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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1901)
What are Humors ? They are filiated or morbid fluids court ing the veins' and affecting the tissues. They are commonly due to defective diges tion but are sometimes Inherited. How do they manifest themselves ? In many forms of cutaneous eruption, salt rheum or eczema, pimples and bolls, and In weakness, languor, general debility. How are they expelled f By Hood's Sarsaparilla which also builds up the system that has suffered from them. It Is the best medicine for all humors. Contradictions, "Well, Digby, I'm surprised? You're getting gray!" "Yes, yes; I'v got lots of gray hairs and precious few of them." This signature Is oa avsry boa of the feaulao Laxative Bromo-Qutnine Tawu the rtunedv that care a coM aa mm J A Slavs to Fashion. Warden What's the row over there in the cell house? Guard That embexxler says he won't stay any longer if he can't have creases in his trousers and raglurt shoulders in his coat. If you wish to keep in touch with new things in photography subscribe to Camera Craft, the best photographic journal in the world. 330 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Wanted a Clear Understanding. "I am sorry, sir," said the surgeon, but we shall have to perform an oper ation." "I know you're not sorry, doctor," said the man with the appendicitis. "You are glad. And now we under stand each other, doctor, you can go ahead." If roe haven't a regular. beaUfay movement of tn bowel ever? ear. Joare tick, or will t. Keep roui boweia open, and ba well. Force, la tbe tnape of violent phytic or pill polaoa. la dangsrotn. Tt ,m oolites l. eaaletU mint perfect way of kaeplns lb ac w 1 clear and clean is to take CANDY CATHARTIC a F1eanot, Palatable. Potent. Taate Good, Do Good. Fever Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c wc Writ, for free (ample, and booklet on heaUB. Address StwU BwejtMBpaa, Catoat, latml, In f ark. leia KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Anxious to Serve. Lawyer It is reported that you have frequently expressed yourself as opposed to capital punishment. Deacon Ilighsoul (drawn for jury duty) I won't have no scruples in that man 's case. He cheated me on a hoss trade once. TO CCBE A COLD IK OKI DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Irnggists refund the mnney If tt fails to care. L W. Grove 'i signature is on each box. Z". Took the Blow. "To think that an American ban ner should ever stand a blow without returning it." "When did that happen?" "To the weather bureau 'storm flag in the last cyclone." BOWELS mm Mi THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES. The poison ejected from the fangs of the rattle snake is not more surelr fatal than the virns of PrtntaorirtHO P.1wl Prticnn wTnlrll rir.11uAl the blood, destroys the tissues and bones a canker sore into the flesh. This horrible disease appears first in the form of a little sore or blister ; soon the glands begin to swell, pimples break out on the body, the mouth and throat become sore, making it painful to eat or swallow; dreadful ulcers appear on the tongue, copper colored splotches and other characteristic signs of Blood Poison come as the disease progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the system. The medical men are as sorely perplexed over the character of this blood poison as ever ; they tell you to take mercury and potash alternately for three years, but the stomach of no human being can stand this treatment long ; besides, they do not cure the disease permanently, as thousands wno nave inea u Know. WELLINGTON, KAS., Sept., 1900. I contracted Blood Poison two years ago this fall, and was persuaAed to try a medicine widely adver tised by a remedy company In Chicag-o. X waa re quired to pay a large amount in avdvanoe, and ean truthfully say that X waa wore when the treatment was left off than when Z began. Beddiah pimples would break out and fill with yellowish matter ; cop-per-colored splotches of all sizes would appear on my body ; my throat was so sore X could scarcely swallow, and my mouth and tonsruo were seldom free from ulcers ; tonsils were swollen, and my hair was com lng out rapidly. This