Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1916)
t t Moving 'ietur Trtek. af th moat tbit'Una MtMU th wring picture drama are token with tbe aid of Hull models, wulcn are eou-idorably to tha Ufa ato. It to moan cheeper, of coarse, to bara n toy building or to elnk a mlnla tarn obi than to deetroy an original WMktt aaevtag plctura holiday The iiTdttt aead for tbto work aro carried eat with groat atteation to detail, and the trturea aro takes with to can on vey doeo to tko around to got the proper perepective. The Buffing - victor audiences, even when paying the eloooat attention, am completely decelvd Benton Herald. The atrenaor MatortaL A crockery dealer wu J net closing p hto store for the day wben one of Me coatomere, a groror, cane la in groat hurry. -Hero," Mid bo. Hl packed thle jar fall of batter and the Jar apllt from top to bottom. Porbapo you caa ex plain tbe phenomenon.' c "Ob, yen; I eaar waa tbe reedy re ply, "Tbe batter waa atronger t)an tbe r."-Atlanta Oooetl tattoo. Street Cleonlng KnfclWUen. Th department of atroot cleaning of new fork city recently be4d an exU blikm of atroot cleonlng appliance Tbe purpose of' the ozblbltlon waa threefold-drat to abow tbe people of the eity of Now torn the typoe of -nialpuent nbw la service; second, to . giro BMnoractnrero of modern atroot nooning apparatus an opportunity at .i lifting their various appliances, not ' iv tbe dtlsana of Mow York, bat Hlttu to officiate of surrounding com " m unities wbo were Invited to attend; ' (bird. ! provide an opportunity for emetics! tests or deraonetrotlona of treat cleaning- appliances. Tbe street t leaning apperatue Included all aorta of brooms, brushes, sweeping machines, gushing macblnea and other equipment or appliance need la cleonlng streets ' .nd removing snow; garbage, asb and rubbish cans or receptacles used by house holders; carta, wagons, motor trucks or other vehicles need for eot lertlng garbage, ashes, rub blab and (treat sweepings: conveyances for ransportlng re ruse by water or by rail: met bods oeed for tbe disposal of gar Mg4 aaneo, aootoh and street sweep 'iif. including garbage redaction - Wurflig,' garbage crematories, lnclnera 'I xiorv deatroctors. eta. The exhibition f ttracted a groat deal of" attention and 1 worthy of being duplicated In etaaf y mofripabtto. 5 ' ' Carrier PlaOene. V tlaaona war employed la early grrftia daranavtjators taking them ea (Mr galleys and liberating then . - wnea they arrived at their destination hi erder to announce tbelr aafa arrival - to) tbetr friends. The Roman otiusea ' thega ta oommunfcnttng with each oth er la wartime. v " Fried rnabT" f tbe tab to tow large tar tbe ana, - fat steaks from It slicing down 00 ortber erne of tbe baokboa. Burnt ash, Mb Mod whom, should have the baekbooo severed to prevent carting, ft ob thorn with now before patting hi the pan -this browns thorn and pre vent thorn from absorbing grease, fry : w a goMea brown, sprinkling hghtiy with popper and salt Juet as tbe eater - tuna. If lea aro triad la batter do " not osH them, ft aboald bo wiped y ' fAsmovlna Careen. a iinaiag tbe cyUndera of a gas wmIsi by amoving than to acrapo oat th earboa deposit K la naofnl to to member that where tbe dimensions, the bara to particular, do not allow the hand to bo Inserted lata the cylinders a pleee of "eurd etothingT -similar to aha wire break of a tiro repairing nab 11 nailed on tbe end of a niece af will cteaa ant crevlom thai a 1 My boy, whatever yea do, never I brag.