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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1912)
Oregon Historical Societ city lull y VOL. 20. tfO. 12. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, PER YEAR. JU LY 3rd an 4th The Palace Hotel will be Patriotic. A flag for every- child! under twelve years of age J The management will give these out free on morn ings of the 3rd and 4th. 1C01V1E and GET ON Heppner Garage Bert Bowker, Prop. Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds done. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed, cleaned and oiled. Agent for the 19 i 2 Cadillac O.-W. R. & N. CO. OFFERS PRIZES. For Sale at a Bargain HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER In Good Condition. ALSO GOOD HEADER Inquire at Gazette-Times Office. jujjjpui .timr iiiiiiniTirll'imi"iTn8fiiiiiitffTFi i n-n- ",yrrj"Tj V ,4 GRAND lira i fa trr n niir I ill uu iaV3 Celebration JULY 3, 4 & 5, AT LdDME B80CK, Or. BIG BARBECUE AND FREE DINNER TO ALL ON THE 4th Horse Racing, Bucking Contests and Bull Riding; fine camping ground and good fishing; Big Dance at night and in afternoon of each day. COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF JAY GRENSHAW, Secretary. N. H. LEATHERS, Chairman. Are Interested in Getting Good Exhibits For Tri-Co. Fair. At the Tri-Gounty Fair to be held at Oi.ndon this Fall the O. W. R. & N. Co. hus sereed to otter the follow ing rash Drizes for the host 12 ears of field corn exhibted at that time. These will be 12 for first prize; $10 for second prize: So for third urize; $3 for fourth prize aud 2 for fifth prize. The conditions of the contest will be as follows : The corn is to be grown by drv farming uiothodtt, and eneh exhibitor is to furnish a statement at the time of making f-ntry giving the location of section and town, describing the method of preparation, time of plant ing method of cultivation, how often cultivated , aprjroximate yield of grain and fodder, and time of harvesting: the prize-winning ear to heconie the property of the Company for exhibi tion purposes. This is a worthy move on the part of the Company and there shonld be lively competition on the part of the farmers of this county in participat ing in the contest. We should get first, prize money. ' Fo SaleA low-wheeled, nar row l;ire wagon, in good shape. Now ready to set header box on. Can be seen at the Samuel Leffler place. Inquire at this office. 3t. Managar Sparks of the Star Theater, while in Portland the nast week purchased a new play er piano, one of the very latest out, and the same will be installed at once, promising to be a great addition to the theater in its abil ty to furnish good music. Harried, at the home of Mr. Winters, Monday morning at 7:30, Mr. John K. Jordon, of Echo, Oregon, and Miss Margaret L. Bradley of Heppner, Rev. E. P. Warren ' officiating. The bride groom is a young business man of Echo, Ore. and the bride one of our choicest young ladies, and was known as the "hello" girl. The happy young couple took the morning train for Pendleton. Dr. W. E. Vaughn, editor of Pacific Methodist Advocate of M. E. church South, San Francisco, will come to Heppner tnday eve ning and go out to Liberty Sat urdav. reaching there Sunday morning and returning to preach the pennon Sunday evening at theJChristian church at 8. this be ing the union service of all the churches and then the Dr. will go to Lexington to speak Mondaj night at the methodist church. Married, Wednesday morning at 7:30, at the home of Wiley Wattenburger, Mr. Julian J. Chisholm, of Pendleton, Ore. and I Miss May iiose Wattenburger, of Heppner, Rev. E. P. Warren officiating. The bridegroom is a nrornising voung businessman, and the bride one of our best young school teachers of Morrow county. The young people took the morning train for Pendleton, their future home. Wra. Skinner, the Lone Rock stage driver, was quite seriously hurt on Monday evening by the overturningof his rigon the grade coming into Heppner. The ac cident was caused by an obstrep- erous mule who chose this point on the grade to start a runaway. Mr. Skinner was thrown from-the. rig which turned over on him. A mule was also carried over on its back and the race ended right near where it started. The old gentleman is off the job for a few days for repairs, and the mules are going along as if nothing had happened. W. P. Scrivner has on exhibi tion at his shop one of the Rumley Oil Turn engines. These engines are designed for all purposes, stationary and portable in sizes from 3-horse to 15-horse power. He has the agency for this class of engines 'as well its the Oil Pull tractor. Any one interested in small engines should call and see this sample. He is agent also for the Rumlev line of Separa tors. Anv one having the Gar Scott machinery or the Advance : machinery should see Mr. Scriv ner for repairs and all extras. ! He can sellyou any of these lines ' of