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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1893)
V,:1 ,f . . " f ' V,.;, V'... . ' ? --.. n:v" : ' ; ' .. 5' VOL VI TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Am rear...... ............. W (H pelt la advanol, U Mperyear.) . Hi nomiu..,............................ i,.,.. 1 00 ttmelnonlM ....................... M Magi OOpllfc..M.HM...M..WMMH...M. 06 Secret Soolatlas. LrHaIWN LODOK, HO. , 1, 0. 0. r.-HeeU twystkirdsy evening at Odd Follow. Hll, U "to- !,,.. WJO.WERBON, Seot'y. ntrnWY'i mnnK MO. 4f . 1 0. O. P. MertiaU. O.O. r Ball tint wd.'UiM Wednes- -g'TmonBUBK, H.a, SJM.MK BAITMARUII, seot'y SWAM) nowm, no, A. . - tastimUy evening, oa or before Un full moon in 1. 1. Bjudkck, W. V, V. M. MlUia, 8M. Boor Inwit. Ko. K, A. 0, 0. W.-Meeu mn ""' " "-riynn, il. w. ' C. A, ZlM, BM. UBfl Hiux Cr, go. M lrr afOnno MfoMUr VBT I. MetJl U1U. J--HSU, wiauion, Dr., very Beluruey evaaJmt. mcept the tMrjr eaunraay oi own nuom, wwim.h . ootdlally A. Cu BUI, Writ Beet. PROFES8IOMAL. BAML. M. OAKLAND, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW LEBANON. vMtBOOl. I eatberford 4"aamtierlaln, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, ALBANY, (HtEGOS. W.R SIITEU, . ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, ALBANY, 0EEG0N. J.S. WTJ.TT, Attorney-at - Law, ALBANY, OREGON. A. P.BTOWE, Attorney-at - Law, TITLES EXAMINED. WUI protlc la 11 the oourti of the MU. onm in cotnmnnr'i Miat. Lkbanok, Ohkoom. St Charles Hote, Oonur Miln nodineraun UU, J. B, TH0MP8OH, Proprietor. Tirst-Class in all Apartments. 8peobl attention naid to Com luerolai man. Board and Lodging, far day, 1 to SS; oar week $4.60 tofo J.R.EWfflfi, :84woeor to R. L, MoOlare. Shaving Par or. Xu Hanaard'a J(er firtt-Claat Artists i MeA muse. Sot and Cold Baths wttk grower at ail timet. Your Patronage Souotran. LEBANON, OREGON FEBRUARY 10, 1893. TO CORRESPONDENTS. mx real name mutt accompany every communication or It will tninly go to the "waste basket." We do not want yosrr name for publlca tlon, but as agoaranteeof good faith. JliDXTOK. Mr. Kether'tamaoM ont to Mr. William, of nrar Blwdd Station. Tbe latter wlH move into ttfetr new Home (ometime in the near futtive. Whitlier Mr. Kether an'l family intend olnn we know not, bnt a (rood true neifh bon and moat estimable paoplr, we do not winh to part with them, and hoie they will locate nw.;it the eanie time we extend ' hearty weteonie to Mr. and Mr. WlOiami. Willie Penplewell ie at preeent aeaieting W. H. Omunlngn in cuttina: a due lot f wood. Mr. Ftamnh i clearing an acre of ground. whkh feeoiitende putting In purapkuufhe coming lauon. Hn. Kary Que it auffering from an at tack of alieumatuim and la carrying one arm la anling In order to get any relict Mr. and Mr. J. 8. Caldwell, with Ihelr daughter Birdie, ent Friday with paieute and Brand parente at Spring Farm. Deputy aiHKMir Williame hae agaia vi- ited tlue place, Rev. Norton, of Chriiti OhurcKia iatba neiirhhnrhoorf again and eonimaroattd two marriagei here this week. T. H. Winkler in grubbing the went arm of hie place. Mr. French il baring a piece of land grubkeond cleared on,the south east partof the place he bought of B. B. Burtensbaw. Mr. Whiting, of Lebanon, is again dreu- lating a petition for a road, which all will do well In sign as it shortens the distance from here to lebnuon about two miles. MraChas. Scott and Mrs. Uee visited at Mountain View Monday. Grandpa Oummingi went to Waterloo Sunday and went to Lebanon Monday. Mrs. Edwardi and daughter ipent Wed nesdaw afternoon at Spring Farm, visiting Grandpa Oumminga. Thursday the smiling face of Doc South was seen here. Wm.0. Brown went to Lebanon Wed nesday. Mrs. Hellie Oatta Is home again after a two months stay with Mn. Bowers of Ham. UtontCkaek. Mr.and Mrs. A. FlUwater and family, who have been visiting tbe formers par- euta,nd otlier relatives returned Jo tbelr home Monday. A nue jersey cow left the Mountain Viow nmclie in a very mysterious manner last summer. Several days thorough search threw so light upon her whereabouts. Tbe morning of tbe 20th Inst the same ow stood! the east gate opening Into tbe read, after an absence of (1 mentbiandl days, seemingly glad to get home again. 