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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1901)
... Smtfs ami Easi VIA ii?; V, ' 111 .. ) iVuTniRSWORTtJ, JK.. 1 l.tor and Propriet r. vu5 ANNA OOLtlSHV, AsmVI.UO l'ditor. ,tsi-Kii'ru s;Ti paid in Advance ; rate.-' nvi.u" "' f?0? Esi&fe & Graves fr;??tf HSrQkw EUGENE and JVNBTiON GiTY iM-t.ohce :u 'ni ! da-..- mail tuatt.T. : r. - .:-1 tjj? L'ja&KCj ilex -Ssfofo Dealers of Lafso .cim.t t :' ' Comity .V 1 , i -v., . v fl:l Ionian an I m a. a-Week New York or.d ns. -l Southern Pacific COMPANY. Train l'rtvo .1 unction City fur lYtlhind and w; ay talious ut 11 ;iU) a, m. ai d flit:' OREGON SJWON .i . i I :...(. J ill.. lintvninn in 1 .am' COtltltV .tlld Other ,nP xi UieYidlcv, wluh we wdl Mww tint KmKiiw ii.r hemes ut t'X-j .. :.' ... ! .....!,,.. 'i .1.. !! ,.nv ,.,..i.t we Wl.ldo VOU lH'l JVUM', Take ll limk V it 1. US. H ' .o U' .:)' s.- v arc hn.Viiu f"r l.Ldt ch. lit-r-',: which t employ your spare eilevribe for "Success" l v. iv Mot. raw-Harden ri. Cu v',;;,.:l(!i S.marc, Ntfv York. ll writer in th country aroe.ei- , ; to " .UYes"-.1 ' A Decisive Vote. . .' . Vve vote of "". to tin .zocs .i .i-iiu'tion luivo Jcc!.ir.'l .n .r :;!. l:n,' i'.k' city by oLvtricity. s .-I'. 1 j.ttl.-f th.s nius-t IvsottiHl "iav.ivt. lvo t ne a.';unt t!ie 1 ...I- o...w i iv r A t uo ami ro- i'Ah xU ot tto. uu-nt'u'ih .'! :i - l Hillary i-r i ".f.i will iKnn ait'.r.ile it in (lie ri'tit directi-'ii. si-lie who tre o;M"r.'l : ,-.,utr.u-t to' pirtiea. - . .!! tlie inteati asiy .- : -.. Jam-tioa to .ut in a plant ever henrlof it. Tht-y l av . v ,.f time to make thftr lan. Vi.t why l-Jir onti-:e;i! ? : invite iioii-resiJciits to in- larin. Ki-:il a iecriiun ti -w 1 1 "ur ...-u v pi.u v5 . No. ll;;. ::' rtVtvs .( lan.l, situate . vl t.iil..tiu ; plenty ol fruit ; tt choico twoimle north v. Jnnetion (.'i: K) I .laee. .,,. I rii'o No. 131.' .Vuhmvh; 13 ttert-n in culti vation; oh) huiMini;!; f 'tne kh1 Iruit j r.ali'M north if .lunction City, nil i.MoJ Unci laml am! .m1 noil; n portion roverc.l with tiniloruul lmiMi; H.j-!nile to M'llOol llOUfi'. Price HW N i. I, "Ml. IB ni'p's of tlio very In'ft of luiul.2 intlos north of Jumtioii City ; nearly nil in cultivation ; n ntetl this season forfiH); reiit goes Willi tn" 1'iuee. j l'neo ,v I.W. r.-roH of latul. "V. tnih s nouth of Junction City; nearly nil in cultivntirn; fair lnuUlinj?s. Pries f-V-w No. l'H. to ere of laml, one mile fro'n city limits; it 1 1 in cultivation; choieo lanil; no ImiMiuiirt; will well in a boily or iliviihi ui mi small traetH to fiut jiureluiforH at r.'a.oualie jricc. No. ltd. IVKIaere.fcf huvl, 2!,. mih-M Kiiithwobt from .him tior. t ity ; 1 l.v I'oi tlati't S ::H inn l,v .Hinctloix t'ity. 1 :1IX -m r Alilan t P. :") nuv " Six rami'iito . . Vl iu " Sun 1'uncim'o. 7 : 13 ni Ar tV-len I:i"3 n in " iK i.vt r 1:1H am " Knn hii ! (.'it v. . . 