Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1924)
PHRTI AND 1 VlV A lLS When in Portland Visit IJUO lf..t Ah,,., ll DANCINU Erary llil Kii-aut Hon- day. AUI.'MkMKNT Aflarnoou and It.,.. Adiuii.lua ta Park Piaa - 1H. HAI.UMIN AMISSION KVKRY 8UNI1AY L'Mallory Select Residential &. Transient lath a4 Yamhill, Portland. dragon. Modern Fireproof Amrrksn Plan RATH MOIWRAI'K C. G. APPLEGATH PARK YOUR CAR Railway Telegraph and Radio Institute Railway Klrhanga HtllMlng. Portland, Ofagnn, IKKMENIlOUo lit.MAND FOK IIU'lH ttkN AND WIlMKN, Kill 8AI.AK1M liar ami Nlahl ('la., rorrVwrtM UtKia Portland, Ura. We) Speciality In Utt, Pelts. Wool, l!, Tallow. Curin, Otoi Cup Root Coil Skist, Horn Hair Wrtla for Skipping Taga letaat Price I J Portland Hide a Wool Co. Hranrli mi J 'ctl., Idaha 150 RECIPES FOR APPLE DISHES Tha Union Psi-lfic hss Juat Isaued forty page booklet containing 1W rec ipes for apple dishes i-vrry liouMWlfa should tmaai'u. "An apple a day keepg tlia doctor away" and thin liook Ulli how It may In dun In a W wayi. It will Ix) arnt fr to any addrcal on ap plication Ly li-ttcr or I hone to Win. McMurray, Grnrril Paaarniror Agant, C37 litt-k Hlofk, Tortland, Ori-gon. CIXANINC AND I) YUNG r riiati riaanina ana iff itig arv1t aand liarrala to ua M tr rat urn avatar, lafana ait" and frlraa ,aa uava ra auaat. kNKC't CJ1 Y OYf WOHK8.. ma tlUbttakad inn. PartUad. Ora '" PLUM B1NO MATERIAL Hatha, alnka. Inllala, tiaalna, bidlara, alp, valvaa and fiillnga. 1'iltao raaaon abla atandard plumbing t Haatlng Ca. Kaal tih ami klurtlami Hta I'urilana, Or. TOBACCO CURE Sand $2 00 Ut Traatmaal MllKr..rHrw..ol.lMrr Ifll IJtHOHU CIIKMICAL HiUI-ANY llll.l.sriuKll, OKKGON Prostata Cured Without Operation Raaalal allanlloq ta Rlanark. Aaaala, Harlal and raatala I rtiul ha Ml. H. A. rilll.l.llt Uraadaaf l,l I'urtlaad, Ora. DHl'CS HY MAIL la4aaaa4 ynj your lruaa I'T mail-taacUl aarvtaa aivan mall ar.lara - .Ai r. UAVUJ I'KHO COUPANY Jroaa atirrta. 1 Third St.. rnlaid, Ora jT C3V Teeth, V Teeth, I WdiaruA.-g. I woriimftBiii, itrrarCtM f lrth fV K frt ll Ifijjlm Mr. brA4. ultaa4. Orwm. SUrKRFLUOUS HAIR luakaal llhaut lalurrtetka akin hf Nar-Horn llaatkitorT. aampla an rantiaat Nar-Mura la- anlama, alt Uurraa Hid a . rurtlana llraron. BEST $3.00 GLASSES ON EARTH tftlad ta four a?. Mfiralnft anlf fia hit at-ara timl MODERN OPTOMr'TrlllT AND OPTICIAN 111 Larbatl IIMi; " rlr, Mh and Uarnaaa I'urllaiMl, llragoa If aa ha.a fllnrearh, Ki.Ii-.t. Mrar and Haal trmiblaa and IIIUMA1 ISM, lli.a writ, ta aaa. atala rmir ailtnriit, atul aucloaa 4 aanla la tlaatpa for air Pit Sookliu ll Ulli tka a ba k ta ktHk. M ArtCC LLS MIRACLC MINERAL Atltlraaa, Marrail. tna Natura Man, tot w. Lombard at., Portland, Ora. Ptaaaa manilnn Ihla npar. WE WRECK AUTOS and TRUCKS l'arla kaia at HALF PRICE Wrlta nr fall DAVID HODES CO., Inc. Rvarylhlng from a holt to aa angina. Cnae Art., Ur. bat Unas Si, farliiaa, On Dr. Inke, Divine Hcaliny 129 Fourth Strcrt, Portland Big FKKK I!(M)k for Sufferers from Cancer, TuborculoHli, Chronic Diwum-i, riles Wrlta for your fraa ropy at my bookM on cauaaa anil mr aurraaafnl mnthiMla af trailing Canrar. 