1. 8. Caldwell has his carrots all dug and says be will dig no more carrots ia tbe mud, this year at least. We aw snowed in, only venturing out to do ohoses, feed the stock and fowels, get fire wood ata. Mr. Editor, how are you oft for woodf Just come out and we will give you all theetood you want. February was ushered in like a roaring lion, stltUuarUng and growling. It can't go out too soon, like a little lamb either. Mother earth wean her mantle of white very beaamingly and seems intent on a continuation, of the lame, which does not sultueaibit. We arexejoioed to learn that Mrs. Grant Lludley Is improving and we hope to bear filially of iter complete restoration to health. She bas had seven time. Rax. 0. Lovetee, the Hllor bas a large lot of samples to select from, and nan surely suit jrcu. FORTMIUEH I JRVIKG, . DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, WALL PAPER AND PICTURE FRAMES. Undertaking a Specialty. ALBANY. OREGON sa Bad of Two Lives. I i- i tFroni Albany Herld. A trawjdy that resulted in twndntt lie took plaoe Dear Thomas Cnek, about twelve Dllltaeast of thin city Batar day morning at I o'clock. Otto fier- .fling shut and killed lib wife liixtaiit- ly; Lydia SerMiltr, and (hen wmii a bullet crashing through liw own rain. i. Vhey had been married n'lly B -ut a yew and their home was not a iup- pyone. Sometime age Mm. Bel-ding ipecKea net iruni ana went to rort- land. Sirfling fbllowd and Induced 'tier to return with him, pnnumaiily to adjust some malteas iu ngard to JJie property. Friday evening they went to danoe at Krad MOBpolt'a, a Belgbuuf Dear by. They quarrelled and he went home early in tbe even ing. He did not retire, however, but made all arrangements for the killing. He wrote a long letter, which was dated Feb. 4, 1WS, in which he said it bad become necessary tor him to take his own life, and that he hoped his friends would forgive. He gave di rections as to his burial and disposal of hispriperty, i.e also referred to a will be had made and left In the hands of an attorney. Tbe letter was written hi a very furoible mauner and contained numerous vulgar passages, which (preclude its publication. Mrs. Berfiiug came home alHiut 8 a. m., aud immediately repaired to the bed room, where Berfliug was waiting, and what took plaoe there Is better told In the testimony of hie daughter, Clara Serfilug, who wee the only person In Uw house at thtiyie. "The-first-thing be (Berttiug) .done was to lock tbe door, and all I heard hei say to him was 'Aiut you gone to bed yet?' He said it was none f ber damn business. Hlie did nut Kuy anything. Theu he suid, 'Come iu here! I want to speak to yuP (the bedroom was divided by a curtain lulo two rooms.) That is all I beard either of them say. Theu I beard her scream after which I went to uie Iwrn. I heard two o: three shols. They hml both been away during the evening. He came home about 7:30 o'clock Friday night, and site came home about 8 Saturday morning, fjhe is my stepmother. I beard some acufMing. I do not know whether be struck her or not. They had aome trouble on Thursday. I never heard him make any threats agaluKt ber, but have beard him say that he Would kill himself. It was bis third wife. Coroner Farrell went out yesterday morning and found matters substan tially as stated above. He shot ber three times, all taking effect In the bead, causing instant death, and then turned the revolver An himself firing one shot, the bull going through bis brain. A Jury was summoned and the following verdict rendered: Thomas Chkkk, Linn Co., or-. 