- -N.mtnr," ' "At least, net antl after yon bare toae." -ad ohanr f- Than a? yoa were stover oooogh ta . have ana It won yoa will be clever enough to knew that tfs not worth breggiogt abeuC'-Detrolt Free Prona waft tfjf M4MrMrV9 ttKnW MeMalof) The eaiiaronra eehoe at the custom bones to one at tbe show piseea af Mow fort city. Bto araaw room waa J decorated tram designs by Oaaa OU . heel wbo drew the plana for tbe cen- : bam bowse, and WW Onareeey. This T high ralHagit apartment, with tta oak mnrnl pslntlnge af Dnmh OilnUI ataaaa. and tm groal mat onward of nhtOQO, The oeUleg af ratoad aoM Igarsa on a par pie gnnnl a eepy af aa aw ItaUnn efllng. wMh orlgmal bgwrea, aaeh aa nan. hrldsnia. neato and ether appr arlabi aahjatto. Tbe big nrontaoa wins wUjo henrth and high maabnV anoa to at gray aaeeg. nolew tbe anoaf to mac rt had gsa hmlmj of the rat aawae, wbieh aktod ea thto Verb i' 1 nsi a m - ' r.amn4 warn mjeenf and whoa I gat to fan nawt I waa ana, Eliblh Traa Vwa sawae are tomptig lb ant nota ; - tana ia, yat ahana wbo bavw ana aa ) have, bean amde lo onfrar far taear rash " Bjaoa. for raw aetareen eaatabJ a astonai Pletleoary Reodera. That the natives of Mgerta are on psU of advanced forme of education to apparently proved by tbw little Inci dent told by Constance Larynoro ta "A Keeldent's Wife In Nigeria "My husband told me that la tbe coarse of the petrol they passed through a valley where the Inhabitants of tbe rocks and hllle above apparent ly made their bomea la holes and cavea. One member of tbe party Idly tsked what waa the scientific name for cava .dweller, tbe word bnvlng ellpped bin memory for tbe moment No one appeared to be able to supply 1 be word. But then tbe native Inter ureter, plodding along m-blnd. cane up. enylng: Pardou roe, alrv Pont yoa mean troglodyteer "The Englishman, amaied. aikadl - where be bad ever beard such a word. and 'Oeorge' repned placidly, "1 Was reading a dictionary one day and aw It' ' I cannot Imagine myeelf rending a OermflD or Italian dictionary for pleas are and atorlng la my mind for future nee -on versa tlooally a specially Un as ua I adenUdo term. 1 only wish 1 could." tpartana Kept In Trim. Tbe ancient Spartan paid aa much attention to tbe rearing of men aa cat tle detilers lb tola country and England m modern times do to Ine breeding of oattle. They took charge of nrmneee and (oosruesa of men' flesh, and regu lated tbe degree of fatness to which M as lawfnl. In a free stare, for any r-ltlsen to exteud bla body. Those wbu dared to grow too fat or too ooft for military exercise and the err Ice of Bpurta were soundly whip tied. in one particular Instance, that of .Vimclla. tbe son of I'olytus. tbe offend er waa brought before tbe Epnorl and a meeting of the whole people of Spar ta, at which his unlawful fatness was publicly exposed, end be was threat I raed with perpetual benUhment ir or Jld not bring bla body within tbe reg lor Spartan compass and give up bis rolpable mode of living, which was de clared to be mora worthy of an Ionian 'ban a eon of IaejuouPbllade! phis Inquirer. A Nepeleenle Famine genre. Britain waa on tbe verge of a bread famine during the Napoleonic wars, and ur 1800 a law waa eu acted 1 prohib iting tbe sale of bread till H bad bean jut of tbe oven at least tweuty-fou' boura. "Food waa 00 ecarce and dear,' writea r. W. -Hack wood, "that pot tlon of the population refused to atarvi la alienee, and riot lug broke oat to many porta of England. A royal i rant of 500 was made to one Thome Tuden to enable blm to prosecute a die vovory made by blm of a Iwate" aa a substitute for wheat hour. The unfortunate seamen Ogbttng' Great BriUln's battle on tbe bljtb aces bad to so beta t 00 biscuits 00 badly made that when tbe weevlle, were knocked out there often remained nothing but empty sbella." A plentiful barveat tbe following yearoaved the situation. Landoa Staudard. What Ha Call Her. "Now, Willie," aaid 1h teacher of tha prtioary class, "let n whether yon