7:23 inn " Chlca,;'... .'. ... 7M- utn iir4 in if. tivulion : ii hi hi I o iicrcs womi aiul timlier ; two Iioum's ami two ban:!", very fair buil.linUM; s-cnool-lu'ii.' within V'S.I yanls i f one of the huilil iiiiis; this is'a No. 1 laml, ami consul erol one of the best jlaees in Lane count v. Price Kb" No. 111. uJO acres vi lan.l. four inih' from Junction City ; two sets of huil.l iruM i.n tint i.Iae: IJ!) acres or more .......I firm liii.t f.ii-i-heiit. i ats aiiil some jooil w heat laml ; this is a 4il ;tock or il.ury runcli, watcre.1 uy tne; nun Kiver on the wivt, the river hein,; the west line of the place. Price U0O No. 117. 70 acres of laml l'. miles from Junction City, mi the P.uirene rmul ; no buihlins: nt"o.-t nil wi cultivation ami eool o'l ilit i t lasul. Price.. .'...4 !,W0 No. 130. 80 acres on the river road to i;i''vt, nam 4 'M P.M. i; Kuaere, miles f r-ud Jituction City; Time 5tlu Uulci i POl.TLANH .:.! 1.1'ko. I'i m-.f, 1 I t, "'I th, t U.ui' tin, KiuiKio" Cit v, Kt. Lmiis, Ct.l- i w-it in.. I KiO"!, Suit Lake. IVnvi-r. ! I t. W oltli.tWnil- j In, Kiiiisus City, i: H A,M M. L"ui, Chi ) rae al.i! r.crl . Walla Will!.:, Lew- inton, SiolMil', iilhiro. I'lllh urn I, . Mill iieiini 1 i A. M. ... it i r ..... V I ti .it 1'iinl tin. Ulllllllllll IIIMI joiirov linn iii ,ii j ", i trains. Chair cars Sacrumento to (kv Sjkaiic i luth. Milwaukee j den ninl Kl Paso, ninl Tourist cars to CMciii.'j t;'t. 1 ChieiiK-o, M. J.oiiim, .m.w frieuns uuo 1- l t ,.. wnMiimaton. iinnn.ncciiiverDiiiuuuat; i n Mllll SCV- w Ar Loh Angeles.. . k' tlH) n " Ml Paso tl :IK) pin Port Worth. .. tlilU) niu City of Mexlcoll;.'!0nn " Houston 7 :tx) nut " New Orleans. . ::0 pin " Washington. , . '. ;-pj niu " New York 12 :10 pin ; uitt pin l":i:.:ani I'M-.Mif i c;.'i inn i on S ; to niu ('incut.'" " purtlaml 7:t)ain i.,i t';t3 am u a . M. 7;"nni vlilhu.t S:.suitm j,u.,. i.i ..... Ailanlh i . . il IK) inn -r em .... i' P. M. 1'.'"' - 11:;10 am via Hunt r :tK am C. 'til I'll! ' 1 . . t:Y2 am M. Caul 12:10 put l'at Mail li 1". M. I .tiueel i in' ill Willi Pr'lllrUei eral hteanishiii lines (r Honolulu, Ja- mil. ( hum, Phiiii'i'ines, I cntrai ano South America. Se aeut ut Junction l. uy Htatioit, or itiMress (' II MA IMC HAM. Ci. P. A., Polllan.!, tie,;..n. 'i Lie res ... i ... : I I .1 ' "! ' i - "'- " " - -' ' i ut cuilivtuiun miiiuinys "io. "il'- h".'M tins is ni.inv mi mil ..'.. i vu,i . j(la is n !araiu at t,.oo ties. i heard it xv.'. that th r. lr inv: fornieil to .li,' ii; a -' a ;tter ph.r.t lilei., m,. put in the electric 1:1 :. r-lliary to maintain t i . it i-.ttins! thi: ei.ntract ..:siil -i" :;e i hms of this '11. i .. -r chem'.', however, u" on v'.f. , I -: ...;ia take the lights now v. hen t Orlie. 