1 tiliarcukiaia, Pllaa anil Chroala din. aaaaa. Humlmla f pralaful patu-nta taatlfy ta tha rartilla poaaibla In your roan. Chargai far traalinant ara vary raaaunahla. Atlrlraaa AMERICAN HEALTH INSTITUTE PparlallaU on Chrnnlt iJiaraaaa, Dr. V-att LMrai'tor, m ('ttlnni bla I'M.. Waat Park and WaaMnitton Hta., Portland. Or.iiun. Clothes for Men Will Ccdiir Point, Ohio, Men's npparcl, plain this yenr, Is going to be more so next year, Recording to delegates at tending the snnunl scsmIoiis of the Mcrchunt Tailors' Dt-Mlgncrs' associa tion. . The dt'Hlgners, who re applying thvlr IngiMiully to styles for the spring nd summer of 11)20, uny that the aver gige man hits Dover looked with fuvor on the "Uuahy makeup." OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oraana AODCVILLI PSJOTO PLATS Oaaplale L'kanga Iiliihf, Adulla, WhI day Mallnaa, ilUo Raaalagt, IkV. Oontlic Ml I K II p m. (Ihlldraa 10 ill all llmaa G OUNCIL CREST PARK Hotel Portland'! Oldest FUR Houm Kalabllahad 1170 lend "tor fraa oatalag ftemodetinf, Repairing, Staraga, 13 Tanlti Sunnl, mmu Wn.hlnalao. I aur farafa. II will be grt at ablt knra tad aala. Only AO oaala Bight, ripart repairing. va want oul-af hiwn niialnaai. ANfiP.HHIlN MATICII IIAKAUK Ninth and Hurl aaar Haw I'oatofflet Wrtla fur I'rfiaitarliia. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PLEATINO SPECIAL rCut, 'm, ham and mai-hlna nlaat akltta randy for hand $1.00 llanialll, l,lr,. pivoting anil t n king I gASTERN NOVELTY MPO. CO. Hl Klfth Htrnnt l'priland, Ora, ! rnrrrv brown school I OF BEAUTY CULTURE Ma aura l rlmaa Ilia right arhonl. Indlrtdtial Inaururttoa by hghly qualifM laa,hara la whal we pilar aur pairotia, riuan niaioyiiing, taa, ill rilaflnar mug. AUTO WITHOUT DRIVIMt Irr Htilllvan. II Ha H Ilroadwaf, rurtland. Talaphona alaln 1740. CAMIRa'aND KODAK RIPAIRINO Ad,. lull W. Ilarr. AblngtonJIIg , I'artlaal Campiata Llna Uottlara' luppliaa " Portland llavaiaga A Hplr C'u . 431 Hark COT PLOWS RS 4 PLORAL RESIONI Clarka liioa, Kloriata, lal Murnaon Mt. OR. ABRAMa SYSTtM tor all I'hruiilo Iilaaaaaa, klafllann liioa. Df NTIST " Char aa R. wi n. Fuua toi-iui atliina Building, rorllantl, Oragnn. HOTTI. WAHANH. RnomalOa. t04 Madlaaa M. Partlllaara l!l 00 Had Aah fir-i Ca.. Vanfouvar. Wn. "Partlllia With Hralna MOLSR 8AR0CR COLLSQB Taarhaa Iratla In I waaka. Httma pay whlla laarnlng. I'nalttnna aat-nrad wrlta for ratalofua. 134 llurnalda rlliaat. Port- land, trrgun. . . ' - ' - r-t--r . . TT.TT If lou ara trtjuMaa lin Apnannirnia nr Mtomarh Troubla, wrlla llln Com pan r. rortlan,!. t'r.ftn. for fraa lafarmailoa la Oarnian or Kngllah. PAINTS AND) WALLPAPIR Millar l alnt Ca, 't Plrat PI. IRPSXTO TRUNK MPO. CO. Trunka, Auto 1 runka tv olJar. Tklrd and llna. I'tiitiand, Ora. USSD CASH RSOISflRS Ht-alaa, Klaflrlr Coffaa Mllla, Caaao, Jltltt-hara' Plaplay (Taaaa. haw r' Aa,, inni'i.t'i ' , lM Flral HI I'orlland, Oragos Tau linoaawar ttii "POR WOMIN V WOMIN" H'otnan'a Kmplnvmant lluraau Half of all tit Yamhill HtraaL PP. MAMIR P. FQUI Haaii and I'hiMrra FiirMCtAN 14 lllilg RL'ROKOIt X l"i.ITI"V FOR KAfll miAni'ATai DICKER aUSINSSS COLLIQS Al.lhKY ULIHI. Vour '-TriTH SLtIP" Whita Wa" WarS Otir Raatitallon la our graataat aaaaL Dr. Kaana. Waahlngton Ht., I'utlland AMERICAN BEAUTY SCHOOL Faarta In all Itnaa nf Itaatil- Work. 116 Mfdlial Ulrlg, I'ttrtland. Oragoa f CNITH SALES SIRVICF., INC-taaHk Carkuralor aad f ma l.tinrifa't,, Hvataai ISTH AND DAVIS ITS, PORTLAND ATTEVTIItM I tlllCa-14 aaaia aaaa at. lUnturr kMtatr natlort; . fn fi up: aa a, .a. n hia.M nt aalr ala ttut nf fak la. I It.m !'.' k, IHfl I auiaa. II l S atatafl 11 Pall mama af feanlr ao tara, 4.0. 