Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1935)
Friday, AuguHt 2, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 About People You Know! ASHLAND ________ EDITED BY EDWINA JAMES GROCETERIA Our Vast Army of Thrifty Shoppers and Learn I (jLLl About True Economy at Ashland’s Finest Market for • Shirley McDougal left Klamath Falls last week-end for a short visit at th«’ home of Mi ami Mrs. E. O. Gillings Mrs Gil lings has been In Ashland for the past two weeks where she was employed by the Ashland State iMuik during om< of the employes' absence, Niter Miss McDougal will go to Bend to visit an aunt, Mrs | W. J. Connolly for some time. • Mr. ami Mrs H E. Jones, sc- I <ompanlad t>y mis i . < > Peachey , left Tuesday for the Umispia 1 country to stay until Saturday with Mr. Peachey, who Is in charge of some governmental work They plan to |>ack in 10 miles from the ranger station there. O Mis \\ illiam ( and I Virginia Whittle recently left foi Chase and Sanborn's Dated Coffee ib. 25c FLOUR FISHER’S BLEND Meat Market Specials It Is Easy to Make New Friends When We Offer These Great Values CELERY RABBITS, per pound 18c 2 white stalks 15c HAM, cuts ave. 4-6 lbs., Ib. 22c STRING BEANS Small Frying Size—2 to 2>/t Pounds SUNBEAM New Ixx-al Morrell’s Pride HAKDWHEAT CORNED BEEF Swift’s Premium 15c per can JELL-O FRYING CHICKENS, each 39c Center Cut Slices HAM, ea. 10c SHOULDER LAMB, pound 91c BEEF ROAST, per pound 121C MEAT LOAF, per pound 14 1 c 5c per pkg. PEPPERS Sweet laical Grown ORANGES Sunkist—2HX’s Assortment ea. 4c FRESH FROM OUR OVENS 47C PLAIN - - 37C of HOME MADE COOKIES 10c dozen Apple ANGEL FOOD CAKES WHITE OR YELI-OW SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 29c per pkg 3 lbs. for 14c PORK, BEEF, VEAL Apple Turnovers All Flavors BAKING POWDER 12 oz. cans.. 21/2 lb. can.. TOMATOES 3 lbs. for 10c SHORTENING, 4-lb. pkg. 45c $1.65 ( REAM OF TARTAR and VEGETABLES Packed in Sanitary Cartons 49» SCHILLING’S FRUITS CRACKERS, salt or plain, 3 lbs. 37 c BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE I WHITE OR DARK SLICED - 9C UNSLICED 8c r MACARONI, large package - 23c RAISINS, fancy, 3| pounds for 25c FOSS’ FANCY WALNUTS, Ib. 25c GOLD DOLLAR CLAMS - - 15c FISHER’S HANDYSACK GROCETERIA SPECIAL CEREALS COFFEE Your Choice, 15c Each 2 full pounds, fresh ground 39c TRY ‘SURE JELL’ FOR YOUR JELLIES AND JAMS, per package 13C ORDERS $1.00 OR MORE DELIVERED FREE IN CITY LIMITS HARDY and WOLTERS Southern Oregon’s Leading Food Merchants t iaike «>' th«* Woods where they plan to stay for 10 days or more at the Glenn cabin. • Mi and Mrs. F D. Wagner re turned to their home herí’ Satur- day following a two weeks visit in Ix>s Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego, with relatives. Their nephew. Donald Storch, returned to Ashland with them, planning to remain as their guest for several weeks. • Mr and Mrs. Will IxMtinis ac- com panted by Mr and Mrs. Albert I .anger of Klamath Falls left Sun day for a two weeks vacation at East and Paulina lakes. • Mr. and Mrs Charles Paul and family left Sunday for Sacramento ■ where they will make their home, due to transference of Mr. Paul, a Southern Pacific employe. • • Mr and Mrs H I, Moore had as their guests last week Mr. and I Mrs. James Trantor, of Winchester ' Bay, Miss Evelyon Powell of Tye«’. ' Oregon, and Mrs Loree Garrett of ' Pin Hand I • Mr. and Mrs H. T Mitchell re cently spent a week in Springfield and Salem, visiting relatives uml friends. • Mrs Florence Stratton left for J Portland recently, where she plans to make her home with her son, I Rex Stratton. , • Mrs Walter Bevington returned ItO h’ i work at Fortmillei ■ Mon I day, following a two weeks vaca- I tion. • Mr. and Mrs Eric Were« have as their guest their niece, Miss Edna Cherry of Cottage Grove. • Dr. F M. Anderson, who has been the guest for two we<’ks at the home of J. M. Wagner, re turned to his home in Berkeley, Calif., the latter part of last week • E. H. Murray and Parker Hess recently enjoyed a several days visit in San Francisco. • Mr. and Mrs Charles Ito»«’ and daughter of Pacific