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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1916)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 5 NO. 10. LINN COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FAIRS SCIO. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. Al Gl ST 17. 191« Eugenic Coates! 11.20 THE YEAR grains, bird houses. i»>ultrv of every Doug Hamilton Write* dtwcriplion. an-1 dre «prone I he Tritium« has just received a Your special attention is called to ready. Let us all pull together to put letter from lh»ug llamilloff who the Eugenic contest at the county fair, and all parents who deaire to <>ur school in the tirai rank Taren la dates it from the asylum. He says enter their children in thia contest may Im of great assistance to their he was not crazy at that time I re- ■ I children by helping them plan their I ahould do so st once. ferrmg to th«« cause of hi» arresti Vi I« ItM it Scie Septtaltr t, J, I, lath Sides Art Hurl at th White work a« well as to encourage them but was n»l feeling well. He in The ages are from six months to Nirmteri Oct 0, 1, Altan sists that he is nut crazy and if they five years of age. These entries will in the execution of their plans H msi -A CtaiftMbt h Other school» are coming with will turn him out he will behave dose Septrmiier 1. in order that I Oct 12. 13. 14 Pusilli arrangements may I m * mad« for the their liest work ami are expecting himself. Hu is very anxious that to take away every prize Shall we I his horse "Bawly” shall be well examinations. do our best to capture at h-a»t a eared for and m-nds his regards tu Washington. Aug 15. President The industrial work done by the few of the prizes? his friends in Scio. He wants m H Sera School*, Get Ba* y Wilson conferred* today with both boys and girls of IJnn county through Now boys and girls lets all do our th«- |««ople t*i write to him. I>ariles to the threatened country th«« influence of the school, the level Ims! to have a tin«- display We want our school exhibit at Good printing can lie obtained wide railway strike ami tonight it parents and the county school super ready when the time c*>m««s for our the Ij'nn ( <>unty Fair thi«. year to only wh««re the proper typ«m. press- aiHS’ami that sufficient foundation intendent has Itecome a great factor sch<H>l exhibit in September I m * first class and also to lie a prise in the lives of many «tudents. Wishing you all a very happy ••«, material and rX|M«rt workman- had been laid to furnish a working winning exhibit too. Now is the idiip is found. The Tribune office liaals for a settlement of the differ In addition to the regular work summer vacation. I am time to Iw-gin getting canned fruits, pusawOMra all of these r««|uisite» ami ences of the employes ami employers Cordially yours. done in school several hundred boys jellies, etc., garden vegetables. O. V While lhe prices are right and girls of the county are now The president will meet Iwdh «ides again tomorrow. actively engage«! in industrial work At the conclusion of today’s con- in gardening. poultry raiding do FOOTPRINTS ON THE SANDS OF TLMK ferenres the president issu««d thia medic arts, domestic ari« tie« and general industrial work encouraged statement: ”1 have met Imth Hides ami hav V through the school influence As a gon*- over the cum « with the utm<Ht result the work in its vari-HI« formi frai>km-«a. I «hall not I m - able tu ha.» greatly increased the u*'u>n «*• judge until tomorrow whether we of many children regalile»« <>f grade have found a feasible basis f«>r or environment l<a»t year one tn»y wn< awaided m*cond prize on hie settlement.** corn exhibit at the St Taul corn The foremost questions are what show. Also two girl» and two boys »¡.all la- arbitrated. if arbitration is were sent to the State fair f««r its to lx« resorted to. and what form of arbitration dial! tie adopted. K* pie entire semina, with a’) nprtw«» a*-«itativ>» of tiie employes maintain paid by the slate as a n ward <-n that their demand for an eight having th» beat exhibit at the Li n County fair. A hiuii I mi prue will l«e hour day ami time and a half for given Uus year. overtime m the onlv concrete pro position under discussion. They in In order to encourage this work sided tn the president in their con to bring th«« home ami the school closer together and to lead the I hivs ference today that tin- railroads make some definite counter pro and girls in the |>atha of industry, poaal. an exhibit is held each year as a If the railroad» submitted Home l«art of the Linn county fair at Scio. At this fair lilwral prizes ^vill lie proponed