Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1924)
PORTI AMI! A KJl A J-iiniL ?Mallory Select Residential & Transient 16 th and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE C. G. APPLEGATH F If You Want Fura , Buy them at H. G. KREISS You will find our service rellahlefour prlcea reasanahlc. We also repair and remodel. 163 Wert Park St.. Portland. Ore. TfiirL-c RePublics irucKS Fageols Accurate Weight Tests MUTUAL CREAMERY CO., Portland. We Specialize in Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Casein, Oregon Grape Root Coat Skins, Horse Hair Write for Shipping Tags 4 lateet Price Llat Portland Hide & Wool Co. 1H ISION HIHUi 0ri(, raiTUNO, SftfflOM. branch at I'ocatetlo. Idaho SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Removed without injury to the skin by Ney-Born Depilatory. Sample on request. Ney-Born Lab oratories, 518 Morgan bldg.. Portland Oregon. See Yellowstone and Southern California These two wonderlands bave been reproduced In charming Illustrations by the Union Pacific and bound In book form with adequate description. Both can be easily obtained and will prove extremely entertaining as well as instructive. Write (or copies to Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Plttock Block, Portland, Ore gon, who will forward them freely to any address upon receipt of request. Gold and Silver Plating. Send us your old Silverware, Reflectors and Musical Instruments for repair end restlverln-. We save you monpy. Pi. U Koote, Washington St.. Portland. PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING Buttons, Hrollnplnu. l'earl-l'leot Kilge, Wide Memstlti'hlriK, Embroidery, Button Holes. All work guaranteed. Smith Pleating and Button Works, 823 Morga gsn d lido., Portland, Ore. When Yon Have Suffered Enough and have gpent'enoufrh money for drug meill rlnes that have' pro duced no results. In cases of Htointu h. Kid ney. Liver and Bowel troublea and HHEl'M ATT8M, then writ to me, atate your ailment, nd enclone 4 centa In Mftmps for my Free Booklet, which wilt tell you the way bark to New Life, Hfiilth and HiippincMS with MARCELL8 MIRACLE MINERAL Addrexu, Marcell. the Nature Man, 901 W. Lombard 6t., Portland, Ort. Please mention this paper. ? $8-00 We guarantee material and workmanehip. Patnleaa extraction of teeth. fine, 'io neare In the eame location. V. g. DENTISTS, UiV, Waab Ington cor. Second. Portland. Oree-on. USED CASH REGISTERS 8ra1es, Klectrlc Coffee Villa, Show Cases, Hutchers' Display Cases. UKNKRAI, HTORE AND KIXTt'TtB CO. JTi Ulls-m HI., Portland, Oregon Tel. Hioailway 41 7 CUT I-L0WEX8 r LOR AL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Mornaoa 81. We Wreck Autos and Tmcks. Parts Sold at HALF PRICE Write or Cell DAVID HODES CO., Inc. Everythinr from a bolt to an engine. Grand awe,, cur. .tast Salmon st., 1'ortlai.d. DONT BE OPERATED ON SURGICAL operation! for Piles are largely UNSUCCESSFUL, s Is provedby the65 St of uch cases which re . occur within two years. My NON-SUR-GICALmethcby whlchl GUARAN TEEtoaireeny esse of Piles or refundths patient'i fee, are gentle, mild and sooth ing. The greatly enlarged offices which house malncreased .tatf of skilled attend tntsarenowinmyownnew building, ad joining my hotel where out of town pat- ienti may be convenient. -t ly and comfortably local Y::A itdU-ltystyrRf . &J lllsstrilet' took, CHA J, DEAN,M.D.Inc Attempts to Pay Express turner Wills Point, Tel. Milton Cossett, express agent at this place, bss re ceived a letter from a man living in OVlahoma asking tlie spent to look op tho charges on a pnrkaite delivered to tha Oklahomso at Wills Point In 1S7S. Tkt letter explained thut the writer obtained the parkitge under the Im pression tint It was prepaid, but later learned that it was sent collect Mr. Cosset t was unable to find id; OFFERS A MARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Oregon VAUDEVILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Wssk day Matinee, Sue; Evenings, 40e. Otmttsa oua 1 to U p. m. Children 10 rente all times. Hotel Poland's Oldest FUR House Eatabiiihed 1170. Remodeling, Repairing, Storage). 