Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1916)
1 oo CO jun hu- w. - t : O . 1 b b " 1 CURIOSITY " DOES LOTS OF THINGS Some people do not believe I can quote prices on large orders or small, but. use your curiosity and see. The Egg City Cash Store Joe Mason, Prop. , . r lone, Oregon Youvc GOT To Earn MORE It kn't a question alone of whether you want a better salary it's a hard oonditiofi of Lifts that you mast face, to protect your wlf and those dependent upon you. You can't stand still if you don't want to go backward, you moat go forward that is, yoM got fe tarn store. ' Earning more means holding sr position independence, happiness, and a chanee to provide for the future. 'Thousands upon thousands who once held low, poorly paid positions now earn hirh Urie result of letting the- Imtbknatiomai, Cobbbspond bmcb Schools show them now to accomplish the change. During last rear about 4.000 student, vol untarily reported increases in salary iwnmT-ig to II ; Odd Bits of News Daasel, Minn. NeU Benson, 77 and Johanna Dahlberg, 81. wen married recently. Mrs. Benson it the eldest bride Min nesota has ever had. k . - Chicago, The mysterious "pepper bandit," who has been holding up pedestrians for many weeks, was arrested recently. He was an anemic boy, 18 years old, named Fred Logue. He con fessed 19 holdups, all accomplish ed with a toy glass pistol - South Beth le ham. Pa. Joseph Danzke arrived at this place re cently with a 10 months old child strapped on his back on his way to New York. He had walked with the baby on his back, from Canada, a distance of 260 miles. keeping the child alive on crack ers and water. Will You Be Missed? - Persia, . ' Iowa, For " eleven hours Mrs. August Sedden lay in a trance and saw her friends and relatives preparing for her bu rial, when the undertaker was about to place her in the coffin, she succeed in sighing and thus prevented her burial alive. She is expected to recover. Hood Riyer, Ore. A sturgeon which has been a captive in a small pool tot over 90 years, has been released by Mrs. Sue M. Armstrong who owned ,hlni. The fish had grown from a small dows, where sweet toned Some of these days you,' who are reading this editorial, are go ing to die and pass on to your re wardwhatever - that" reward maybe. But will you leave a void behind? . - - V -.' Will you be missed? - The Creator has ordained that man must carve out 'bis own ca reer in this world, and when he journeys to the great unknown he leaves behind Jiim a record founded upon his own acts. . You may leave behind you a wife, or children, or other de pendents. As you deal by them in life, so will their grief be" gauged and tempered at your death. Will they ipjas you? In this town you-have friends, and business associates, and per haps many acquaintances. They know you as you are, as you have been these- many years. They- have judged you living, and they will judge you dead. , Will you be missed? In the banks, and in the stores and the offices and out upon the .farms are people who - have- known you in the past and who know you today, As you have been, so are you known to them now. Will they miss you? ' In the house of darkened win- music H. H. Corey, tea candidate for the Rebublteao nornl nation for the Public Service Commissioner for Eastern Oregon, he is the present secretary of the Commission, and formerly acting; Secretary of State. Mr. Corny Is endorsed by tbe press aa tolloww ----- . "Mr. Corey la conceded to bs one of the mots efn elent and competent officials la the State's service at ' this ttnia," Portland Journal. - - - "Mr. Corey is capable man, comes from Baker, I and no doubt will get strong-support from the He-pub v llcan party In Eastern Oregon." Union Scout. - "He baa ha 1 four yearn actual experience In assist ing: tbe Commission In solving the problems of nubile utility regulation which should fully qualify him tor - the office. "Baker Morning; Democrat. over two million dollars! Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily report to us advancement in position and earnings. Why not make Box M, ScraMoa. Pa, one to over six feet in length, soothes the tired brain and the Dazed at first by his freedom he minister tells of the ways of a quickly recovered himself and better life, are many people who dissappearad in the deep channel know you for your acts and your of the Columbia river. deeds, for that which you have YOU start this month t--j " HOW TO DO IT Simply mark on the coupon fimm upuim, Bt.i-tfae m the position you wish to secure, pin. bet... bicn'i mXkia TO . "icu wax oui ana mau ins coupon to the International Correspond- ence Schools. This puts you under no obligation wheiesebtrt--- snows "Our "experts to adapt a Course to your individual needs and circumstances. - Yom'vo got to earn