400 latiai , P.llatid. or. THE UTILE BEAl'TV SCHOOL Tha l.ucll mathod makaa you a raaj marrallar. All branrhaa of Itrautjr rultura aught by aapart Inatrurtora. tor run In orniatlon wtila 41 lllravh Bldg, I'huiia Main 4T, J Continence in One's Ability Means Success THE FAMOUS PATTF.NF.AUDR lYSTtal OP PEAUTY CULTURE Altai aur gratlttHtaa thia coatulrtira taraaaa hay ara lhrmi(kly tralnrd. Thy ara flllad far aay pnaltlna ar can aland altma. Scbaaj npaa ui atutlrtila at all timaa. AddrrM 4M Waablng-taa Mtraat, Portland, Oragua. Oolf Shady Nooka Wandarful DrWaa Plih. Ing Btlllarda Scraanad Porchaa Cool Nifhti Swimming Kobarg a Paath Dancing kacB Bvamng ana ataay utnar Attracuona at COLUMBIA GORGE HOTEL Ona Vila Waal nf Hnnd Rlrar. Or.ynn ON THE CDl.UMHIA KIVKR IIIIIirWAT Aa idnal plai-a ttt aimnd your vacation. Tha aiaak-talkfHt of thing thia apaion la tha vond.r ful aundard nf maalt and aarvlna fatalllaha at Or-tua a Kaaintia Taurlil Haaort. II H. Tramklar, Mgr., Calawkla Oorga II,, let. Hoo4 niaar, tirngun. ON TIIK COLUMBIA HIVEB IIIOIIWAT rOZY Home Restaurant If ynu enma eana. yan will anma baan. a Iaaa your pakagaa, no rharga, LnaB far oranaa front, tut Ird St. R. Mrharaghaa Cornelias Cafeteria Wkalaaama fond eonkad Juat rlahl by rnoka who know. Sl'f.t'lAL JAa lunrhaon anrvad daily that eannai haaaiallad. Park Hlroat batwaaa Waahlnptaa and Aldar. I'artlaad Purity Dairy Lunch Restaurant 1HS Fourth HI., Naar Waaklngton Bt GOOD THINGS TO EAT at Haaaonakla Trlaaa. WICKKR FURNITURE Prlaai wiik t j oualiiv. Hnra yna will oyV 0 find iba ihadaa you waat. a 7jfr Sparlal Krualr Haara aft5r P"1- AW" Ba 101 rtland. SILK SHOP Tcrtlin n4 Domrttlo Kaoury Urw., Ill Aldar Hi. Be Plainer Next Year They declnre the thing (lint Is caus ing them the most worry at the pres ent time Is the outing snd particularly the golfing costumo. " "We liuve gone the limit In the mut ter of the gulling outfit," said Johu It, Alkens of Detroit, "A new Idea In the golf suit line excites much Interest among the designers who have about worn .fheuiselveg out thinking up this, that and Ui other tiling." HOISTING THE WHITE SIGNAL i I a t Br H. M. EGBERT 111, ilt. Waatara Nawapapar Loloa ) "diinges!" rcptd my friend tbs niheruiua thoughtfully. Ym, 1 reckon tlierg lii been soma rlignfrg sloe you war hr last yoir. rulks com sod o. Mayba thty'll skip a jnr sod coins back Uia year after noit. Too rrombr younc Mr. Kvertlalgh sud that MUg Badla Beauchauip? Well. thrra's a story la tliut "You rtmeinbar hot.' tlilrk tbty wss Itat year, rolks said tint they'd t married fur sura. But you went a way before tl, fun star ted. Nope, I don't know what started It, but by tha time tha fsll leataa brifao to fall, as tha poets puts It, they wan't no longer on awaking terms. And io thry want way wben tha hotel cloaed, ona at s time, and silll not gpeaklnf. Well, that'g tha last I thougt to sea of them. But not Up pops Ulsg Radio thla gprinf. quits early, and whst do you think she wanted? To camp out on Old Min's Head. I told her tha camp on tha Island hadn t been occupied for five year and more, nd wss falling Into pieces, but she would hava It that that wss juat Jha pie re for ner, 'I'm studying Datura.' sng ssys to ma, and next tnontn one or me gins of our sketching club Is coining to stsy with me. 80 wa want s nlcs lone ly placa whers there aren't no men.' Krom tha wsy Miss Hndla shot out the word 'men,' you'd lists thought