cau tell as tbe oaroe nf 1 hie graceful looking animal with the big rjronged boroa Hun tec go u(t into the woods vcry fall lo ahoot una beautiful creature, it u very crool of them lo do ao, to H aot? Can't you tell Of what the animal to oalled i Come, now, think. I am aura yoa know what it ta. What doe your father call your mother wben ho cornea home at night Y , "He call faer Betty 'causa It plagued her.1 Chicago Herald. Duet Wisavory at Cement Ml lie. Recovery of duet from the waste atta gases of a cement ma mi facta ring plant la California to aceomnltobed by n aya rem of gravity eeparetlon and wean ing, aey tb Bn0neertng Becord. Tbe doot enlleetlng yatem to the ooteomo of a lawsuit brought against the en moot company by orange growera, waa contended that their fruit ea being smiled by (he dust from the plant. The total amount of dust recovered par day to eovonu dv Ifta. m mi Mew a Snake theda lie Skm. The human akin to alied bo nob ndnate pieces I hat it ordinarily come away unnoticed. Bnt the akia of a anake comas away whole two ar three limaa a year and ta drawn off inside out from the head backward aa the creel ore ereepe through aoine bush, to which it ia left attached. Before it ia abed tha skin knee it color, and I ha tyas become dim, because their outer kin ia east witb the rest Tbe enake ernargee vary brightly colored from Ita old akia, and ita marking art thea moat dietiact. Paaalinr Mualeel tneiruntean. - A necaltar mnaical inttrumeat b owed by tha Moroa. It consists of a boon of bamboo, apoa which art hang by string a number af this nieces of mothor-wpea truck witb a email reed these give forth eweet, tinkling annad, a soanbinatkw of wbieh nwiada to de veloped lata a waird, moootoaoaa faatasT, very pteaaaal ia lba lor a ebon time. Jeaa Mcflraw aaya N eaat tha Maw Verb National mOOO la eatortos to ant ah tha Olaato to' eee and the KUt la hta booh, "rorty-one Team la In. du." Lord Hoberu telle the following amusing story: "A carina tnctdeot nappened at tbe Alamuagh. 1 was employed Inside tbe toclosure wben all at once I beard a noise and commotion some little dis tance off. (letting on lo- tbe roof. I looked over tbe plain and saw our troop dying In every direction. There was no Bring, no enemy In algbt but evidently eoaaethlng was wrong; 'ao I mounted my borne and rode to too aeene of confusion, where I found that tbe Ignominious flight of oar troop waa caused by Infuriated been, which bad been disturbed by -an officer of the Ninth lancers thoughtlessly tbrueting a lance Into their neat' There were DO serlone censequencea, but tbe blgb- landers were beard to remark on tbe nnouitablHty of tbelr dress for an en counter with an enemy of that deacrip- tion." A Tinner Inspired Wagner. A tinker has mta oils bed blmaelf op posite oar bonoe and stunned my ears all day long with bla lnceesaut ham mering. In my disgust at never being able to find a detached house protect ed from every kind of noiee 1 was n tbe point ot deciding to give op com posing altogether until tbg time whei. this Indispensable condition should be fulfl lied. But It was precisely -ray rage over the tinker that la a moment of agitation, gave me thw. theme for 81egfrted'a furious outburst a stain at tt buna-Una Mime. 1 played over tbvJ childishly quarrelsome I'olter theme In Q minor to py staler, furiously slngtnr the words at tbe same lime, which mad aa all laugh ao much tlutt 1 de elded to make one more effort. Tht resulted In my writing down a gwd part of tbe flrat scene by tbe time Liexl arrived. Oct 18 (Ian-Richard Wag nor la Bla Autobiography. : .