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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1915)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE ■ SI 25 THE YEAR SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. MAY 13. 1'315 ■* *• <x. S>' REPARATION TO BE DEMANDED A Diptantic Break With Garaaty is Possili»— W i I sm s Policy is Far least Washington. May 9 fCorrespon- dent to Oregonian). Your corn** pondent to in a position to forecast th«* impending note of th«* Unite! States to Germany holding that government to “a strict accounta bility" for the loss of American life in the Lusitania. Gulflight and Fal- aba disasters. From a high authoritative German source th«* correspondent likewise has learn«»! th«* ex|»*ete«! character of the action which will be taken by Germany President Wilson will demand: 1 Full reparation, which nece»* sarily must I m * in th«* form of a cash indemnity, for every American who went down with the l.usitana. Gulf light and Falaba 2 A pledge by Germany that this method of submarim* warfare, eo shocking to the humanitarianism of modern civilization, shall ceam* at once. Germany is prepared, according to th«* high authority with whom th«* subject was discussed: Stag Party Î FLOODS STOP RAIL TRAFFIC IN SOUTH Billie Abbott’s visit up from Falls City, was to look after some d«wr horns, which were left in the base ment of his house when he moved awav When h«* arrived here, he Sicaad Stare Seitgs Away Mart procured a search warrant and ao<>n found the horns. Nothing further Track Sacraotata Inrar ts has l*i*n done al»*ut the theft, Rismt Fast though we understand the matter will be submitted to the next grand jury. Redding, t’al . Mav l<> A •••cond »term swept <|own upon th«* Upper Sacramento valley this afternoon ■ and add«*d to the «ievastation caused by th«* cloudburst of last night the Sacramento river 1» reported to I be rising at the rate of a foot an t hour at Kennett, where it was 22 Na Direct lilirtKt Is Made ta th feet early tonight Part of the town of Kennett 1» Lasitania Right ts Plactl rl«M»led an«! th«* water has reache«! Abort Wir the second floor of som«* of th«* resi Dr Sanrierson. Walt Bilyeu. Fred Jon«» and A. E Edwards entertain ed a numler of their gentleman friends at th«* K of P. hall last Saturday evening "500“ was play- The ed until a late hour when refresh ments were served Dr Prill took a flashlight picture of th«* party A most enjoyable time WS* had 92 FROM LINER LIE NEATH IRISH GREEN ‘ j Saldier*. Sailers aid Oifutaries Falla* Muttltd Oraas-BalHts Placed , la Grava: ' ' liences Their occu|«anls hav«- left Ninety- for places of »afety. Queenstown. May II. A total of N lid inches of ram ha» two passengers of the Lusitania, who formed part of that pitiful fallen at Kennett in th«* la«t 24 handful of maimed. d«*ad and «tying hours, and it is still taming there brought ashore with the survivors , tonight. Many washout* on th«* Southern of the disaster that follow«*»! th«* at Pacific lM*tw«*en Kennett and Moiton tack on the vessel by a < ierman sub were reported In on«* place it wa* marine last Friday, were buried yesterday with service* that have reported the track was shoved olì I the mountain in stretch««s *»f UNI n<> {»arallel in history Under a sky in which not a single feet nearly to the water's edge. Ra'lroad officials reported tonight cloud fioatel an«I to th«- »train» of hymns play«»! by British soldiera,' then* is no hope of <«|»*ning through they were laxi to rest two miles he !traffic between Portlan»! an«i San hind Queenstown in a cemetery Francisco tomorrow. Mails ar«* be It la bursting with spring greenery an«l mg route! by way of Ogden tucked between hills flaming with »aid it will I»* »evearl days before r«*|«airs are made gorse. GERMANY REGRETS AMERICANS ARE LOST DENTIST DELIBERATE PLAN LAID TO GERMANY lottor Received a Meath Ago to Wash mttM Looks en War With E|OMiHity Washington. May ‘J That Ger many dclila-rately prepared to de- stroy the Lusitania irresp«*clive of the fact that Americana might In* on board as ¡«a.»m-i>g«*r» and that she would rt*gard war with th«* Unite«! States "with feeling of equanimity” is declared to hav«* Iwien