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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1933)
T he J acksonville M iner Volume 2 Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, November 17, 1933 TURKEY SHOOT SLATED BEACH RANCH SUNDAY I I The death of all passengers <m one side of a passenger plane in Bortland last week gives rise to the question of which Is the safer aldo of an airplane. Our answer would be the outside. -or Many a pleasant day hue been shot to pieces by people who are too quick on lite trigger. Chamber of Commerce Will Sponsor Competition for Birds and Hams r ~ Ben Dawson Plunks Helpless Cougar Just Like That Near Here Hen ihiwson always wanted a chance to shoot u cougar and the chance came in an Ideal way a few days ago. Mr. Dawson, well-known sheep mun of St<-amboat, was driving his sheep along a mountain trail when a large cougar sprang from a tree among the animals. Carrying a hfle In his hand, Mr. Dawson Immediately shot the cougar, which had been trapped In the past, the absence of two toes giving evidence of the cap ture. Number 44 but Jacksonville's prominent* sto ically keep their silence. When asked pointblank, they blandly point to the northwest, thrust one hand In their vest Napoleon-like and orate Impressively, "There’s gold in them thar mountings!” Which preserves the peace and sanctity of an old town noted for such outbursts, hut leaves the press in a hole as to just what it all was about. It seems that tell-tale Identi Fire Company Allowed $150 for Townspeople Mum When fication, such as pink papers pro Supplies in New Budget Reporter Ambles Past; truding from a pocket and a pen Approved Nov. 9th cil and paper showing, have a pe Shroud in Mystery culiar faculty of causing townspeo V Final endorsement was given ple to lose their voices. ’s 1934 budget late last The pack rats—or something— Anyway, The Miner has decider! . _, Jacksonville week by the city council. The bud- that pack rats got on a rampage are loose again in Jacksonville. : ‘ get provides for the expenditure of Dr at least, so would some of Saturday night, tore up the jail and ' . >3513.23 for municipal expenses threw the furniture out the closed the old town's constabulary and windows. You see, people generally , during the coming year, with an estimated Income to match this | prominent citizens have one be are silent concerning their pests. amount. An additional 87288.23 will ----------- •----------- lieve. Humors have been prevalent “And it will take more than a he raised by taxation to care for that last Saturday night two youths chiropractor to straighten out some J retirement of various bond issues. got oversupplied with firewater and of the joints in and around Med ' Interest and sinking funds, with a went out scalping, ending up in the ford," jibes The Jacksonville Miner. 8313.23 item added for general fund. budget committee, composed former county jail, where they That’s roasting ’em!—Weston (Ore of The O. W. Godward, Ray E. Wilson gon) Leader. made existence unbearable for the and Emil Britt, allowed 8150 for furniture and windows, which suf An optimist is a republican who purchase of supplies for the fire fered somewhat—the inflammable looks forward to helping change ' company, the only new item in the portions allegedly going up in the name of Norris dam.—Weston budget. Other items were approxi smoke. Leader. We’ve done that long ago, mately unchanged for the coming Too. there was no small amount brother. Just turn the words around 12 months. The proposed budget of broken glass glittering _ in _____ the and you have it—damn Norris.— met no opposition and was passed i with the unanimous vote of all city | courthouse lawn the next morning. Milton Eagle. ’ officials present. The document, I titled Resolution No. 145, was signed by CouncHmen Severance. Cantrail and Fick, and Mayor Wes- i ley Hartman, and was attested to by Recorder Coleman. Councilman i Dunnington was absent. It was first posted September 26, with final If the old saw “as a man thinks, so is he” is ' i reading Thursday, November 9. figures, as prepared by true, then a lot of Oregonians should go off and the Detailed budget committee, that will determine local taxes and expendi hide their heads. Or admit that it is they and tures for 1934 follow: 1934 BUDGET IS GIVEN FINAL 0-K BY CITY’S DADS Pack Rats Get Violent, Break Up City Bastile Befitting the season, the Jackson ville Chamber of Commerce Sun day will pull the trigger on the first of a series of turkey shoots to be held nt the V. J. Beach ranch near this city. First reports will echo over the Due to the price of gold rising hills at 10 a. tn.. with the fireworks somewhat. It fukoH a greater out- lusting the remainder of the day. There will he capons, hams and lay for an Inlay nowadays. other succulent rewards for marks B • men, said Hay Coleman, crack shot W«> suppose the next move of re- and general chuirman of the shoots. during dietitians will bo to put t ho Both rifle und shotgun com iteti- finger on travel, because It’s so tiona will lie held. with plenty of broadening. Idrds for all bullseyes. Bunday’s shoot will bo the flmt of Art (Hie) Powell, custodian of a series of four such events, the official hell box of the Central another being scheduled for a Point American, jibes us by telling week from Sunday and two more of a largo gathering accumulated In sometime In Decomber. Proceeds Color of Miner Sets Off Swap his town last week "without having from the shoots will go to the of Papers That Leads to to give nway beer.” Art. a dry with- Chamber of Commerce. out a country, Is trying to b<-er Mutual Interests With u liiii-e army of nlmrods down on us. smsiplng around the county looking Brady. Texas, Is a far cry from for something to shoot at, it In ex Powell Is the fellow who, when pected Sunday’s shoot should prove Jacksonville, Oregon. But then, as he got a job on a large metropoli- a success on u par with other proven through the exchanges of tan daily for a day. was all wet on shoots held here In years gone by. smaller town newspapers, this is newspaper style The proofreader which almost have become tradi a small world after all. got hold of him and explained, with tional H. F. Schwenker, editor of the gestures, that a newspaper always The Beach ranch is located about i Brady Standard and conductor of uses figures tn designate the hour. a half mile north of Jacksonville an editorial column entitled “Sause Art’s next "take’’ was a bunch of on the old stage road and is the ; (or the Goose is Sause for the Gan- l>oetry copy. Down toward the end I rendezvous of the Jacksonville Gun ' der." mused the other day on what . ties bind various sections of the not the state’s higher education that is out of Estimated Expenditures (Continued on page four) dub. country and what part the news- Fire department, supplies. >150.00 1 paper plays in this association. Ex- step. »Marshal and water super I cerpts from his column follow: intendent salary__ ... 1,100.00 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ "The newspapers, too. do their Recorder’s salary 240.00 i part In bringing the easterners Treasurer’s salary .... 160.00 Have you ever seen a couple of people on a i west and ’he westerners east and Marshal expense ...... ... 120.00 no less the northerners south. Even picnic quarreling and having a terrible time Roads and bridges 100.00 1 The Brady Standard plays a part Water department__ 275.50 ' in all this. As an illustration of just with themselves? If you’ve ever watched hu Water meters 200.00 I how the newspapers form a con- man nature you’ve noticed a lot of them. Per ' Printing.... ................... .. 100.00 Library .... ........ ........... | necting link that may weld a per 50.00 Once known as the railroad that ihour nnd then don his cap and fect chain In a long series of haps these people are in an ideal spot for an Lights and fuel.... ........ 850.00 named the greatest percentage of i swallow.tailed coat again. Emergency fund ........ ' strange events, we would relate an 167.73 Old Barnum would then leap to I Incident that befell The Standard outing. Doubtless they have a tasty, appropriate profit from money Invested In the United Stat“*, the old Jackson the ground, wait for the end of office in recent weeks. Total estimated expense 83,513.23 ville railroad, operated by W. 8.' the coach to approach, swing to "The start of it all was the re luncheon wrapped daintily in a basket with a Estimated Receipts the rear platform and enter bls Barnum nnd known near and far ceipt of a copy of The Jacksonville jug of cool lemonade to wash it down. The sky Water collections ______ 83,000.00 the case as "Barnum's Special,” has a rich car or cars, whatever Fines aifd impounded stock 75.00 Miner, published In Jacksonville. fund of human interest, romance might be. He would produce a Oregon. The Miner excited our cur may be perfect, the weather ideal and even the Refund market road levy ... 125.00 punch from somewhere behind his iosity, to begin with, from the and legend. General fund to be raised One of the most unique stories great beard and amble off down mere fact that It was printed on ants may have not yet arrived, but there quar by taxation ....... 313.23 concerning It. however, comes in a the aisle mumbling "tickets please .” pink paper. Then, secondly, because rels the couple: ruining a perfect day over some description of Barnum himself, who When he had finished with this Its editor was evidently an expon Total estimated receipts....83,513.23 was a character If there ever win <Juty he would climb over the ten ent of the Idea of putting person- thing that has flowed under the bridge days or Bonded Indebtedness one. Thn Miner got it early this der. take off the <-ap and coat and ality plus Into his writings Frankly Water bond interest fund, week from u veteran Southern Fa- be fireman, engineer and owner for confessing, we might say some of weeks before. With a glorious setting, a perfect 86000 issue ___________ >300.00 rifle passenger brakeman who t he rest of the run, which would » his paragraphs showed a liberal I Water bond interest fund, repast and a warm sun ready for a wonderful I 810,000 Issue_________ U4.44 knew nnd respected the old rail bn made at a 10-mlle clip if he had touch of tabasco sauce. dry wood. roader. bond