she might have been spesklng of crabs or mica, or any of them rrea tures thst the ladlrs find so objec tionable la general. However, I fixed up tha shsck somehow, snd put on new piece of tin her snd there, to make It water tight Then I rowed her over with ber box of provisions, snd I looked to are her signaling for ma to come snd take her off neit day. Said signal ss to be a whits hsndkerchlef tied to the top of pole, 10 token thst Miss Sadie had hid enough of loneli ness. "Had enough? Not mnch, sir. Bhe fairly reveled In It. Wben she did hoist the hsndkerchlef, five days later, and I went over, I found all she wsnted wss some more Hour. She'd fixed np the place as comfortable ss you rsn believe. Hhe'd chopped about two cords of firewood, snd done couple of ranvsses besides, and when f pulled ashore she wss sitting ever the Are, making tosat, Yes, I think I shsll spend the whole summer here,' the says to me. And mtybe Miss Jones will Join me lster. I rsn't tell you bow obliged to you I am for sending me here. Fine views, fine sunsets, good fishing, plenty to pslnt, snd no tntects or men.' Yes, thst's the wsy she put It to me. It kind of bowled me ever, snd I rowed bsck feeling sort of melsnrholy, to think a little quarrel between two young1 people should hsve driven the girl to become a hermit. When I got back you could bsve knocked me down with a feather, for the very first person I set eyes en was young Mr. Everslelgh. 1 didn't know what to mske of It at all, "'Clad to see you bark agstn,' I told blm. 'Staying st the hotel, I sup pose. Mr. Everslelgh?" 'Well yes,' he snswera, dubious like. But I ain't thinking of staying there very long. The ft ft Is. I've come down to spend the whole summer. I'm writing book of poems sbout melsn rholy' now I'm not sure he sstd met encholv, or whether I took the Ides from Ms msnner, but thst wss the Impression he gsve. 'Do you happen to know a nice lonely plsce where a msn rsn enjoy himself? A nice plsce there aren't any women to come both ering one, you know,' he asked. "I gasped, ss you rsn Imsglne. 'No, Mr. Kvertletgh, I don't,' I answered him. The fsct Is,' I continued, 'there's spt to be women si most anywhere ta where) the men are, you know.' "'Don't I know I' said young Mr. Everslelgh. 'However. I suppose I II just have to stsy on st the hotel.' "I told my missus sbout It when I got home, and she guv me the worst language I ever hesrd from her. '81, you're a perfect fool 1' she ssys, which wss hard, you'll admit. Besides, It ain't true. "'Prove that, Marian!' ssys L peeved like. "'I will,' she ur i. Iion't you gee that that young senseless girl hss come bsck In the snesklng hope of seeing thst young Imbecile again this yeer? And don't you see thst thst young Imbecile hss come bsck In the hopes of meeting thst young fool of female person? " 'No, Marian, I don't see as I do,' I answered, 'Because, you see, each of 'em told me he and she wsnted to be In a nice, lonely place, where there wasn't any of the opposite sects around.' - "'Well, SI, when I ssld you wss a fool I wss spesklng only from nine snd thirty years' experience,' she says. But now I'm spesklng out of the ex perience of Just sbout hundred mil lions of women. I guess you won't un derstand that, 81. But anyhow, this Is what you're sgotng to do,' "She told me whst I was agoing to do. and. having had experience of what comes from not doing It, I went an d did It. I stojuied younj Mr. .Ever- lit wwi walking up and down In front of Ned Orsnger's cow-shed, thinking over poem. "'Why, Mr. Everslelgb,' I said, If I didn't go and forget sbout Old Msn's Head. There's a nice lonely plsce If you like. And there's a estop tbsrs, too. Duly, you see, once you're there, you csn't get off unless you send me signs! to coma ever with the host.' The very plsce,' says be, jumping at the Ides. 