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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1891)
( i 1 Lebanon;-; Express. A JACK ADAMS, OEr. I.. ALEXANDKfr. . jADAMS & ALEXANDER, rvni-SHKRB ASJ rOVKlKTOKS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Qiw y-,nr ....... , K (If .M in aiHaiiet. ?1 ;0 ter yvur.) TPIt ruu:iU; .:,..- 1 Three moiifhgi ,. iuglc opif ., rnoitc a MisnusTKD wife." 1 have hwn thinking a grertt oVuJ Intel v on the Fnrmer! Alliance ques 4lon, aiiU have come to the conclusion thut It may be a goort thins ftr those I who win see It in that light, but I for; one cannot see where there Is any be ti-i eflt-tn it, especially for our fair Bex; yv of Ruurm this Is a free world ami all have a rijht to belong to this w ho wfeh. Of coursw ninn In williit?, evi-n nnxlnuti for women ro be memoers of Ihls Alliance and why? Because, they ttty we need you; we"exiei't Home dny to meet find hiive a big? dinner and u jfood time in gvneral, and without the help of woman, what would our din- tier amount to? That Is nil very true. Vhnt would it amount to? The father and mother of woman Were as white as the father and mother of man; yet we are ehuwetl beneath tiim. If I knew my beeomlni a member of this AUhtnee would save all of mankind, I would nv no, never until I enn come in on an equal with man. They are very willing for u to assist them' in some little pe'ttv organ ization, but when the (ly of bume8 oomes thy will y, you're a woman, you stay at home and attend to house hold duties; we don't want any dinner to-day; we've got no use for woman to-day. But let a negro or Chinaman come along, they will walk up fo him, shake hands with him, and very con fidentially remark, come on down to . the polls; we need you in our huaiucw. I wish every woman saw this in the same light that 1 do; then we could About, hurrah for the women! A Disgusted Wife. ALBjkVtt PROSPERITY. There Is nv doubt that Albany is fai t Ibeceraing the center of trade in Ore gon outside of Portland, and busims jnen arm turning their eyes toward Al jbany as the future trade center for ; Eastern Oregon and the Willamette Valley upon the completion of the O ;i U. R. The leading house In their im is tne nrm ot i.npp isurreit x fOmpany, wbolcftle Agricultural Im plement dealer, who occupy the finest nrner In Allianv. and iMrrv thelarirust )tfA of farm implements, consisting of jnne ouggies ana urckb, roaa ciris, wagons, Monitor drills and seeder:, fOliver chilled and sttel plows, IX-ering Jiarve3ting machinery, and everything " li the Implement line needed by the farmers of this const. This year they are shipping their goods direct from Uhe factories to Albany, and looking -into their warehouse wiii convince the ; .most skeptical that they are in Albany to stay. Mr. F. H. Koscoe is their manager, and liU experience in the business enables him to know just : w hat the fanuis want, and the I: re amount of gotxls seeu leaving their house daily is evidence that the farni ;ing pubHc "appreciates their presence in Albany. VSjL&end for catabue and d rices. - COBER THOUGHTS FOR SOLEMN PEOPLE rffXt HAVE I DONE? NO. 4. Yon have done more good than evil, fiiinre right than wrong. I know it is an astounding and unpalatable sen timent that 1 am about to advance.but pi has the recommendation of being lme, if it is not popular. You may Tisbelieve it, but you cannot disprove at. It is this instead of having done more good than evil, if you are not a penitent, a believer in Christ, a new creature, so far as your moral nature fs concerned, you have done no good, you have done nothing right. Your jxuoral acts and exercises have been all f One kind, and ail evil, all wrong. -When this is said, it is not meant that -your acts have been evil and wrong -an every sonse of those words. It is not disputed that you have done right and good aeeonling to the eu lordinate signification of those word, ibnt in the most important sense of -those words, their Scriptural sense. 44iaL sense of them in which they will e explained by God and understood the day of judgment, "you have ..done onlv evil, and that continually fhia assertion, though clothed with di vine authority, mav giveoffenoe, bnf examine it closely, ' remembering fith whoin you have to do' Right i -s. u. i f j Kins f M 1113 rvguiMi.ion UI IlUlJJitll .conduct, tat .conformity having for fits spring an& principle the love of iiod, for its object Jiis glory. Although . 