0,11. V? have omeRood bargains near Eugene, and in Linn mul Henton conn- Call .'ii or miiiress R. F. BAKER & CO. Junction City, Oregon. in Oiltavre I'.l.lj;., next ihs.r t. "Kulletin" OtVu-e. Professional. Ih biclmiH. W. V.:;LIi'.Y, I'liv.ieiim illiil SuiL'eoll. i il.'.tel P.iiK-l:. .tiinrtion. Or. ... .1 :t the:.-, anu men n.e uiicn j i eaii uet it. The follow il..- .m "Sm-ciss" fit i.icely lurv -v won lcrh.! tilings v.e are eolnu i oiue uili'T ih'y ; ' ;.r- we !;o.e to ilrift ia'o, S .tt."- .it!i--r .hi" ; 1 le.t haifls. the oar.- that trnll ,i, 1 w ut I'.-r a favoring a.c "u- f. .'..'.so?' 'i:i vlb-sail, S.ii. e other '!.' v. ' A v.e uui ..!i,e say to o: .in. ..; -f. irh:. s v."--.mi -tli i-i t toll i; ever we win, :-r i! iy: e!,-e- tiiere's time to ;r.!ay; Ve !".t'.T O'l, ! ii, do! ' v. i: upon, ,:-r '. v. r.iDo Ygu Know that Tin: Seattle Fimit & Produce COMPANY, OF LTGKNK, ., mvs the highest cash price for poultry, ,'. vs veal am! all kiml vl farm produce, l'riees this week : Chickons.Tc per poum! ; I -.. r...M. r,e : duck.". 7c. j i.'.t,:t fo'ruM.-t the place-Stli Street, next loor to Soap factory. hen v. e :i i t fur tin- thin ,-i-n do: Id ;;!.'. our race is ran, which miirht have , 1 1 1 r i!a : th- imththat l.-.'.H us Wliere. ...'e!;i-ni! icmd of -rim denpair : - ii- joivi"!1 ont of the hero ' r-.--tt;j "t !ier day. r -nt v, i.o i! ". not se.hKcrihe for the 1m '.,-.! .v.r;il for their daughter vv.;v i.i dt-r.aiction of duty as i w ful' i to .-'!) 1 her to fcliool. Kl'OMNi; STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS West Mi.'hlh Street Near Steam Laundry Chris Man:, Jr., proprietor t HUM POUILKM GO EASY VIA i All Sai'im Htiten i . ..i i .... . . . i... ...... . ... s p M , " v : ! p. m. ' ' : I.,.- v.,.1 I nun'lHtH i ! Niil every 3 da? . Iiuilv i Kxiel't ...fcf. nimm tX"r ! 'i'o A-torhtnn.l 10 P, M. : 4 P. M. Kx. Sun. Clothing Cleaned, Colored and He paired. Faded Clothing Restored to Its Original Color to Look Like flcui f.ATISFAGTI'JN OUrtBrtNTEXD. 'foiophnfta fled 49-4- S00 LINE Solid YeHlibuh-d Trains, (v.:iistin P.ilact! Slfpinj; Cars, luxe.rioii lii;:ie: Cars. t-Ieiruht Day Coac'nesand mauniii cent. To'irist Cars, to ami froi.i all point-lla-t. l.ov.c;-i rates to ami f'oin all pai t-ol Europe via Atlantic St 'amrd.ip Linen. ROYAL AUIL STKAMSlilP LINE ' HI CHINA and JAPAN. Canadian - Australian SS. Line 'lo llONV.LL'LC and At' .-THALIA. Shortest & auizkest SLirtc T St. Paul, Bulutli. Min neapolis, Chicago And A'! Poic's L..-. Through Pulac; and Tourist ricr-crs, Dlnbg a Bu.fci S.v.oki.13 Library Cars DAILY T I! AiN : I AST "i 1 M I. ; SEIiVSCE A St'J NKKY I'.VM'iCALHI' . C. ntr.ilie Locni' d. Daily i. Min. A. M. 0 A. M. 1 io c. Thin and wa'. 