129 Tenth Street, near Waahinston. All Sizes, Prices, Tims. Also Used and Ks-built Trucks. Writs for Catalog. BADLEY SMITH CO., tit and bum lids. Portland, Ore PLEATING! SPECIAL Out, seam, ben and machine pleat skirts ready for band. Hemstitching:, nicotine tveVlnr. $1.00 STERN NUVfilfTT NfU. 85 VI Fifth 81. Portland, Ore. INFORMATION . DEPARTMENT Pleating Embroidery Hemstitching, Buttons Covered. STEPHAN'S MiVi Tenth St., Portlsnd ATTENTION LADIES Sanitary Bsauty Pallors We fix yox ap, we snaks all kisda of Hair Ooods of roar combings. Join our School of Beauty Oulinra. son to 4i uesum Bias- rooae sroeaway 8802, Portland, Oregon. AUTO BEDS Heets cut for beds. Bwanaon a Auto Top Shop, 7Q6'j W illiams Ave., Portland. BATTERIES Rebuilt second hand bntterlea, f 10.09. 46 (Irand Avenue, Portland. BRAZING, WELDING) CUTTINO Northweat Weldiiif Supply Co., 88 1st It. CAMERA AND KODAK REPAIRING Adolph W. Hair, Ablngton Bit-. Purtland, Complete Line Bottlers' Supplies Portland Beverage & Bply Co., 31 Stark DENTIST Charles 8. Wollln, Suits 801-S01 Stevens Building, Portland, Oregon; FEATHKRS AND FLOWERS no not throw away your old feathers. Ws clean, dye and remodel and match samples. New Flow ere end Feathers made to order. 20 years eeub- inhed. We e-tiarantee si work. Hsrtrteaa reela- er A Flower Shop. 3stfMt Wsahington St. HOTELS WAHAiiH. Rooms S0e.204 Madleon St. SURGICAL CORSETS Made to measure, 467 Vanhlngton Bt. If you are troubled with Appendicitis or eUomach Trouble, write Hiss Company, r-oriianu, wregitn, lur tree iniormetion u German or English. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER miller Paint Co., 172 Klret Bt SAI.ERMEN EARN 130.00 DAILY selling NOOAH Clothing Suits, f 12.50 made to measure. Will outwear three ordinary sulta. Absolutely snag proof, water and fire resistant. Write for Selling Plaa. 8ol Couch Bldg., Portland, Ore. CLEANING AND DYEING For reliable Cleanins; and Dye Ins service send parcels to as. We pay return poetaare. Inform ation and prices) given upea re quest. ENKE S CITY DYE WORKS.. Established 1890. Portland. Ore SILK SHOP Foreign and Domestic Kafoury Hros., 33 Alder BL Nestle Permanent Wave Specialist All Beauly Work Marvel Beauty Shop 95 Tenth fit., rimnnd . Floor, near Btark. Tele. V Phote Phone UK. 61M, This ad y .)od for t.uu. PER SET r DR. R. W. DR. R. W, DONOHUE CORNER SECOND AND MURKIHON THE Ll'CIE BEAUTIf SCHOOL The Lucfle method makes you a real marcelter. All branches of Ileauty culture taueht by expert Instructors. Kor full In fcirmatlon write 41 Kelllntf-llirech Bids, l'hona Main 4337. HORSES and MULES Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We are the old reliable firm that has always stood for stjuara dealing-. W. guarantee all auxk as repreeented. We rent by the day, week er month; with or without harness. Call, write r North P.tland Horse s Mule Co., Unlsn Stock Va. It, North Portland, Oregon, Empire 0121. FREE 4,g PAoss a your BABY an ffs BIRTHDAY Month Sowell Studio 1451-2 3 St Betwtn A tdwr et Aforrissn The Bob Shoppe vV'hen In Portland have vour hair cut at the liM bHOPl'K. Mar celUnf. CurllnpT. Experts Only Employed Phone MriUi I57 m "0 I'njtar UUf. Portland, Oregon BARRON'S DIVINE HEALING . INSTITUTE 01 J-time Power of God 129 Fourth St., Portland, Ore Telephone Mr Ml Charges 50 Years Old record of the package In question and believes the transaction must have been msde with the old Pacific Ex press compsnj. Ttia unique letter has been forwnrded to company headquar ters, where it will probably be kept is s curio. Alt domestic pigeons are descended from one species, the Blue Rock. There art now SO different varieties. "O . Actual jpev'.'