-t Ten Million Dollar For Rondel John M. Carlisle, bead of New Torn highway department opens bla annual report which wa recently presented to tbe New York legislature, witb a de mand that tbe legislature aball appro priate at once for good road purpoaea 110.000.000 of tbe second bond bjsoe of 160,000000. approved by the voters In 19 IS. An approprlstion of $1,000,000, of which 1250.000 should be made avail able tble year for the elimination, of grade crossings on tb improved high ways, to urged In the report Commis sioner Carlisle assert that a new mark m blgbway-cooitruction m New ork state was made Inst year wben contract war tot for tbe construc tion of 1.187 miles. Involving aa ex penditure of tl8.047.417. Tim report snow that there are now completed or under contrast Mill mllea of .blub way and there remain to be 'ron tracted 8.671 miles of etato and Vnn ty roads Included In the system aufW land by the good roiida act ajeado and Nearby Preaerty. The foot tout a good road and a fond which to known to bv good adds t tb value or tbotnrtaK-rtrt itvoperty to qgk-k-ly reiiluwd. Thai ta abown narticiilarly well at the real estate advertlaemeota rntbtbibed in town nod Httee along the Lincoln highway. Whenever a piece of property located on tbe road to for.ssle tbe ad. Invariably atate Ita location a one of Ita mala "talking polnbC (Thl I partkulariy true la tlte went y . - SHRINKAGE OF CATTLt ; Animate Lee to S Per Cent la oUng - - - After weighing lw000 cattle la; toh ahlpmanto, govemment expert have concluded that tbe normal anrlnfcng af cattle hi shipment to from S to S per cant There are no oxoopttoae to thai rale, and no one can nay before hand lent how much cattle will shrink to going to tbe market It depend aa tbe treatment af the cattle tb length af time they are bald without food or water, the aatere of tbelr feed before loading, the character ot the trip to market the distance abjpnefl and tbe time of arrival. A v-. Tbe enriakaaa af tha trat twaatr four boo re to greater than for any ems aoqnaat twenty -four bourn. Steer gaav orally abrlnh a IKUe torn than cown af tha earn weight Fed cattle end mage cattle shrink a boot equally. Then to no way to prevent aarlnknga. ant enra fW band line and good feeding wlU keep wltbla reaeonable bounds. One of tbe chief eausea of heavy shrinkag to a too eeeera drive t the landing pea, eapectslly during tha not . Hew to Fight a Bult To tght a croaa boil ga for ato ayaa I saw an pat to Sight to a eery abort time whan n man nearly eighty enia eM waa nearly overcome by a two-year-eld Jersey bull jaya a wrltor to tb Perm and Flrentde. A man sweep tog In n barn near by saw the eltuatioa and came witb hta broom. Tb ant moa moved eat af ato way, and be Jabbed tb broom ta tb he at tb baH twa or three Omen. Tb ftM was thea aver. Tha bull raa away My efuatna ta that anything to latere nto aaynt weald bare bad 1 effect- ennd, dent r aaytbtng . ftntii.rl mi ' Tpawa aeal ttaafeV ana'4aafeT)fc - -t knew yeer at ? I renMaansr yew aea I eent totew year aeene. . , la m Aamas or Uam ; Or Maeel er Oreeet (- ' ' - ' 1 ni I Nsaember yeer toe. . t Oeteeh Pew renn, The culvert amde of cement to a aftaa atea aew tana la past yr The gnad rand with gond dralnag and goad eaiverto hi a toy la erery 11 aia. S -t- At the Deer. - I'thbQht myealf mdead aeevre. So foat th door, eo firm the lock) -But, lo. he toodiin comes to lure My parent ear vHJt tunoreua knoek. Ify heart were atone could I withstand The weetneae of my baby-a plea. That tlrooraua. baby h cock in and. "Pleaae let me In; K'a only me," I thnw aside the nhnlaheo-beoh Rtcardlcsa of ita tempting charms. And opanins wld the door, I took sty laugh In darlln u my arm, ' Who knows but la etarnlty j 1, like the truant child, Shalt watt. The lorle of a life to be. Beyond the Heavenly ranter's gate? And will that- mavonly Pathar Tha truant'a auppllcaUns ery . Aa