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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1933)
Th« Jacksonville Miner The Jacksonville Miner LEGAL NOTICE RvSIltM Wtekfj at JACKSONVILLE, OREGON OFFICIAL LEOSARO «AUDE NEWSFAFe* NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF JACKSONVILLE NALL M«L.. AJdrste All CoasHSüMUMa te S m Ul Subte, U-lhwi Bàtte I» A.hann Sa« Iw............. SC sii M.««i» . Twr cosnccnosKST Ttieph-'n. Kl stockt GIRLS GYM CLASS TENIKOIT TEAMS BEGIN TRAINING Tennis sh««es and gym_suits were the order of the day Wednesday afternoon when Miss Edith Fen- wick held a meeting for all the girls who wished to partici)>ate in sports this year. After a few days practices, "col or" teams and class teams will be formed for tenikoit, played with rubber quoits according to volley ball rules. Tenikoit is a giKXi preparation game for volley-ball and basket ball which will be played next month. ♦ ♦ ♦ SCHOOL WORK DAY TO BE SET ASIDE Six dollars was cleared by the high school students at the carni val given a week ago. More money Is needed to finance the school ae-1 tivities this year. The students' have decided that it will be well to set aside some Saturday as Stud (Coprrtfht. W. ent Work day. On this day stud ents will offer their services to the citlxens of Jacksonville at the lat ter's own rates. It Is believed that; townspeople, most of them “alums,": will respond loyally, for hasn't everyone a gate that needs mend ing or a sock to be darned? Every little job will help and every one Volume 1 will be appreciated. ♦ ♦ ♦ M. tu The High Prospector JACKSONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Number 7 ! best. Henry Head. Warren Mee, 36 HOOPSTERS SIGNED ON HELEN LAMB LEADS WITH Wayne Martin; Coach Bud Reink DONUT LEAGUE TEAMS; HIGHEST SCHOOL HONORS NAME STUDENT COACHES ing. with Russell Ayers, Gale Gra sented with a bottle of liniment in appreciation of deeds nobly done on Hallowe'en night . . . ADELLA di-maiiv depoetUBg lur gum behind her ear before going to Glee club . . . LEWIS APPLE BAKER with one eye on the pro fessor und the other on the clock . . GUY WATKINS crooning gay little tunes to a bewildered Krass- hopper in Health class. ham. Morris Byrne, Lome Bow ♦ ♦ ♦ With the naming of five student man. Billie Lorton; Coach Chet CLASSIFIED coaches who later «elected their Flitcroft, with Vyron Bostwick. Mel own teams. Coach Joe Nee blew vin Miller. Elliott Rhoten, Guy Wat WANTED—Stray cuts and dog« May Mankin. the opening whistle of basketball kins. Alfred Kubli. Two teams from the grade school, WANTED Tinfoil — for «pit wads. season last Wednesday. Pee Wee. Every boy in school who wants to the eighth grade team und the mid play ball this season has been gets. coached by Ray Hunsaker, WANTED— Free lunchca. Bill I «or ¡ ton. signed on one of the five teams complete the roster. On the eighth formed in this intra-school Donut grade team are Bud Mitchell. Gale WANTED— Someone to lovo me. - MADeleine Metzger. league, The regular squad will be Lusk, Toot Forbes, Jim Stone, Shel- picked, said Coach Nee yesterday, j ly IJtt ell and Fredtlie Metzgar. The FOR SALE--Second-hand chewing gum in good condition. Myrtle from the top-pointers In the Donut midget line-up is Merle Miller.Art Burns. games at the end of the November Johnson, Junior Williams. Tom I Dunnington. Buster White. Billie I.OST—One pair of red mittens on tournament. Student-coaches from the high Johnson and Bruce Metzgar. the playground. Marion Vogel. • Lynn Rumley. who is working school and their fives are: Coach Practice periods this week were ♦ ♦ ♦ at Carbury, spent the week-end Cal Lusk, with Roger Card. Wen used for drill on fundamentals, and FADS AMONG THE with his family in Jacksonville. dell Matheny. Si Johnson, Norman Monday will see the start of sched FASHIONABLES • Mrs. S. K. Ogle was taken ill in I Carothers. Frank Mee and Clare uled play-offs in the league. Klamath Falls a few days ago and ¡Wiltse; Coach Don Forbes, with + ♦ ♦ By DULCY was brought to Jacksonville by her Byron Backes. Lewis Norman, THE ARMISTICE AMONG THE HIGH SCHOOL datighetr, Mrs. Welch, who will re Homer Smets, Gage Sanden. Don BOYS a peculiar form of head gear main here. Alvin Welch has en ald Lusk; Coach Paul Hess, with By HANNAH NUNN has recently been noted. It la made rolled in Jacksonville school. * George Van Galder, Wayne Com- The entire world was rejoicing on of throe silver strand«, and resem November 11 just 15 years ago. The bles the fillet worn by mideaval World war, that had caused such a maidens to