wars aroaey. row. C. 8. bete yea. Will yew tmkm tire start today? loinoMla Ru Fonltry Fuvlag Bookkveper SfcBopropher AJv.rtiloB Htm ItwCuiTfrWu Chalet I pttfc Lns i EUrtrtral WhMw Hichulal Dnftusaa MB.nlcl Eaajnear Taltphon. Eiprt Stadourj EndaHT " Ti HI. kfanu ft llillsn Arcbtuct Concf.M FI u m Mb (. Iimb FM-S .H; A. Meek,, Route Mgr. 202 McKay Bldg. . . Portland, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS , ' ' IN.G MISCELANEOUS Choice jmt or pbomb trims t to and 8 to 8 feet, 1 year old, full line of . nursery stock at reduced prices Catalogue and price list on re quest. Wirt Nursery, Route 1. Portland. Or. 37-M Duboc BaaoatHs Weaned pigs, re gistered $7.60 boar and two bow pigs, SI bred gilts, I to S20. . Defender. Crfmatm Wonder Strains. Sbadeland Farma, Amity, Or. jFob bale My sevea year old per- cheoa mare Henrttta, Mtate Fair champion and dam of Svs State ' prise wtBsers. Also my six year old blacl stallion, "Dandy," State Fair prise wloaer and aire of prise winners. Fred W. Sptoes, 1 mlk-e went of Lebanon, Ore. 30- Uabkt we nave krnt number wealthy members. This dub one of the oldest and most sticeeaaful; ; strictly conndentlal, partkulant free. The Reliable Club, Mm Wro bVe. Box M. Oakland, CaL MSB i - " SBBtoaTBDraBBi fob sals Ob Ra mi Roets and Telephone Hne. Fee- - tile river bottom land. Center of sraa-arbeet growtna; district, Knrt. ory aasnred. Win sabdlvKie Oeo. A. Bardea. OraoU Pass. Ore. !) Fob smuS EMtaollsbed seed and fm- plemeat Store ta Eugene. Oregon. " About tbre thousand dollars ' will take bow. Oood ivaaoa for asatlsg- A dill ess owaec Box 303 Kwmm. Cswoao. , &Jb Convsrsstiea and Tslk. In the fall of iuue a wandering Briv tsb pbllosopber wno nailed from the University of Cambridge was a gtiest at vartoos Aeawleaa eollegaa, and afl r be bad gone back to bis own place be published u a Cambridge review Us opinion tbat "la America there la, broadly speaking, no culture. There Is Instruction; there Is research; there Is technical and prof loos I training; there Is spectallsatlee la science and la Industry; there la every possible ap plies Uoa of life ta purposes and ends, bat there to bo Ufa for Us own sake.'' And be declared that "yon will and, If you travel long In America, that yon are Buffering from a kind of trophy. Ton will not at erst realise what It means, but suddenly It will Bash upon yon that ros are suffering from lack of conversation. Toa do not converse; you cannot; yos eaa only talk."- Concerning Conversation,'' by Braa dar Matthews la Scrlbner'a Wander of she World. --b sevea .wonders ff anctss Oman were the pr.imWs - boase known as tbe Pharos of Bgypt. the hanging gardens of Babylon, the temple of Diana at sHsbub, the atatiie ef JtipMar by Pb& the sbbb soleom of Artenilare end the Cotoaans of Rhodes. Seven -readers of the saod en worM hare been given as the wtre laas telerraph. the fJneoae. the aero plana, radium, saUaspttca, spsetrasi aaelrsw ad S reva. Riekardsville, la, A dog loffinff to L. M. Datisman. who rents the home formerly occupied by James Maxwell near here was seen digging recently when something glittering appeared irr the dirt Datisman investigated and found a box containing $1, 000 in gold coins. It is presum ed that Maxwell, who was said to be miserly, used to bury his money. Maxwell was killed in a railroad wreck.' . 'performed or have-left undone. be-1 ; ,... . vv ill wey uiiBB )iuu j Start factory soaking eaadlea, ebew u fng- gnuie, crackerlac. ovmaigeade, eMer etc. Bella last. Nearly all .profit. SIS coarse, tie efrealar Boa Ms Lroaaoa. Ore. Classified advertising in tbe lone Journal always brings results. If you have something that the people want advertise it and " you will get rsswlta, - ' RASMUS THIOLOOV. - Tbe generality ef BunUad place retlsioa la csreaaetues er creeda; s carta ha appaUitnwat ef psalBM or ta bodily esctrieea If yos examine Ibeat aboat apfrtt sal siatters yea wUI Bad tbeai erely caraaL My werk haa basa t tsatsre B ssnied ntaretare aad recall the dlvtoea from tsetr hair apttw One tarw3aol ST tas Raw I I it sot estfeet Sakarelly s tke aisugaHW sXitlrlass, kajt tbere to macb la bsnhart aea tnss wWeb I ekanka. Ha tarsa avetrthlng wkseh ho I can aotbtag aaly ta saver warn Carta. SL Louis, Mo. "Hands up!" The command came from one of two robbers who entered a saloon recently. The crowd ati the bar raised their hands, all except one-armed Michael Mc Carthy. Then a pistol spoke snd McCarty dropped .dead. When the robbers saw McCarthy's em pty sleeve they fled panic strick en. -' They wbe know not bow ta set agreeably, thongb they have toe reed many ttalaa, are attl Igaoreat-Csral A WenSer Ceuntry. Ttiree Itttle ehlldpsa rmnlns awaf. Hush, eon't tan. oon't Jail I Hand ko hand to a kavelr Isas, - Osr where the talrtes dweU, Oh. what