Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1930)
w The IONE INDEPENDENT IONE. OREGON rrldny, Oct. 31, 1930 MisH Hildeirurdti Villitims and Mr. Harriet ltrown were Khop injf in Pendleton Saturday. Tho lone Ih'kIi hcIiooI footlmll team rnet defeat last Friday at tlie handnoftlio Lexington wjiiad 1 nu cominjj from Heppner. Tho Sophmore purty, Riven List Friday at the nchool Houho, was indeed an enjoyable affair. The tfuexts wfre the hiVu Bchwl fc indent b(ly and the whole school i" v"v "v"n'ip muu niiiuvilk mill kllV VVIIVIU n.iiA;i the IiCxIoifton field. Tlu wort" I f icultv. I'V.r i-nti-Hiiinmpnt tnrh was i:i-7. There will bo no Rame Iuhk put on stunts. The hit of I'riday of this week. On Novcmb- tho evening was tho hobo act by er.7 lone will ilepprur on the Donald Hcliker and Robert liottH lome field. Thin will be phe liwt'i.f Hip Krhmnn !:, Th .ti.nt Kume of tho suacon. J o( tht. Junior daHH WM aH0 inroiiRn an ovtrsiRht twoju wan the tnarriaReof Andy and names were omitted from the hon or roll of the jmtdo school as pub iUhed last wuk. Theno aae Har ry Normoyl and Kuth Crawford both of the fifth grmlv, MissCen eva I'elkey, teacher. Four new pupils recently cot Madam Queen. Norton Lundell was Andy, Opal Finn, Madam Queen, Joel Knjfleman, Amos and Norman Everson, tho minis ter who jH-rformud tho marriage cerelllony in a very dignified manner. The prizo for the best ertc our khuIo school. They are' , . n r 1 1 1 .i... . ' y urc:stunt went to MiufriKhman class niMiiKvin vi uiu ijoniRomery 1 Family which has moved into I Conti "cJ ,aM ''' STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, cf Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Kubanks It will pay you to see him before you; I sell your wheat. ? 4f; Before contracting or j; selling your wheat it Will j pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. On Wednesday, October, 22, Mrs. Anna M. Ellis, grand con ductress and deputy for the worthy grand matron, paid her official visit to Locust chapter, No, 119, 0. K. S. In the Bf tor noon she held a school of instruct ion at Masonic hall, and in the evening there was a special meet ing for the purjose of inspection Forty two membra of the ordfr were present, the following mem bers of Kuth Chapter of Heppner being among the number; Mr. and Mrs, C. W. McNarner, Mr. and Mrs. Wightman, Mrs. Gay Anderson, Mrs. C. C. Patterson and daughter, Mary and Mrs. W. Hall. Following the routine of work, delicious refreshments were served in the dining room where hallowe'i-n dfcorations gave seasonable effect to the occasion. During Mrs. Ellis' stay in lone I she was the house guest of Mrs. ' Bert Mason. On thursday evening Oct. Z, thirteen rnem'jersof lone motorc.l to heppner, the invited guests of Ru'h Chapter, where they attain met the grand Conuct ress and sient a pleasant even ing with the members of that chupter. 'Ihose in attendance were: Mrs. Elmer Gmi'ith, Geo. I Ely, Mrs. Carl Brown, Mrs. II. jW. Brown, Mrs. Boy Lieuallen, Mrs. Lee iSeekner, Mrs. Carl ,'Feldman, Miss Katherine Feld Jman, Mrs. Willard Blake, Mrs. 'Bert Mason, Mrs. Harlan Mc j Curdy Mrs. A. A. McCubi and Miss Jessie McCabe. On Friday Mrs. Bert Mason , accompanied Mrs. Ellis to Condon From Condon Mrs. Ellis went to Arlington. The district meeting of the order of the Eastern star will be held Nov, 6, at Arlington at which time lone will exemplify the initiatory work, Heppner will have charge of escortiog and bal 'bti.ig and Arlington will open and close. PLAY SAFE -VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUALICAN TICKET "Now is no time to make a change" says Calvin Coolidge Here are the Republican candidates for National and State offices. Take this list with you when you go to the polls. CHARLES L. McNARY ..For United States Senator One of the States most valuable assets PHIL METSCHAN For Governor of Oregon A splendid administrator - patient, tolerant, just W. C. HAWLEY . For First Congressionl Dbtrict Invaluable to Oregon because of his seniority in Congress R. R. BUTLER For Second Congressional District Untiring in his efforts for the advancemet of Oregon DRANKLIN C. K0REL. . For Third Congressional District Quick to win recognition in the National Capital HARRY BELT For Justice of the Supreme Court An able jurist PERCY R. KELLY For Justice of the Supreme Court Deserving of his promotion J. U. CAMPBELL For Justice of the Supreme Court A keen, analytical mind T. A. HOWARD , For Superintendent of Public Instruction A capable educator CHARLES H. GRAM For Commissioner of Burea of Labor He has the welfare of labor at heart The above candidates, witt the other regular Republicau nominees, command your respect and deserve your vote VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET (Paid adv., Republican State Central Committee, Elisha A. Baker Sec, Morgan Bldg., Portland) 1 pit 1! lone, Oregon x IONE CASH MARKET DTI Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats;. M:i!fer nn,l F,i :: We Buy Cream for Swift & Comp anv X 1M... 1 ft r ..... i v iiy noi acn lour cream in Your Home Town? IKeal Lstate Instirnnrf: . Peterson Brothers , . fHCNE BLACKSMITH SHOP We are prepared to take care, of your shafting requirements by the Installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shaftinn in a wiuc ranse 01 s.i.2S. we also have n kt of V avwiiu nana i.uiuuiiie iur saie. Agency lor the ' Harris Mjniifnri . ...... w..ii'itil.v.- iivi ft 0 J. R O'Mcara, Proprietor j&3 Hotel lone cater to the patronage of those , wU wish first class accommodations. Cole Smith, Manager. 4 fUL Piiihlie IDelits and HJiilimitcd Duero2QNON in Your Taxes The power districts amendment would permit political speculation and "high finance". . . without any limit . . . at the expense of every taxpayer in the state. Paid Advertisement UTILITY TAXI'AYEIIS COMMITTEE II. L. W'ALTHhR, Manager 206 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon SAVE OREGOX FROM MVASU SOLD FOR TAXES! QBE t twain