form of settlement, they said, they w<«uid ia« ready Io discuss awarded for any exhibit of merit a» negotiation» further. listed on the rt^gular prize list. The The employes are understood to children of the county are earnestly requested to report to th«« county be ready to consent to the principle of arbitration if the contingent superintendent at Albany or the proposal« <<f the managers, which secretary of the fair. Chas. Wade, of Scio. the men contend involve rights thev have won in 30 years’ efforts are The prospects are excellent for ehminatfxl from consideration, and this year Ixtcal fan«« will be held if arbitration ia conducted by a at Harrisburg October fi-7 and at lioard on which all four brother Altiany October 12 to II Again hood* are represented. soliciting the support of all concern ed in thia work. I am While representatives of employes • ffiaisted they had not yet iigrred Very truly, to arbitrate any feature of their W. L. Jackson differences there was a growing County Sui»t. impression that arbitration, or some form <>f compromise would be agreed CONTEMPT ABLE ACCUSATIONS u|K>n. At no time . it was «aid, did the representatives of the men indi The Wilson ad ministration may cate that uii I cm their terms were have its faults, the same as all other granted unqualifiedly they would go administiationa, but to accuse it of on strike. Both aid*«« refused al*Mo- fomenting the great railway strike lutrly to discus» their meeting with (KUaa»«th k,»uin« TUoag in order, as a canqiaign stunt for the l'r«*sid*«nt or venture any fore President Wilson to have the glory needed now ia the ferry. majority of the congressional chair cast on the probable outcome of the of arttling the same, is simply c<»n- men have haled from the north, SHELBI'RN ITEMS Trolhnger Bros. have purchased a negotiations, hut leaders of the two temptable There is no grounds where the republican party gets its new bajrlMiika M ine farm scale, of fractions were optimiatic tonight whatever for the accusation, except electoral vole. Hence both parties that a «trike would ia* averted in the vivid imagination of the re Marion Arnold has been loading which every farm of any aize should mav be accused of sectionalism ac publican campaigners. a couple of cars of wood for < Irrgon install. Special Prize cording to Mr. Hughes Also, because a majority of the City the past week. M L. Brown has completed haul The republican campaigners must congressional committee chairman Alfred Blaich ford and wife re ing hay on Mike Kelly’s place at A special prize of 110 rash is be driven hard to find campaign ships have been given to the demo turned from a trip to Portland Sun Munkers offered by the Chas. II. Lilly Co. thunder. Tney must think the cratic states of the south, Mr. A petition ia being circulated for of Seattle, for the la«st display of people are simply fools without day. Hughes says the administration ia Waiter Churchill and wife, of donation« to purchase an organ for garden vegetables raised from lolly's memories. Mr. Hughes is certainly sectional. compromising his dignity as a candi Tillamook, mototed over for a few the Shelburn public school which ia seeds. As a large majority of the demo aomething needed arxl which should date for the greatest office within days visit among relatives. Card oí Thank* cratic party lives in the south or in I the gift of the people. He ia rapidly Stanley Taylor returned from m * su pi «orini by all. Repair» to the the old time slave states, it is simply roof of the school house are being establishing the fact that hia only Newport last week reaaonable that those states should We desire to tender our aincr re made thia week and waa found a title to statesmanship ia that of the Joe Modine. brother to Mrs hold a,majority of the chai rman- thank« to our neighbors and friend» faultfinder and that he has no policy Hull, has been moved to the new roof will have to be put on. ships. Mr Hughes says thia fact for their kindly assistance during of government other than that of hospital. constitutes sectionalism If so. the negation Ih-wne Berry had an operation per the long illnesa, death and barrial republican party is also •eeti.mal; formed for apendicitw at a Salem of our wife and mother, Al*» for The road grading and fencing has for in every republican congress Astoria will hold her annual been completed to the ferry site roapital and b reported to be get the many lirautiful floral offering«. since the election of Lrncoln. I Kegetls oo September 1, 2. 3 and 4. across North Santiam Ail that ia ting along nicely. Geo. Gibbon« and family. WILSON CONFERS ON STRIKE ISSUE