..--. fk"wJ 9 Hotel Portland Hotel Multnomak - Lngar Building Mary Elizabeth Shop Facial and Scalp Treatments, Marcelling, Permanent Wave, Children's Hair Cutting, Hair Dyeing. Tourist Booth Service 25 Cents. THE WASHINGTON CLOAK-SUIT HOUSE 168 Wash. St., Between ird and tth. I irltac' Coata-Sults. 814.88 Dreasee, 17.80. LOUIES gilk Hoes, $1.00. Ask about our Spe cial Payment Plea and free phote offsr. ilea tiea this sd. A'DOR'MEE BEAUTY SHOFPE Marcelling Facial and Scalp Treatment Our Hervice will satisfy you. We are open evenings, Gth A Balmon fits. Opp. Central Auto Park, 20S Terminal Bldg., Upstairs. PLUMBING MATERIAL Baths, alnks, toilets, basina, boilers, pipe, valves and fittings. Prices reaaon- able. Standard Plumbing et Heating Ca. Easteth and Morrison Hit. Portland, Or. DR. ABRAMS SYSTEM For all Chronic Ulseaass, Madison Bldg. MOLE R BARBER COLLEQB Teaches trade In weeke. Bomepay while learning. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 114 burnslds street. Pun- land, Oregon. AUTOS WITrfOUT DRlVtRS Larry Sullivan. 112 S. Broadway, Portland. Telephone Main 1740, Guaranteed Home Treatment far Goitre Our prescription Is not a patent medi cine but the result of years of atudy and experience In the treatment of floltre. It contains no narcotics nor habit forming drugs nor anything that Is In any way Injurious to the human system. W's rs rund every dollar you pay If we fail ta get satisfactory results for yuu. Johnson 4 Lloyd, Branch Managsrs 821 Cham, of Cum. Bldg., Portland, Ore. MILLIONS FOR RESEARCH Washington. for research work In tunny lipids, including excava tions in t!.e holy city of the ancleni Mnyo penple in Mexico, have been pro vided for hy the Carnegie Institution which hn appropriated 11.200.000 foi next year's budget. The Maya, ex ploriitlons will he made at Chlchen It7.ii, In Mexico. Pr. Sylvester G. Mor lev win he lii rliurce (it the work. ! which l expected to reveal new facts inbuilt -idd lie American antiquity. Digs Own Grave and Diet York, Pa. Edmond 11. Kehlbaugh, ninety-eight years old. who recently dug bis own grave and bad erected a tombstone on the burial plot, was found dead In bed by Ids daughter, with whom be lived. Coroner U V. Zech pronounced death due to apo plexy. Ue was burled In the grave be dug with bis own bands. Bathtubs are provided in most pub lic schools in Sweden. Paid Man to Murder Mate Itlieiins, France. Charged with ply ing a man $1.(100 find giving him a suit of clothes for killing her husband, Mine. (VU'stlne Cl.aussliimud Is on trial fur murder. The man who killed her husband also Is held fur trial. One of the Canary islands possesses a rulntree of the laurel species which sheds a copious shower of pure water from Its foliage every evening. The natives use the water for drinking and culinary purposes. Incubation of Goose Eggs, The period of lncubaKijn of eggs varies from 28 to 30 days. The first eggs usually are set under hens, while the last eggs which the goose lays may be hutched either under bens or under the goose If she becomes broody. Attention to Pullsts. Pullets are tlft money-makers for the next year. They will give their highest snd most economical produc tion In their first year and demand care at this time. Eggs Within an Egg rnragould, Ark. Mrs. 8am Thorn .. un Kaat Garland street, while prepartnt a meal broke an egg to be used In the cooking ana to ner sui nriae found Inside the large shell three smaller eggs, each of whicb was covered with a shell of Its own. iso will, svaa disclosed in the large shell. The three eggs are now on display at a local store. Beauty Is a veil that bides many feminine Imperfections. 