Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1935)
Friday, August 2, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 contract, at the Schuerman home on Sherman street With seven tables in play, Mrs Edwin Dunn received high award, Mrs. W. M. Walls second high, and Mrs. Har • Miss Maria Roberts, who has vey A. Woods, third. At the close i been a guest for several days at of the evenings play, attractive ■ the home of her cousin, Mrs Lulu refreshments served to the ' Van Wegen, left recently for her guests in the were beautifully decorat home at Ames, Iowa, where she ed rooms. holds the position of Senior Dean in the Ames Agriculture College. • Mrs. J. B Platt left on Tuesday Francisco and Ix>s Angeles • Miss Dorothy Bectel is making for a San buying trip for the Letty Jane | her home in Medford, where she on Dress Shop, planning to be gone a 1 is now employed. week. • Miss Mildred Crain spent sever •Mrs. Hal McNair and Jamie Mc al days in Ashland this week, vis Nair returned to Ashland last Sat iting friends before continuing urday from a six weeks trip, which her homeward Journey to Portland covered 8.000 miles. They were by way of Crater Lake. met at Whittier, California, by Mr. • Jay Porter underwent a major McNair who accompanied them operation at the community hos- I home. pital on Tuesday, and his condit • Mrs. Clay Barker of Valley ion has been reported as favorable. View is visiting her sister at Oc- • Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hedberg cott, California. Mr. and Mrs. Bar have had as their guests since ker and son recently moved to Val ! Saturday, their cousin, Miss Elina ley View, and occupying the old Ixwe ranch. Hedberg of San Francisco. Those enjoying the delightful • Earl Linlnger and Eugene Ritz- | Inger spent the week-end in Ash- evening were the Mesdames Ed I land, coming down from Crater win Dunn, Claire Tuffs, P. R. Har | I-ake, where they are employed on dy, Harvey Woods, Gerald Wen ner, Dom Provost, W. M. Wails, the new rim road. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ling of Frank Van Dyke, C. A. Haines, B. Burbank, Calif., have been guests G Barkwill, Eugene Bryant, C. D. I of Mrs Ling’s mother, Mrs Lll- Elhart, 8. A. Peters, Jr., C. W. j lian H. Greer since Monday of this Fortmiller, G. M Green, Jean Eb erhart, Elwood Hedberg, R. L. week. • Mr and Mrs Howard Rose and Burdic, H. G. Enders. Elmer Bieg- Mr. and Mrs. P. S Provost spent el, Paul Finnell. C. H. McCredie, the past week-end at Crescent J. G. Anderson and W. E. Bartlett. • Miss Esther Spayde and Miss City and Brookings. • Mr. and Mrs B H Christlieb Melba Surber entertained at a and family recently returned to kitchen shower on Friday, July their home tn Bellview, following a 26, for Mrs. Don Anderson, nee two weeks visit in Fullerton and Miss Elyga Surber. As is the cus San Diego Calif. tom at bridal showers, Mrs. An- • Mr. and Mrs W W Robinson have returned to Ashland following a two weeks trip to Bellinghame, Seattle, Portland, and Lakeside. • Mr and Mrs M E Randles and family left on Monday for the coast, planning to return at the end of the week. • Mr and Mrs. Clyde R. Dean and ! son left for their home on Tuesday j following a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs Harris Dean, Mrs. Teresa Low. •Mrs. Elsie Churchman left Portland on Monday to visit sister, Mrs. Roy Robley. • Mrs A D. McNeal and Miss na McNeal of Visalia, Calif., ently spent several days in Ash land as the guests of Mr and Mrs. George T. Allen. • Mrs. Birdie Tlchenor of Port land, is spending this week in Ash land at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Roberts, before continuing her trip to Oakland and Los Ang eles. • Miss Viola Mayberry of San Francisco is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mayberry for some time. • Mrs. J. M. Ross entertained the members of the Neighborhood club last Friday afternoon at her home on North Main street. At the end of the delightful afternoon of needle-work, spent amid the glad ioli decorated rooms, the hostess served delicious refreshments to the following guests: the Mes- dames: Belle Ellis, who will enter tain the group at its next meeting, George W. Goldy, Jennie Mathes. M. P. O’Harra,, C. L. Weaver, J. P. Coney, E. Hicks, Ralph Swarts- ley, W. J. Montgomery, Ora John son, Mattie Holmes, O. H. Thamp- son, F. J. Harvey, the Misses Mary and Alyce Harvey, Dorothy Sco field. and the hostess, Mrs. J. M. Ross. • Mrs. Rilling Schuerman. Mrs. Melvin Kaegi, and Mrs Ward Croft were hostesses last Saturday evening to a group of friends at ■■ .1. ■ I ! .................. -I- I About People You Know W hite H ouse G rocery PHONE VIH K ORDER l <>ll 1‘RKE DEL1VERY—CALI. 156 SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS FLOUR $1.29 TRUJELL « « I 100 LB. HACK C A H SHORTENING I 3lbs35c j 4c fcleun SC tic, I BI LK SUGAR $5.28 Biscuit-Flour 15c WE WILL PAY S& WÄRTICHOKE HEARTS 22c 2SC S & W CRAB 29c S&W Long Branch Pineapple 21C S&W Long Grain RICE 23C IN TRADE FOR FRESH EXTRA EGGS 8ATVKDAY AND MONDAY WHITE GRAPES H A W SUGAR [S"J $1.00 lie WATERMELONS, per pound BUNCH VEGETABLES, 2 bunches for TOMATOES, 6 pounds for GRAPEFRUIT, large, 3 for 5-Poitnd Pull Fiordair HONEY 46C SC IOC I I I I FLOUR 1 TOILET PAPER j 1 49’s $1.69 1 1 6 for 23 c 1 ■ I WHITE HOCHE T7T7Y7T? Golden West V / T r li 1L In a Glass Jar RED FEATHER 27c ... EAST SIDE MARKET t T Wholesale and Retail BEEF — VEAL PORK—LAMB POULTRY AND FISH WE DELIVER FREE—PHONE 95 F * Under Same Management DRESSED CHICKENS ON AN HOUR NOTICE I •> Saturday Special WEINERS, per pound ISC PURE LARD, 3 pounds SOC STEW and BOIL, pound Summer Price on COAL We are taking order« for delivery during month of August only for $14 per ton WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. «9 Oak Street Grocery and ndll d S Meat Market PLAZA MEAT MARKET Phone 188—Free Delivery derson wan compelled to unwind many lenghths of cord before reaching the attractive articles given by her friends for her new home Those present with the hon oree, Mrs Ixui Anderson, were the Misses Opal Surber, Marjorie Stratton, Corrine Croft, Elaine An dreus, Ruth Dunham. Dorothy Miller, Mrs. Nancy Surber, Mrs. Helen Kelts, and the hostesses, Esther Spayde and Melba Surber. «1 NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND, ORE. Come In and See Our New Set-Up! Meet Your Friends at Our Store and Enjoy Our Lounge Room . . . Veal Shoulder ROASTS 6c Pound 121C ♦ BOLOGNA, 2 pounds 1 Foods are the things that supply the power and guard the health of the body, and should be carefully selected. Our stock of groceries and meats are selected, not so we can sell them cheap, but for their known quality, and we supply you with only the best, and at a price at which dependable goods should be sold. We do not solicit your patronage on cut price inducement on some particular item, but on the quality of the merchandise we sell and the service we give with it. LUNCH LOAF, per pound 30C Price is not the only standard of value. We may not be able to meet the requirements, but if quality of merchandise and service is the measure for many, then, we meet all competition. STEAKS, per pound 12c “NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD” AT O’HARRA’S