was my condition when X began your 8. B. S. X have nsed twenty-two bottles, and am feeling splendid. Svery sore on my body has healed, and my appetite good. JTAKB MABTIN. S. 8. S. is not a new medicine ; for nearly 50 years it has been known and used for this dreadful disease. It has brought new life and hope to thousands all over this land ; it will cure you as it has others. Send for our free book on home treatment and write our physicians about your case. We will help you if you will let us ; we make no charge for advice, and all correspondence is conducted ill Strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, 6A. Tht Proper Ttrrn. "Why do you sjx'ftk of him as a fin iahed artist?" ; "Because he told me he was utterly discouraged and was going to quit the profession. If that doesn't show that he's finished,. I don't know what does." No Reciprocity. "That Mrs. Simpkins didn't return my call." "Well, that's no matter." "No matter? She lives in the suburbs, and I spent 25 cents getting out there," Postage to He Kedac-tt to One Cent. The President who stirceds in -Kttlnt this meHsure through tNmgres. wilt hold a hijdi place in the esteem of the people, but no higher peruana, thnn the eteeni ill which everybody holds Hosteller's 8tom ach Hitters, ThU medicine sets at (he starting point of th disease by acting on the .stomach, helping that organ iu Us duty of digesting food. It cures dyspep sia,, indigestion, consuimtlun, stimulates the kidneys, and strengthens the nerves. Be sure to try it. iii iii i ii in V A Philanthropist. She (hautily) I happen to know that you have proposed o two other girls this year. He Yes, dear, but I assure you it I was only out of compasion. ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, ' His Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Tha Limit Buster I am having awful luck. I am now down to my last dollar. Pedbroke Pshaw, that's nothing! Wail till your are down to the last dollar of your las t friend. The Beat Prescription for' Malaria Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It U dimply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Ko Cnre. No Pay. Price 60c I Longevity of Queen's Trsln-Bcarcrs. j All the eight ladies who acted as train bearers to the queen on herwed- ding day, 63 years ago, are still , alive. All save one are married. The Lady ictoria I toward is the one exception. Stats or Ohio, rrrr op Toledo, i Lt'CA COCKTT. ( Fro J. t m.NET makes oath that he is the senior parier ol the firm o( F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City ol Toledo, Coatuv and btate aforesaid, and that said firm will pair the Sum Ot ONE HlNDKbD DoLLAKd for each and every case ol Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Ci'rs. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my preaeuce, this 6th day ol December, A. D. isstf. I"seaI A. V7.GLEASOX, il Notary PubUe Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly on the Mood and mncous aurfeoea of the system. Hend for testimonial, free. m F. J. CHENEY at CO., Toledo, a Sold by druKKiftti, 75c. Bail's Family Fills are the best. The Superlative. Hoax Wigwag always called his first wife "dear," but he calls his sec ond wife "dearest. " Joax Well, I guess she is. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal lible medicine for coughs and colils. N. W. oamcel. Ocean (J rove N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. Diiwpointcd the Farmer. "That city man that was visiting me is an overrated cuss," remarked the farmer. "How so?" "Oh, the papers all said he was a great hand at watering stock, but I found he couldn't work the pump five minutes without lameing his arm." Engsgine; Candor. Stern Parent So you want to mar ry my daughter, eh? Well, sir, what have you to live on? Young Brokeligh If I succed in marrying her, I'll have you. anA vitifltM . and eats like rn 8. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vege table blood purifier, and the only antidote for this particular virus: it purifies the blood and builds up the constitu tion. The appetite im- E roves almost from the ret dose, the sores soon show signs of healing, and the unsightly, dirty splotches and eruptions grow paler and paler, and finally disappear. OAR 4,840'S .MYSTERIOUS LOSS. Mystery Cleared Up by a Cowboy's Die , cover la a Valley. : Santa Ft ear No. 4,840 had left ft well kuowu fruit packer's establish theat la the Snu tSabiiel valley, Califor nia, during the latter days of March of the present year, loaded with select oranges, consigned to a commission firm la one of the great Eastern mar kets. U was a bright, fresh-appearing car, with all the modern cold-storage appliances, recently put In order for the frult-shlpplug season, which was Just at Its Inception. , For days the heavy laden train, man ned with a sturdy crew, wound Its way on Its long journey over the Sierra Madre and Sierra Nevada mountains, and started ou Its flight to Trinidad, not far to the east, where tha sensa tional Incident of tha Journey trans pired. Car 4.8 JO had mysteriously and strangely disappeared. At Raton, a di vision station on tha Banta Fe, that particular car, with others, had beeu noted In the conductor's report and turned over to the new crew. Strangely this car did not appear In the train reports when Trlntdad was reached. The Ill-fated car dad drop ped from sight, as If swallowed up by the earth, and Its miraculous disap pearance could uot be explained by tbe train crew. The mystified trainmen "were called upon the carpet" and sul Jected to a searching Inquiry aa to the whereabouts and magical disappear ance of No. 4.840. The bewildered con ductor could offer no solution of the mystery that surrounded the lost car. After many tlnys of perplexity, confu sion and annoy lug Investigation, a cow boy In charge of his herd reported a strange discovery, which cleared away the mystery. No. 4.819 waa lying at the base of a precipitous embankment In a thicket of underbrush, with Itt sides distended. Its roof bulging, and a confused mass of choice oranges at- ed outlines. The car was lying on Its side, dismounted from Its trucks, a mass of mint, with Its contents pre served by the crisp mountain air under a cloudless sky. The train In Its rapid descent at a sharp curve had broken the flanges or a set of wheels and the Ill-fated car was derailed. Upon Its discovery tbe cowboy, was suitably rewarded, the train crew re instated, a major portion of the cargo was recovered, and the shippers reim bursed. KINO OTTO. - 1 s. ., Mad Mnnnrch of J'avarla Fufferlnsi front Mi Old Ailment. King Otto, the mad monarch of Ba varia, has, been lately suffering from a serious relapse of his old bodily ail ments. King Otto ascended the throne of Itavarln on tbe death of bis elder brother. King Ludwlg. In 18M No sooner had be succeeded than he be came Insane, and bis uncle, Prince Lultpold. was made regent of tbe realm. The craiy ruler has been con fined In a private asylum for fifteen years. Ills mania Is sometimes homi cidal. This makes him all the more dangerous, for be Is a giant In stature, xiyo OTTO. above six feet tall, and possessed of great physical strength. He has killed three of his attendants at the Castle of Furstenrled, bis ' present retreat. At times be fancies himself a stork, stands on one leg and gathers twigs as If for a nest. Ludwlg, his brother, wns af flicted also with homicidal mania. lie killed several of his servants, and was himself finally drowned while trying to drown his physician. Stopped a Mountain's Journey. A Lausanne correspondent writes that the Swiss engineers have succeed ed In arresting tbe progress of the Mov ing mount, near Neuchatel. The meas ures taken to save the village and val ley from destruction were extremely daring and original. They consisted In building a huge cement wall to hold up the mountain, whose sides were full of small crevices, those also being filled with cement., By these means the mountain became firm and most of the danger has passed. ' Her First, Mrs. Nuwed (at the cigar store)-rd like to see some cigars for a stout, dark man, please! Puck, Every woman should bear at least three sons, In order that she my find encouragement In making plea. Excess of Womin In Norway. In consequence of emigration, there is . a greater prcpondentnea of women in Norway than in almost any other country in Europe. The cen sus of 1891 showed that there was an excess of women over men of almost 