1 . Fun. i, imt. I We, the undereigued mners j ury, empanneled to inquire Into the death ofOttoBerillng and his Hife, Lydia Serfling, do fiud thfct they came to their death by Otto Berfling shooting his wife and theu hlumell'. J. A. liivuo, J. 8. Mourns, Wm. Bilvku, A. (SOMMI.B, . Wm. K. Mkspklt, J. H. t'KABTKKK. This was Mr. Berfllng's third wife, while she bad beeu married the fifth time. They were both about fifty yeara of age. Hhe was a handsome woman while he vaa a well to do farmer. In the room where the doub le murder was committed was found an ax and shotgun, henlde the revol ver with which the shooting. Until Feb. 16th you cau get the best grade of cabinet photographs at Rlbe llu'i gallery for f2.50 per d No DedaetlMt The senate chamber was yefeked with visitors at i p. m. Monday when the session was resumed. The eaess meut taxtion bill of Law ton, a it paw ed tbe house, was the special order. Willis proposed an amendment to re peal certain sections of the codes; making the law conform throughout with the preeent bill, and providing that tbe aseesewent shall be made as on March 1st of each year. Weather ford moved to table the amendment, which would nave carried the bill to the table with IL The motion was lost and the senate adopted tbe resolu tion. Vanderburg proposed an amend ment, which had for its object the pre vention of double taxation by reason of indebtedness. Lawton's bill, as it pasaed the house and came np In the senate Monday on third reading, al lowed no deductions for indebtedness and repealed the mortgage tax law, In other particulars the bill makes na changes In the present laws on the subject of assesemeut and taxation. The senate refused to adopt the Van- berberg resolution and the measure then came up for final passage. Many senators favored the clause permitting deductions for indebtedness; they also wanted mortgages to be taxed. But in order to accomplish the one they were willing to vote both, fearing that unless this measure was adopted there would be no legislation this session on this all-absorbing tophv On taking tbe vote 18 voted infavor of the bill, 10 against, while two were absent. Ho the bill passed and with Ita amend ment waB hurried to the house. The house promptly concurred In the amendment and very soon Oregon will have a new assessment law one that allows no deduction for indebted' n ess and that does not; tax mortgages. The governor will not interfere, aa be favors the first clause and to see en forced is willing to waive bis prefer. euoe relating to tbe assessment of mortgrgea. Statesman. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on tbe 7th day of February, 1893he County Court oi Linn County, Oregon, duly licensed and empowered me as the Ad ninistrator of the estate of Peter Welt, deceased, to sell the following real property belonging to said estate: Beginning 68 chains and 86 links North of the south-east oorner ofG. W. Klum's donation land clalea No. SB, noti&catio No. 2622, Township U, South Bangs one West of the Willamette Meridean; I hence West 11 chains ; tbence North 90 chains and 18 links; thence East 11 chains; thence South M chains and 18 links to the plaoe of beginning, containing 37.60 acres; tbe above described land being and lying in Linn County, Oregon. I will in pursuance of said license and power sell said land on the 11th day of March, 1893, at the court house door in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at the hour of 1 p. m. of said day to the highest and best bidder therfor at publio auction for cash in hand. The title of said decedent, Peter Welt, being a feesimpls in said land. A.J, Wail, Administrator of said estate. W. R. Bttvao, Attorney for Administrator. In and around Portland great inter. est Is being taken over the abduction from her husband, La Wing, of a Chinese woman who is his wife. The abduction was brought about by Ah Lute, another