fna. far the aa4 to tovas, Bhadd wtth eandf traea. Thara roe eaa play the ttveteas ear, Tbere swa eaa Be aa roe piss sal Come to the early wnretoB than, Come tn the duakr eva Come wtth the thrms and herry Ta the tend Make FktUeve Love year aetsbbora lot ss yea f do year own, bet be sore to leve 4 AXIOMS FOR TH ' BEAUTIFUL. CITY Dent plant tsatstd cans and robbtah ea Boosed toad. Thaw fro Its are withered civic pride. Don't allow yourself er yew t etty ts create onmps for wasta It eaa be sasde to pay far Its T ewa deatracOoa at a proSt. OeoH sllow tamblat buildings ta stsnd ea vaiueMe 4 land. Tber are BBaartanr waste fai Tbey create SJth. mvtta vtte aad ares msasee ta Ufa. A fence that has esaess t be s feaea aad has kseosas aa asTeaas sboald be repaired or daBtfsjsa. Dares-elated advartMag ea aav assd laod aara far the asaca ef a pabtto aatoaaca. Two gardsas easy eeaw Sebeal saitdesa are vafaaaaj sdjaaels ta cdacstleB sad racre atlea. They eaa as eanivatad Let the ehndrea stay ea the toad aa that easy ssay aarasv nasi kaaa eat ef the aaaon ef the tow. Let aot ea tech ef toad be kept to hlli a ess It baa a ervtae right - In our homes are many little children who know you, -who have passed you on the streets, who perchance, may. have been frreeted with a kindly smile or with a frown. They will re member you, ' , ' tput will they miss youT Even your faithful animals, or nets know you as you are and as you have been to them. I Will they miss you? There Is no place you may go, no point of the compass to which you may turn, but what people have known you, and by all of these you will be judged when you have passed away. . As you shape your career tn life, so do you write the record by which you will be known after death. Your family, your associates, your acquaintances, even your dumb brutes will remember you after you have passed on. But will you be missed t Hardweriung Animals. There are varieties of wasps which are saper makers; spiders are tfratosa spinners, and evea worms are weavers Ants werk nearly all tbe ttss aad bare a well looked after syatesj ef la bor, which they follow csassiy. Caftan species ef asts feaad ta Bast India are farnters la a small way. They raise mushrooms for the purpose of feediiig their yoaac Baea are among the awst expert builders ef all time. Thew Mvas sre so eosaraetsd ss ts toss ss little space as possible. The aat Hobs are rcvoeiiuMe areu teets. Their fennel sbsped traps are exactly earrect la con forms ttoa and eeeM set be esrpasssd If made by the meet eklllfnl architect sad wits the aM of complicated laatroiaeata. Tbe beaver to comMoattoa architect eagueer sod woodcutter. Be builds booses and dams bis water coarse with s deveraess that weald he creditable te aa iataJIUntirt smb. VEGETABLE HASH. Bach vegetable at set be eat ap see arately. thee all be mliet .. Wbea the hesa Is attxed bake R hi s taraa paa, la saasU ao4ds sr la the frytaaj nas ever efcvw heat. Me kaaa. Tbe vegetaWea eaa be aaed sloe or cawJbrasd with seeec. The aaah meat bC weft ssSaoaad wtth salt sad pepper, and If Hked there auy be aAdad a Httto atlaced entooa, cblvea. saraley. ciervfl er greea aspper, Snelf sataea. Tbe kaab meat he biiIiUsp e BUle wttb meat hrota. muk er wstsr The tisalMiaa saaisrtal se a esed haah are that the vgtaMas sfeaS be cat fairly Sue. bat net Be See tbat tar ptseaa sRaH toes tbear shape or a togitkn that to. tbe aarta-les skssll saskea ea a btb ' Just Received A new line of Tess and Ted Fine School Shoes, also a complete stock of Men's and Ladies Shoes. We carry the celebrated line of Roberts Johnson and Rand Shoes for all wearers. New gcods just received JSi all lines. Come and get our prices on first class Inerehandise. F. S. BENDER & Co. Main St. 1 6ne, Ore. . - , Uye IONE HOTEL M. B. Haines, Prop. West Main Street All k lode of light and heavy bnnllu done at very rvaaoaaato ' v Independent Dray Line Griffith oV Linn, Proprietors loan. BETTER YET Ton bear It said of some mea that their word Is as good aa their bond, and Its a floe thing to say of any sano. v v Bat did you sver stop to think that no matter how good your word may be, there to suroethlng better? If yoo We a bill at tbe s ore and pay It Id caab and tbe merchants tries to collect tbe amount again, your word mlgbt be good tbat yon bad paid it. But suppose yon had aa aceooat at tbe bank and paid by obeek. The cancelled cheek would speak louder than your own word, do matter how good yonv repu tation. No getting aronod that. It pays to pay by ebeek. DANK. OF IONE CITY MEAT MARKET . x, eaas-aaaai a, :f ., AH Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats y Fat Stock Wanted at all times ' STHeTfolgate Main St. .Ion, Oregon THE STAR THEATRE . . Sprnrkt, Prop. Bit Clam Unrimg rtsre rW WaUartra eaa, Om IMIIMI laT,'jH Fprw"ar