machinery. PINE CITY. W. W. Howard lost a valuable mare last week. R. F, Witflesworth made a business trip to Heppner Friday. Mr. Chas. Despain and wife are visiting at T D. Mathews. The high water last week spoiled about three acres of garden for Roy Neil. W. E. Wiglesworth and family and I. C. Cox and family and Arhur A vers vi.stied at R. F. Wiglsworth's Sun day. Every one is busy with the hay at the present writing and all report the best crrp that has been for years in the Butter creek country. C. H. Bartholomew is running the haying crew at T. D. Mathews and will move the outfit to his place in a few days to put op his crop. Elbert Cox went to take the last band of the Wiglesworth sheep into the mountains' Mr. Morris was sick and wpnt to Heppner for medical treatment. The annual school meeting was held at the Pine City school house Monday, the l?th. Mr. J. T. Ayers was re-elected director for three years and R. F. Wiglesworth clerK. Miss Beulah Barker was hired to teach the winter school. This locality was visited bv one of the heaviest rains of the season laht 'Tlirusday. bat no damage was done aside from washing down a few rocks into the road and taking out n small bridee or two. The roads in some places are almost impassible. 3 O mzisv O siisssras 0 W vet vm m-m 1 WBl Jtflps PN JPvl ff . SAND HOLLOW. R. B. Rice lost a cow last week. Mrs. Clark did some sewing for Miss Smith last week. Harry Clark, of Montana, is visit ing his brother, B. S Clark. O. S. Hodsdon sold several head of fat cattle to Mr. Blase of lone. Gene Gray and wife, were at M. L. Bundy's last Saturday and Sunday., ' Smith Towne arrived Saturday from Spokane to help R. B. Rice in harvest. Rov Tylei, who was over here huutry his horses, fouud them in Echo. Charley Gray and Sadie MCormick spent Sunday with M. L. Bundy and family. Mr. Copnock and daughter, of Pen dleton, are visiting his Ron, Frank, at South Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott were visiting. W. L. Copenhaver and family the first of the week. The fine rnin last week has been a great benefit to grain as much of it was shrivelling for lack of moisture. Mrs. Rioe left Monday for the East where she exuects to stay several months visiting her' patents and friends. Our S. S. was represented by Miss Winnie Smith and Carl Miller at the picnic. Sorry we could not have more hut these are very busy days for our farmers. People seldom stop to consider how much their town means to them. They take it too much for granted, and in counting un thier blessings make a superfiical inventory that fails to credit the source from which many of their dearest benefits flow. It is easy to overlook the home town in summing up one's happiness because the town is such a laree, all-enveloping thing so large, in fact that it's hard to see and the citizen blindly draws sustenance from it like an in fant from its mother. Traced to their source most of life's blessings will be found to havb their root in that aggregation of hu man beings and human ititerests known as a town. The town is the unit of modern civilization and it is the channel through which civilization confers its benefits. There is scarcely a phase of civilization that does not find direct and specific expression in i the life organization of a town that is large enongh to have a school, a courthouse, a library, a bank, a mill, a factory, a church, a waterworks, a brass band, a newspaper, and a rail road station. Representing education, jurisprudence, literautre, finance, industry, religion, hygiene, art, and the commodities these institutions ex press all that is highest and best in human achievement. If civilizaion is good, theu the home town is Rood, and the citizens should be proud and thankful of it. Instead of casting wondering and envious glances at a distant New Yoik, let us glow with pride for cur own little city, realiz ing that the difference it only one of degree and not of kind. This town was built around the first store, not around a mail order cata logue. Dalles Chronicle. In looking over our Spring stock which has just been received, we believe we have the best assortment of oods that has ever been shown here. A Splendid Line of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab ots, etc. They are snappy just the style you want. Here are a few of our standbys: - Banner Brand Waists. Underskirts & Dresses; Nemo and 11. & G. Corsets; Simpson's Prints Amoskeap; A. F. C. Ginghams, Ripplettes and Galateas. Bed Goose Slices for Children, Pa cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies, Atlantic and Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts, Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Boad Overalls, - Boyal Chib Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee ; Crystal White Soap, . Fuller's Sheep , Mark- ing Paint, Criseo, Easy Jell. etc. Thomson Bros. . 0 A. M. Phelps THE GROCER DON'T FORGET HIM. ff y n.