Chinaman, and a U. 8, Marshal named West, from Seattle under a pretended warrant, and the supposition Is that another Chinaman intended to run ber off. She was brought back by a writ of habeas cor pus, and Ah Luie and Marshal West will have to stand trial for abduction. So much interest was taken in the oase that the members of tbe Evening Star Grange petitioned the governor to in- 1 terfere and see that justice was done to the poor Chinaman and wife. NO. 51 Coundll Proceeding. Council met Jaat Tuesday In resulan meeting tbe Mayor and all the Coun- cilrnen were present Minutes of previous meeting rend and approved. Mr. A. B. Nlckerson was nremnt nrl read a report from a oommlttMi from the fire department which was referred i tbe committee ou health and polios. Mr, J.J. Dubruille of the Electric Light and Water Co. was present and stated that they would like to know wnat tbe city would do about taklnr water hydrants as they were ready to erder pips If satisfactory arrangements could be made. The oouncll decided to meet next Tuesday night with the company in joint meeting. The Mayor then presented aoertlfled copy of the amendment to the city cnarter in regard to extending the Incorporation which was read and placed on file. The bills of the Lebanon Kelectrla Light Co. for 160. B. E. Mankev for 827,60, and Smith A Weetfall for $1,50 were allowed and an order drawn on tbe treasurer for tbe same. Council then adjourned to meet next Tuesday night. In Oregon people in politics aud out of politics scheme to see how mncb free advertising they can get out of tbe newspapers. It ia different in San LFrandsB. i Aftes. tbex reasot-lefltiosr- the board of election commissioners audited and allowed the following bills for printing the nomlnatlona, Or egon papers print for nothing: Exam iner, (18,200; Cronlclt, (18,200; Call, !3,194r Post, $11,860; Report, $11,000. Senator Meyers has Introduced s bill, probably suggested by a case re cently occurring In this county, which explains Itself. Section 1. Whenever sny Individual, while lawfully travel ing upon any publio highway of this state, the same being legal county road, shall, without contributory neg ligence on his part, and not having been warned of the defect or danger by notice or otherwise, sustain any loss, damage or Injury In oonsequenoe of the defective and dangerous charac ter of such road or bridge, either to his property or person, be shall be en titled to recover compensatory damage therefor off the noun ty In which such loss, damage or Injury occurred, by an action In the Circuit Court of such sounty, or In a justice court therein if the amount of damages sued tat be less than $1,000. A Bargaia. ' TIT n VatMun tha mat.llnir M&l estate agent, will sell you a chelae 10 acre tract of land for hops, garden er fruit, adjoining the city on the east, at a special bargain. Call on him at once ana tooa iu, ibiiu over auu ui iud ui. . ...I,,,. ., A llutin- t . BMUJI1. VI 11 UI1BO a 1 1 U UH.11UU IV get yourself a flue tract of land at a nargaiu. A ratal Blow. Several days ago, so says a Hlllis boro paper, a Chinaman who lived at Beaverton, met a audden and tragic death through bis own thoughtlessness The Chinaman was the owner of a team, and, having occasion to enter the stable where be has been keeping his horses, be passed very -near the heels of one of the animals without taking tbe precaution to speak first. The boras was frightened by the aud den and Unexpected appearance of the Chinaman, and the animal gave a vicious kick, striking the poor Mon golian In the tuck between the should ers. Tbe blow was so powerful that it killed the Chinaman almost Instantly, Beaverton la along tbe line of lha West Side railroad, 11 miles from Portland, and as the station Is located in Washington county. Coroner Hoi man was not notified of the fatal ac cident, as it wub out of hiejurlsdictlon. 17! "4 : 1 ft':- i