25'ou maj have Actied in bo mo things agreeably to the revealed rule of God, ':! yet has your motive lecn, his love, yonr aim his glury? It ?s quite poa fciLie dp things wquired by tlio law TtKiAiid -yRt Tender no acceptable obedience to law, done for other reasons t han that God requires, or done .rather irom fear than love. To do right to do what God requires, at the suggestion of love and with a desire -to glorify him. To do good is to do what ;ie-.p1easing to God, but "without faith'itis impossible to please him." There are no truly god works, ac cording to the Scriptures, but those fUnto which we are ''created in Christ Jestis." "I Twiiow that in me, that is, 3n my flesh, dwelleth no good thing." Repentance in the case of the sinner, precedes all acceptable obedience. Take the case into the family for practical elucidation. In the case of - the rebelling subject or child, after the first act of rebellion and dis obedience it is all relellion and dis obedience up to the moment he repents and makes hia submission, go it iaAon their merits. Roberts & 5lil!er. witn all who rebel against uoa. Jon sitler the ingratitude as manifested by you. There never was snch a case of ingratitude before, and I suppose there never could be another like it. God never so loved any other world as to jtive his Bon to die for its inhabitants. Hach goodness does not exist to lead other sinners to repentance. The intervention of tlie Son of God to save rebel men renders lus ease peculiar and will render his condition here after peculiar. He will rise to the (i highest in heaven or sink to the lowest in hell. He is the only sinner that ever received a call to repent and ! jng when warm. This form, us well return. I as blind, bleeding and protruding, j yield at once to Dr. iinsanko's Pile The Oregonian has the largest circa- Remedy, which acts directly on the lath n of any daily, Sunday or weekly parts affected, absorbs tumors, alhts p iper west of the Rocky mountains. : itching and effects a permanent cure. And in order la further increase its S 50c. Druggists or maih treatise free, circulation they have selected with Dr. 3osanko, 329 Arch street, Philadel creat care, a large list f valuable ; phia, Pa. Sold by M. A. Miller. tMKks and other useful articles, and are j " m-rimr them as premiums to each new j All patties knowing themselves in- fuiiscrilier, to any of its several issues forvearly subfjcriptions. The Oregon- j.-iiisnouiri in it every iiouseuoiu. oeuu : r prcruittJii list. i VtiiO'2AN Pt'TIKjllNG C(., j .r. rortlttnd, Oregon. - cascara ri ri.i. -Judsjv" rtmker n mournful plea for the (referviiiion ot the chilem ii-es. The bleached and ghostly HKeli:ton ot tins fn- 'tuma true rniawl his wrnih, and bo iHtu the uf iivptrti to ri iti their mltrht mid 'v,t a stop to t!i tirvfiuitioii of tho'e "iwiuw." . fie flu i iv. a that the U, 8. sov-vrtiHu-nt is !.(;; imMjoi! of it wenlth by th;-Mi "(voelpn," nnd puts ttie land-rnvuerw or, I'nctr gxisu-il tttdnttt tltctn. Kovv the fucts an Jti8t these: The eldteni tree, the bnrk of wlm h is called t'ttsesiva, hs lorn tood in our lorests left to grow, witliwr nl lc e:ty muiswl, unnoticed until, bv the en-ii-tjristMif iie nf mir phvifi:int. It was (t-mle to lu-nr n iroltioii frnlt. ifsmetfit-i nl ft'.:d iH'eUMtiiiy vnHie was made, kuo'.vii to the t.eo.iiR, .who htistcnod to turn into mtich- )e-(!cd Ciih thnt whit-h lieretoi'ore htnl served only to assist the digestive oriratir ot she wily bear. Peeliiiit elntoai bnrk is not a r.iViTbne. and ot-lv those who needed nti- ey tor rue nensiint-t ot nte eonjrnt u rout ny muiinji tutu which ufretomre i at! stood wort Idea in the forests. Lut year f t',00t weve scattered among the poor men, women and ehih.hfn of ti-.i? county by the V-oeling of tin lrk, and every man in thistmuy pmihe.1 thcrt-hy. 8ttpio.o the noor Teo!le did noel a lew ihoissn'ml tri-c on povevnnicist laml, the over-Hnei t Ifoe.rcr thereby would thvgftvemiiseut have ever utilised 'those trees? and arc- not the reopk! who nre ihe irovcrnment, be'e-Utfl t!ie.:fby? These (ieei"rMM do not aoi-yniht and roll the Umd-owuerof hia bsrk, but they pay him tor the oirvilege of neeU it, thus, tivim; him a source o ruAeiiuts that his knew not of. "Jmlac" includes in his censure the ami-e- root dijfsers. The smne rvply mifrht lie mane to ttns onrt oi nw arrteie as lias iteeu tnade to other. These "ditrgern" are mak ing honest money to insnre their families an honest tivinir. by utiliinjr that which was heretofore unkno vn asa thing of value. They pay for the privilege of "tlijrpinj?,' and'get well paid for their "dijriring." Thev are violating ni law, save the oid tnossluuii. law of never trying a new thing. 'J.vijru" ctnipl;ii-:s thnt California get the of all this chitem and grape-riKt. Then these "peelers" and "tiijjr-iV are not uoii ff such bail work alter i;tl, since the lVuits of their 1h'hvs nre puhieet of rivalrv letween two Stiitos. To writer's knowledsre only lour tons ot t 'aacara bark were shipped to t'alifomia loft year, and 100 tons were shinped direct lv Knt. No, "Judge, rather than hlume, we -tumid give endit to the doctors who nre bn.yicg this root and bnrk, and eneourrtKc the "diggers' a:l 'peelers' to on and make ail the :uoi;ey they honest lv enn. Cascaka. rEnsONAUTIES. 3r. Etith was In Albany Saturday. T. l PeeMer went to Portland Tuesday. S. M. Garland went to Oregon City Tues day. J. W. Pierce, of Ijtcnmb, called on us Monday. Comniisioncr Rum!augh was in town Wednesday. Prof. Tortwt spent Sunday with his family in Lebanon. Mrs. M. Follis has about recovertnt from a severe illness. J. K. Kirkimtrick nnd Dr. ftarker went to crownsvilie la?t i-rittay. MisTuplin acotnpa!iied Mrs. BarlKiur as lur&s .tmany Jiontiay. lletiry Pnrriah and family were visiting relatives in Stnyton Intcly. E. E. Montague went Ut Albany laat Pat urtlay, retcr-dngon Monday. P. M. W. Ilin.lman ha t-een afrlieted with a sectmd atftiek of la pripj. Ge.. "Wilkes, who entered the State T'ni- rei-iry thi? spring, was in Lebanon a short time Saturday. Mr. Ball, repirescnttnp the North Western Life insm-ance company, wasdoingbusitieas in our town Monday. Mr. Ilalver?on, formerly suiter; ntende?it of the a many Mining ut., cu licit at ue fc.x oii.e Saturday. W. E. Savaate. of l.acontb, left Monday for a tov.r through Waahiiitrron and Idaho. He will be gone aboui iuontii. Mrs. Cotper, formerly of Brownsville, came to Jwebwnon lat week with her am-in-law, Mr. Klson, who has located hi leia i:oa, 6. P. Bach went to Salem Friday, where his wife has been viaiiin forabort eriiHl. Thev both returned Tuesday, but Mr BhcIi has been kpt indoors by "an attack of la grippe. Rev. Ir. Skip worth, who was stricken down with nervous p.ixftnition a lilile over a year ago, stdl lingers at bis home in thi eiiy in great weakness. He-will be ("2 ycttrw old on the 12th int., should he live to see it. We call the attention of nur citizens, and especially the farming community, to the following, which appeared in the Eugene Guard recently: The vEugene Canning and Packing Co. having resolved to nif ke a beginning this year, Itave asked farmers and others to plant vegetab'tM for their uae, orlering to pay the same prices as are paid else where for them. There seein to he an impress-ion that the producer can nt make much by accepting these prices but such i not the caps. i .tKe lornaoes: un acre oi groura wm plant over 70t plants. Now if each plant gave a box of tomatoes (fS) lbs.) which ii the amount r-ised in California it would nav .MO per a-:-e, put it at or.e-huif a bix, and Eome oi our mai Kei gaiienei-s nere say unit it will weli do that and you have Jfi'Tu per acre. Of cor.; ?e it takes" work, but you are well paid for that wovk. Let a man who is summer fallowing his land plant it with the riht kind of sweet eom (the conva.v will inrnish yoti seed and he will make from K-5 to t40 pi'r acre, much more than he con hi make from wheat j or oat n; me rjeneuc oi a jrxxi sumn-er and he does it at a time he has liuie or notumtr e!r;e to to. Lt him plant peas and he get $25 per ton for xheni pods and all while they are jireen aftd wei.uh heavy and he will make troin $.70 to jjttrt per acre according to his ground and all these things are an addition to 4111 preacnt sources of inconte. et in fanners, come hold and give it a tritd. The HTiM-kholdc-rs have put up $(),000 to start this biiii::ess and the producers and laborers are the ones thnt tvill n-ns-ive li dtths of ad tho ljcrieSts and profits that .'re made. The object is to do a vt ry Inrge busi ne;; and at a vey Sn;all margin of prtnt. Iet the producers cn:e in and Ret seeds a iid unite with the persons who have i:t veied their means in the ilant and estab lish a new productive i:nli:stry herein our county and town ; tiie iistert-st is a common one, thiit helps evcrj'botty and hurts no body. ' : Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's Ki'W Discovery for Consump tion, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Uuck lcn's A; nicai-inlve and Klcctric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hes itate to guarantee them every time, and wefctand ready to refund the pur chase price, it" satisfactory results do lift follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely Druggists. Died. Aletha K. Silcs died in fSeattle, April 24, 1R91, at the age of 21 years, G months and 29 days. She was born in Vancouver, Wash ington, Sept. ?5, ISCO; was united in mar riage to J. II. Silcs, May 10, 18S!). Hushand anu wife moved to Seatt'e Ia?t October, ant "lived there a little over su months. V. i;s bjivoi brought the remains back to Albany, where they were met by sorrowing relatives and friends, and the burial took place tl.e same evening. A Sore Cure for FfJe. Itching Piles are known by moisture : like rwirsi drat ion cuusii;? intense itch- anu-a u me win please citu aim siiic as I um need oi mom,, ae- ciu;ii.-i wiii m t;r. f K90 not paid in next :.0 days i t.l;ced in the hanJs jf a etdlce- ' M. A. MiuJiic, Druggunt. - 1 ITllOAt tHKUKi (H)O (SS) Y.(A11,)I You have no ndUft heeause yon are hid liwvtn K'ill.1 tl. t i.a lla ,..,..4.1 of. lMeause VOU httve no "IimimIIm" in reim" f your bovs don't look for pastures caufe they can't amird to lca papa'a sup port. Webfoot it pood etumt;li for you, and, with eiptuMts, it's the same with u. Vott don't want tha IkjsL becauao nv.iry from home yon miht Imve to earn your grub. You have no ,Ticist)v." berimae. vour news if picked up from the putter and herrped ot your noiphbor. And we have heard of yonr ni'-e, shttdy wnlb eonnectlnp Snduville and Wuterloo, and predict you ndpht make a livinp from it were mud an Industry, judg inp from the AiO.OOO tons of mud th'ree feet deep thai vour '"idee, hhady' walk pos seascd of. Now aa for mv eomtntr over to snend tlic wonted week, yon have my thanks for the invitation, though 1 niust " decline, as am informed that biu-headry in contagion arouml your humble door and will study my ihivoU at home and send your nhnrv by mail. Not much, can't bring "my dictionary over just now, for If yoi should peruke iH silken leaves yon would bust your briLehes ami glue them to a nuMspnoer, '48avevi' or nuher, you Iwdng an Iriahmau, call it "aablw.. No, you don't fill three columns w'th items an a aign of buMums, because you hnven't any bninesa ; but vou soap the'eit itors with your billy syi"ps coni-eruing other people's business, uh, no, Mr. t T., don't sjfiik of the merry war among the eorresjHiiinenis, ami your gerttng una chicken down. Yon haven't the gizzHnl to attempt such aa that, as tho shot in your boots ain't, heavy enough, Babhe, again? As for the "bull 'ring," just wait a day or two till my brother cowboys and we will march in force from Hunehgraas and snap you up by your long, puki.V, oil band nose, and clean tin; mud and tobacco coda from your slimy pool ot adulterated vinegar called soda to catch suckers with. Now, Mr. (Irowler, when yo.i aairt tint to do the brother correspondent! u In the first round, you'll tind that's a game that two can play, and you are pang to find your match, "and don't yon forget it." We i'o i't pro ime to kill your feelings entirely this time; but should your most delicate feelings become wounded, simply Imrrow a few back numbers of the "Kxprms" and: go to your gi-eat, the onlv-'im.--on-rhc-eiiast me licul -lop-pot, ami uhile von read over your imst Waterloo toohshness, gently bathe the mud from your walk and grease from the alVecte! parts, and Dr. Ounu will witi r.iiit the cure. Now. Mr. Boaster, don't yon jut grow too full of wind about your b;g town, ami if this advice isn't heeded, your overalls are bound to ri;-. and the In-nt "plan for yod to follow is just to keep on your shirt or the sun will bake your hide." oh, Mr. Windy, you've Im e i try ng t:t pull down all tlie eor-resptintient- -mily because you have no other b-.i.-ducMS. iou haven't even got en terprise e:io(-gh to buil I sti-eets to hml on in your old age; am! such a case you are. Many 'thanks for your few lines of wtmlv verre. and in return 1 lender vou the fol low ire. which I will not advice vou to in sert in your rooketbook, but kiiullv pin it to the bii-n of your bat, so that it will hang over jour eyes to reminu you oi your l-liy at all time. Tliough I'll be pleasantly bnwsiti in (tatures .ew lieyomi the leaji tittil Cascades when you are blessed with this advice, don't you'lbr one moment tbr pvt that "the binl never flics so far that his tail ttocn't follow him," and this in the case with UlH-as T.(ail) ahoul.l von attempt to . "show e:t " again ; so Kwk sliarj. my tittle nun; my pencil isn't worn out yet. Now kindly read my verses and go off "and soak your bend, Mr. Windy, and perhaps you'll have a better idea of this queer world you loiier in: -'thr uincE or WATESIOO." Oh. Itrk to u, yon fVlrt Cracker, Ytai'ie stifl aiivl dry a" rtiwt: Vtwi poke vtniT hemt into jimr Kpriilff t mil your iuq U titl f ruat. You've sromtM yourflf (Vctti hotter men: We'll ii'irs you heir n:i'l there; Vt can't wure tis, von ho mre, S. fiet in it you Uure. Y':n havefnarled at men from distmiee. Hut you ran never Uk tbein face to face; So u:ichi4 is your 'Sho'.r tBV That you have fell irom Ki-aee. Ytiur iwk ami tnh-town eity fVx-esse mxiliiiu. no pcn'-rtil atore: Your cu:s dine on Krt'a.e mid gntlituu Or ure llred out of doors. Then vou ttitehv't into Aud quacked like a duck. Yf enll It Waterloo, do yen? We call ii the ifiol's pnneii, Bcefttve it ban s wimlv man Thai tella US doubt'iiet. Come over to Lneonib: For you we have n pltr: Then km hack to your tiVousli friends Ami tell theui you've sen a cliy. Bewre of ns my Wend, will you? You'll get it lmri ami nmtrh. Ve il choke the sizziinl out of vou. We'll mate you holler "enough.' -UtaioccAT. Lacomk, Or., April 26 1S91. Dairy Association. The fortning' of a dairy association and the establishment of a dairy fartti has been discussed hy the farmers and hutdueas men of Ijinu crniuty for several weeks past. Tho "plans of the association wyru publish. rl in the Al bany Herald hy Mr. Schmidt, the un- .jcetor of that cnterpriHo. In a eonvcr- nation with that gentleman this week : he told us that the Willamette Valiey t ia admirnhly adapted to dairy inr. '1'he I matter has been canvassed by the Kivamre and at the surest ion of that I ortrHiiizution Mr. Schmidt submitted ! his plans, which are both prat-tietil and j huinestj-like. Several business men of Albany are interested largely in theeti-terpriB-and we believe that the pro ject will umturo. A Fiiitt!lj- Pnlartted. Mr. Ayer and family living in the stibui b of Lebanon were poisoned Tuesday evening after having par taken of buttermilk and canned straw berries for supper. None of the fam ily were able to go for a physician, but thealarm was raised nnd rtM no-tided ioby Dave Uidgeway who hastened uptown for Dr. Booth. The Dr. found the par ents and one child in n pretty bad con dition but hastened to relieve them from danger. Mr. Ayer attributes the poisoning to the butlermiik, which is not probable; the more reasonable view ef the case is that they were poisoned by eating the canned fruit. A Ksnawiiy. On Pnnday morning a run-a-way occurred on Second street. A young man from Benton county by the name of Stone and Muster Claud Crusn hi tolled a pony to a new cart and started out for a shore ride. When op posite Dr. Jj. Foley's residence the pony wheeled suddenly, throwing young Stone out but leaving the lad in the cart to guide the frightened animal as best he could without the aid of reins, which had passed out of his reach. The animal run about a block, spilled the boy out of the cart and stop ped at Mr. Cruson's bam. Neither of the noys was much the worse for their exciting ride. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country titan all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was supiKtsvd to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, snd prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven t atarrh to be a constitutional dis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by P. J. Cheney A- Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar ket. It it! taken internally in do-es from 10 drops to a teaspoon fid. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circu lars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Chknfy A Co., Toledo, O. St-Sold by irurffists, 75c. Used in Millions of Homes RniOOL ETtTBKTAIKMtCNT. Ftdlowinp Is the profrrnm nf entur tnitiment to leglren nt Hand Hall, Wt-dncftdny evenlni, Mkv 13. I)nnrs nin nl 7:.';d 1. si. IVrformnueo begins t 8 o'clock sharp: Openinrsoiip. "Jl.'til, AH lTnil".JTk.h Rehool Kfutmtinn, "How to Do if Hiittie Mliv Concert rscrchu.,,.,. A tirade, Primary lept JriepreMentatioii. "l-'roSt Kincr and Summer (ucen '.i lidermeihate Hep't Sluic : itrchesna Itecitation, "A Kiss in School1 ; , ...l'auline Adams Beritattout "f:lvhtfrn Parly" Dell PhitImIi ltepreseiitution, "Columbia's ltilon Pnr- tv'' llurh heboid Music Orchestra, "An tld Htorv lictold" .....Ktimce KtrKpa trick Geoprapiilcnl charnde, live scenes, audi ence to ftne-ss the State , .Girls of Hifjrh School Ttecitution, "lioiiiRl Ooiug!"..Ediiti Walton Souk Kitty Uoud Kan drill hi costume tih'ls 4f lutermediate and lliyh Hchonl Soujr Mubel Cockrell "Tho Hetisou Vhv I Wouldn't" Eddie tUiv ami Nellie Wallace Tieciti lion, "The Old Sailor's Htory' . . ....Jolmnv Harden Pecitation... J. It. Klrkpatriek Motion so:ir.........A tirade, Primary Oep't 'faldeau, two SciMies, "Utsturlied JdUs".... Intermediate tlnute Mnie Orchestra Clo-sinu sonir, "Adieu! Adieu!" .V. Hfch Schotd To THE PKOPI.E OF 1.EBANOX: This entertainment will be civen in behalf of l.chunmi public schtxil. The proceeds will go to paying for organ and also to increase the school library. The money will be Invested for the good of the hoys and girls of our citv. 'IJhfe entertainment will doubtless be worth more than the small Admittance clmre. Iiet everyone go and enjoy an evenintrof amnsement and nrolll. Ad mittance, 2o cents. Children under 12 years, In cents. SW1TZEKLAND. OTJB OBITUARY. For various reasons we have decided to close our correspondence. Through all oar writings we hare aimed at Truth (although our aim may have been unsteady at time), and if we have" used language unlwcontuig the end just i tied the means. We thanh you, V. H. Iter, for your com pliments, and uill repay in kind' when ojv Mirtunitv oilers, Mr. 11. It. W., as the strawberry seas4tn is at hand, we have no time to attend to vour 'short reiinest. i our luivive m rvfrard to Switzerland is rather late; if you will pe ruse back niimlrs of the "Express" vou will tind the beauties of this country and its wants set forth at length. It was not our Intention to cause "antaavmisms." but the idea of a railroad to this section for timber is so hidierous while mills are Ivtmr idle all over the coast, the supply tieing greater than the demand. You wen trying to 1-e funny by writ ins our name. To nbae you (and other who have een in di uHt an to our nlentitvl, we sitftt our name nt full Hut a won I in cone!u.jion. To the readers of the "Kxpress we wend ottr best wishes lo the writers it has been our duly to criti cise friendship, nnd trust you w ill ever con tinue in the good work.; as scholars make a school, men a nauon, live eorreiorulent a-ist in making a newspaper; don't. uori i mi ine sivticc aiioiteu to you witn "wind," "water ami "advice." To O. H, Wbitetimb, we find traces of that article iti our hand that eauseil ligenes to mke a show of himself in Athens, ami would ab jure you to take for your ftuiite tliat other uwtrpf you resent me so iiiiu-i i. e., lieorge i. k . toauuie oi uis eoutrv. autos. jr. Ritw, E. Pi-CRincs lTsc - tintKM Piter, ) T. U Uice. THK GOLDEN HUE HAKAAR. The fullest store we have ever seen In Linn county, the finest assortment of grxxls In the valley, outside of Port land, is to be seen at the Golden Rule Bazar. Children never tire looking at the Immense stock and uulquedisplay nf toys: the stock of crockery, irlnssware and china ware la the wonder abd admi ration of all who see it; the six hundred pounds of t a. of the choicest brand and best, flavor, which the proprietor hag sold within the last year, has cre ated a thirst for more of this exeelllent beverage. While Dr. Price and other chemists are wrangling over the purity of their hakintr Dowdera. the (ioldeii Rule prize paking powder sells and no questions are asKeu ana no limit is found as to Its merits. A complete line of shelf hardware, lamps, tricycles, baby carriaces, etc, are to be seen at this house. Don't spend $10 goHig to roruauu wneu you can see all the above sights for the simple c et of a look. When in Albany anend du hour in this great curiosity store una you will always be glad that you visuea umuwonis i.oiueu ltuie litv zaar. Albany, Oregon. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Changed Kvery Week. Wheat 70c. Oats 0G Hay $lo per ton. Flour Si 40&M 50 per sack. Chop $1 5j per ctvl, Rran nOc per cwt. Middlings ?! 50 pir cwt. Potatoes 4ic. Apples Dried, 8e per lb. Pluuis Dried, 7c Onions 5c. Reef Dressed, 67c. Veal 56c. pork Dressed, 50c. T,ard P0'-14. Hums lifrt:loc per lb. Shoulders MfftJOc. Sides I0f12ic per lb. ffcese lll per doz. Ducks $7 50 per doz. Chickens 4 00,5 00. Turkeys lilcj per lb. per doz. Butter 20c per lb. Hides Green, 4W.5e; dry, 10c. "The Jersey Lily. Anctesea Cottage, L. B., July 2. Gentlemen.- Altho it is very unusual for me to use any lotions or washes, still, in answer to your request, I have tried Wisdom's Violet Cream a nd Robert i ne. The former I consider especially eilicacious in cases of roughness of the skin, and I have been using it every day for the last fortnight. I have found the Robert i nc an excellent preparation in easees of ton, sunburn, etc, caused by exposure to March winds end a July sun. Yours faithfully, LihUE Lanotry To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. Spring; lever. At this season of the year the moat vigorous and hearty people often have a fcelinjr of weariness, tired aud worn out, without ambition to do anything:, and many break out in pimples aud t toils. What you require is a mild tonic medicine that will act gently on the liver and blotd, and for this, noth ing eqi.uls Dr. Gun's Improved Liver Pills. They give ait activity to the liver, purify the blotKl and by their mild tonic action, new vitality and stregth to the entire system. Bold at 25 cents a box by SI. A. Mi I tor. F. M. French, the jeweler, Albany, keeps railroad time. 40 Years the Standard. Mil, AllLBOKN'rt MKTIimtnp IMIINO AU8.INKHB. . Ileiug a stranger to every ho fly when I came to hclo, pud realizing that It wits nticesKnry to convince the people by demonstrated facts, 1 used the fol lowing method of Introducing myself ha a physician, and my special reme dies for female weakness to the people: I proposed taking fourpntlents and cure them l'l!;i.i: ()' lit AUlM-: tind all medi cines KKkl1.;. aside troni (lie cost ot Instru ments, and il at the end nl one month thev did not receive at) v Itenent. 1 would rotund whatever they should have paid for the in-'l strurncnis. ju innner, me part ten accept ing this otter were to give their testimonial o !(;' every mouth, telling their condition, whether ftnpioveu or otherwise, and these testimonials were to lie published every month. Three ladles accented tbN i m no tation, namely : Mrs. R. Phillips. Miss Ida Phillips, and Mrs. Lee Uilyeu the fourth one preferring to pay the agreed sum, which was jpzot. ' The tctbiionlals thus lar used have nil been f?lven by the parties themselr, or by their direct urtler to use their narna and case ibr that purpose, since these, testimo nials indicate what the facts prove, that those ladies will noon be able to care for Ihoinselvtjs, I hereby ofTer to take six more on the same terms, namely: Thnt thev Kive a statement of their condition once every mouth until permanent py cure.ii a written testintoniul preferred. If no improvement is made by the end of one mouth, I agree ti take back the Instrument and refund any money which may have been paid to me. jours resi-eciiuiiv, iUL A. AHUibltN. Subscribed and swqrn to before me this, the 2tu uay oi April, itvu. Jons CTRL, City Itecnrtler. Dr. AHLItOltN will treat all cases of Kemalb Wkakn'BHS at an average cost of from $40 to $2fX). Wednesdays and Sundays reserved for oftlee pract Ice, when all classes of chronic complaints will be treated. Read below what some of your neighbors have to say concerning the doctors treatment. GOOD WORDS FOH 1U. AHLBOHN. A W F.H1TORIOUS ST ATITMPNT. A few davs ami we met Mr. W. M. Phil lips. Jnn., and in converiiiar with hitn he voluntarily matte tne toiiowme statemeui. which we publish at his ret; "About ten years ago my wife lieeamc atlihrtel with a weakness, that at times gave her great trouble, and prevented her from looking after her household duties, nevertheless she a-as miner the care ot several nit v.-u tans. Her heahh grad.ually grew wote,'and for tne past- six luoutns, until quite recently, she has been entirely unable to do her household work. Five week ago, Dr. Ald born coinmem-ed tnathiK her. She com menced getting better from the Is-gintiing of his treatment, and at the present time ii cr iiruim in oeiier iitiui i iir iK'en hi any time during the past ten years. Whip? 1 do not restird her as beinir comiiletelv cure' she is so far recovered as to le abe to look alter her household duties without undue iatigue. Her appetite is good and I deem her well on the road to complete recovery. I make this suitenient not for the inn-nose of simi'lv cettititrnty name in nublic itriut. but for the purMjse that othtr who may I e suuenng suiuiariy may tie uenenueu iy ii. Til HEB WEKKS LATER. Mrs. R. Phillips says: 'Durine the past three weeks 1 have improved wonderlully under Dr. AhHoru's treatment, and would not go nacK aptuu u wnere l was tteiore in began treating me for one thousand dollars.' Mr. Wash Pbillins snvs: "T have leen sull'eritiK from sore thoat and stomach trou-b'-tf for twenty years. During the last live weeks' 1 have been treated by Dr. Ahllmrn, and now I am feelintE sl well that it seems j'sjif my thiott and stomucli had nevir cuuscu me any vrounie. Miss Ma Phillins savs: 'I want the ico nic of Scit ami vicinity to know that I have been greatly benefitted by Dr. Ahlltorn's treatment, and eapeet to be iienuanently cured. Mr. fieo. Glass, who lives about two ndles west of Scio, and who has been troubled greatly with his stomaeh and kidm-ys. savs; l nave oeeu oenenitei -o ltiucu iv it Ablborn's treatment that I feel that 1 can not say enough in praise of the' doctor's Mr. William Togun says he is improving as fast as could be expected in a case of hit kind could not do any work lor a year past. Notice tt 1'" it rro era Wanted at once, chickens, ducks, grese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, nnd all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the highest price in cash or exchange for goods. O. W. Simpsoj. Albany, Or. 0ii Klrtiinc to II nut nutty. SoSnys an Otvirin I'ioinrer Ninety Years Old. Poto-tJhovk. Or.. MHrh 19. m have tiKC't the OKKtitiN KIDSKV TEA and obtained UmnetUnie relief. It is (wl's tilevlns to hmnnnity. I take reaure in rt?,omTtcnlitis it to Uie airlieted. 1 am now nearly ninety yesra old. eetue lo On'tron (u 1S42 in the employ of the Hudson 's Hay Com pan v, ami since 1 liogan usinft l. ID 311 to if.. I The Road to Cannot uoMBSfully traveled wlth ut gowl health. To reach wealth or any coveted position In life require! the full Boteetelon and operation of all the fao altlee kind nature has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless tho physical being la In perfect working order, and this la Impossible when tho liver and spleen are torpid, thuiobstrttct Ing tho secretions, ceasing Indigestion and dyspepsia, with all of their acoom panytng horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic xorts a specific Influence over the liver, excites It to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions; euros Indigestion and consti pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up the entire systsm, and raaku life worth living. PRODUCE WANTED. PAY OLSSII FOR Eg-grs, Butter and All Kinds of Poultry. MONFORE & MELVIN. C. E- RANOUS, Carpenter & Builder. All Kinds Repairing & Jobbing Done on Shortest Notice. UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY Shop on Main Street, Next Door to Tailor Shop. NEY HARNESS SHOP LEBANON, OREGON, J. C. FREY & SON, DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE US A CALL. At Peterson it Wallace's Old Stand. AT COST! To Make Hoora for Uf SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, OF DRY .GOODS, ' FURNISHING GOODS, ASD NOTIONS, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire 8tick of Boots 6c Shoes rX OOWX. Now U the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F READ, Alltany, Oi-euron- SAML. M. GARLAND, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON, OKHGON. GEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney-fit- Law ASD NOTARY ri'BMC, A'tMTiy , Oregon. Wtll practice 111 a!! the ennrtfl nf tnH State. Olticc, trout tuoum over Lank of Oregon. W. H BOOTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Guv's New Bulletins. Residence at Mrs. Ambler's. DR. W. C. NEC US, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of RotaI College of Lomlon and Bells-He Medical Colic tee, Mftw. (,'bronlp eam a pttrlHltr. Cancers removed without pnln or the knife. OFFICE Klrkpetrk-fa butUltng, Jobation, Or MRS. S. II. CO WAX'S Emporium of Fashion Is replete with the ljitet StjleHfff Hais, Tlonnct aua every Tttnc-iy 01 nua-er jtnunuLo the fai'Itiuimble uurid. A F!r4-ClaM TrePmal(In)t Shop In connwtiOD, which is presidfl over by lamei" nhuiudk Cutiiiig and Fitting a gpetialt jr. OitR Dona S.HTtt or thi Express" Offk-r. FASH TON ABLE DRESSMAKING EXCTIAMIE HOTEL BCILD1KG. Ores Suit?, TV'a-ih Fnit. Wrap", nnd Plain Setting rieailf mm tTuuipiiy none. Cutting nnd Fitting a Specitiltr. Chnrgis reason- I Ct!ltE FOB SiOK KCADftOHE. and all tronblea art sing froia lndiCMbm or Uonntipation. a. hr Pnrif rintf tha Klood. TTm dace can b nlealr aclinnivd to na'.t the caae, m one pill can never be too farse a dom. Bnpr to tub b morh Busir. fl pillu pot up in a stronz vial vhleb can be carrlfX) la re-1 rvookat. A Ort (aiT-.n. I. i.r to Trawlers and IsalauM Mtm. Rnnf OarhIep n-Ilfe-aul 'ri-uol'-railaarh. KtM KT-mhrv.K5(ua koUla. nf. HAPTER'B IBOM TONIC. 1) B 'PT'RIPIEII thr, IIEIIITI.ATKR the LITUP S H and KIDNEYS and UKSTOHKS tho DBRTI.ITATKlf jj lu HKAI.TH aud VIOOROUS STRENGTH or Yoonif THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. W. L. DOUGLAS rJ"k ?5 afi ffj l" tle for Genllemin, S V mm Ladiea,eto..arawar- ranted. and so stamped on bottom. Address W. i.. UOUULA8, Uroktoar Mnaa. Sold by C. C. HACKLE MAN. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Orejjon, April 9, 1S01. I Notice is herebr given thnt the following-named manl.cin hnuHluil nnHon nf hit inluntfnn tn mulrB niuil proof in support of the claim of the minor proof will be made before the Register and Ro ceiverof the U.S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on June 5, 1SU1, viz: James Crabtree, tniiirdian of the minor heirs of Joub Powell, de ceased; Homestead Kntry No. 4803, for the N. X 01 1. ii. y aua a. x. i oi ss. is.. i oi oec. o, ip. II R. R. 1 WRst. He names the following witnesses to prove his and their nontinnous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: J. A. Crtekett, Thomas Crockett. A. J. Fitzwater and F. B. PoweH, all of ieDanon, mm county, vrcm. J. X. AI'i'ElUJON, Register. PILLS. f4 DO NOT CRIP, SICKEN GR CONSTIPATE. M Sum 9 SPRING If yon want to see the best assort ment of General Merchandise in town, and get the best values for your money, you cannot do better than call on me at my old stand, where the latest nov elties in Spring Goods are to be had at way-down prices. Gentlemen, Call and examine my stock of Fur nishing Goods, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Kid Gloves, Fine Balbriggan Under wear, Etc. Ladies, I have the latest novelties in Press Goods, Kibbons, ; Ruchings, Silks, Hushes, and Trimmings of all kinds.. I keep the celebiated P. N. and S. K. Corsets, Which give elegance of shape and perfection of fit. Full lines of CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES and GROCERIES con stantly on hand. Produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods. Your patronage is respectfully in vited. CIIAS. B. MONTAGUE, Lebanon, Or. Headquarters DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. Also Keep on Second floor a full lino of - BOOTS & SHOES, In which I will not be undersold. Come and see me and I will treat you well. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Lebanon Planing Hifc -AN UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKER. ESTALISHED IJ 1875 BY S. A. IICKERSOI. ; Refitted, Enlarged and Improved. NEW MACHINERY OF THE BEST MODERN TYPE. I manufacture and deal in Doors, Blinds, all styles of Window Frames, Door Frames, Mouldings, Brackets, Etc., in fact anything man ufactured and kept on hand in a first-class planer. In connection with the above, I also have on hand a well-assorted lumber yard in which is to be found reugh and dressed Lumber, Rustic, Bevel, Weather Boarding, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing Lumber for Cornices, Etc. Nichols, Westfall & Co., FIRST-CLASS Turnouts Reasonable Rates. Feed fi Special attention shown Commercial Travelers. TruHsieut stock carefully cared for. , . ... Daily stage from Lebanon to Sweet Home; leaves at T"A. M.,-Jrrrive at 6 P, M. GOODS. for Bargains I DRAYING DONE '-OS S&ort Notice. nl Sle ttablc. 4 ' "I - v:. V