7 A. M. T.'C , I h'IM. and S..I, S..a'.e l';;i:.r. i ;i:;o ,M Idilv Villi AIIE1T tlr. Ciu , New hvi'. Sab'tii, In- ilepelideie e and V. ii - S.iii'lin;"'. C..r..I!iai d ay- I.,iin!iiii:s. WLLAMLTfZ rant;, ill rilver On .'ii Citv. I'ay l,.si ninl tVay- a to t"ll Kioitia to Lewis- l:3i P.M INC.'pt niid :y. i I :op. V. , Nluiidav, . W.dltes. , I tid.iy ': :m)V. m '. Monday, ; Wi in-i.. ,v Friday i I eavo . i i.e,v! H;;,"i A.M Dailv i:. 1 . iii.vvi n, akcuv. Siih in. re. '.:".i!ay-ScIi(ol Rally. .(.,. r.j.i'-::ti'.e'''!ii!i.iU;? of the Lane ., j-, I- s;: 'hiv-.-i I.ool Afsoeiation ne-t ', j... Mureh 1"), and decided to hold . . . ,. .... it .. ... e ..ii !v onvel.: mil in r-uxiie ""? : i ' '! ::: of ,av. A I ' .'.istrict presidents ! S ,- !".. ste.i t,:.. ld district convcntioiis j ) ,r Lo 11 of Ma v. ' V! TiT.sny. .r..1:;ry of La:;') County Si.Jiday-fchooi i-i.'.'c:a!ion. IU) IT IS DON E. The hr.-t ohj"et in life with ihe Amer-o-aii people, ii- to ";!et iel, ;" the serond, to rejain e,,".)d l.culih. Thehrst nil b,; obtained by eii-rjy, honesty and irni'.'; the Sec1'!!'! food health, by ns :iiij Oreen's An'411-t Llowi-r. Should yJu '. a despondent sulferer from any i.f thi cff.-e'.ft of Dyspepsia, Liver Com- . 1. '. . 1 .i:,.it: T ...I i.f..s.i i mi . ete.. Mich' as' s'.'K Ih-a.lache, Palpitalion of j fal?) 71 1 in; 1 .o. 1 1 1 . Ii! ,1 ,1... 11.....I A..t'l...ll! B. ptr-j. -M. 1'rostratioi), Low Spirits, etc., you need j J. vJiCh not Miff-r another day. Two doses of ,, CYkl s N'OP.L'K ( Loin i'oii end live) LOYAL OAK an 1 LAC1-A" (Snnr Mash; MANHATTAN CLCP. (Lonrhoii and iJye Whiskies) l ine Line of Imi orU 'l and J o inestie Ayurti. iY.ONOCiiMM . . .Iciietioii City . , HANHATTAN J-.ieiene It v.av von to apply for rates nm) infonnaU'.n to H. II. A:inorr, A'jent, 1 1- :id St., I'ortlaml, Or. M. .1. Covi.k, A. O. P. A., Vancouver, P. C. Ticl ets to l oo ts I'li'H i I'. rli lt d and the C. No.fii.:i-.s I v. on 'do at Sotl.eni I'm "die I'. l-.-.t '1 ' .,, ol OlU.At'.v T iol i t o!!ice. 111 TIWWD .:i'., '(Mlt.M. fur l!a!,"i. l ol i :-r :id full liif..r'n:i ti"ii leardin;' Lastern hip, cull "ii if iiodre.s P.. O. IT.NNKJo: City Pass, and TVI..-t .'v.-. nt, P. t (land, llu-ne, I i..,. !-niiiih LooTiis, I J.a Hie Lights and lh lb'. ITL.vr-CJ ASS. Hotel Eugene Hoi.t ' mc Ih "". , Proprieto's. Laii c, 1 ! ;-' per Dae. ll. ad'imul 1- f..r Com.'ie 'ciid Traveler ' sn.d Minim: Men. Oregon. Thirsty? 'Ah 11, if you are v'wj t' n'en", .