confine their luxuriant great turmoil in every country, had tresses. Dainty, but exotic, it might ended. be a Parisian creation or a whim A large part of France was de of Garbo. A few spit curls adorning (Continued from page four) vastated and Its people were home the forehead, with soft little ring time correcting the mistakes which plunged us less. After the Armistice was Higned lets falling down the back of the the congested condition of France neck would set off Much a bandeau into this abyss. was somewhat relieved by the de beautifully. parture of the foreign soldiers. GIRI-S who wish to cre We of the common herd should be able to see Conditions in our own country ate TO a THE sensation, Dulcy recommends began to look more hopeful. Par a scarlet skirt topped with a green clearly if it the president is plugging for ror us or for ror ents did not need to worry so much sweater, orange striped, and a pair the time-favored wealthy class. The man with over the fate of their children. of gorgeous purple earrings. Schools soon became more settled, ♦ ♦ ♦ millions and billions today is more than twice as the young people were reassured GRADES PLAN THANKSGIVING there would be no need for DAY PROGRAM as rich in power and influence as he was before that their leaving. A large number of Thanksgiving day will be honored men also returned to college. tihs year by the grades, which are the depression. If controlled inflation places young Let us. then, remember this day arranging a program to be present the dollar back to its old availability, the bil for its real significance, and pause' ed In the gymnasium on Wednes enough to realize how we were | day afternoon. lionaire will have as many dollars as before, but long benefited by that memorable day. A play entitled the "Origin of Thanksgiving" will be presented by they will have lost some of their control of la November 11, ♦ 1918. + ♦ pupils of the fifth and sixth grade FOUND IN THE DIGGIN’S room, who also will give one or bor, commodities and politics. It is little wonder two recitations and two vocal num some of the nation’s ‘big’’ men are bucking the Flustrated sons toting shingles bers. from the court house steps, Mr. Hunsaker’s room will be rep NRA, President Roosevelt’s “controlled infla away under the eye of the town con resented by girls dressed as pil tion plan and Administrator Johnson’s aggres stable . . . local Hi girls being pre- grims, who will present a song. Highest scholastic honors for the Hrst six weeks period, September ,1 to October 20, were attained by Helen Lamb, a junior, who received four l’s. Principal Coe states that all the grades for the first six weeks per-, iod were very satisfactory. In the various classes the follow ing pupils gained the highest marks: freshmen, John Nunn, Hom er Smets; sophomores, Grace Bran- am. Maxine Boone; juniors. Helen Lamb. Ethel Caulkins; seniors, Vir ginia Garvin. Hannah Nunn. Controlled Inflation Is Stabilization! By virtu«« of an execution on foreclosure duly iMitued out of und under the seal of the Circuit Court of th«» State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson, to me di rected and dated on the 1st day of November, 1933, in a certain action therein, wherein Mary E. Hamlin as Plaintiff, recovered judgment ngnlnst Lulu Hamlin, now Lulu Garen and the wife of llnren Garon und of the defendant Lulu Garen. formerly Lulu Hamlin, as Execu trix «if the Eatnto of George E. Hamlin, deceased, the dofemlant, for the sum of 15,250.00 togtdlier with Interest at 6% per an num from und ufter the 1st day of No vember, 1931, wttli cost« und dis- bursementa tnxe«i at Nineteen and 5/100 (SI9.05) dollars, und th«« fur- ther sum of 'wo hundred nnd no loo (*200.00) dollars, an attor ney'» fees, which judgment was en rolled and docketed in th«« Clerk's office of said Court iu «uld County on the 3lst day of October, 1933. NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuunt to the terms of the suld execution, I will on the 9th day of December. 1933, st 10:00 o'clock u. lit., at the front door of the Court house in the City of Medford, ill Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cnsli to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of till« »ale, subject tn redemption ns provided by luw, Bl, of the right, title mid interest that the said defendant Lulu Ham lin, now luilu Garen and the wife of Huron Garon and of the de fendant Lulu Gnron, formerly Lulu Hamlin, a« Executrix of the Estate of George E. Hamlin. deceased. hn<l oti the 1th tiny of February. 