'When can you take me ever there? This afternoon, I suppose,' I an swered. And If I shall hsve reason to wsnt to run asbors, you'll come ovr the minute I put up the signs!? he ssks me. And I thinks to myself thst he means to keep bis eyes peeled for Miss Radio, sfter all. "'Surely,' I answers. 'Jutt hoist white rsg or something 00 the flsg- pole, I'll be ever In sbout hslf an hour.' Tt's a bargain,' says young Mr. Everslelgh. And with thst be didn't give me no peace till I'd got out the boat snd filled it with stuff from Jim Minefield's store, and stsrted to row him scross to Old Msn's Hesd. I knew Miss Sadie would be sketch ing on the south rocks tbtt time of Hit duy, so I Towed hlin rour to the north end on pretense of t'. tide be ing strong, and I showed him where the camp wss In the distance. Then I palled bsck as hard as I could and wslted. "The day wore on tewsrd sfternoon, snd I reckoned thst them two ought to hsve found each ether, and I was looking to see tbe signal holited In a frsntlc sort of way. But there didn't come no signal. I ssked my missis sbout It, but she didn't seem to en courage me, and so I stsrted out about four o'clock rather In a panic snd wondering what I ought to do. "fflrst msn I met wss Reverend Stod- gers you remember him, don't yon? Sort of humorous chsp. with a gray beard snd a twinkle wben be looked at you. He'd come down by the after noon train. " The very msn I wsnted to see,' he says, catching bolt of me, "Can you tell me "'Of a nice lonely place where you ran write s rew sermons wunoui ow ing disturbed,' I says. "Now how In thunder did 70a know? bs Inquired, letting go of me snd gspptng at ma. " 'Never mind.' I answers blm. Wbat yon wsnt Is Old Mtn'S Head, over yonder. I ran get yon a box of pro visions snd row you over afore sun down. Only there ain't no way of getting bsck unless you hoist tbe slg Oil which tbe asms Is white rag 00 pole.' "Take ma there,' ssys the rever end. 1 wsnt to breathe the bslmy sea sir thla night, after being cooped np In' "Not word.' I answers. I know lust how ynu feel. But I'll be watch Ing till It grows dark, and If you've forgot anything, or wsnt me, Just hoist the slgnsl and 111 be ever In a jiffy.' "Well, air, I calculated that by that time young Mr. Everslelgh snd Miss 8adle would have decided thst It was signaling time, and I didn't want to sea the flsg just then. 80 I got the reverend and the provision box Into the boat snd pulled round to the north end. I showed nltn where the esmp wss, and I pulled for the shore sgsln retching It just about sundown. And there I est and waited. "It was nearly too dark to see wben tbe signal went up. "Off I goes, and tbe three of them wss on tbe beach, walling for me. bsdn't hsrdly got out et the bost than young Mr. Everslelgh catches bolt of me like a madman. "What do you mean by this In fernal trick you've plsyed on mef " Trick r I asks, but I bsdn't time to co no further. Trick. I said,' he shouted, uo you mean to maroon my wife snd me In this confounded plsce sll nigntr Pull your hardest, SL for If you don t mske record time well never catch the nlxbt train for Boston.' "And. as for me,' says the reverend. 