Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1924)
THE 10NE INDEPENDENT Publhfeed avery Friday by Y. HEAD. EJiM-Publishtr SUBSCRIPTION l On year $1W Sis month 7S Thiae month ..... , ..50 Entered at eecond data matter at the BoitofSca at Ion, Oregon, under act of Mnrch 3. 1879 Friday. August 29. 1924 MORGAN LIFE Hal Ely and family returned last Monday from short visit with friends in Walla Walla, Washington. W. F. Palmeteer was called to the valley by the illness of his brother Henry Palmeteer. He was taken to Arlington in time for the afternoon train by Frank lin Ely. Pat Medloek and Noah and Fred Pettyjohn have been work- ing at Cecil for the last week. Some friends of Mrs. Sleigh vought arrived in Morgan Mon day evening and were met by Mr. Sleighvought Mr. and Mrs. R.1 E. Harbison and Este and Martin Baurenfiend returned from Portland Friday avening. They report having a pleasant trip, but Mr. Harbison said that what struck him most forcibly was the rough condition of the Columbia highway. James Hardesty and family made a short call on Mr. and Mrs. Streeter last Friday. Bert Palmeteer and wife re turned from the valley last Friday. While gone they made I trip to the beach. Henry Streeter was trading wheat with James Hardesty last Saturday. Several families from Morgan attended the Congregational ser vices at Ions last Sunday. R. E. Harbison and son, also Janes Hardesty are taking ad vantage of the dry season and putting a fence across the creek, tryiag to outwit the cattle. Fred Pettyjohn and family took dinner with S. Edwards last Sunday. Pat Medloek and family, also Noah Pettyjohn visited with James Hardesty and family Sunday evening. Noah Pettyjohn and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. S. Edwards. The B. & B. store at Morgan will receive your watch repairing for Haylor the jeweler, Heppner. Sound Farm Program North Dakota Agricultural college shows that the state has reduced its grain acreage 2,733, 000 acres since 1919, last year's acreage being 8.402,000 acres. The College survey shows that diversified farming has absorbed almost alt the decreased grain acreage; dairying, hogs, flax, potatoes, corn, tame hay, feed crops. The College report says that this is the result of deter mined effort of the farmer to better his condition, and that it is markedly successful. Without national wheat, legislation, the farmers are solving their own problem of better returns and are doing it on a business basis rather than on a legislated make shift foundation. The Manufac turer. Miss Zelma Engelman depart ed Sunday lor Portland and expects to remain there for some time. : Dr. Walker made a trip to Portland, Sunday, and returned with his wife and children. Mrs. Walker who haa been ill for oast time is slowly improving in 'health -' CECIL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardestv and family of Morgan were visiting with H. J. Streeter and and family at Cecil on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett and son of Waseo are spending a few days with their daughter Mrs. L L Funk, near Cecil. J. J. Mclntire of "Killarney" was transacting business during the week, at the county seat Franklin Ely of Morgan was calling on his friends in the vieinity of Cecil on Tuesday. Krebs Bros., of "The Last Camp" finished stacking their third crop of hay on Wednesday. Hay has cut very light. Jack Hynd commenced haying on Tuesday at "Butterby Flats." Mrs. ueo. A. Miller and son Elvin of "Highview" were visit ing with Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Saturday. Bob Lowe and Noel Streeter of Cecil were doing the sights of lone on Sunday. Zenneth Logan from Board- man, ine Land or rromise, was a Cecil visitor on Friday. His main object was to see it Cecil was still "on the rasp" after being visited by so many terrific sandstorms. Zenneth still found Cecil as live as ever. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan frorn Lexington were calling in Cecil on,Sunday. Wro. G. Hynd and brother David of Sand Hollow were the week end guests of theirjtirothtr Jack at "Butterby Flats." Miss Thelitis Morgan of "Broad acres was calling on ner lecil friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ray and family of Lexington have moved into the Logan cottage at Cecil. Roy is State Highway Patrolman for this part of the country. Rev. Yt. O. Livingstone was visiting with friends at lone Thursday of this week. Mr. Allinger was in Portland on business this week, and re turned to lone Thursday. Mr. E. S. Ackerman will leave for Portland Friday morning and after spending a few days there expects to continue to Seattle for a visit with .friends and rel stives. He hopes to return to lone in about two months. W. F. Taylor left Wednesday morning by auto truck for Port land, where he will spend a week or ten days. Elisha Sperry and wife return ed Wednesday from Portland where they hive been spending a few weeks. "The Old Homestead" at the Legion Theatre Saturday night Through an error this show was advertised for last week, but will be here Saturday at regular prices. I have a full stock of furniture which I am selling at 10 percent reduction. All kinds of furniture repaired. S. E. Moore. By the way- Have you laid in that supply of Wood and Coal for winter? We have a large stock on hand at reasonable prices. Materially yours, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. World Wide Communication The connecting link between London and Boston for radio communication has been estab lished and messages of goodwill with Europe have been exchang ed. Instant