Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1904)
(m i VOL. VII. 1IK1TNEK, OKKGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1904. NO. 10. MESo PRESERVE YOU HEALTH Km iu ui4 mlatr th ol4 r bt Mtilu MrlMVBUtw. froat King 6r Frost Queen i Chamois) Veiet M.4 of eh.mol. nlnfmwd Itk iBMt-ltU, wtt b oov Like tmrfthlM .In In tht. MM. MM UtMIN4 M IfVMilraMiUfuitos. , - f rrtM,M.M f r rot HALtjNj For Sale By Slocum Drug Co. 00000000600000600606006600 06OaoO66006O6O6O666Oa 8 o Grocery Store Special Sale We are stocking up with a complete new lino of groceries, and in order to make room for the new offering stock wo are Choice natural leaf tea 25c value, now 15c o macxrwrri) n p vii vi ii n 25c can now 15c 30o " " 20c g Pork & Beans 15c now 3 for 25c io Dried prunes 10c now 41b (or 25c P p P P P (0 P p iccial prices as follows: Dried apples 12 Jc val now 31b 25c o Dried peaches 12 Jc val " 3tb 25c All 5c Cigars now 8 for 25c? All 10c Cigars now 4 for 25c p All 15c Cigars now 3 for 25c o mKfmmmmMmt . .. .1 Ml . . , MOXOI'OT.V. TIIF. TtF.ST flANVPTi nnnns S LHKICLISR & ASHBAUGH Successors to W. A. Andrews. JUST SOUTH OK BLOCUM'8 DRUG STORE, MAIN 8T. V00OO00OOO0OOO0O0OOOOOOOO6OOOO6OOOO90OOOOO0OOOOO Heppner Transfer Company -0- ROCK SPRINGS COAL DRY CORD WOOD We are Prepared to offer prompt service. We have five good teams and your orders for Wood, Coal and anything In the drayage line will receive careful and prompt at tention.' CONOVER & CRAY 3QOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooc GARR&GOX Contractors and Builders . ESTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED ON ALL WORK A share of the patronage solicited. HOUSES MOVED and REPAIRED Office one door north of Scrivner'fl blacksmith shop, Main street. ...TELEPHONE... m t m 1 I LIVERY BARN 9 iiwnwmniiiwwnMiHiiMir BLOODED STOCK I keep constantly on hand for fale Jacks, Mules and fine Driving Teams and Saddlers. Also one Norman Stallion, Black as a raven, weight 1000 poundu, four years old. 1 keep a b"w f "ncoicn Coolies, the beet stock 2 and farm dog known. The beet and HICHEST BRED STOCK in Eastern Oregon. Anyone de siring any of this class of Stock will Snd it to their interest to write me at Ueppner, Oregon. B. F. SWACGART. MMDT Of m Rabbit Drive Sunday Was Great Success. ABOUT 7000 SLAUGHTERED iuMIUIIIIMIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIimilllWIIIIMi The Drive Was Over Course of bout Two Miles, Which Wai Made In 40 Minutes Enthuslam at High Pitch. It was a jolly crowd of about forty who left Heppner at 8:35 Sunday morning for the big rabbit drive of the season that was pulled off at Harry Rogers' place, near Echo, between the hoars of 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon "of that day. A short stop was made at Lexing ton but not a man, woman or child was in sight. At lone the Ueppner con tingent was joined by about a dozen men. At 9:45 our train pulled into Heppner Junction, just 70 minutes after leaving Heppner, including two stops. Here twenty minutes were con sumed in turning the engine and getting onto the main line. ' One hour later or a little past 11,- we were at our desti nation, mile post 197, where there were several rigs to convey passengers, who did not desire to walk, a couple of miles to the driving grounds, and it didn't cost but 50 cents for the ride. A ma jority of our crew preferred to walk, because walking was preferable to riding through the bleak wind. At the starling point came a long tiresom wait of two hours for the Pacific express, on which the Pendleton ex cursion came. This wait proved the most tiresom part of our excursion as all were anions to get into line for the uiito. -uuovvTr, tui. train 'jrovihl about 75 people who. with those from Lee Cantwell, Heppner and the large number who WL Smith, had gathered from Echo and the surroon- C $ Kirk, ding country, made a jo!ly crowd of Vawter Crawford, " over 700 enthusiastic drivers. M Litchenthal, The start waa made shortly after 2 Wm Aye. o'clock, over a course of. more than TWAyere, than two miles, and ended before 3. E M Shutt, consuming about forty miDutes time. J H llent with a well tired out crew for their day's sport, but well pleased with the day's outing. The only unfavorable impression came at the close of the drive from the improvised lunch station which made the boys pot up 25 cents for a sandwich and a cup of weak coffee, or if a second cup of coffee were indulged in an extra 15 cents was demanded. The boys felt that they were doing a generous deed to put np 2.70 tor an excursion ticket to go down and help rid that section of the rabbit nuisance, and naturally feel that the