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About Junction City bulletin. (Junction City, Or.) 189?-1901 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1901)
! ..... , 1 fltS J)' iE 4 VOL. 3. JUNCTION CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1901 s. W-z New Silk Flannels- FOR WAISTS Panno Velvets K)U WAIST8 Silk Waists mo to io. , Cotton Waists Me TO $7.00. Ladies' TailorMade -?-Rememlcr Hampton KtGKNK, 7? QSSvgi PiOWS 13 &:iPcH-r Stoves & Emmas 1 Fashion Notes. Applications of cretonne flowers seem to bo more than .holding their own In thn spring things. Tho long, tdmplo" underskirt vv ith nar row rufhVs i the smartest thing pos sible !or suim-r gowns. Louis XV coat with little basques are promised among tho now thirgs. They will bo made with fancy jvms of : the "mne epoch. Guipure seems to bo tha trimming for ''the lithient and daintiest summer The newest shoves Imvo wry lone .-vwsieevos, ecucotv shoeing tho under tdoeves; but tho? are Bhudmd cttheed bow so as to let tho nndorslecvo of lace or of inoiisselino do Hoio peep out thero. Muslin gowns are being mado with flounces of color an. for instanco, ft white mufdin with paw Idne rutlk'S. QwiU-tho lat-Ht thinjr in tho trimming of loimnu r frowns is tho lavish nm of Jwo kinds of lace. Tho ptvtOft eummor hnt, to far, nro tnadoof what the Itoik-Ii cull "crin" what wp tali horsohatr, Mi do For est's lettor in tho March Ladies' Home Journal. Tho now ifisuo of school bonds by tho .city of Eugone uro finding a roaily ' market. We call the nttontion of our readcra to tho unnounconiont, on liiHt pago, of the oponing of tho Southern PadhVa Cou&t Lino, March 31. Thi-f in without doubt tho flnoHt anenic railway in tho world. For a distanco of 400 miles it ruur within sight of tho l'ar.iile ocoun, most ol tho tirno not over o0 to 100 yards from tho houoh, and, a tho announcu inonteuys, "through tho most varied, picturoacjuo and entertaining Kunos on tho continent." To those who huvo novor Boon seals, pelicans, sea gnlla and all manner-of trango inhabitants of tho migiity dop, aH well us to those to whose oyou apricot, orange, lemon and ollvo orehanla and Kngllsh walnut groves, aro strange, a rido over this line would bo interesting indeed. Read U. sTflyland & Uo.'s ad. in this issue, s , Thiiigs Wool Challics Cotton " Silk Foulards Persian V Silk Zephyrs Percales 3o INCHES WIDE, 8c YD. Suits and Skirts the Pace OltEGON. 4 I 4 A New Train to St. Louis. The popularity of tho St. Ixmis gate way is emphasised by tho announce ment on tho part of the Burlington Kotito that it will edUblinh additional train w rvico between Denver and Pt. Louis May 5. The new train will leave Jienver at 2:30 p.m., arriving at St. Louis tho next day at ft p.m, duplirat Ing tho itervico now offered by tho Bur liuiiton U'lwcfco Denver and Omaha. Orders have been placed for new equip ment, and tho "St. Iuis Special, " a? it will ho called, will have many attrac tive features that have heretofore been unknown to the traveling public. . If you ate in no ppeeial hurry, let us suggest that you go East via San Fran cisco. It costs no more than by on of the direct routes. Tho ride through the Willamette Valley is Interesting, and Mount rhasta is beautiful. San Fran olsco in tho most fascinating of American cities. Stilt Lake City ia n nice place to inend a day. Then thero is tho ride through econta Colorado. At Denver you tuko tho Burlington and go East on a magnificently oquipped train, over a track and rondbed that has no Buperior anywhere in tho country. Pianos and Organs. ' Wo are receiving flno now Pianos and Organs direct from the factories nt Bos ton New York and Philadelphia. Our pianos aro bought, nt special cash dis count. We are tho solo representatives for Oregon, and by these methods can sell you a lino Piano or Organ cheaper than any onu. W'o have piatms with full metal plate, full extension duet desk for from $235 in). All our goods nro warranted by lvohler and .Chase, tho oldest and largest Mm io house on tho coat. Instruments