1 shsll selxe the opportunity to com pose a sermon.' They csught the train sll rignr, gueta. for tney want snow again. But Joe Bikes, no to the hotel, has bsd a letter from blm saklng If he'll reserve a room for them. Tbey ought to be along some time this month, sir, pf. f orctf to Make . P. - Hard Fight lor Lift Not alone Is the Palo Verde thing of beauty the whole year round, but It la also a blessing to the hungry when It Is In fruit, for. like msny of Its desert companions. It Is a legume. Tbe Indian women formerly pounded the seeds to make flour for their bread, wrttea Anna Botsford Cora- stock In Nature Msgailne. Tbe fruit If eagerly sought by certain four-foot ed deulxens of tbe desert Tbe common, unpoeticsl name "borsebean" Is applied to It as trib ute' to lu nourishing qualities. De spite Its profusion of fruit, the Palo Verde baa a struggle to maintain It self. Dr. Forrest Shreve of the Car negie Desert laboratory has proven that tbe mortality ot the seedlings Terr great during the severe arid con ditions thst chsrscterlse the early summer In Alisons. Doctor Shreve has estsbllsbed beyond question the fsct that these dellcste-looklng Pto Verdes of the desert have the dignity of veers ss well. One, near the desert laboratory, wss growing there a lusty seedling whan Columbus discovered America, and at least DO in the area which he studied were there when Father Kino founded the mistlon of San Xavler del Bsc ln the valley be law before 1700 A. XL - " - AakAAAAAatvafcAAAaB. I a-f rri a . tvt .! res tire t TAT OmTTE- t ava, w - awpavv 11 11 a I'rlnevllle. Two hundred and fifty tons of hay belonging to A. P. Jaunt, prominent ('rook county shanprnan, burned at his ranch on McKay creek, six miles north of here, late Friday night. Mil! City. W. II. Davis and Prank Klutman have been awarded the con tract for billldlng the new gymnasium for the Gates high school. Work haa been Hlurled and will be rushed through to completion as fast as pot-1 I hie. Mill City. Logging csmp No. 24 of the Hammond Lumber company start ed., operations Monday following a shutdown since tbe first of July. Tbe entire camp will be opened, running L lour tines snu employing approximaie- ICO men. North Hend. The Standard Pacific hoop lactory began operation on a small scale at Its local plant thin week. The company was organised la at string by J. K. Wright and Prank Rowe. Practically all the stock Is owned by Coo; Bay business men. Forast Grove. Forest Grove will have a complete and up-to-date sanl- tary sewer system before many first grade. Names, ages, and birth months have passed, whether it be days were being secured from the chU- through purchase of the contract onldren. "And when is your birthday?" the existing sewer or through con- was asked of" a tiny girl. "Every struction of an entirely new system. Monmouth. E. M. Ebbert, mayor of this city, has received communica tion from Governor Pierce sanctioning the holding of the west side highway celebration on Defense day, Septem- ber 12. at Helmlck park, five miles south of Monmouth and combining I the programmes of both. Albany. Linn county cltlxens paid J4H1.512 87 last year for operating tbe countv schools. Total receipts