-top at T.'M''..WT.IIWt.yWllAl'.TT-rTl Ki4 M Bureau Information. The Itiirlinr.ton ticket cfTice in Portland is a veritable Bureau of Information for travelers a place whera they i;m learn what it will coat to ruuch ANY point in Amet it .t or Kurope; how lorR th tiip will tale, and what ihric ii to seo on the way. If yu am fijm'ine, on an easlcia trip, drop in sunl Ket lull information, or, if yon prefer, wiite me about it. Oaiaha, Chicago. Kansa'i City, St. Luiii'i--aiid F.VK! VVIiLKK beytnd. ii The Oregon ! iToenor titii -tii.l Vt'illfU.iot'e on W'i'Ja.initte street, four doors souih i.i ;i,e Hot.-I Kn-'-ne, whete yon will lind the lilies.l. line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars JJU i UW 1 - - ihe w::!l-knAvn Au-u-t ITower will re lieve von :a once, do to .Mueller iV Hill ai:d get a sample bottle nee. Uee ulr.r size, 75 cts. Oct Oreen's. Prize Almanac. On. son Notice to Taxpayers. The laiiOas-essnieiit rolls are now open for the payment of taxes. w. vv. wrniKits, Blieriff oILatiC pounty, Or. YINCMNT 1: CO. DRUGs, MEDICINES, T0JLHT AR1ICLHS, etc. tgriEiiyiii cash. in the Willamette Yal A. C. S:int.i)OM, Oeiwrnl A(,'ent, Cor. Third unci Stailt 'otw., rurtland, Oro. (,111 JfrS V,'. WADLLM, Prop. Farm for Bale. Lam eon Sai.h- ISt) acres, with bam amloic biuldii 's, riiiinins water, tvvoor char ;',o nen-s in farming land, within nine miles of Junction City, fr f-KiOO. IiMjiiiie of S. 'Tentplofoii, 1 v:, niilei! south. r.i. of Junction City. No :.i;ei:t. EASTWARD. Tins Or est Lake Route. The traveler, tonri -t or liusim ss man is wise when In- reli ct;, the Hi.. Crande, Western L'tiiiway, "'irent Salt Lal;e Koiile." lor his r -ate lo the Mast. It. is ti-aiwcontieental line pashiie; direeLv through Suit LaUe City, and in (iildition to the i;l im use it affords, of the Temple Citv, the Oient, Salt l.tilieaml the pictiiies'pie Salt Last! end Utah Vallevs, it offers the choice of three dis tinct mules ihroiedi the mountains ami the inofl innifiiiliceiit. vecnory in tin' world. Treble daily train service and through Pullman and Tourist sleepinsi cars helweeii Portland, Huntington ami Ihitte, Denver and Chicago in eoniiee tiini w ith (lie Oregon U.K. iv Naviga tion Co. mid Oregon Short Line. Per piimphlcts descriptive of the "(ireat Suit Llilo) I.'onte," HppIV to ,1. D. iMitlls- lleld. '..'.:; Wnshimiton. Portland, Or., or (horuo V. Ilehitz, Ciencial Pascener Aent, Salt I.nho ('it v. Yesierdav Ir. 0);!''-hv urn nutated tho liltle litu'er of the ri",ht IuuhI for .Master Ralph Meats. The hoy cut tho linger with a rope nml it had drawn up into I the palm of his hand, making it an ob struction to thtf use id his hand, llu i ' d .ill1. w ell. ' oill ' -'-' ' Vi,...!..!. 1 '.1.1,111 .1 i..i,.J,l.iJ.L,iiL.llliii,i.l.i,iil . , .ll m.ii.ii.-i.ui ... 1 1 iiu uuiiiii .1.U1111.1 .11 111. urn, umm .Li,.,M i i.iinu .1 , mmmmmml)l .1 ...11111. yi 11 J. m 1L 1., .1 ni, mmmmm,m,mutm,mm,m j.w j . mini . , in 1..-