exhorbitaot rates charged for a lunch was a mild graft. The only regretable feature of the excursion is ibst Harry Batholomew, who chartered the train, was loser to the extent of between $100 and $150. This was caused by the inclemency of the weather early Sunday, It began raining early in the morning and kept it np until 830 which caused many who intended going to remain at home. Bat after all the day turned to be an ideal one for the drive. A number of the Heppner boys went from the drive to Pendleton to visit for a day or two. Among them were Harry Bartholomew, Leilie and Jack Matlock, Victor Groahens and Albert Lalande. HI) Commissioners Proceedings. Commissioners court met in regular session January 6. 1904, with T. W. Ayers presiding and commissioners F. M. Grffin and J. D. French present. The following miscellaneous bills were allowed: rd&brdg $ 59 25 Meadows St Sons, Props. Will I1 a number of horw. an) new ri. both Buigles slid narks, and offer yod 8 nt-clut service. You will recelr. courtrou lrtmeut. A .bars of your patronis SOLICITED s LOWER MAIN STREET - H-ppnr, Oregon a& ARTHUR SMITH Watchmaker and Jeweler -J ! - HEPPNER OREQON ..Palace Hotel.. HEPPNER, OREGON. Beat appointed Hotel in Eastern Oregon. Every Modern Convenience. Lighted by electricity. Best Meals in the City. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PHIU METSCIIAN, Jr, Prop Grocery Store DECORATED BKMM'ORCKLAIN WARE FREE By purchasing $25.00 worth of good at this store you re ceive free of charge a sit of thia beautiful ware MONOPOLE GOODS Remember EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH No Stale Goods P.AI I And ace us and we will treat you right. BINNS BROS. Cor. Main end Willow Bte. HEPPNER, ORB.! Geo. Perry TJ Andrewa H 8 Neal, T Pullen, Frank Pullen, Ted Mathews, n Keuniey, 4 37 2 00 4 37 8 12 8 12 6P9 " 10 00 salary... ' 90 00 46 00 333 33 " 83 33 120 00 " 150 00 ' 333 33 sup. ac.... 27 00 Beef Prices Expeted To Be Better In Spring. CANNOT BE REINSTATED. Secretary Hitchcock by Direc tion of the President has No tified Oregon Delegation to Select Another Man for La Grande Land Office. G. W. Hunt of Portland who owns a large cattle ranch on Echo Meadows, near Foster station, in speaking of the market conditions of livestock says that the market at present is decidedly unsettled and quotations vary. This is caused by a scarcity of feed and the high price which hay is held at this time. Some raisers are selling off to avoid expense of feeding. Most of the cattle in the country now will be held for the spring market. Mr. Hunt thinks. But the loose stuff that ia in marketable condition is mostly picked up. He is feeding about 5-50 head for the spring market. Prices at tnie time will be much improved. It is his opinion that the size of the herds will be reduced and the quality of the stock brought up to the higher standard. During the past two or three years the greatest improvements have been brought about. DrarpiFiii$ iev Chicago, lu.., Oct., 2, 1302. I suffered with falling and con giwtion of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I suf W4 terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding heedschee and ruthmg of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, foe it mined that I had tried all and fild, but I had never tried Wine of Cardul. that bletwed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that 1 had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and afuw using eleven bottles I was a well woman. VrlCulr OMjArJ Mrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wins of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any suffer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardul in her home. The Int bottle coavinm the pa tient she Is on the road to health. Tor advice la caws requiring srwciaJ directions, address, giving symptoms. "The Indies' Adisory IWartment," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn. It was exciting and enthusiastic from Sam & Ed McDaniel, .... 12 00 the start aa the bunnies began their w mu. 100 00 efforts to break throueh the lioea within m McDaniel, sup. ac 1U 00 less than 100 yards from the starting I D French, " 67 00 point, and aa the drive proceeded the J w Robinson, Co. expense 10 00 rabbits became more numerous and c H Crocker, stationery 12 00 their tfforta greater to break through CELnndeli, sup account 23 00 the line of men. women and children, H 8 Warren, rd & brdg 5 00 which was more then two miles long. J p Williama, 3 00 At every step the chase became more w Robinson, ass. ac 2 00 and more exciting nntil the corral was w Barton, " " 2 00 reached. It is estimated that 2000 rab- Groahens, rd & brdg 71 00 bits were slaughtered while trying to HL&WaterCo 77 70 break through the line before reaching J T Mitchell, salary 90 00 the pen and thonssnJs escaped. 