for the year amounted to $548,181.04, leav ing a surplas of $68,668.07, whereas last year the surplus was (87,834.74, according to the annual report of the! county school superintendent. Sweet Home. The fall plowing hss started at. Sweet Home this week. Some of the farmers are going to be sure of a better crop next year than they had this year. Since the late rain, however, the potatoes are grow ing fine. Cucumbera are all right now and late garden stuff Is taking on a new appearance also. Harrltburg. Tbe false work erected by the Portland Bridge company, con tractors for the Pacific highway bridge across the Willamette at liar- rlaburg, has considerably more than spanned the width of the river now. and Is within a short distsnre of the site where the end pier on the western bank, or Lane county side, will be sunk. McMlnnvtlle. The death ot William L. Toney ot McMlnnvtlle on August 18 removed one of Yamhill county's earl iest and beet beloved pioneer citlxene, and probably Its oldest resident. Mr. Toney wss more then 8? years of age and had lived In this county 77 years. William Litten Toney wss born In Calloway county, Missouri, on Janu ary 30, 1827. St. Helens. The annual report of Elizabeth Perry, county school super lntendi-nt, shows that for the school year ending in June 3SS4 pupils at tended county grade schools, 697 the high schools. Except for' the first grade, peak attendance Is In the flftb grade and decreases to tbe eighth. About one-third who enter high school complete its courses. Eugene. The merchants of Drain, in the northern part ot Douglas coun ty, are maintaining a man at either end of the town on the Pacific high way to warn motorists that the city traffic officer will arrest them If they exceed the speed limit, according to George O. Brandenburg, state man ager and publicity director ot the Ore gon Sinie Motor association, Salem. Classification and prlxe lists for the night horse show to be held In connection with the 63d Ore gon state fair, that opens In Sulem September 22, will be oft the press soon and will be mailed out Immedi ately from the office ot the secretary of the fair board, Mrs. Ella 8. Wilson. Aside from the liberal prlxes offered this year cups, ribbons and champion- ship trophies will n.alte participation in the show interesting and profitable Astoria. Estimate!' ot the Culum bla river salmon pack up to the close , ... , M,l. of the summer fluhlng season Monday noon, August 25, indicate that 600,000 ' cases, BS they run, or about 290,000 full cases have been parked. The cases have been parked mild cure pack Is estimated at 1842 tierces. On the whole, the pack was about 12 per cent below that ot Inst year, but ot exceptional quality, in dications are that on account of the light pack of second-grade fish that a number of canneries will operate dur ing the full season, OLLIN Tha aay tkal gtrat yaa SS it 10 Saflasj to tha gahaa. Balloaa tlraa, fouf-waaaL k and auMV atkar faaturaa. tvm Auto Co, Marrtaoa at 4th, ParUaod, Q. RVDSR PRirvTlNO CO, Faatura Printlna for Laaa ' I lit Third Btraat Portlaad, OragopJ UYINO AND SILLINO SERVICC 7 Whaat lariat, arakarda, itook ranahaa, lag gel ay aiaall traata, eickaaiaa, altv and tubnrtaaaJ aaauia, aouoaaa ataacaa. at an parta at yran ra. Call ar write STO'Ril IIFICU CO, tlM , Ik Btraat, Partlaad, Ora. a PLYMOUTH 6DU?EC6T Wkalaaala Daalara la Paaltry, Egga, braaaait