shown by ii letter from a high German govern ment source n*«*riv«*,l in Washington almost a month ago The name of the writer cannot la* dischwd nor can the letter la* print«*»! in full at this time Th«* following summary Philadelphia. May 10. President and paraphrase is declared, however, Wilson gave to a gathering of 4IMNI on high authority to I m * accurate: neutaralixi»! Americans tonight th«* That a radi«*al change in public first intimation of what course th«* sentiment toward America him taken United Slate» gov«*rnment will pur- place in r«?cenl weeks. Ils character sue in the situation resulting from is shown by the following statement th«* loss of inure than a hundred made by Field Marshal General von American lives on th«* British liner Aindenburg: Lusitania. "How can I feel kindly toward a He »|M>ke by implication, but his people with whom we have no quar hearers interpreted his remarks as rel and whom* ammunition is daily meaning that while the United Stat«*» killing my aoldiera?” will remain at |«eac«- it would m*«*k That Germany looks ‘‘with equani to convince Germany of th«* injustice mity u|s>n a |M>m«il>le war with th«* to mankind of the tragedy of last Umte«l Stat«*».” Germany’s situation Friday would not be seriously affected “America,” »aid the president, thereby. On the other hand if war ’’must have th«* consciouan«*»» that should come, th«* Unitel States on all side» it touch«*» eltwiws and would stop selling munitions to th«* touch«*» heart with all nations of allies, for it would nets! them L>r mankind The exampl«* of America its own use. must I»* a special example ami must That America is in no c< >ixi î lion be an example not merely of |ieace to go to war ia-cauM- it will not tight, but because America has no army an<l Ger- |M-ace is a healing an«! elevating in many has its opinion of the United fluence of th«* world, and strife ia Stat«*» fleet. Mor«*«>ver. it is not for not. a moment to be supposed that th«* “There is such a thing a* a man Germans and Irishmen in the United being loo proud to fight There is States would remain tranquil in a such a thing as a nation lieing so war against Germany which would right that it doe« not need to con be an aid to England. "You must vince others by force that it to think of th«* effect of this upon your right." own government and whether it PEACE IS TONE OF PRESIDENT’S TALK 1 To express r«»gr«*t that so many Americans were drowned, especially in view <>f the repeat«*«! warnings Queenstown never sen**d the full given neutrals not to tak«* |uuMagc horror of the Lusitania disaster un on alii«»! merchant shqis til now. Un to th«* time that th«* 2 T<> make such financial repara long stream of c«>ffins l»*gan to dis tion as is proper, where such action appear over th«* hill iH*hin<! the town to especially required. liecause under there was about the affair what, the treaty between the United States with the <*ontinu«*d search«*» for sur and Prussia Americans specifically vivors an«I the bustle alxiut the Not Sttkiat Hartl» With Uoittd Stalos hav«* the right to traverse fr«*ely the morgue, something of the unusual waters of nations with which Ger an<! theatric When the funeral is Report Says hsgoostbility many to at war. »tart«*«!, however, th«* realisation Rosts oo Eoflaad 3 To propose the cessation of came that each of tiww cheat« coffins held a body an«! that in the Atlantic (tnntinu«*«! on page 3) less than 20 miles away, there were Washington. May 10 One punt more than 1000 others all victims of the international tangle growing of a German submarine out of the Ions of 115 Americans Henry Miller and the younger Demand For “Country with the 1 aim tan is m settled Ger portion of his family expect to start many is not seeking to provoke club” Milk to Good for Crook county in a short lime to trouble with the United States. Thi» engage in business and. perhaps, w as accepted when Ambassador Von The ctmdenaery ha* orders for six make that countv his permanent Bernstorff called at the state depart cars of milk to l»e belivered in the home. ment an<i expressed deep regret for month <>f May. all for California He has turned his sawmill proper the Ions of the