts in Washing ton. The grand total indebtness of the civilized powers is placed at about thirty-five billion dollars, about one-half of which ia carried by five countries, viz., France. Great Brittain, Germany, Italy and Spain. France heads the list with an indebtedness of nearly six billion dollars; Great Britain fol lows with nearly four billion ; Russia is third with about three and a half billion; Italy ana Spain come next with a debt of someth ing more than two and one-half billions each. The United States makes the best showing of all, having a debt ot less than one billion dollarB. The imperial debt of Germany is only about seven hundred million dollars, but the states which comprise the German Empire have in aggregate debts of more than two and a half billion. In per capita New Ze.and and Australia heads the list, the former having a debt of $327 and the latter of $277 for each inhabitant. wo have a complete stock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIRE, ETC. Chinaware Decorated wltli Heppner Flood Scenen a Useful and Pretty Souvenir 1 he per capita debt of trance is $ir.0; of Spain. $110: of Great Britain, $92 59, while that of the United StateB is but $11.51. There Is a theory that "a national debt is a national blessing." This theory is accepted by our masters of finance, who hdve mane our great National banking system de pendent upon Uuited States bonds. Thus, so far from feeling the pinch of debt, the Nation thrives and does business upon ite bonded in debtedness. Oregonian. 4 The BAIN Wagon Gilliam&J3isbee Roosters for Sale. I bave tome full blood Black Menorca and R. C. White Leghorn roosters for ale cheap for the neit 30 dayt Coll on or addrci. C. K Jones, Eight Mile, Oregon. Another Caae of Rheumatism Cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's V n Balm in the relief of rheumatUra is being demonstrated daily, Parker Triplett, of Grimsby, Va , says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the back when every thing else failed, and be would not I ithout it For sale by S locum Drug Co First National Grocery Carries a Full Lino of Fresh I GKOCKRIES AND PROVISIONS 1 A Splendid Line of c Gents' Furnishings: Hats and Caps, I Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, E'c Prices are Right and a (Jood Fresh Stock to nelect from l T.R. HOWARD, HEPPNER, ORE. At Cost to Close Out For the next 20 days we will sell at cost Lee's Egg maker and, Groesbeck's Egg wroducer and Condition powder, also all Ladies( purses go at cost. In stationery we nriake these prices: 5c Tablets 3 for lO. 15c Tablets for 10c 15c Novels for 10c 25c Box Stationery 20c 20! Box Stationery 15o 15c Box Stationery 10c Heppner Drug Co. V Tl f I III I t i f w The Salin? Abstract 8TitIe Guaranty Company: 1NCOPOUATICD We have the only net of Abstract BooIch hi Morrow Countv - - - o-- THEY'RE HERE! An immense stock of Fall and Winter Shoes AT M. LICHTENTHAL'S The pioneer boot and sho dealer of Heppner, who al ways carries a big line of Iloota and K1hhs, KubWi, Kto. Repairing a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed. Old lUod, Watt aid of Mala BtrveU abstracts an& plats furntsbcO on obort notice MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SMITH, Socrotary, - Heppner, Oregon iciou'JOijauoo ooooooooooooo . r mmff , Heppner Marble An) mm thinking tit muring a miinumriil Inf trtiit r Uliva lt...,l Will An m.ll 14 and Granite Works i Wa art itvu4, to do all Ccmoti-i 7 snt tuill'llng oik ! rr-lur. l MONTERASTELLI BROS. w w i ..GORDON'S.. UVEBV, FEED AND SALE STABLE' Wm. CORDON, Prop. t addal a fortitwr ol Pirst (! Imrws and N ixtKKiM ari'i iisrk, anl .(T's oi flrl rli sorlr, stn-l ) rrewlvvconrtiHias lrfatmnl. A shara nf four putrin! t nwi.ii;i i h III I t MAIN STREET, - - - - Heppner, Ceon i it w w w w