at the outar door I plead, "Tim L O Fattier, only It Euaene PleM. a' Shining Mark. A lady grievoualy tormented with a corn on ber too waa advised by one of faer friends to anoint It with phos phorus, which in a weak moment aba did. but forgot to tell her husband be fore retiring at olgbt. It bad jost turn ed 12 wbeu the husband awoke and was startled to see something spar kling at tbe foot of the bed. Be bad never beard of a firefly ln; tbe locality, uor did be over remember seeing each a terrible looking object as tbe toe presented. Beaching carefully out-of bed till be found una of bla slipper, be raised It high In the air and brought it down witb great force upon the mya terioUM light A abriek aud an avalanche of bed clothe, aud all was over. When at last he retailed blmaelf from the bed olotbes be discovered his, wife grip plug ber toe and groaning hi a cor per of tbe bedroom, but abe had go rid of that phosphorated corn. Londot Graphic , - .Naming Horse. - ; ConnneDtlug on the cnrlou names often given to racehorse, a. writer in a London dally recalled tbe blitoric case of Potoooooouo. The Earl of Eg remoot" bad a borne be Intended to call Potato, aud In gulug around Ibe eta ble one evening be gave the amble b) hr charge of tbe horse a piece of chalk and told blm to write the name on the corn bin. The boy wrote Pot and then, evidently In some doubt a to the cor rect spelling, finished tbe word by re peating the letter- 1o" eight time. This ao aniuwd Lord Kgrvmont and bis friends that the horse was ao uuined forthwith. The One That Counted, Bar boy bad Just enlisted end abe aa eorely dlxtreeeed, said tbe woman wbo new. Her. friends ware trying re ease her mind with futile com pariaoue and hopeful assurance. "It won't last king and won't .be vary bad." they told bar. "It just can't be And what's -four killed.' or even 0 dozen or a srore, to tb gory warn of rimes gone byl ma acore or even half dosen'a quite aomot" she aliened and brushed away a tear. "Yon uik to me aa a Koaslan crowd one miked to a mother." she continued vlutlkfJvely. "It was during a Crimean war skirmish, and the; were gathered round tb newspaper bulletin to get tb latent account ot the engagement -periwtnt woman waa loudly bewatllim tha feerfu slaughter. That's neither a ntongbtei nor to It especially fearful.' explalnM) a pompous bystander. 'Why, there- hardly any one killed at all! Only m. Cossack!' tt was Wl l aa walled th woman. ,ck waa my Coaaackr "New Ion Son. , Sleep, The actoncc and poetry af aleep art Science has tbto to tb Londoa Otobw Sleep beglna la tta Srat phase by a tat of dietracttoB. Imroedl ately afterward, la a second phase these eta tea of dtotractJoa pan tote a very delicate awtor disturbance, doe to tb absence of parallelism la tbe aaea af tb eyea ar by th deviation of thou? conjugate mor And poetry tbtat mee bath tta an wort. A Boundary between th thtnas aakmsmed Death and eatotenoa Bleep bath Us ewe world. And reama to uMh Bovweament have brvath And taamjwd tertwre and the toaeh el -ley. i And aaakeapeare'a "Sleep that knits op tha ravell'd sleeve af cere." And a boat of ether that yoa caa gat 11 si poo af to the anthologies. Aa between science end poetry, which five yoa tbe truer Idea of atoept Kaaaaa City Star. atorw Woneacfwl Memory. Laonhard Bute, who waa bora to 1701 ami died la I TBS at 8L bars, where ha spent hto Ufa aa a teacher af great power and sa a pro USe writer, waa aa instance af the guanine mathematician endowd with alBMBt onperhumaa powera. He toft mora than 300 manimcrlpt trestle oa am favorite subject, aad the balk of the vvorka pubUsaed by hto academy beta ma 1TS and 1TSB warn from hto pan. la hto eM aga ha waa totally bond. Tttaa a carried to Ma memory a to too af