Grove recently arrived in Ashland for u visit with Mr. Rose's sister and brothers, Mrs. H. S. Aikens, Karl Rose and H. O. Rose. Mr. Rose returned to his home during the week-end, leaving Mrs. Rose and Mildred here for two weeks. • Mrs. A. J. Wehrli has as her guests for a short time her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs Mat thew Keegan of Williams, Calif ' • George Carpenter and daugh ter, Miss Bessie Carpenter of San Jose, Calif., former Ashland resi dents, are visiting friends here for a few days. • Mrs. Dave Whittle and daugh ter Betty and Mrs. William Snod grass returned to Ashland the lat ter part of last week from a visit at Sacramento, Vallejo and Placer ville. • Miss Jeanne Daugherty left re cently for her home in Portland following completion of the first summer session of the Normal school. • Mrs. L. A Phillips has as her guests for an indefinite time her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Carter, and Paulina Carter. • Carl Lovcdand, who makes his home here with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson, left last Thursday for San Fran cisco, to meet his father, Carl Loveland Sr. From there they will continue to their home at San Luis Obispo for a few weeks visit. • Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Herbert have as their guests for some time Mrs. P. Strom and daughter Anna of Melville, Saskatchewan, Can ada. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis re turned recently from a weeks va cation in Trinidad, Calif., and in San Francisco. • Miss Muriel Morse recently re turned to her home at Valley View following a two weeks visit in Fem Valley with Mrs. Ray Ward. • Elmo Andrews returned last week from Lakeview where he had been working for some time in the timber. He plans to remain in Ash- land the rest of the summer. • Mrs. William H. Hobbs and children of Albany arrived in Ash- land last Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Hobbs’ parents, Dr. and____ Mrs. D. M Brower. Mr Hobbs joined them Saturday and they returned to their home the first of this week. , ... • Mrs Grace E Dickey «nter- taimd guests from Eugene the first part of tii«' week. • Mrs I.ucy Campls’ll and Mrs. Alice Brown stopped over for two daya on tlieii way to Modesto, Cal ifornia. • Miss Edith Hiatt of l»>S An geles uml Miss E Prettyman of Portland are guests «luring their vacations of Miss Hiatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L L. Iliutt of the Boulevard. • Miss Lucille Burli» recenti, ■pent t several days In CorvalUfl her return to Ashland sfl and on < by her parentM was accompanied i Mr and Mrs W H Burtts, who will make their horn«’ here. Mr. and Mrs Burli» have many friends in Ashland, having formerly niade thls their home. • Frank R Dickey 1» spending the week with Mi and Mrs Frank Miller of Kort Klamath. They made a trip to Diamond lake the flrat part of the week and reported giMid catches all around. "People generally look the worst in the morning but do their worst at night,” says th«’ Ashland Miner. And now we wonder how late Edi- tor Hall stays up In order to iiu4 Hila "Hl \\ eston Leader fl Thl • country, we read, dc|x*nds too much on a single man. Since Cleveland's first term it has de pended too much on a married one Weston Leader. ft NUDIST’ Yes, sir, a smart man "NUDIST” what place to go fur that cold bottle of beer. He came here, uf course. Why don't you ? Midget Service 5 Miles South of Vshhind HERBERT’S TWO STORES Headquarters for BUYING AND SELLING OF Fill ITS AND VEGETABLES See I' m About BERR1KS, PEACHES and APRICOTS We Deliver A WISE INVESTMENT When you use the service of the Ashland Laundry you obtain more comfort, more freedom and sanitary protection. Ask for DAMP WASH 12 Pounds for 48c IT’S ,1 WISE INVESTMENT ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO Phone 165 31 Water Street JUST CALL— THAT’S ALL WHAT ASHLAND MAKES MAKES ASHLAND ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER AND SHASTA ICE CREAM AKE BOTH LEADERS IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ASHLAND CREAMERY PHONE 24