1 Puppy Saved From Kansas City. A wull from the Interior of a burning building In the do Mown district here recently caused the cry to g" up tliut a woman was trapped In the Humes. L. R. Urad ford, tlrenian. volunteered to sttempt s rescue and dashed Into the blazing building. After holding hundreds of spectuiors in suspense for a short tltu. he emerged with a diminutive puppy. It lOKta more to be stingy than it do ' he churltable. 16,000 Tourists in Alp Berne. Winter sports are flourish ing In Swltserlurid this year, and as s result the number of winter tourists boa reached s lo.n; of 10,000, 8.000 niore than last ncawiu. The visitors Include 4.HUJ (leri.uis, 2.000 English and T.'iU American!. Dustless Pavement Types The exlent to which the dustless tyes of pavement are being adopted Is shown hy testimony given recently before the senate roiiiinltto on post offices snd post rostls Bt Washington hy Thomas II. Macl'onald, chief of the fnlted States bureau of public roads, whose (tabulations showed that 107 federsl sld projects completed snd paid for to May 2.1 last year were roads built of bituminous materlsls. These highways were constructed In Alabama, Arlzuna, Arkansas snd Csl If urnls. - ,. . a . I ma .Time n ? YOU NEVER KNOW Y f; By DOUGLAS MALLOCH Y A ALONG the Journey here and there You often find a tlow'r, Just anytime or auywhere, No special place or hour, They aren't planted In a row; You never guess, you never know Around a bend a fellow goes, And right ahead he sees a rose. You never know : Within a ditch A lily may unfold. Or cowslips make a meadow rich With all their yellow gold. The road is rough, but oftentimes Around a rock an Ivy climbs. And many a weary eye has met Beside a stone, a violet. God sows His blessings like Ills seeds, No special bour or place; The moment of our saddest needs We often see Ills face. In hours of Joy and hours of care, Just any time and anywhere, His fairest flow'rs He seems to sow Along life's road you never know. ( by SloClure Newapsper Byndlcsts.) Something to Think, About bj P. J. WALLER YOUTH TTPON the erect shoulders of the boys and the girls of the present must later fall the mantle of responsi bility worn now by their parents. The old folk have long played the leading role. They are gradually be ing Incapacitated by the burden of years, weighing heavier upon them as the clock ticks off the weeks and mouths. In a little while father and mother will give way to the younger genera tion, sit passively In their easy chairs and dream of the days that bave gone, as did those who blazed the way be fore them. The sun shines as brightly as It did a generation ago; the larks sing as blithely; the flowers bloom as gayly and Dan Cupid Is Just as alluring wltb liis chuckling laughter and seductive love. And certainly the seasons come and go with their punctilious regularity, hut each day there push to the front new groups of men snd women anxious to take their part In the ynrld drama. The strange emotions that accom pany the birth of power are much alike the world over. Ideas and Ideals have but slight variations. Men think of pursuits and profes sions; women of homes and wifely du ties. 8ome go forth like children ven turing Into the dark; others strike out boldly and are caught by the whirlpool and hurled upon the rocks. It oflen happens that those selected by the fates to become leaders are in the beginning the most timorous, yet consciousness of lmportsnce does not overwhelm them. They are great-hearted and have within them tbe capabilities of accom plishlng grout things. And this is tbe usual mental atti tude of those who arequsllfled to take up the heavier burdens snd march on till tbe end of their days without com plaint. Having been well brought up, they are strong In body and sunny In nature. They fall at once Into their rightful