Maata, Patatoaa. Oalonsj rkaaa Broadway tits hit Oommlaaloa I 7t A'tnk raurtk St., Portland, Ofagaal Wa 1ml la Ctwtiliondaya j Aid Pledged for Dsm. t Waahlngton, D. C Additional funds will bd reUatoU hi the couilug ten- tion of congress to carry on the work at the Umatilla rapids dam project in Oregon, members ot the Oregon dele gation in congress said here Saturday. Rome 100,000 was appropriated by tbe 67th congress to conduct a tem porary survey of the development and its Importance has been "recognized tbgt extent. thev polllted out. Good Model. t . Tommy entered tbe village store with an assured air and said to the man: "I want a lamp globe, and mother says she would like it as itrong as the bacon she bought here yesterday." Good Hardware. H,r Blrthdy- It was the first day of school in tbe August," was tbe prompt reply. Improving and Improving. "I)e world," said Uncle Eben,' 'is "' better. Whatever doubts you lT nv fM 08 ,0IK' ln a" "' " question concernin' de real estate improvements. - Washington Evening Star. Our Work. .. , We ought really to think, much more ot our work and of what comes next to our hands to do day after day than ot our affections and the propor tions In which they are distributed. John Addlngton Symonds. . Ask for Mr, Hutchinson, .. "A best seller and a pipe are alike In one respect," says a writer, "they both have to be puffed or they'll go out." But tbe best seller is no pipe to write, take it from us. Boston Eve ning Transcript, ' Creature With Three Eyes. Some ot tbe islands off New Zealand are tbe homes of creatures known as tuateras, supposed to be the oldest living type of animal distinguished by a quaint organ on tbe top ot the head. which is In reality a third eye. Abe Ssys: When my guests start yelling. "Stop thief!" I look In tbe pocket ot the one that's yelling the loudest, ami find my spoons! Richland Times-Dispatch. British Psrliament Houses. The houses of parliament cover an area ot eight acres, and have a river frontage ot 940 feet. They contain more than 600 rooms, and about IS residences, the resident population be ing about 200. Tree Pest Hss Bothered Europe. Tbe Douglas fir tree cbalrld, su in sect introduced into Denmark from American seed. Is a much greater pest in Europe than In this country. Hope Leads Onward. Fear ot evil may keep men from going backward, but only hope ot something better carries them on. James Freeman Clarke. Gives 8srvlces Freely. , Few men understand the art ot love- making, but women are always ready to afford them an opportunity to prac tice. Chicago News. Find Coal In Old Mins. Below what was thought to have been the bottom of an old mine In Spitsbergen there have been discov- (reJ more extensive deposits ot coal. First Exsmple of Rickets. The bones of an ape which had been confined In a Theban temple some 2,' 000 B. C. have furnished tliej first known example of rickets. You Want a Good Position lll'ZlScS Buahtaaa Managamant. Private Set-roUrial. Calt-ulator-(jumtumator. Stenographic, Panuuutahip, or Cow- marcial laaohara Cuuma at Tha foramoat Buainaaa Collaxo of tha Northwaat h won Aurac, Awlm liuui Mauali than any othnr Khool I" AmarU-a. Hand I for our Burcaaa Catalog, fourth Strait iwar Mor- riaon. Portland, Ora. laaac M. Walkar, Prwaldant la needed la every dapartmant of houae krnpinf. Etaualh good for towata,labl Hnaa, aheataand pillow cmara. Oarara P. N. U. Ne. 35, 1924 f!