Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1924)
, i 1 ' All For seven years the people have borne with uncom plaining courage the tre mendous burden of national and local taxation. These must both be re duced." --Calvin Coolidge Vote for Coolidge Primaries May l(i Paid Advertisement. Paid for by I. I,. Patterson Manager CooliJgc Campaign THE IONE INDEPENDENT I'ublisluJ fcvery Iriday hy '. '. II.WSI.liU, lulitur-l'ulilislier ' tiUUSCKll'l'lON: Oho year $1.50 fcix IllOllth. ... 'i'liiee months . . 75 50 linUiruu n Kei'unii cIuns tnulter at the liostolliie ut luuo, Orcftuti, under act of March :, is?!) FriJayVftlay" 1(5, 1924 Sclioul Unit Measure Unpopular The lXDlOI'i'.NDKNT was tin' first to take up the lint uv,ainst the hcIiooI unit measure as being a source of extra taxation ami mil needed at thia particular timi. While we were condemned by the county superintendent us being "lossy" umi a "fool," ytt we knew we wore riht. Now, after seeing things ami readiuc up, the editor of the llcppu"r (iazeite Tunes coined out ani a. I in its l lie unit plan is nut needed, alter he straddled (lie ( iii'st uii fur man) weeks. His confession in part is as f.illows: "We helieve that the school system of the county should lie allowed to go along undisturlied liy any change.-, such as are pro posed hy tne county unit, ami let those other counties who have already adopted the plan, work it out and prove to us whether or not it is a goal thing. lft them pav Hie hill for tlie experiment in),'; wo have plenty of time to wait." lieorge Maker is a good huoster for Oregon, lie may he alright to bring conventions to lVi Hand, to kiss the Mary Hardens, to "sell Oregon" to visiting tourists, te write four million dollar insurance policies on two million dollar houses, to pioiliote y.ill.lHIO.IHItl Portland world fairs on a shoe Nlnnir basis at the state taypiiy ers expense. Itut we don't neeil him for United Slates Senator. Oregon needs mi inoui: I ebank in the Senate. Condon til.. lie- l imes. Uvery goid republican citizen of Morrow county, society or or ganization, should si::t in the election of Senator McNary a man w ho has ste idlantly worked hard for" his state ami has ac complished much. His election mean much to tins larmer ami the state of Oregon in general. Mrs. Opal t'lark, a teacher in the lleptmer school tor the past six years, ia a candidate for county M'hool ouperinlendeiit mi the democratic ticket May liith. Her name must be w it ten on the bal lot. She is a lady of high teach ing ability and nude popular and she asks that you give her due consideration on primary day. Why buy a tin can when you buy coffee. Kcad Mason's adv.! Maurice Frye, the radioman of Heppner, was here Sunday. Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthiri SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be. ut The Dalles on Saturday, May 24, at The Dalles Motel, and in Pend leton on Sunday, May 25, at the Dorion Hotel. Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. " ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation llr. Mcllenthiti Is u regular gradu ate In medicine Mint mi wry mid la licensed liy the state of Oregon. He lnen not operat) lor chronic uppen licli is, K'lll HtoiiHK, ulcers ut stomach, toiiMllH or luleuoiilH. He litis to his credit wonderful re sults 111 dlMeilHt'H of tile HtOIIIUCll, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. liclow are the names of a few of his many Ratislled patients la Ore gon: Mrs. .1. W. HuyiicH, North Powder, Oregon, goitre. Mrs. Alice Williams, Malheur, Ore., heart trouble; high blood pressure. I'noSjoroos, Astoria, Ore. appendi citis. II. Dreggeller, Sllverton, Ore., ulcer of the stomach Mrs. (ieo. A (iilliuiui, t'(iiilllle,Ore. gall stones. Mrs. M. i;. (iarson, .Sllverton, Ore, high blood preNHiirn. Mrs. J. M. Powers, Toledo, Ore , gall stones. AugiiMt, I'rieksiin, LntcHlde. Ore., Aldney trouble. Kenienilier above date, that con Kiillution on this trip will be free and lluit Ins treatment Im dlfterent. Married women iniit lie accompa nied by their husbands. Address: -II llrnilburr I'.lilg., I,iw Angeles, Callfornlu. , Mr. Carl Troedson, Chas. Nord and Lee Howell had good luck at tishintf on he Deschutes river this week. rajs h!!?