sold on installments. Come in and see them. Morris & CuAW, 9th Str, Eugene. County commissioners or tho county courts of the various counties in the ttato aro now empowered by a bill passed by tho legislature to construct bicycle paths and tax all cyclists who U80 thorn $1 a year. The Weekly Orerronian and the Uut t.KTiN for t- a year. Bros. ' ' . - Bank. 01 JUNCTION CITY, OREGON JJc .1 km,, 0 bo. W. Pick m President. Vice President. W. C. WAdiiutBSK, F. W. Wabiuicks Cashier. Asst Cashier. Ua tho best facilities for handling the banking bnisncHS of North Lane and 8outh Benton counties. Board of Directors J. A. Buhncll, C. W. Washburoe Geo. Pickett, J. P. Jlilliorn, T. A. Milliorn. - A. G. Hover, L.O.Uvus, President. Cashier, B. II. Ilovev Asst. Cashier. Lane County Bank. A. G. II0VEY & CO. Ttansacta general banking business. Establish, 1882. Oldest bank in the county. Kngoue, Or. School Books ... AXD SCHOOL SUPPLIES, TABLETS, INK and PENCILS, ETC. ... Cameras & Supplies ron thb ? AMATEUR and ' PROFESSIONAL. iCCir'M.rtil orders w:!i rfecire prompt attention. Writo to na for further particulars. E. Gchwarzschild, Eugene, Oregon. S0R0SIS THE BEST Woman's $ g(y SHOE IN THE WORLD. 14 Different Stylea T. A. GILBERT, SOLE AGENT, ' Eugene, - Oregon w, w. rmpp, : General Blacksmithinjr IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 23"" HonssanoKiNa a Specialty jg& Corner Fifth and Greenwood Sta., Junction City, . .. Oregon. V.Kauffmae , EUGENE, OREGON. Just Received . A Large Assortment of Pattern and street , .... n and. Ladies' TailorMade Suits Mail Orders Receive DOST OVERLOOK OUU Dry Goods If you are thinkins: of SEPARATOR, ask the THE CONTRACT: Plf W TT TT" O U 11 1 14 If J ' ' REID eiEAff ARAT0R.- Weatherly Junction City and Portland, ir Wo carry a Full Lino of" rflniierS m We uro SS13 . GRIFFIN HaRDWARE COHP'Y, EUGENE, OREGON. DO YOU WANT A Piano? If so, yon will find no place where you can buy a first class instrument nt a dower price than at tho F. A. Rr.u kin Music Store. We carry a very larjo line of Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Goods; and wo promise you fair dealing and tho lowest prices. 5ST All Sheet Music sold at hah" price. Mail orders will receive prompt atteution. F. 'A. '-RANKIN . MUSIC STORE, EUGENE, - OREGON Subscribe for tho Dcllkti.s, A. Prompt Attention. Department, buying another make of agent to put this in . . . I It must run aa Ikht as the REID. I It must skim as liot as the KRIIr. I It must skim an e tta tho If PTIi I It must skim an l'Ioka ah th l:nl) 1 I. ..... 1 . .. S I 1 . . . .1. T. ... i uiuek ih; as uuruoie as xne lit.ii'. It must skiai an much as tbo Iih.ll). It must have as few parts as t he HE ID. It must be as eaay to clean as the HEID. It must have as small a bowl as the REI I) It mustmake ns much butter astbe REID It must clean the milk as V'ood a? the REID. It mut produce as gootl cre.:im" as the RLID. No Small Tubes! No Screw Top! 1 No PkiwI Vice! No Hand Wrench! t So complicated parts ! .No worriaient! Every Machine Guaranteed. Creamery Co., Sole Agents for Oregon Wagcns, John Deere Plows AND HARROWS. .... liaudquartere for . . . ass? Lo?Xiajj Supplies Send 50 cents for six months' subscrip tion to The Illustrated Youth & Age; and we will, also send it freo for three nu uths to three of your friends who aro not noy taking it. Address Youth & Aas Pen. Co.", " " Nabhville, Teun. SOMETHING NEW. ust published by tho Southern Pa cific. Co. is a pamphlet upon tho re sources of V'egtern Oregon,, which in cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate,' lands, education, etc., existing industries t nd their capabilities. Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as pn inito fair return. This publication fills a need Ion:; ex perienced oy Oregonians, in replying to- inquiries of Eastern friends, , topics may be bad of focal aent S. P, Co., or from O. II. MakIvHam (i. V. A Port bind, Or. The Weekly Oregonlan and P.vLLcnst ?3 for a year. , , Old i.s;' fur kiu-: at ihis ctHce, I s 1 ii