the drat eU power f tb Wtoe af aa tarsi somber to WO." U to related that ea owe accamoa two af anuea atadaata aalcalato a to tha by a unit to the ftooata Boter. area deefcted to make th calca tooaa. Ba end thto unity, aad ato than Ayencal etptolna whg week to mora eawataag to ber. ffsthBga onto Do yon want to trade your land for other property 7 We know of a number of good lot" and parcels of city property that is upor a trade deal for Morrow County land. ' Come In and tell us what you have and we will put you in touch with these people. ' F. a Wallace Sears, Box 162 lone. Ore. . InglancT Great Aauerbim. Tbe a quartan at Brighton, Kngland. to one of tbe largest and moat beauti ful aquaria In Europe. It to operated with annexes. Ilk n theater and ran taw-ant bat tbe place to admirably maintained and daring tbe eammnr to one of tbe attraction of the BngUafa watorUuj place. Billiard. Mad Pocket Billimrdt. Cigar t5e Pastime Harlan MeCardy, Prop. Main StnH - . For County Clerk . .... To the Kepublican voters of Morrow Couuty: I hereby announce that I will be a cojididate for the Officeof .County Clerk at the Primaries to be held May 19; 1916. " ' ' ' . . Respectfully ' J. A. Waters. - Premant Incumbent BERT HERE IS SAVE MONEY TOR CASH Men's underwear $3.00 values now $1.75 MeiU Wool Shirts $2.25 to $3.00 values $1.75 Mens heavy Sweaters $2.50-$4.00 values $1.50 Ladies underwear $1.00 values now .40 Childrens underwear 50 to 75c values .25 Heating stoves $12 $ 2 5 values 25 per cent off Mens shoes all $5.00 values now for $3.95 Ladies shoes $4.00 to $5.00 values $3.40 Childrens shoes $1.50 to $2.50, 2$ per cent off rN these Prices For 1 0 BERT Tum-a-Lump1 - All is not "Tum-a-Lump" We k now from personal fxpcrlrncr, tbe sort of wood tbevt are wanted to hareltor burnlng-and that ha been our standard In artectltloc tba orf, weacrnrrd for oar castoenor; not a bad idea when yoa think U ovrr. " in the) Srat place, wa believe la DRY WOOD Tom-A-Lomp." And wood doesn't dry over night, ao we arcaied sufficient uf a etock; to enable ua to keep lb oat kaad for naootha In advance of the demand and tot it thoroughly dry. ' Next wa wanted CHEAP Woo6-"Tum-A Lump." So we eeenred tbe part Of tbe toe; that were not capable of being put to bettor advantage tbioogh catting; Into marketable lumber. Tbto mrant aalng- tha aldea of i be lamuer, or "slaba." Bat to cuttlnaT up. the log from of ntoe edgings and trimming made, which added to tha nbipa given yon both large nod small wood. . , Tbe heavy pkeea. atk-k and alap, are Arm and neavy and will retain era aptondMly. and give forth rrry bit of bent which tbe aana of many eammarn have stored an hi them. t . Tha lighter pbwB and tbe odda and enda of mlA wood will be found (BpectoJIy Sne tor tlndlmg nnl abort, qukk hot Sree, In a vrard the beet thrng; w Can any for owr "Tom-A-Lamp" to that t hi uat th eort wa want ooreHvea and w are pretty hard to ptoaaa. And the harder yoa Br to pWwar. the better thto wood wU pkaaa yon. Tum-a-Lum Usnber Co Sm Cronk or R. P. Weifrnt. about it at their . . otEena at looa and lrinrton, Oron. If the appointment of Louis D. Branders to the supreme bench ruffles the feelings of Wall St. enough to make them fight his confirmation at the hands of Con gress, ' that should be proof enough that he ta the right man in the right place, . What Wall St. fears is a man who' will give them justice. What the workinst man fears is the same old scheme of things that leaves bim high and dry. We wilt bet all we have on President Wilson who must have had excellent reasons for his selection. . Snow, snow, snow and Tobaccoa. Fraita mad Candy loot, Oregon M AS O N A CHANCE TO Will Be Good O DAYS MASON te that splinters. wbkb th Ub come, tbern ara ( C