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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1912)
HERE AT HOME PETE BROWNING'S BATS. on :8E Citizens t.laally Testify ma4 artomwdesUly Kecommcn teams Klduey Pill. It is testimony like the following tLatias placed Doan 's Kidney Pills ta far above competitors. When peo ple right here at home raice their voices in praise there is no room left for iabt. Read the public statement of a Heppner citizen : E. L. Berry, Main St., Heppner, rti2on, eays: " You are welcome to se eny name as one who has been eu:l of kidney complaint by Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys were weak aal ray back was so painful that I was je&Iied to walk all stooped over. The contents of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills effected a cure and dur ing, the past two years there has been aro recurrence of the trouble." 1 your back aahes if youi kidneys fco-tfaec yon, don't siojply ask for a iidney remedy ask distinctly for Boaa's Kidney Pills, the same that Mr. Berry had the remedy backed by hems testimony. 50c all stores. Faster-Mil burn Oo. , Props. , Buffalo, 3i. Y John Kinsman shipped a carload of keef cattle to the Portland market Saturday. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RICS Ivept constantly on hand sxad can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First clas3 : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : ; : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : fiEPPNER, - OREGON A Great Clubbing Offer SmVWWVIy Oreeoo Jour- tat, one year, &KM3-Tiraes, one year $lJSO Twta S3.00 Bctli Papers One Year - - $2.00 Oregon Journal PaStiaiies the latest and most complete M as metric news of the world; gives reli itbi Gsarlet !eports, aa tt is published at PMv.e4, where the market news caj be mart Is corrected to date tor each issue. It 3c as a page of special metier for the ftm at home, an entertaining story page jui a ag or more of comic each week, mti i tj;oes to the subscriber tw ee ever; wrU 11 times a year. The Gazette-Times Ow all the local news a d happening! nut &iul& be in every home in this vi- V.? papers make a solendid combi ne te and you save II by sending your wiiwcriptlon to the GAZETTE-TIMES. Ve can rlso give our subscribers a good eSirtV.tsg offer for the Daily and 8unday, nr&tcd,y Journal, In conn-ction with the Gazeiie-Times Summer Range To Lease. gQQ acres of range for lease in ttu fSiae Monntaina in the vicinity of X5Jf.x-e and Baker, Oreeon, at 8 vwcre if taken immediately. It w. trst class sheep rane. Write uew'ce the undersigned for all or m7 titia land. raTiX GARDINIER, Buker, Ore. Lost A brown mare weighing about 100; EE cn right stifle ; white star ta Criead. This animal disappeared Jfra the cattle and barge reserve near Katican in October last. A reward a' ti ill be paid for information VmtisT to the rooovery of this animal. E E. LOVGREN. v.t E'ght Mile Oregon. I fetve for sale at mv place on Eight MCt. Crown Leghorn eggs for hatcb tr at f 1.00 per Betting of 15. A good strain of rplendid egg producers. vlS. Alfred E. Anderson. Thay Still S.rv.d tha Old Slugger After Ha Quit Baseball. One of the oldest and most eccentric characters baseball has ever produced was old Pete Browning, the famous slugger, who played with Louisville iiround the eighties and later joined i lie Cleveland club In 1SU0 during the Brotherhood war. Tete was a little off In his roof gar- ion and bnd only one Idea in his bead tay or night. Anything that concern- id bis precious batting average was tuent and drink to him. It made no difference bow many fly balls be drop ped or let get by him as long as no landed two or three safe ones during a game. Bats were a mania with Browning. and whenever be could pick up a club which suited him It was added to bis enormous collection. So many were gathered at various points on some of bis trips that be sometimes was forced to pay excess baggage on the prizes. According to Van Baltren. It was Browning who Introduced the habit of rubbing down a bat with tobacco Juice. which custom Is followed to this day by many of the players. The Idea Is to roughen the surface of the stick and prevent so many fouls slipping off one side or the other. Browning, who was a great user of the weed, nsed to polish down his sticks In this way without any appar ent reason until he commenced to be lieve that It made a difference with bis hitting, and after that no wagon tongue of bis ever escaped a coating of the ob noxious fluid. Other players took It up In the hope of emulating Browning, and now It is a common custom throughout the coun try. When Pete retired from the game ail the bats, relics of former days, were still in his possession. In order to keep them always in his sight Pete had them turned down to a uniform size and used them as posts for the baluster in his house. To the day of his death they remain ed the most valued of his possessions. New York World. ENGLISHMEN'S GAMES. Quaint Hindu View of the Beating and Kicking of Balls. Some amusing descriptions of East Indian life are given In Mrs. Penny's book, "The Rajah." Here is a Hindu servant's opinion of the English de votion to ball games, given to four ranis princesses whom he was -trying to enlighten: "The English," he said, "all play ball. Some beat balls with iron shod sticks, standing In the fields and striking with sufficient force to break a man's skull; some beat the ball with a long bit of wood In front of three sticks that rep resent their gods, some with corded spoons over a net wall, some with long handled hammers as they sit on horses; some kick the ball with their feet. The balls are of all sizes from a small orange to a man's bead." "By whose orders do they kick and beat