place and take up their duties with the precision of soldiers who hsve Just come from an exacting drlllmas- ter. What their parents did only 20 or 25 years ago, tbey hsve resolved shall be continued snd, If possible, be done better, so that the men and women of the future may go to loftier heights In thought, and In all manner of progres sive achievement. ( by efcClure Newapsper Syndicate.) O e Young Lady Across the Way The young lsdy across the wsy says Europe Is making some progress to ws rd a peaceful solution of her dim cultles, but she fears It will be a long time yet before complete pandemo o-r-CTi-J nium reigns sgaln. jejejjwjpperijUoalaJ REVISED TAX BILL WINS IN SENA1E Vote of 69 to 15 Cast on Re' duction Measure. '24 INCOME LEVY CUT Request for Veto by President Is Hint ed by Leaders Unless Changes ' ' Are Made in Conference. Washington, D. C Stripped almost of every vestige of the Mellon plan and clothed in the democratic pro gram, the tax reduction bill was pass ed' Saturday by the senate, 69 to 15, It now goes to conference for ad justment of differences with the house. Republican senate organiza tion leaders admitted they would recommend veto of the measure by President Coolidge It It was not trans formed by the conference. The. presidont had asked congress for the Mellon plan. Although his views were not mude known on the bill passed by the bouse, which car ried only the remnants of the Mellon scheme, be has voiced specific opposi tion to some of the provisions insert ed in the senate. The senate bill goes practically as far in general tax revision as that passed by the bouse. It provides gen orally for: A 25 per cent reduction in income taxes payuhlo this year. Ropeal or reduction of most of the special excise and miscellaneous taxes. A CO per cent permanent cut in the taxes on incomes below f S000 and a general reduction in the taxes on higher Incomes. The maximum sur tax rate would be cut from bO to 40 per cent. A 25 per cent reduction on earned Incomes up to 110,000. Administration leaders opened their attack on the bill Just before passage, and 15 republicans voted against it while three others were paired against It. Chairman Smoot of tho sonate fi nance commlttoe declured tho senate, In remodeling the bill, had cut taxes by $111,150,000 beyond the reductions recommended by the committee, and that as a result "instead of a $50,000,- 000 treasury deficit next year under Its oporatton, the government faces a $161,000,000 deficit which will be In creased to $475,000,000 if tbe pending extra appropriations become law." Senators Moses, Now Humpshlre, and Ilrandcgee, Connecticut, repub licans, served notice that "in view of tho total destruction of the Mellon plun," they would not support the measure finally unless it was trans formed In conference. AVAIATOR MARTIN SAFE; PLANE HITS MOUNTAIN Cordova, Alaska. Major Frederick L. Martin and Stuff Surgeuiit Alva I. llurvey, round-tho-world flyers, miss ing since April 30, when they left Cliignik, Alaska, for Dutch harbor, in the seaplano Scuttle, walked into Port M oiler, 100 miles west of Chlgnlk, Saturday night, according to a wire less message received here from that point via Bt. Paul island. The two men were In good health, though exhausted, and reported that their pluno had been wrecked an hour and a halt after they had loft Chlgnlk, when, tholr vision obscured by a fug, the plane had crashed head-on Into a mountain peak. Hut ti Major Martin and Sergeant Harvey escaped unhurt from tho wiecked piano. They reB.'ued a fow of their records and food rations from the debris and started on a long tramp down the mountainside toward the north Pacific ocean shoreline. After many hardships they finally reached a trapper's cabin, situated on tho southern tip of Port Mollur bay, lust Wednesday morning, where