Americans and cable ty over to his sons, who will operate points. Each car will carry 830 dispatch«*» told of a message for cases. making 37xo cases for Cali the plant. Tuesday, two of the warded from Berlin rxpr«*saing the In addition the Oregon Milter boys brought a planer from fornia regrets of the German government trade, which is large, is lieing taken near Stay u>n to add to th«* equip Germany hasn't withdrawn from ment and also, will bring a donkey care of. her psiition that the attack was Unfortunately th«- price of con engine from the same place in a justified. Her view to that a vesael densed milk is so low that hut little short time. The Tribune wishes carrying munitions of war la *ubj«*ct if any profit alxive cost to realised. the new sawmill firm «uii’eaa bi attack. But Germany through Hut to Is* «ucresaful itr the future, Von Bernstorff sought to show that the trade at the above points must th«* toriwdoing of the v«*ts<el, u|*on Fishing Tackle be taken care of. which it was known there were many Americans, wasn't planned as If you want fishing tackle to take Mcsda mrs Wesely and an affront to this nation. Official» with you on your early »tiring out Stichs Entertain* at 500 do not pretend that this hi»» elimi ing. don’t fail to see Haeey. the nated all difficulties in dealing with jbweler. at»«ut it. lie has just re Fnday of last week Mrs. J. F. the grave problems confronting the ceived a new stock which ts theJ*»t Wesely ami Mrs J. S Slicha were administration Rut it was agr«*«*d th«- market affords. joint hrmtf-NM*» to an afternoon thia expreiwon of good will opener! ”500” party at the home of Mrs the way for a calm dehtieration be Wesely. Scores were counted ami tween Washington and Berlin. Mrs Hagey having the higiwst score, wa* pnmented with a han<i>u«m«* When you want printing done, prizr Mrs. P. H MacDonald re the kind that is pleasing to the eye. cel ve<1 the buby At the close of The Soo Tribune office to the place the delightful afternoon. a daintv Rhone 27-7 We lunch arranger! in colora of yeilow to get It. We always please OREGON| and white. was arrved. never disappoint Ör. T. K. Sanderson Deer Horns Stolen Linn County (¡ood Road* Day Date Hat Been Changed might not I m * tn danger of over throw." That there to not th«* slightest question that if "one of our sub marine« should encounter the Lusi- tana. she would torfiedo her: it would mak«* no differcm*»* whether ah«* flew the American or the Eng lish flag Th«* English have an nounced a policy of starvation for the women and childr«*n of Germany. Why should we concern ourm*|v«*s should some of their women and children lie drown») as the result of an attack on one of her nhifm? Should several hundrol Americans tie drown«*«! at th«- same time, th«* fault would rest on them, for w<* have given warning and they ought not tf blame Germany Rather the responsibility reataon England You must not forget that our sut«marin«*» and their officers and crew cannot pursue any other course than it has been n«*cessary for them for tIn take of their own safety to follow. The «late of Linn county’s good roads day has l«e«*n chang«*«! by the county court as the result of a de cision reach«*«! this morning by Judge Mcknight an«l (ommiMionrrs Butler and Irvine. Instea«! <«f being abserv«*«! on Sat urday. May 22,'ll will be otwerved on Thursday. May 20. The change was made In view of th«* fact that th«* governor had pro- claim«*»! May 2<) as good roads «lav throughout the state and the county court desired that the date for this County corres|s«n«! with the state event However, the I .inn county <*«>urt still Iwlieve» that each county should set its own good roads day iwcause conditions are not the same through the state at the same time of year It *« happ«*ne<l this year that the date proctal me»l by the governor If one wished to see all of Scio's will be an opportune time for thia idle men together, he could have countv. Albany Herald. satisfied his curiosity last Friday Wheat has come down to one afternooa at the scene of the mov dollar per bushel, in Scio, the lowest ing of E C. Shelton's house just ac roes the bridge on the south »ide. price for several weeks A *