balls?" be was asked. "By order of their pujarls," the syce replied, "and he must know, because he serves the writing sahib." "Why should such an order be giv en?" asked the second rani. "They are a fierce and warlike peo ple, those English, who must be al ways fighting and beating some one. It is by this means only that they are prevented from killing each other." "But the Mlssle Sahib would she, too, beat and fight?" "She is strong. Who knows? At Bombay and Calcutta the English la dies beat balls over the wall of net. They do It that they may bear chil dren fierce and strong like their fa thers. When the babies are but a few months old they give them balls to beat with their little hands and to creep after as soon as they can move by themselves." A Queer Monument. A monument erected in the Stra- glieno cemetery has a very curious history. It is that of an old woman of Genoa, who made a living by selling strings of nuts in the streets. By frugality and Industry she succeeded in amassing a small fortune In this way and then commissioned a well known sculptor of Genoa. Lulgi Oren go, to make a life sized portrait of her In marble just ns she appeared at her pitch In the streets. This statue she ordered to be placed in the famous Ftraglleno cemetery, probably the lar gest In the world. Wide World Maga fine. Sweet and Hard, The Royal band was playing for the king, Louis XIV.. the "Miserere of Lul !y." The king was on his knees and so was the whole court His majesty kept the awkward attitude until the end of the hymn. After rising, the king turned to the Count de Gram mont and asked how he found the mo lie. "Very sweet to the ear, sire, but Tery hard on the kueea." Doge Know. "I don't know why it Is that when ever I pass, a place where a dog Is kept the animal rushes out and barks at me as if I bad no right to be on earth. Others can pass the same place and never be molested." "Well. I can account for It only on the theory that ifa mighty bard to fool a dog." Chicago Record-Herald. A Frightful Thought Mr. Wayback (on first ocean voy age) John. I just heard a man say that ' if this boat waa put up on end it would be higher than the Washington monu ment If t'uey're gulog to do anything like that we'd better get right off! ruck. Children Cry The Kind You Hav Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-g-ood " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishncss. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CtNTAUH COMPANY. TT Are You Boosting bor row County I Are You Patronizing Monte Industry I rE ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed superior to any are not using office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE MILLING CO. n 2La FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER PflAI? JOHNSON Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind of work in these lines. Lost. A yearling bay colt, with one wbita hind foot, branded :Pon right shoulder. This animal was mlHsed from the Andrew Neal pasture at Lone Rock the early part of October 1911. A reward of $5 00 will be paid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, ' 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. For Sale. Seperaor and engine, at a bargain. Pride of Washington separator, prac tically new having been run only 30 days, wind stacker and self feeder. Advance engine. For further Infor mation write Cooke Bros., Condon Oregon. A handsome dinner set will be given free with every range Fold by us in the text sixty days. Call and see both. Case Furniture Co. for Fletcher's Ml Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of i and has been mado under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. imported article. If you our products call at our Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The ft-ner. whfrh If illnitriitert here, ii Umh,,!1hJ?Lt teel. h ivln two bm.1i tmrli up from each Jaw Ji hich re driven into the att k when tue jawi are set up. Thli holda the Ktlrk an If In a ). There art no i rivet, jolng thro.h the tttok to weaken or pll. It. Wc iiw the bet No. 6 duck, atraight grained ash ilii ks aDd Aral quality leather beit. W e auarantee th. quality and we auarante. the workmanship. These drapers will rost you no more than other makes and they will save yon much time and annoyance. Don' fail to use one on ronr Harvester or Hesder this season, Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. ni 1 VAWTER Notary Public Represents some Lending Fire Insurance Companies, including The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The l'htenlx of London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon RflcCdD'BSIMBCK The Standard Machinery the World Over VAUGHN & ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. MIKEHEALY, Prophkiob Telephone... Livery Stable . TELEPHONE 201 COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. LOWER MAIN STREET - - HEPPNER, ORKGON WcCtCCCtCCK!'C'gcg!''1''igcCCC THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN & HALL,Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. IT WILL DO IT appreciate tonce. Justed and answer mowing anu a c ""'.'j time presses the soil liTmlyaroundthe grain thus insuring Immed iate germination. Hplcniiid results are obtained from theiruse, Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works, Pendleton, Oregon. II CRAWFORD Insurance Agent SONS, Heppner THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE A NEW INSTRUMENT An ttachment for boe drills as Illustrated here has two very val uable and impor ant features which eve-y rrogresatve farmer will iuvj arc ihbdo w u. .uj h.-, the double purpwe of regulating the depth of r' We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment We solicit your patronage.