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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1915)
r r • I /■ , 4 Í » • 5 « • * • - * . - T » •»' » •• '7 * ■ 7 * • LOCAL BREVITIES Scio Tribune one year for 11.25 Tomato plants for sale. See Ota C. Compton. Mrs M. C. Gill relumed fr.»m an Albany visit Monday morning Mr. an<l Mr». E. C, Perry and Mr» Chas. Warner, were All«ny visitor« Tuewiay Will Abbott, the Palls City hotel man. came up last Friday for a short businea» visit. Ths rain» which fell the first of the week, caused Thomas creek to rise about two feet. For Rent Small house, good garden spot, and chicken house; 45 per month. R M Cain. c<;? V ~ •» ' ■>V you have tq do is get in and drive .— rich creatn away My reason for selling i» If the people in general could failing eyesight. J» A. Bilyeu. havr ordered rain at pleasure, a time For Sale A Twin Pope motor more opportune than last Saturday' cycle Has l>een run 2<KH) miles evening and night could not have It means better Has jus\ overhauled and is now In been arlecten Brst-claai shape. Inquire at Mac gardens and promotes a more vigor» Donald A Cyrusjrarage 5-20 ous growth of grain which will be manifest whAi harvest arrive«. Th«* amount of wire fencing which la iieing used throughout the country Fear and Trembling is enormous You will seldom see a new board fence and never a new Th«- "Hitgwailow News.*' df ihi« rail fence, even in lhe timbered city, stated in th«* issue of that |«|M*r segiona. The wire 1« 'both lietter for last week that an editorial lam- and cheaper. baating wan du«* Th«* Tribune in the N. Young, John Kelly, and Thoa. aforesaid New» in thin week'» issue Smail went Io Jefferson last Satur- The Tribune await**, the omdinight day evtming to attend a Masonic with fear and trembling meeting They were conveyed there to by Mike Kelly In his new Over-; Potatoes For Sale land auto and reported they had a Scio Livery and Feed Stables [ _ VOL. 3 Having lately purchased thtwr »table», it is our aim to conduct a first-claw livery ami feed stable in every r«*»pect We are adding new team» mm I NO TO. I.INN COUNTY. OREGON. MAY 20. HH5 WANTS ACTION ON i»«.-. »UtU. with «ixucuudaUUM and cyurteou» The '56 and l|%( until the t von wears a G year» old, l «ev« rai ya ( aptaiffj morning, visiting *1 i Scio for at! return to i re to ■5 NEUTRALS TO JOIN DEMANDS ON KAISER Nilins j » « X n I tn > **x» lb«-»»; *^ Duck* Ik-ef ^»|| Seal . Hog». II». Ilog» dn Muttnffi il 4 uñía hiz F^ 7^^-* A ■WWs X «.«■» . » * ► *7 • Philadelphia. May IM, Saturday, July ¡7 will Is- Ldwrty Bell day at the Panama-Pacific exposition The relic will leave Philad«*lphia July , » It will arrive in San Francisco on Julv 16. Several stops will tw made along lhe way. It will reach Pol Portland July and will be 15 at 6 a. m. amt l>e sidetrack- ed here for six hours m > that all who wish-may have the opportunity nf viewing it. It will leave here for Salem on the S P. at noon. (»»gantierry grower» »av they u ill have less than one-half crop thi« year. F ot Summer I Fear lì Prom the most popular Straw Sailors to the comfortable, light, silk Crusher Hats, we have an immense of hats. Straws, Panamas, Light bçlts. Silk Plaid and others. A Dr. 1. K. Sanderson The Blain Clothing Company ALBANY - BOOTH KELLY FIRM LOSES CLAIM CASE - . OREGON DENTISI Phone 27-7 SCIO OREtXJN C m H Fiadt Fritsd la Li liats- Trmltr-Fm Pitiatt Att lavahti An account may I m * o(M*n«*<i by a Washington. May 18. The su married woman free from any con- preme court unanimously affirme»! ,...i r interference by her husband, today the decuiion of the ninth Unit st*dtice officials are forbidden to ed Stat«.*« circuit court <>f a|>|M-al» in r»|, <«e to any |>er««>n. except the cancelling five patents to Oregun ikitor, th«* amount of anv de- lands held by the Rooth-Kelly Lum Withdrawals may I m * made ber Co.. Iwcaus«* of fraud in entry previous notice. Th«i gov- In th«* <l«*ci«ion the supreme court guarente«-.