7t UePPner Gazette, stationery 9 00 5,000 is considered a conservative es- Wm Barton, pauper account 20 CO timate of the number safely landed in Heppner Times, stationery 3 75 the small coral. J W Shipley, salary 133 33 Most ol these will be hauled to the n Oo" " 67 00 Echo bare cannery, a share taken by Conover & Gray, ct. hoase ac.... 6100 nearby ranchers for hog feed and the J N Beeler, supr account 80 00 remainder ill rot on the ground. Rh & WelcD PP" M 24 00 This Is. the second drive over the J II Allen, sup. ac 10 00 same grounds within two weeks and the Slocum Drug Co. panp. ac 5 00 la.t drive was a ereater success than Crowe, aup. ac 24 40 the first, la th. two drives somethlna W O Hill, criminal account 18 CO like 15000 were slaughtered from an area ltmia Co. stationery of less Ihsn three miles sou ire. end there K T Perkins, J. P. fees. . . were thousands escaped. They are be- Fr'nk Ake C0B,t rnmlnn or..t nnluitn an.l r.nrh. Thomson Br OS. Ct house SC men of that section are bending every J Ve.ger, pauper ac effort to thin them out R F Wilmoth, rd A btdg ac W.O. Minor ol the Heppner crew E P Neal, pauper ac 15 00 had more tun kltlimr rabbits than anv M Lllcbtentbal, salary 83 33 man on the grounds. He wss thought (til enough to tske a shot gun along. With this he claims 35 hare to bit credit, and with a club be dispatched 15 more making a total of 50, Only one accident is charged op to Cannot Be Reinstated. Secretary' Hitchcock has notified the Oregon delegation that Asa B. Thomson will not be reinstated in the La Grande land office, recommending that the dele gation name some other man as Thomson's successor, Thia action was Roosevelt. The Oregon senators apparently did everything in their power to conciliate the president, but nothing could be arrived at to restore Mr. Thomson to office. The general situation of the land offices in the West has been such as to cause a complete weeding out of officials who have been indicted, whether they had been proven guilty or entirely innocent. 80 00 2 2 00 3 00 53 00 12 00 EIGHT MILE. Nice rain Sunday morning end grass and grain are growing nicely. E. B. Stanton and wife ataited for their home at Walla Walla today, after a visit of over a month with relatives and friends on Eight Mile. The big rain Sunday will atop plowing for a few daya, but will be a favorable time to drive posts, repair fence and give thanks that we are not in the grip of the Eastern blizzard. Oscar Keithley has put in a telephone and ran a line from his place to his Uther-in-lawa, I R. Esteb, at Gooseberry, and connects with the Gooseberry line there by witch. C. E. Jones la building two breeding pens for his Black Minorca and Rose comb White Leghorn chickens. He has the best stock of these breeds in this part of the country and will further im prove bis stock by importing new blood this spring. Fred Ashbaugh and family were visit ing on Eight Mile last Wednesday. Mr. Ashbaugh informs ns that he will start in a few days for his mines in the High mountains. They have evidently struck a bonanza as their la it assay went over 200 per ton. Eight Mile, Oregon, Jan. 11, 1U04. B M Shutt, criminal account. ... 11 10 The application of Jack Lane and Frank Engleman for license to sell liqnor in Hardman waa accepted and license ordered issued. The petition of Hardmao citizens th drive. M lis Jesse Hoyd, of Echo, "king f pedal election for tl was struck in the forehead by L. H. pwpose of determing the question of In Xlgler of lone, while in pursuit of an corporMlng that towa waa granted ecaping rabbit. Luckily the lnjUly The time lor election was dated Febrn was not of a serious nature. "7 "."mnd Wm 6rm. B. F. Deyore Our train left the BrounJs about 5 d. ' Jona Adm w,r PPit JJ tn. and at 8 o'clock arrived in Heppner (conTmvan om ran roun) A Prisoner In Her Own House. Mrs, W. II. Layha, of 1001 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several years been troubled with severe hoarseness and at times a hard cough, which are ssys, "Would keep me in doors for days. I wss prescribed for by physicians with no noticeable results. A friend gave me part of a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with instructions to closely follow the directions and I wish to state that after the first dsy I could notice a decided changs for the better, and at this time after using It for two weeks, hsve no hesitation la saying I reslize that I am entirely cured." This remedy Is for sale by Slocum Ir ug Co.