thny obtained food and a warm place to sleep. They were utterly exhausted from the seven-day tramp under severe weather conditions and they rested three days In tho cabin. The flyers feeling refreshed In mind and body, wulkcd to the beach and were able to flash the first messngo of their safety to the world aflur being re ported missing ten days. Flier Reaches Bangkok, Itungkok, Slam. Another success ful Jump on his flight from Paris to Tokio was made by Lieutenant Put letler DolHy, the French aviator. Bet ting out from Rangoon, whence he had flown from Calcutta Huturday, alter a brief delay In the latter city to make a few repairs to his machine, the flier reached Bangkok safely Sunday after noon. He Intends to take off Monday morning for his next stop at Hanoi China. after jtvzry meal Cleanses mootb and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that over eaten feeling and acid mouth. Its 1-a-s-t-I-n-g flavor satisfies the craving tor sweets. Wrlgley's Is doable value In the benetll and pleasure It provider. 4 Sealed in In Purity Fmehaf. Consoling Thought. We all make mistakes, but thnnk goodness the other fellow's always looks worse to us than our own. Better Not. The man who can road a woirtnn like a book should not skip tho intro duction. Boston Transcript. When Butter Was Cheap. Butter was used by the ancietils nt times as fuel. He Had Been There. Teacher "What does the busy bee teach us, Charllo?" Charles "Not to go too near the hive." Philadelphia Bulletin. First Can Opener. Tho first can opener, mnda neces sary hy the growth of the cunning in dustry, brought Its inventor a large fortune. Mrs. Myrtle Myers Advice For Mothers Read What This Mother Saya Salrm, Orcg. "I was advised fo take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion during my first expectant period. It was such a comfort and means of strength that I took it the second and the third time. All the days of expectancy I was able to do my work ripht up to tha last without any feeling, of discom fort. It is only right fur mc to tell of the benefit I ucrivrd from the tise of the 'Favorite Prescription' and I think it is the best remedy for expectant mothers that has bccti put within our reach. For the s.iko of stiilcring mothers I am willinff to have my testimonial published. Mrs. Myrtle Myers, 157 Oak St. Your hcallh is your must valuable asset. So why nut get this Pre scription today from yunr druggist, or write Dr. Pierce. President of the Invalids' Hotel in BulUlo, N. Y., fur free medical advice or send 10c fur a trial pkg, of Wukts, Sure Proof. If you wish to know whethwr hn coaches tho truck team or has the, chair of history look at his salary check. iJululh Herald. Mother Love Supreme. The mystery of a mother's love, the sensitiveness of her sympathy, Urn vastuess of vision of her Intuit Ion, the sublimity of her self sacrifice can nev er bo surpussed.- Dr. Alexander Lyons. At Lesst, One May Attempt. Tho poorest tune or hymn that ever was sung Is belter than no tutus und no hymns. It Is better to sing than to be dumb, however poor the singing may be. Henry Ward Ileecher. Largest American River. The lurgest river under the Ameri can flag is tho Yukon, In AliiHku. It is navigable fur mure than 2,000 miles. Burned With Love. Headline In Chicago Tribune: 'Says Husband Sat on Stovu to Ilo Near Cook." Huston Transcript. a in, h.w. flnthes. will keep them west snd saowy-whlte until worn out. Try It sod see lor yourself. Ai grotn Business College Pisces Oraduatss In Good Poaitlona Unroll any time of year Write for free auccesa cataloa. souria awi lawuiii, Portland, Oregoe. P. N. U. No, 20, 1924 Al ssSaw if I K 1 IVfl iss sas-ss I 11 J -sasasssesw-T . I II 1 -e ) h., , SVt. v BaasasaaassaasjawaiBBxesBBBai biiiii a; III in I sTvfiYtf 1 C CaVt)f,'iT-i! I I if All TitlYfS