« to repay all ■aid on demand with accru«*d "The tiwiie is purely one of fact Upon matters with regard to which the circuit court e-emn tn hav«- l»*en H m !••• Sut ti Eich il tht Nutrii i i Will Accept Mail Depositi of Cifin it the Affinai Niti I the per pound. See Ardee Powell, of lhe Scio or E. A lais ton. of Crabtree. Pio 5-20 war veteran will soon he known only in the history of the past. BREAK WITH ITALY S IMMINENT I mt «»I in t> HATS tiers, who came to Oregon via o* team route, are ia-»ing to Great Beoond. this year. The neer Indian fighter ami Civil A Do Nothing Council 11.25 THE YEAR |>epiiaits will Is- am-pt«sl by mail by all p<*«tal «avmg» tianks after July I. Thi» announevment was made in a pamphlvt just iasued by Pnatmaater Burl«*son By thi» change mi Emn Art hilf HifhJt the dcpartm«-nt expect» t<> make the ' Irwàs AlteWj usr of th<* iMMtal Having» »vstem ac- cnuuble t<» every perm»n in the I Awif United Stal«*» over the age of ten yoars. why men. like to buy. such clothing as Clothcraft,'L System, and Michaels Stern because they each represent the maxi mum value for the money invested of Hurtmnk Forest W oodtnanm«* is studying in Portland and Edward Wraely having left for the vast. I will accept two puinls for violin instiuctfona. Prof E L Wilson. In town Wednesday» in W«*ae4y’» haJL THE SCIO TRIBUNE « There’s a V Reason A remarkable number of old •li potatoes for sale, sacked at 2 cents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackson and Mr and Mr«. R L. Bilyeu, of Hal sey, came down Saturday for a short'visit at the horn»* of J. A. Bilyeu. They reported that crops were b«*ginning to n«wd ram ami warmer weather on the prairie. ■ Ip-.,» We make a »prciaJty of Fneod- ■hip. Engagement and Wedding Rings F M French A Son, Albany, < iregon Here Over 600 road warrants were is Captain S. ii Miller, of Yac*dt, sued at ihe May term of the county Wa'h., is here to visit his brother, court. Walter, who has ls*en quite ark. hut now •• hotter. Mayor Ewing went to Salem to Captain Miller came to Oregoo day to look up the paving prupoat- and to Scio in 1853, reaching bere tioo. in the fall, lie stated to The Tri Prof. Wilson, the Albanv violinist, bunr that there were but two or was looking after hi» Scio pupils three houaes in Scio in 1853 that a yesterday Mr Turner had erected the frame Tuesday. Frank Cary was so un work for huí » al U u , fortunate as tn have a yearling colt present ot» Är liadly cut by a liarlied wire that McKi>f Mrs. J. P Crabtree ami daughter spire in • are visiting Mrs Crabtree's ag«<d Wearly’s «i Hurtenshaw of father. Mr. H. < >sbom wa , Lelianon thia week. »hop m-arf Mrs. T. K Sarnier»on and children Rutte ami ' went to Portland Tueaday, called early hi»to* there by hs*r mother's illm-«». a conducted ' stroke of paralysis («ring the cause. Scio lie wa* i Joe Shimanek brought a ch«*ck- We have a quantity » « ¥ « Doug Hamilton returrwd from a row corn planter to Scio for repairs periodical visit to th«- Albany mov yesterday, a very unusual farm Implement for th«* Willamette vai ing picture shows, Mondav. lev. One hog brought to Scio, laat Dr. Dale, of Harrisburg, was tn The Friday weigh«»! 500 pounds Scio yesterday. in consultation with sale price was 6 cents l»er pound. Dr. Prill over lhe case of J. R Gill, Mrs. David P Mason.-a resident who is regarded as being in a very of Scio many years ago. died at the grave condition family home in Albany laat Sunday. Henry Miller ami «on Walter, J. R Young and Alliert Randall ■darted aero«» the mountains via th«* went to Independence Tuesday after- They South Santian; rout«- today noon to attend the big Jersey sale The will be gone but a short tun«- on the* following day. family will move later. Mrs Lime Bilyeu, of Slayton, The Northw«**t»-m Telephone Co has improved the tele|>hone property has a force of men at work rebuild in this city with a new Hide walk on ing lhe Scio-JetTerson line. It is the west aide of lhe same expected the Im«* will be in gold Thoms« creek was full of floating condition within two weeks. wood Tuesday, The wood was cut J. Meiiear, of aliove Foster, an for the ludtanon l»a|n*r mills up on nounces that h«* will have charge of Bilyeu and Burmeater cteek». the Fish Ijike »land thia year, an<l L. E. West, of Tacoma. Wash., that he will build a wagon ri«<i was in town Tu«*«day. He is a broth connecting Fish ami Clear lake» er ot ex-Governor West. He is Perry Duncan, of Iwbahcm, lost buying »h«*e|> for a Tsrama market his dwelling house by fire last Sun- Jas H Lunn, a Scio merchant of day morning. The fire originate over 30 years ago, di«*d at hie home from a stnve|Kpe. iMsssing .through n«*ar Salem laat Sunday. He wa» a the ceiling. Nearly all of th«* con partner of G. W. Johnson when tents of the building were saved * here. Some two or three * weeks ago, W. II Jenkins, traveling («Mea Die Tribune «(as authorized to an ger agent for th«* Southern Pacific nounce that a hafnew shop would railroad was in town laat Saturday. Iw <>pen«*d in the north room of th«* The Jribune acknowledges a pleae- tfaiith , building. ai»out Mai 1. His ant call fmm him. » goods arnv«*d at West Scio yester • 1 fl you want the (liAgontan, tbe day • Journal or the Tel»*gram. we will Wm Brenner drove in from the furnish it, tn you at lew» than farm Wednesday, hi»t«*t Jersey milk "liargatd day" rale«, providing you cow with a tine calf following. Riff grv a stthscriber to The Tribune. knowing his strawberries are near For Sale A Ford automobile, in Harvesting, is now well supplied good condition, new tires, etc. All with the n«-<’«Miy accompanyment most enjoyable time. > < *» « ■ The Lebanon Strawberry Fur is One of Scio’s First Settlers bdlad for May 27 and 28 •> ,v - K ,ff e— / prevtmted from coming to the same conclusion as the circuit court of ap peals. rather by the pnnumption in fav nr nf the patents than by it» be lief in the testimony for the de fense,” Of the IjiRauta the court said: "The IjiRauta were taken to in spect the land, an that they might make the nec-ssary affidavits, but beyond that aiqieur to have known nothing ami t<> have made no iiM|uir- ie« nt any time The cimqMinv paid their expenws all the bill«, in short." The d«M*iM»m la squarely against the cnmtiany The fraud alleged by th«* govern ment was that Stephen, Alic«, Ethel, and Lucy I at Rant and Edward Jor dan had rtbsl on claims under the timber ami stone act for the pur|M>M- of turning the lund over to th«* Booth-Kelly l.timl>«>r Co. All ex|»*n- m*s of their entries, the government avrrrd. were paid by th«* conqianv am! in addition thev were each gi\»*ii a bonua of I DM). The four ludtauts were relatives of R. A. Hooth, who at that time wa» manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. All admit they had re ceived the money, but Booth claim ed he hail given th«* money to th«* l<aRauts to help them along. They w»rt* in reduced circumstances. In making its decision th«* United States circuit court of a|qi«*als said that Booth's Htatemrnt that he hail [»aid the money to assist hi» relatives did not coincide with certain parts of the evidence to an extent which would justify it in Hiistaining Judge Bean'a decision. Washington, May IH. Pressure from other neutrals is the trump i car»I ttw* I lotted Stat««e has (Waved in her atl«*mpt tn force < iermany to * Peery and arrriit the (sieltion of the l-mt«*d i. Warner Entertains States r»*garding sulunarm«* attack» U(s»n neutral shq» amt |>anM>nger •e« ry ami Mr» Chai carrying vewa-ls of i>elligvrvnt na itamrd a numlier of tions. It is l»*arm*d that copies of Pr»-si at th«* E C. Peery dent Wilson's note have l>e«*n placed 5IMI prday aft«*rn«M>n at the di«|Hr*al of neutral ciiuntru-» b amusement of the who«»' citizens were lost when th»* jtr which dainty re- Lusitania sunk. thv »er»* served bv It is reporte»! th,*w natnma have *a A. G Prill r«-ceiv«*d endorsed the ue»u«*s as outline«! by I and Miss F reeman the Pr»-»ident Wilson It is pre»um«*d this i» what th»* |ir»*»ident had in A^flfft were: ... .. iBlIWValter Hilveu. Jennie i rinml when in hi» Nyw York «(s*ech The eastern stñrín ws« said in he Wr ask only Jon«*«, Henry Strpanek. A. G. Prill, yestrrdav Is- mud I passing into the Atlantic ami th«* Fred Hilyeu, J S. Sticha. Roy Shel what we have the right to ask for ■ iflr in tbe west t»> tie moving east ton. Rolla Shelton. Riley Shelton. | ail humanity.’* ward Ethel Arnold, Audrey l|"i>w>n, John Frost warnings w«*re i«aue»l to A rwely, Joe Wesely, P II Maclhm Panama Canal Trafiic night for many sect nm» aid, O. B. Cyrus. h»l»-s Cox. A E In March Makes Record Edwards. A llagey. Mis. Balan tine British Loss in Ships Miete*» Vella Brenner, Sever«*nce, Wadiington. May 18. 1 Record in War 460,628 Tons Freeman. Smith. Shannon, Blanche breaking cargo«** [lassing through K<»p«*cky. Johnson. the Panama canal in March, accord London. May IK Thon. J. Mc ing to war depar I nw-nt statisticians, A Young Old Man Namara. parliarm-ntary secretary of would have till»-d approximately th«* admirably, announce«! in reply I Him freight trains of 20 cars each. We Have the Best Sheep to a question in the houiw of «un The Tribune familv in Indebted to These trains, it is estimated, would mon» today that 460,628 timi of s w Gaine», of Santiarn farm, for have stretched 275 miles in length British «hipping other than wardiif« Mr. Wiwt, of whom we made men most excellent atrawlierri«*«, or tilled five parallel tracks from hail been sunk nr rantured by (hr tion last w»*ek, has I hm - h buying from the vintoi, last Saturday, Panama to Colon Had this freight tierman navy aim • the outbreak of Mr slw*ep in thia locality. Il»* says th«» ¡aim*» has more than reach«»! lw*en transported across the iathmua the war Willamette valley aheep, »•»{»•cially the lotted ae«* of man 170 y«-ara) in freight trains. It would have re- but a as vigorous ami active a» <iuir«*d a train every 48 minutes, or of the mutton variety, are superior New Harne»» Shop to this»* pro<liic<*d in any othev Mo many men twenty years Ifi*» junior 58 trams a day The cargo handled Itiis is TTiis year he plow«*d ami «-»-ded 40 in March through the canal aggre tion of the Pacific coast because, at a given age. thev weigh I hereby announc* that I acre« of grain, In-iud«*» taking care gated 636,057 tons. more than sheep from am other "l»*nr<i a new h im*-»* of his large garden and berry patrhe*« locality. Gr»-en grass during the north room adj lining Mr Gaine« la never »att»tied with Pythian Sisters Initiale winter month», pr<siuce a Coiitmti- store. I am prepared out he can produce lietter crop«, ous growth which cannot la* reaelw*»! of harnesa work and guarani«*«* sati- finer vegetabltm and larger berri«*» Wedn«*sday evening of last i uc-k when dry winter feeding must bw faction at reasonable prii"»-« than his neighbor» This isevidenrr the Pythian Sisters held a very rraurted tn. W A CROSS, that he works early, late and be- interi sting m*-»*ting when Dr Prill, 1 At the same age Wfflarnettr valley Scio, < iregon tween time«, which ia remarkable Roe Shelton and John Kelly < were lambs weigh more, by from 40 to for a man of his age. Many young A Pendleton girl when returning er men than he have given up active initiated into the order. After r ths 50 pound», than those from the from a dance, wa» »truck by light work, thus placing themselves in session, all present indulged in pro colder sections where winter feed ning this w«*rk ami paralyzed for a the ranks of the hasbeens. Not so gressive **600** after which the Ing is necesaarv with the renowned "Pie Eater ” He short time. An umbrella »he car expects tn be on the turf for many h<mt«*sm-s of the ev«ming, Vella Bren ried aeerrwd to attract the electri years yet The I. O. O F grand lodge is in He says hi» health was ner, Audrey Hobson and Minnie city never better than now. Shelton served dainty refreshmenu. | srarnon at Newport this week.