-.'f"TV y f i tV "ilWWX -YiJ iij burning up AT OT by flames but by the slow burning fire of deterioration. Shingles shrink and work loose; sid ing warps; door and window casings pull apart all because the surfaces are not insured against decay. And there is only one kind of insurance that protects YOUR home against this ever-active enemy of all prop erty. It is paint. Save your property while there'i a chance. Save it with Rasniussen Pure Paint. Come in and tell us about your paint needs. We know we can help you. ERT MASON lone, Oregon J Roof Tamt Truik and Tnuior l'nt 0am) Shuifjl Sum Porch Fioof I'amt ir There's a Rasmttxsen Produei far Fmtrn Sutfnem Vt'tU Pun WauUt W.ll IruiJr FlotY Paint Oil Stunt, Varnishc Floor nj Virniih Scum Police Once Banned Telephone as Nuisance When the telephone was first introduced in police headquarters in Chicago in lSS.'i it was re nardcd as a nuisance and was oon removed to an outer ollice. It is hard in these days, though, to visualize a police department mccessfiilly opetatinK without the aid of the telephone. i As a crime detector tr-p tele phone is of incalculable aid. It also serves as a crime deterrent P mm mm m m fife Gc 3drich Sibertovm CORD There is no lux ury ia the cost of Silvertown Cord Tires. The luxury is all in the per formance. Independent Garage lone Williams Motor Co. Moro fl"BEST IN THt LONG RUN'tf Fares MA WW MAY 22 ROUND TRIP Summer Excursion IN EFFECT DAILY BETWEEN Denver, Omaha Kantct City &t. Loult .. Chcao ... Detroit .... Cincinnati., f fu-oo lo.ttO CIvUnd.i$,o8.B loronto ... Plttiburgh. Waihlngton Phll'diphl New York.. Boston .... ii in ng.u U-i 1.4 .0 no Htnft CorrpppontllTiff tart'n to other important ctitcrs. Final return limit Oolober 81, V'l'l, Llbernl toi-ovor prtvlitgea going r.nJ re turning. A trip to Tetlownton at vmall ailtittlonal otst will aflurdUiwoxpairUcuM oi a life 1 1 mo. C:ll ua hy phom nnfl let th tnaka all mr iimiiiKotitruita. It roaia no mora fii.d will &ttve your valuable Uiut. J. V. HowK Ag'ent VM. MtMLRRAY Gcncrkl I'iiftMnili-r Aiicnt IViftlAnd, Orcjlim ENGELMAN HARDWIRE IONE, OREGON THE BRUNSWICK TIRES Monobile Oils for the Auto, the Tractor and the Machine that needs good Lubrication ALL KINDS OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Everything in the Plumbing Line, such as BATH TUBS, LAVATORY SINKS AND TOILETS SAMPSON ROLLER-BEARING WINDMILLS F. S. LANG CO. RANGES. Come and see them. THE THOR WASHING MACHINE, no trouble to demonstrate. SPECIAL PRICES ON GLASSWARE Tngelman hardware 10NE. OREGON IIHIMIHIMMMMMMIIMMMMMMMIIIHIMMM FARMERS Elevator Company ii IONE, OREGON DEALERS IN i Coal and Wood i Flour and Feed Best Lump Coal, ton, . . $13.00 ! j 16-inch Cordwood, fir or pine, 12.90 44.00 J . 44.00 35.00 I i Rolled Barley, . . . . Whole Oats, ... Mill-feed, . . a Heavy 7-foot Cedar Posts . 21 cts i IMtlt I t IIHHMMI Public Land Sale Isolated Tract Dcpni'tint'iit of tlie Interior. V. S. I.niiil (Mllcc at The Diillt'M, Oivkoii, April 8. I!IL'4. JOTI'K Im licreliy irivcii tlmt. hh UlrtTti'il liv tlifCiiiiiinlMHloncr (it tlit- dt'iienil I.mikI oltkv, nniliT irovisl(iim of Sif. S4.Vi, It. S., imrHiiiint tn the applh-atliin of Curroll K. Iliirkcr. SitIiiI Nn. a-.'lLHi. we will ufliT nt. piilille Hale, to Hie lilyhcMt lildiliT.liut at nut Ii'kh tliuii L'.00 per ui're, it l:iu o clock ii m., mi the llth ilav of June next, at thin otltce, the fol lowing trnet of lauil: SWK .SV, S.e. HVX NKi. N'i SWk. Sec. 3. T. us., n. v. v. m I'lie mile will not be kept oiien. but will lie ilccliiretl cIohciI