70,000, while lit 1870 this excess amounted to only ,43,000. Must Economize. "I would like to sell you an auto mobile,"" V: ... " 'l " "". "I'd like td buy it, too, but I can't, My daughter baa just cabled me that she ha married the Duko Do '. No coyne," , ' Knew His Business. Hostess Dear me, the conversation Is flagging, What tan we do to amuse our guests? ; Host I don't know, unless we leave the drawing room for few min utes and give them a chance to talk about us. ' . ' :? Wild Lilt In the House, , . "Have you ever had any trilling ad ventures, Penelope?" - "Yes. Once I stmxl on the arm of a couch to tlx a window curtain, and the couch shot across the room with ine, i , 4 " r , 1 ' A living Example. "We are what we feed on,'', quoted Mr. Hixson, laying down his book, "and I am willing to say the author is right. For instance" "I am already a believer," Mrs. Hixson interrupted, "You will in sist on having lobster for supper always." , And Mr. Hixson, mortified, grew very red. Te Prevent Talk, Towne You forgot to tip the bar- j wr just now, didn t you? j Browne Oh, no! 1 always tip him More he begins work on me, and I give him to understand that the tip 1 is intended for "hush money." FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. FREE TO FARMERS Our ISO! Vehicle Book Our 1901 Implement Catalogue JUST ISSUED. Send yonr name ami P. O. addrea and we will mall one or both, as destred, free ot all Charge, Mitchell, lewis & Staver Co., First and Taylor Sts. PORTLAND, OR. efaf ADAMANT jff Th with afaWMlVafef trMmM a? ELMm A genu wanted In every town. Chas; L. Mastick & Co. " FZXur&.cL0"' , CASH BUYERS OF HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignments solicited.' Pay highest market price. PROMPT RETURNS. Dealers in leather and Findings. Refer to Wells, Fargo & Co. Bank, Portland, Oregon, Cure Your Horses PRU88I AN HEAVE POWPBRB, , if bhUHS, 6nilBr MAIL, eo. COKED THIKTYPOUB HOUSES, PuaiAN Rbmbdy Co., St. Paul, Minn. Gbntlsmsn: I have been using the Prussian Hsavb Pow dris the past eixht tnonthe, and in that time baveenred 1 1 hcra ofheavea, 1 of distemper and O of chronic conuh. Your Prusalan Kemedics have gained a great reputation in thia aectlon. Hnnr Pih"i k. Newark. N.Y. JC. J. BO WEN, Coast Agent, Portland, Oregon, I as What Does It Cost ? I We have just issued an excellentMittle Cat alogue on Fence subjects. Full Illustrations; all the newest Fence information. A postal card will bring It to you, Portland Anchor Fence Co. 742 Nicola! St, Portland, Or. Vlhaf, a t Woman lm Ablo to N&ftt Sick Woman . Whon Dootor Fail now gladly would men fly to wo taan'a aid did they but understand a woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities, and peculiar orgarde disturbances. Thus things ara known only to women, and tha aid a man would give Is not at his commend. To treat a case ptvperly it ia neces sary to know all about It, and full Information, man times, cannot ba glten by a woman to her family phy alelaa. She eaaaot bring herself to I Ull aeervthtnir. and tha Dhvalulan ia - . vv - m w Z3i-M ... 1 A' J Mas. a. II. Casrstu. at a eonstaut disadvantage. This la why, for the past twenty-five years, thousands of women bar been eon tiding their troubles to us, and our advice has brought happiness and health to countless women in the U.S. . Mrs. Chsppell, of tirant 1'ark. 111., whose portrait we publish, advises all suffering women to ua Lydla E. link ham's Vegetable Compound, aa it euredherof Inflammation of the ovaries and womb j ahe. therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her experience ought to give others confidence. Address Mrs. Ftokhatna Laboratory, Lyon, Mass, buy the Mccormick Tha MK'nrmlrk marhlnesere the moat Mats rn. They are the frtde of the w century! tilRheM In swanla at tha Paris esptttUlon liuilt tanio-work tt are hem. With every teat they prove the tt. tot Prowrtu ftrrntTahmi fcw .la at nt Call on the ag-mt, or addreas fur catalos us A. H. BOYLAN, Genl Agt, I OHTLANI), OKKOOM pertertlon ot Wall rientor, la the only malarial which repairing can be done neatly and to atay. lot. It will fay you. Kor Information address THE ADAMANT CO., Foot of lilh Street, Port I m ml. OsvfSM Con at or Distemper with m t jr.MfcjT" .