1929, or now baa In mid tn the following described property, situated in the County of Jackson, Stat«« of Oregon, tO-Wlt | Commencing 29 chain» and 70 link« oust of the northwest cor ner of the Wallace A. Gridley's Donation Claim No. 49. In Sec tion 7. in Township 39 South. Runge I West of the Willamette Meridian. Jackson County, Ore gon. nnd running thence east 9.31 chains to J. D. Anderson's North- w««st corner; thence south on J. D Anderson's west line 56.40 chain«; thence west 17 08 chain»; thence north 9.30 chains to th«- northeast corner of Donation Claim 51. thence went 134. link* to Wm. Smith's southeast cor ner: thence north 37.30 chains to N. S. Bennett’s southwest cor ner: thence eaat 10.00 chains; thence north 10.00 chain» to the | place of beginnlnx. containing 92 acre* of land, more or less. SAVE AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: Commencing at an Iron stake set for a corner, being 20 47 chain» south from the north line of Do nation lain«! Claim No. 49 in Sec tlon 7. Township 38 South, Rang«* 1 West, W M . Jackson County. Oregon, and running thence west 9.09 chains to a post on the oast side of a road; thence south along east side of said road 29.62 chains to a stake; thence east 1.34 chains to an Iron stake; thence south 6.68 chains to a stake; thence east 7.76 chains to a stake on the north side of ditch; thence north on the east line of said land 36.20 chains to the place of boglnnlnK, the area of said land lieing 32 acres, more j or loss, except a strip in the southeast corner thereof running 70 feet east and west, and 30 feet north und south. FURTHER SAVING, EXCEPTING AND RE SERVING THEREFROM that iwirtlon lying south of u stralKht line running east ami west and which has us Ita begtiiiilliK point the north ultle of the lane and/or road loudlng and or runuliiK Into said first ulaive described tract from th<< County road, which County rond Iles itlong the east side of said premises, and suld line runs directly west nnd In a straight line parallel to tile south line of said first above descrlbnd premises down to th«« point where It Intersects the east line of the property tielouKltiK to Mra. Bertha A. McGraw, as particu larly described In Volume 136 of the Deed Records of Jacksoil County, Grenon, at pugu 198 thereof, which said description is specifically referred to hereby nnd by thin reference made a part hereof, and said tract lying between the McGraw piemlstm and said above describe«! County roud and south of suld straight line, und lad ng In a rectangular sliupe and contuinluK three und on««hnlf to four acre«, inoro or less. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. By OMIA E ANDKHHON, Deputy. Dated this 1st day of November, 1933. (Nov. 3 10 17-24) WHAT A WHALE OF A DIFFERENCE A LITTLE SHRINKAGE CAN MAKE! —That's Why the Pantorlum Takes Pride In He Workl • Cleaning and Pressing Prices MEN’S SUITS DRESSES, up from • 11.00 80c PANTORIUM DYE WORKS 6th and Holly Phons 244 S. C. PETERS (D.M.D.) Dentist Opposite Poet Office Jacksonville CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford. Oregon I siveness. By about I 7 cents a day President Roosevelt is LESSENING THE GAP between the fabu lously rich and the miserably poor of this coun try. It truly is a redistribution, a New Deal, for the common herd. Our president is subtracting from the for tunes of the too-rich and adding this amount to the incomes of the too-poor. Right Now—to day! PHOTOGRAPHS Should Be Economical Fuel DRY PINE SLABS—12 OR 16-INCH FACTORY BLOCKS WHILE LOW CODE PRICES PREVAIL WHILE OUR STOCKS ARE STILL COMPLETE Shangle Studios Phone 7 Timber Products Co. “A Good Firm to Trade With" MEDFORD over method« commonly in use in the home that everyone A new type floor lamp furnishes either overhead room illumination, flooding the entire room with shadowless light, or the conventional, shaded reading light, direct YOU WANT PORTRAITS BUNDLED KINDLING • Thii new idea in home lighting it io greet an improvement should try out this new method at the first opportunity. -NOT JUST AVERAGE PICTURES! (Cut to Lengths Ready to Use) END NORTH CENTRAL MADE NOW Make Every Sitting A PRIZE-WINNING PORTRAIT MEDFORD BUILDING—PHONE 1308 OREGON’S DIAMOND JUBILEE MEDFORD - J’VILLE JUNE 3, 1934 ed downward for individual use ... or both room lighting and individual reading light combined. These lamps are now being made by many manufacturers and may be purchased at your dealer's. This new idea in home light ing is a definite improvement. Why not try one in YOUR living room tonight. SiF THE CALIFORNIA OREGON SCÎÏ POWER COMPANY