transmittal of messages to our neighbors across the At lantic is one of the achievements of the Radio Corporation of America, said General Harbord, president of the corporation in announcing the Boston service. Establishing physical circuits, connecting continent with con tinent and nation with nation, will have a tremendous civilizing influence in the direction of goodwill and eo operation. The long arm of radio connects American commercial and social life with England, France, Italy, Germany, Norway, Poland and Japan. In a demonstration at the opening of the Boston station, six minutes and thirty-two sec Miss Violet Hynd of "Butterny Flats" left on Wednesday morn ing for Portland where she will join her mother and brother Jackie for a few days before taking up her duties at her school near lone. E. W. Morse, county Agent was busy distributing rabbit poison in the Cecil district on Wednesday. Elmer Tyler of Rhea Siding was spending a few hours with his pal Noel Streeter and plan ning what could be done to celebr te their last week's vaca tion before settling down to school work for another year. V it side exposed surfaces. What wear and tear are doing on the inside, rot and rust are doing on the outside slowly pulling down the value of your property through surface neglect. To put paint and varniah on before it b needed, and not after, is true economy. Damage it under way juit aa aoon aa the surface ia broken down, which is often before you realize it Buy good paint -it's cheapest Cheapeat becauae it protect the aurface better, latta longer and goes further. Raamuaaea Paint and Varniah Product, ara mad ta ana of tk finart paint factor!., in tha Unitad Stataa ta lareart in tha Nortbwa.t. Tkay ara mad by axparta who have an intimate knowledge cf climatic condition a knowladg gained tbrougb many jraari of actual contact with tb.M condition. Tba atrict maintenance of Riimumn Quality govern evary ttap In tba making of thai paint and'rom lb firot aal.ction of th Lad. oil and othar malarial, to tba final alin and labalinf of tba can. Thar' no bttr paint than Raamuwan Pur Paint wa add our (uarantaa to tha manufactur er'. Bring your painting problam to ua. BERT MASON lone. Oreg'on innMa and Roof Pah WaU-Dm WmkM. Track aad Tracaar Paiat Wall Paiat CmajeajSbmfJ Stain Inatda Flaor Pakat Porta Floor Palo Oil State. VarahU Racollta Floor aad Varalah Hiami fm Thtrt'i Ratmntttn ProJaet Evtry Sntfaet """ - -r onds passed from the time the message was sent until the answer wan received. Further, as a test of the wonderful world-' searching power of radio, the operator at Boston picked up the captain of the S. S. Berengaria, 1045 miles wist. Millions i f people all over the world are beginning to under stand the wonderful benefits and blessings o: the miracle achieve ment of the Twentieth century. The Manufacturer. Fairview schoolhouse is receiv ing a new Mat of paint and a new roof. Clark Bros, have the contract. Mrs. lroy uogard who was quite sick the first of the week is somewhat improved, although still conftnt i to her bed. Miss Zoj Farrens who has been attetu ing Bellingham Nor mal school i his summer, returned to her hon.j in lone Thursday l evening. The Legion Theatre Presents "T5hQ Old Homestead" Through an error this picture was advert! .ed for last Satnrday night, but ir will be shown this Saturday at the regular prices. RECULAR PRICES Adults - .25c Child ten under 14 .10c it 111 in h i atxi mtvutitofh iviif if AM TTS mighty poor economy to postpone painting or varnish ing, whether it be the inside floors and woodwork or the out Do Your Eyes Need Attention? Dr. D. R. HAYLOR Eye Specialist will be in Heppner September 1st and 2nd. )fia1 cufr 'VERY LANG RANGE manufactured i built 6 around the famoua HOT BLAST principle end contains th L1NC HOT AIR DRAFT, botk original, patented feature. Forcing the beat en tirely around the oven, utilizing every particle of fuel and Keating every inch of cooking ur face, the LAhlti range ia by far the moat econom ical kitchen range on the market. Today LANG atovea are used and endoraad by thousand of American houarwive. Let us show you a ENGELMAN HARDWARE Co. Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURCEON Craduate Nurse Assistant Phone-Office Residence HEPPNER - Main 933 Main 4'J2 OREGON WOODSON 4 SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon CHURCH DIRECTORY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. B. JOHNSON, Pastor Service! every alternate Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services' 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PAUL D. MORTIMORE, Pastor Services 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Lexington Church Directory LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. WALLACE JONES, Pastor Sunday school . 10:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 4:00 p. m, Services 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. . CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ' OP LEXINGTON Junior c. E. 6:30 p. m. senior C. E. . 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. the JiieJ corr SEE ME BEFORE THE FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURNCE IONE, - ORECOtf Clyde R.Walker,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Drug Store. IONE, - ORECON HEPPNER TAILORINGCd. TAILORS Cleaning Dyeing Pressing Repairing Heppner, Ore. A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon . Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all the Courta IONE, OREGON Dr. F. E. Farrior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon , .