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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1888)
-Lebanon.. Express. l-rJDAY, JULY '2x, 1SSS, H. Y. KirHpatrick, Pcblisber. Bargain List of Real Estate S. "IS SE mS The act of rwigrcM punishing by n fine and lmpritxmniriit any jvron ponding a postal . rani through the )Kil containing m waring or Insulting l.-tnguage In now in forct- Columhla (Arfleige la to lie matte v t-gra Umte Institution and the un-W-graduat department la to Ik; abol ished. The forthcoming "American imlwrsity" will probably !. In Now York eity. Ten ncrvs veh tilled, la pufllcient to ptipiort a family; and when this is demount rt"I uit i fully appreciated the numl cr t f fitrn III b- doubled and th- yield will be Increased In nfll prea? 'i r ratio, while mneh i f our abandoned lands will teem with abundant hai v vta and thorough culture. FOIl BALK U V vV. Jt. CYltFS CO., Real Estate Agents, Lkhano-v, Linn- t'or.vrv, Oitt:t;o vide well. Presbyterians wm to lo routing to the surface In politic. !en. Harrison I an aetive ruling older in the Presby terian chureh at Indianapolis and te-f licves trtmg?y in ferecnVmation, while there are ntauy people who think that CVwlaml will le found one of the elect after the first Tuesday in November. Lrbmion is a thriving town of nlwitit IMH) inhabitant, pleasantly situated in tit midst of the most favorable portion of Linn, county and also of the Wil lamette valley. It is the terminus of j the lA-haiion brunch of the O. & V. It. 11., 1.1 miles front Albany, overlooking the beautiful Albany prairie, and con trols the trade of n larjjo section of country, both prairie and hill land Mug tributary to it, giving a large va riety of products. Home of the finest fruit lands of the valley are near thi pbvce; ther are also rrent facilities for manufacturing and stock raising. It is hut 41 miles t the famous min eral springs at Sodaville, and (1 miles to Waterloo, where there is a magnifi cent water power and also a mineral spring. Altogether, this is a most de sirable location for settlers: eommenv, being crossed by two rail roadu north and south undone east and wet. It 1 lerhaiw a fact not generally known that under an net of the last Ijegislature, which took eitect at the IsstJune election, that of the county tmtufioner8 eletel one ebon Id hold hi office for two yer rs and one for four vear. The conimlsloners first elected after the law went into effect should cast lota for the long and the short Look Over This List of Bargains and Come and Sea Us. We Will Treat You Well. !?l,"u- No. So ' 174 acres, situated 7 miles from Leb . anon, AO acres under cultivation, all 1 under fence, and plenty living Mater ; two-story box house and goo;! large barn: 31 Hen's gtvnl orchard. This is a jgiXHl stink farm, haxing plenty of good I outside ran sc. $",K00. . No. 101. 4l'0 acres of brush land, 1 J mil, from Sodaxllle, l."0 ncrca In cult i vat Ion , . acres slashed anil sown to grass; place all fenced; box house, large barn and good orchard; water convenient. HSoO. 102. 1!X acres near rrovideiice school house, omi'cs front Lebanon, all fenced, HA nerv In cultivation; box house, large b.irn, A-acre oiebard. immigrants, huj- farnn near Leiianon, 1 oca use the soil is good, priced low, lo cation pleasant and healthful, facilities for marketing produce unsurpassed, variety of pr.iduets uueitaled. From Lebanon, by rail, to Portland, 02 miles: to Albany, 13 miles; to Ya- tiuiua bay, t'A ml lex. Send stamp lor descriptive pamphlet oi i.uin count v. W. li. DONACA, ww E S1 m 111 h P to t i-r 15 Wu 0 i term, and thereafter one commissioner nhall be elected every two years. j ? 1 No. 101 . . 220 acres S miles front Lebanon, .",o to If Senator Blair's bill against the I 35 iwrv9 Sll cultivation, 40 acres pasture; sale of adulterated article of fowl shall one-storv box house, large barn fiOxni beeorae a law, its enfitreement will j ft.,.t, orchard of 1A0 U arfng fruit tree; cause a commotion- tn the channels if' fruit bouse and di ver; plenty of water; trade. Tt restrictive feature 6 thor- j one mile to school." Terms, valt ough and" the penalty has a sting to it. m,a balance to suit purchaser. The bill creates a food division in thi department of agriculture which shall ' hare charge and cenrrl o( all the fod, liquor and drug analyses, and shall es- ' t.tbllsh uniform methods of analyximr nil articles, and prescrilies tlte rules CLfvvx.n tint Children. Thrr r rs xx' peclnlly llnble to sudden OolJa, f'otiglis. Croup, Whooping Cough etc. We guarantee Arker's English Henieuy a osiiive euro. it eaves hoars cf anxious watching. Sold by J. A. Heard, Druggist. SCROFULA I do not beliovo lint. A yer 'a Sarsnpnttllu hiv an equal as a are for Scrofulous Hu mors, it is pleasant to take, gives strength to tho iMiily, and pro duces a ntorw perma nent result than any Medicine 1 ever lisetf. K. 1 nines, North l.inilale, Ohio. I have used Ayrr'a Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, nnd know. If it Ik taken faithfully it will thorouKhlr eradieata this terrible disease. W.F. Fowler, M.D., Ureenville, Tenn. For forty years I have suffered with F.rysipelns. I have tried x ariotia remedies Humors, Erysipelas, Iron, Steel, Coal, Ko)es, Cordage, Brksin'thSup'Ii's Saws and Axes, Eit Etc. Etc, Carpenter Tools, BnildYs ITdwTe, Powder and Sliol Scvlhes, Snallis. Etc. Etc. Etc. 3 0)n Cjq J. A. ROBERTS, J. V. KEEBLER DEALER IN- I Keep Agricultural Implements of all Kinds. Farm ako Spring Wagons Sole Agent For Crawfordsville Axes. Groceries and Provisons, Tobacco and Cigars. We have on hand the largesnt stock of Grocer ies and Provisions ever brought to Lebanon, which we oHer t o the people of Lebanon and vicinity at the 'LOWEST LIVING CASH RATES.' Tiill find oinilc3lo line of CANNED lcopt conntantly on hand. LSnkr. &nd ! ,or "' complaint, hut tou ?-.W. Xo. 13.-,. ! 334 aeres, 4 mihs front l-eLanoit, 11 Catarrh, aeres in en!tivatiin, 144 in pasture, j balance brush and pasture and some i timlier; house, barn and 2 aeres of or- r.rnl regulations for the same.. Tlte Mil elard; water convenient. Terms, vre Utes for n chief ehentist In Wash- ingtiMi at a salary of f. 1,500 a jvar and i.-wistant chemists in New York, Boston, Philadelphia,. Baltihiore, Charleston, jva.-annah; Mobile; fJalvesttm, Ht. .Tjouis, Cltleago, Cincinnati end San l-'mnslsca, the salary tf each to le ?,."K)0 a year. SEVEN PRESIDENTIAL TICKETS. "00 cash, balance one vear. ?2,l)i). 170 aeres, n miles No. l:c fi-om l.vbanott, TO ' aens in euitivatioti, 7 ncreflttpen land, j almut 1W aeres tmder fen"; loij hou?e, , new fntme iKtrn, jrool sprinfr near j i house, alnnit : fruit tr-cs. Terms. ! -l.iV cash, balance in one vear. i ! W,r,iM. ' Xo. U0 j i 320 acres, 9 miles from Lebanon. Mi : (acres in cultivation, P;o aeres nndei ' : f !kv; a pxhl liou-, barn so f. t lone. .' a id ether outhoi)se, r, .-u-ivs orchard. . icrms, casii, oaiamv one vear. Can be cured by purifying the blood with There are o fnr ieven presidential ticket lit tite fieM for next November's ; e;'ction Tliey an : Rpublfoan Benjatuin Harrison ofi Indiana for Presi.lent, Ievi P. Morton j f2,i. Xo. I4ts. i of Sew York for Vice President. J GO acre of level land 3 mil. s froni i Democratic "5nver tlerelaml of j Ix lonon on road to Ntdavitle, acres ew York for President, Allen (.Tliur- in cultivation, 1- acit-s in rass; pnl ! man of Ohio for Vice President. omtory house, small bartMind 'Vounw ! . Prohibition C. H. Flske of Xew Jcr-J orchard. Terms cnh. " i --y for President,. John A. Brooks of j j Missouri for Vice Pnesidettt. i ?1,K X'o. nr. 1 "i Yob ai Sw3fragist BvHa Ixn-kwood ! aens, 12 milos itouth ast f I, l-j f the District of ColuiuUa for Presi-: anon. 12 acres in cultivation. H acres' numl no 1,-Iit f until I eomutenoed usiiifj Ayer's Snrsnparilla. After taking ton bot tle of thi medirlit 1 ant roinnlctely enred. M. C. Ataesbnry, Horkport. Me. 1 have sufTored, f-jr J'fRt, fret.. Catarrh, which wa so Frvcre that it destroycl my apprtitn and weali enl lav MVS tent. After trying ether remedies, "without re lief, I bejran to take Ayer's Sarsnparill.t, nnd. In a few months, was cured. Susan It. Cook, W. Albany t., Boston, St ns. Ayer's Saraaparill i eaperior to any blood purifier that 1 ever tried. I lia taken it lor Scrofula, t; anker, and Salt It Ileum, and received maeU benefit front It. It Is K"od, o!?o. for a weak stomach. Millie Jane IVirce. S. Bradford, Mass. ft Hides Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. HSifCoine and see us.F3? W. B. DONACA & Co. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County Or. ' WE WANT THE WORLD To Know It. W are line witli a S l-ft .tt k. our Sri mm Is ami in onltr to m!1 OREGOKIAN RAILWAY" COMPANY. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver. n rA afler .tnn. 1. lss, rii1 until ftirthcr no-tf-e lr:oii!4 will ruu dnUf tvxeet Sunday) m fol- EAST SIDE. VH WILL MBRT ANY PRICI Nl acres, deit,.Alfrel H. IiO-e of lt-ncsylvattia rVIce Presiik-nl. Industrial. Itefomi Albert K. Ittnl ptone of California for lrpsident, John Calvin of Kansas for Vice President. Union labor A. J. Streator of 111- j inois- fT President, Charlea 1L Citn- I ningham of Arkaumus for Vice Presl- ; dent. ! United Labor UoWrt IL rdry vf ) 4-2.5. Jiltnoi for Preideittr W H. T. NYake- ,! Km acres, J.eld.ot Kanwia tr Vice President.. in jrrass, balanet timber and brush, S ! neres under fcin-e; lx house; tv- ! iKirns; fruit of a!l kinds. T rii'., cash. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rrreJ by IV. J. C. A jrer & Co.. Lowvll, UaM. rricSl; fix bottlrs, 5 We are now prepared to print Tli.-it cnii l)e lii.'itle, lir.iviiiK rel.-itive iivicilit' of tlic? y;ootls. WE WANT THE EAIiTJl' tu No. 1--.2. OniilosS. r of I banon. 4H acres in cultivation, :! acres pasture. 10 acres of timlxr, all feiuvd, well; no building. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our rwtu'ar eom-pontlrnl-l There is likelj- to In; enough politics in the ooBgnwonal delwteg from now until tho end' of tile seibn tn please the nKwt rabid partisan. Everv suo- Xo. 157. S mil s from Ia banon on Iebanon wapm roa.l, 40 ceres in culti vation, OO ares paslure; hoiis( larir barn and ont-bnildinirs; watenil by riv-rand rinesprintrs; l-st of oiit-raitp.-. No. 171. acres, 7 miles X. K. of I banon, i acres in cultivation. 4 acres slashed and in trass; jrood water in three -j.-et that ean be diverted intoa political j n,rinfrs the year r..nnd; small orchard; ehannel with the least ixinsibility of evolving party capital will te thus ru.tnajred. In the t?enate the fisheries treaty kept oti, hand available r.t all times for polRcal nses. In tin Ilinise the tariff is a Kubieet nrolf c - t erioncl-to admit of all norts of political j log lions', per acre. barn, etc.: gvod out-range. LKTTKR I U:AI)S, IULL HKAl stati-:mi-:nts, CAI.I.INC CARDS. I'OSTKKS, i:rc, I'.TC. To know that tlu pol arc on our fOiclvrs? ami 1uvtrs. Wo !o not atU-nnd an cntnnciation of ptoil.-s. lmt oonttMit oursi'lvt's with tlic statt' int'iit that wc liavt' the LOWEST PRICES AND LATEST STYLES To 13 e Koiiiitl in Lebanon. Give us tho oiportunity to make our vaunting gool by ttver- ..iun: Muil Fmui I'urt liiii.t. I.v !.1 p. la. An I i l.v I i-l t. is I . 1 "Jl .'. m .". I ". f. jii f. I I it 7 :: 7 17 7 u h it s V 11 ' " I III il t " I- in :i I II .! II It 11. :C STATIONS. l'nnl d Mail Toward Turt-laml. 1-oHTl INH,!'1V.V: Ar 6.00 p.m. t-IMlt 1H IJIIl-OlQ SI. Kar's I Jri!iup. St. 1-nnl. Frvnrh lTairle, WioMlburn. 1 iiw nn-iid. MrKtf, lutniti M. AiiKvl. Itaia'. Fll-r.on. Jtnhmon"' Mill, Itju-rlnuit. Ktr-l st.V Jtmrtion. Sliior, UV'nt Stnrton, Crv l lii. Nun It Sauiiiinj. O. I'. I'jo-tns. Slo June, I Y W A It W1 S-i.. TImhiiiih' Fork. I 'rnl.ln-r, Si-ii-t-r Tl!inn. I . l'lnlr.Tk-w. I. inn. I'.mn n-vltV. Twin Kuttf. Ki!nr.l lrli-v-lini, M ilkin. Ctlll"llU. I.V Lr. I.r S.! Arr S. S m 27 02 l.M l.M HI 1 ;w I. 14 i. m t w i: ! li.Bi ! IR II. .V 11. SO 11.47 11.4)0 11. 35 li. ni ii. i ll.oi 10 4 111 J 10 IS t'.ss 42 -. (.cr S.: (US P. 00 1 oking our vaunted irooils. Andrews & Hackleman. 1 Coin m hi mli n Tli-krls Ht Km centu per mile on -ulr r.l tu!H-u h.-irinc ABPiilf. i Tniinn with I'awwnecn', Fteight and Fjtpre, ' nil x'latni'v from Frvight, ! Frei-'lit frnln foi-in lVn-.-tnil. Monlior. Wslne j ilny mi'l 1 liiir.ilnr'' Towanls I'urtWwl, Tues j ihj . 1 hurlayii itnil Sumly. ! ( .nii.i li.m nt !;' nl FulqiMrlz lnline J ih xt-ntiicr ' itv of Snlom" f Sk-m Mmtay. i sIii4mv ml Kri'luyi returning 1mm Saletu Tii.!kv TIniPHlar ninl SMtiirditv.. eoniMHtlnr i iih I U mi l Vj sMv jneener iniinn. Mmhi , , r -t itv of Stili-m iimke tnoifT liflween Ky' j ami I u'ljiwrt i JiiuliiiBulnilT, sumlnys excepted. MIA.. X. WXjTT. Rectlrer. (;!! rl Oflii-M. X. W. OwtK-r First ik1 line Pfii, rin!iniil. ( 'npim. SWAN 3ROS. i -o.lHVl. X. acres, " miles S W. of I a ballon, HCacpcH in cultivation, I a lain t jkis- iure; one of tlte li nest stock and fruit ."arm in tho country; Iox Imusc, larg( barn and orchard; well watered. ;1.2-"A No. 171.! 12) acres 0 miles S. K. of I-baimn, 40 aci-s jiow in crop, 4 aeres slashed i md in urass, balam-e timU-r and brush; I .in iiiin ii; uuum', itaiuaini tncrout-i Mmli n now venturing prcdic- buildings; p od orchard; well watered. Fiona a- txv rm Icnpth of tlic presc t ; cwibn of Coiijnvsf. The nicmlcr- f ; tike ways an4 means commiffce expect ; to reach, a Tte-or tiie tariff bill lie fore j the 1st of August. Time must then 1 e allowc-d for the fSenate to consider the matter, and the prevailing opinion is that Collaret will be in session on the j 4,ixvi. o. lii'i i l th of August, probably as late as the 12o acres of prairie .5 miles west oi 1st of bopteniber. Senator Ivlmunds j Lebanon, all in cultivation; trood, hard j i-4UoUIiw predicting that ten to om j finished house I'ixru) with I. kitclu n, j t'oiucres will be here until the 1st tf Lix rooms: hirpe l.arn; p-km! orchard!' Cft tofter. j Terms, $3,110 cash, balance to suit pur ! With the rfosc of the fied year the ! chaser at s jw r tcnt I Treasury Iepartment has furnished .vfjnn V sone interesting fioies. The reduc- j ki acres 2 miles S. K. of Lebanon ttm oC the public debt dnrfng June ) 13 acres in cultivation, balance pa-;-waa tl'f,429,5t2, and the fiscal year ! ture and brush; m at frame house, ban which cloned n Saturday, June t, it ) and orchard : tine location. -wis $lia,844,(WO. The total debt now, i - 1 fs cash in the treasury aj:prejrntes j M,B"0. No. 175. ti,lC,5H4,65, Of this amount $1,01.5,-I f acres 1 mile west of Sodaville, ;if 1 :t,012 is interest bearinjr debt. i teres in cultivation, balance pasture tlieiieral Hooker of Mississippi s ' new lmx house, barn and orchard; preparing a bHl which he will soon ii - j plenty of water convenient. troduw, tochatnre the meetine of C'on- prews from the first Monday in IXntm- j ?l,4x. Xo. 177 U-r to the 4th of Marcft. In sjH-akinji 177 acres 1 1 miles from SMlaville, lii 'f his proponed bill he said the nieas- acres improve!, lflo under fence; pood ores heretofore introduced on the sub- ' 'xx and double log barn; p!ae j.-et provided for a ehanpe in the con j is well watt red. Vtitution, and, of course, raised a doul t J !i the uiindaof many as to whethei 3,ooo. .'n. ISO. the change would he ratified by the o4(l acres 7 miles from Lebanon, 7-" State-Legislatures. The new bill ill j acres in cultivation, 7 acres hops, bal not change, the constitution. It simply j ance pasture, brush and timber; pooi tirotidea that the Fifty-first ConpiWs i house, lop barn, orchard, plenty ol haUbopin its sesaion on the 4th ol j water ; fine stock place. Jareb. adjourn the 1st of June and - i.u e. vrr... :n .. i s.. uui v lei . lSSITFII IHr JU I tit .UVIIUrtl 11J ..IF. 1CI. . ... . . . . f J -I. . , toiicr. t ruis will qo away wiin trie " ' n, nines norm oi iCoauoii, short sestiion, and the new Conpres 7; up SUCCESSORS TO G. W. SMITH, -PKALKK IN TT.VO IRON PUMPS, ETC. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware 12AVK SPOUT, ITC. All Kinds of Repairing done on short notice. THE WOVEN WIRE BED. 7 f 4 40S acres, 4 milf north loo acres in cultivation, balance paslun and timber and brush: pood house. will bepin work at once, and when ibe barn and orchard; good location. ' I'resident tak his seat Congress will i le readv to reeeiTe his message. 5",-Vt0. No. is2. The i'resident issued an "executive ! The St. Charles Hotel and barber order last week which was intensely j simp in Lebanon. I 'ay S4" per month interesting to tVashington. It can ies rent. I-'urniture included.- Lot 80xlol civil serviee reform almost to it limits, i feet. Six new classes are added to. those a!-j ready existing. The new clarification j takes in every person in the depart- I -r5 No. lf. liK-ntal service, except nuch as are ap-: - acres in Lebanon; one-story j pointed by and with the consent of j ho-ise, Vmrn and outhouses; about fifty t he Senate, and utieh as are appointed : fruit trees, besides considerable sniai! i as unskiUed laborers and m sscngers. j f uits, etc. Should th provisions of this order be-: v I Millie the settled practice of the Gov- ?S,f60. No. 1W. t rnniCTt the final result might be the o6'j acres of fine grass or grain land, j thorough exclusion of politic from the : 3 miles from L-ehanon, 450 aore. in cul- a. -jtartcieatal wi ice. i Motion, balance tunl.T and biu-h p; s- M ?1 7s "a 00 c DO m r r g? O o DC 5 He TIIU VAOUIXA ROUTE. ; OltKtSON PACIFIC RAILROAD AM. : Oregon Development Go's Steamship Line 225 SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME Thnii liy mny olhi-r Koute. ' Flrat Cl Thriath r,rnjrr Frrluhl L.lnc rKoM Kmni rorlliiiid Hii'l nil Point in the Willamette Vullcy i-l uml frum Pun KrunriKo, t al. Willamette River Line of Steamers, TIIK' WM. M. llOAU." THK-X. S. UENTLY," THE "TI1KKE KISTKKS" Uiive Pdrtlund n A. M.. MOXHAYH, WKIiMSKAVK AND FRIDAYS Kmni !.?. Hulmnn 4""o Ixirk. 'J00anl 202 Fmui stnvl. fir innalHs and lnlcnnofliiiie jxiintii. mak inn clone wmnifllon at Alba ny hihI (.iinnllin ilh Truill" of the OHEHOX PAtriFIC HAILKOAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except 8undy:) l.v. Ai.banv. l:IO p.m. I I.V. Yaiji Isa. 6:4."i a. m. I v. I niiv l : ik 1 :lip. in. ! Lv. CoiivalmsIO:: 5a. m. Ah. V.mji ia. 6::d . in. I Aft. Albany, 11:1o a. m. Lumber! dumber! Lumber! G. W. WHEELER, riopriettirs of tho LEBANON -:- SAW -:- 31 ILLS -ALL KINI9 OF- ROUGH and CLEAR constantly on hand. LUMBER i Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at Reasonable Rates ivc us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Q. W. Wheeler. C Tnilim eoum-ot at Albany anil t'orvallis. The iiIhivc Triilnn i-nnnwt at Yaqulna wilh the (in'tini iH-vi'lminieot rtinitxiny'ii Line of .-lruinlii. lK-tttii Yaiultia and fan l-'niiu'lmxi. KAIMM1 ltATF: uTKAMm. Kriims. F. j frinn Yaqnlna. Wlltiinii-nc Yalk'v Jiinv 2, JtuK- -JM. 18.HH. U llluiiii-Ui- Viilli-y July .1, I July 13, Vnlli-v Jnlv in, July 24. lllnun iu- ValU-y July 24, " Till f imiiiy ri'orvin ilic right to chatiRC Sail in;; ilati-n w lllluUt llntiiv. l'lisn'iiin'r fnnn l'ortlinnl. and all Willamette Vnllrv iiinl. ran tnuke clor oinnection Kith llii Trums of the YaijI'INA HoCTK Ht Alliany or ("nr nlliM. an! if ilestiiu'd to Kan Franrlwo, xlionld nrnitii.'ik t tirrivi nt Yuiiuina the evcutni? before the ilnU of Kailili1;. u ml l-'relnlit llnleH ALWAYS TIIK I.OWEST.- FOR IXHOUMATlOX APl'l.Y TO V. 11. HASWKl.b. i C. I1051K, Krl rs( At, lAirfR Oenl K. H. Ag't, tin-irun l)'veloiinenl Co.. 1). P. R. K. K. Co., :an MuulBimiery St.. Corrallix. San. Fraiit'iMii, i'al'a. t UivRon. THE MAKKKTB. IjKHaxox, Ok., July 20. Wheat fiOt; h.'T buslu'l. Outs UM' ir busltt'l. Flour .4 21) ikt barrel K$rjr ISh per dozen. Uutter ltijj per lb. I-iiiril per H. Apples, dried Set 10c iier lb. Plums, dried llkyilUAc per Mi. Prunes, dried ltc":121c per M. I lams I'm er lb. Shoulders Kc jier lb. llaeon 12e (ht lb. Oil $1 25 per 5 pallon ran. f A and reliable Medicinal ae the bP6( VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood El ixir Las been prescribed for rears for all im mirltiesoftueBlood. I n every form of Scrof- ! uloue, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, itia invaluable, i or itueumaiwm, uao notxjuaj, BEARD 8c YATES. Druggist and Apothecary, Drugs -:- and Medicines -H'aints, Oils and Glass.1 Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. PERFUMERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Main SttHt Lebanon, Oregon. THE STOVER Improved . The best is always the cheapest. S33 The most powerful easiest and lightest nm nijng mill made. We are also prepared to furnish on short notice any machrne from a butter worker to a steam mill. We keep on hand all staple implements, suee i Ilurrown, CTnltl-rntorM, Pulverizers, ItnltoM, WnaroiiH IiuKlN. And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness. OCome and see us; we will make you happy G. W. CRUSON? Lebanon, Or. K O T I C E: Haying, recently purchased the Scio Mills, I have completely ren ovated and refurnished the mill and am now prepared to make flour ty the OLL Roller iroces u - The Mill is now running and I can furnish the best of I intend to rvw jny mill in such (i way that none can go (iway dis satisfied SCIO, " . ' PREGON: J