when thon preent nt the hour nuineil Imve ceiiMeil bldillnu The hthou iiinkluir the hltflieHt bill will lie required to linnieillately pny to the Heeelver tlie amount thereof. All perHoiiH claiming iKlverwly the nbove-ili'Horlbed laml lire nrirlxed to tile their claliim, or ohjectlotiN, mi or before the time dexltttiHted for wile. J. W. ItO.NNEI.t.Y. Hc'uiKter. I for critiiinals know that their t chances of heimr catipht arein-i lereaseil by the wide use of the I j telephone. If it were not for the ! patrol box and police alarm sys-l item, many criminals would sue-1 Iceed in making their escape, but so yuickly are alarms and de scriptions now Hashed to all stations that arrests ate often made before the ctilptit can itet beyond the city limits. A vote for McNary anJ Sinnott is a vote of recognition for what they have done for Oregon. To The Voters Of Morrow County, Oregon. The time linx expired for tlie ar. liniiiMiiiceineiit of candidate 'for the county ottiivn and no one ha an noiituvd (or the ollice of I'oiint.v School Superintendent.. I am a duly rcuUicrcil inenilKT of the Itepulillcan party; 1 have all the reiiiiiviih iiIb preKcriU'd by law for the otllcc of of l oiiuty School Super intendent; I have taunht In Morroy county for four yearn; thnv yearn at U'Xitittton nml one year n Principle of the llardinan hcIiooI. I am married mid have a family of two bo.vmuul my hiiKbaud In teach lint with me. If theVoterwof Morrow county will write In my mime on the Primary Knllot in Candiilate lor County SuiHTlnteiident of SlnwiU. and I a ill liomitmteil. 1 will accept theuotnl. nation mid If elected, I will ipiallfr and nlve my very lt effort, duriait my term of otIUv to the kcIiooIh of Morrow eontuy. Pnted thin aith day of April, 1rj4. rd. adv. HKl.KX WAI.KKK. It's going to be Helen Walker. Leave your watch repairing at the McMurray pastime for Hay lor the jeweler, Heppner. Swanson's Chop Mill Has Babv scratch feed, chick mash, grit, oyster shell, charcoal, poult ty pepier, poultry regulator, etc. Notice. I am not a candidate for any city olfice. F. H. Hobinson. You should attend the pia no r-cital at the Congregation al church this Friday evening. Judge Robinson had some legal business to attend to at Heppner Monday. Four candidates are to tak'j the 2nd and 3rd degrees at the Odd Fellows lodge here this SaV'irday night. All members are request td to be present. At no time in its history,, has lone had a more abler and pro gressive eitv council than it. now has. See whbt improvement has been made over the city. They all should be reelected by a large vote. Vote for Helen Walker. WILLOW CREEK POULTRY FARM Morgan, Oregon Now booking orders for S. C. W. L. day old chicks aft?r May 20th. $12 per 100 at Ranch $14 when shipped One-half cash when booked and 4 ten days before ship, ment. June hatches $10 and $12 per 100 is ordered at once. WOODSON & SWEEK Attorneys At Law First National Bank Building Heppner Oregon HEPPNER TAILORINGS. TAILORS Cleaning Dyeing Pressing . Repairing Heppner, Ore. Statement of the Ownership, Man agement, etc., Keiilreil by Act of I oiifnuH of A uiru-t :'4, l!M'.', of lone Independent, l. hlllied weekly ut lone, Oregon, for April 1. l'C'4. Kdltor. M laaclnif Kdltor, 1'uIiIIbIi er. I'. P. hanxler. lone. Ore. That the owner are: K. S. Acker man, 04:14 Sea u Ian Ave., St. I.t iinlx, Mo. Known boliiTholder, mortKaicee mid other weurlty holderx, holding 1 tiereeiitor more of total amount of liondx. inortiiiw. or other xecurl thm. None. K. S. AKKItMAX. Owner. . Sworn to nml nu!ierile! before dm-thl 14th day of May, l!)J4 K. II. 1'oliliiKon. Notary Public. lv coiiiiiiIkmIoii expire i'.-.'!i-';,4 . i Frank Colvin and son Virfil, have gone to Junction City where Frank has a good job as pastry man in a bakery. A good price was realized from a car load of cattle shipped to the market this week by the veteran stock man, Mat Halverson.