interest fund. "Along with the sample copy day, the couple squanders it by bickering and Water | H n5000 jg,ue -------------- 825.00 in all the years Barnum operated came a letter front the editor. Leon Bat num, whose chief raiment consisted of an old swallow.tailed in this manner earning, per dol- ard Hall, requesting that we send arguing about some dirhculty that certainly! Water refunding bond in- coat that had long since turned lar Invested, more than the crack him the second installment of the . •. i • i i i J J terest fund. >13,000 issue 750.00 Water bond sinking fund. green, a two-foot beard and a di railroads of the nation with all series of stories being printed In isn t being helped any. 1.000.00 lapidated conductor's cap, had their high-paid executives — he The Standard of "Buffalo Days” as Nearly everyone knows people who are like w!ter0bondesinking fund” evolved a system which had much never had the locomotive chug into recounted by J. Wright Mooar. buf to do with the high percentage of a stray cow due, no doubt, to his falo hunter of the early and wild that—who nullify the preparation and work of rii 600.00 profits his six or seven miles Of well-fenced right-of-wny. The old West Texas, and originally pub 2,000.00 engine was trustworthy In its lished in Holland's Magazine of hours and days simply because they won t con- rnllioad yielded. 815.000 issue Hero's the doi>e as told by n feeble way and always could be Dallas. sinking fund. 313.000 is- veteran railroader who still makes I relied on to rattle along at a leis “Editor Hall wrote that the first centrate on the more important things and keep 650.00 the run through Medford nnd who urely gait while the section fore of the series contained reference to ¡General fund, to be raised announced he plans to drop over man-president flrcman-engineer-con- one I.r-m WTlson as a member of trivialities and animosities in their place. I by taxation ........... 87,288.23 ¥ to the old town one of these days: diictorbrakcman collected tickets the group of buffalo hunters, and --------- .--------- liarnum’s old line consisted of from his jaissengers and paused, that this self-same Wilson was now Just as such a couple loses sight of the beau Applegate Grangers three or four "nits of rolling sto,-k; occasionally, for an exchange of (Continued on page four) a couple passenger coaches, u few words with his many friends. tiful and pleasant by concentrating on the more Elect Officers Friday flat cars and perhaps a rickety box Another peculiarity of old W. S. car or so. This all was towed from Barnum. as tolcb by the brakeman, Volunteer Firemen to unpleasant, so do the people of Oregon obscure one end of the line to the other was In his annual trips to Portland Applegate Grange held election a Stage New Year Hop great educational system that they could well of officers at their regular meeting through the uncertain efforts of a which, of course, wore made on the wheezy old locomotive that could, Southern Pacific. Barnum used a Friday with the following result: under a full head of steam, attain pass, quite naturally, for there It was decided, after two special be proud of by keeping alive a two-by-four Master, E. H. Taylor; overseer, a speed of nearly 10 miles an hour. always has been a certain brother session of the Chamber of Com squabble born and incubated in jealous rivalry Louie Hanson; lecturer. Sam John It was back in the days when hood among railroad presidents, but merce and a called gathering of the son; steward. Lester Hill; assist Jacksonville was in her nr I me and In all the years he traveled back Jacksonville Volunteer Fire com and an undercurrent of selfishness. ant steward, Charles Elmore; chap when Medford was just a muddy and forth on business between pany. that the latter organization Mrs. Bessie Elmore; treasurer, The University of Oregon and Oregon State lain. little station along the larger rail southern Oregon and the northern will receive proceeds front the New Ashton Forrest; secretary, Herbert road that wound its way over the part of the Htato, he never spent . Year’s dance that is staged annual- college are institutions to be proud of. But the Elmore; gate-keeper, Bernard An Siskiyou* and into nnother world one cent on a railroad. dren; Ceres, Mrs. May Paul; Po ■ ly in the U. S. hotel. Barnum, whiskers and all, would The pike between the two cities Ray Wilson, volunteer chief, led fight that rages between the two certainly mona, Miss Leta Gilson; Flora. could be traversed only by horse Invariably board a Southern Pacific the company in the quest for dance Mrs. Florence Bossaum; lady as and buggy and sometimes by horse passenger carrying a large shoe moneys. The firemen had planned strikes a sour note. sistant steward, Mrs. Mildred Tay- alone, due to the bottomless bog box filled with lunch. He always to operate the dance as well, but Executive committee: Frank Both schools are striving toward the same lor. that rivaled Big Sticky for Impene wore his swallow-tailed coat and after BOtne debate it was decided Knutzen, chairman; Wait [ter Miller trability In wet weather. Horseless he never rode a Pullman or ate in to leave arrangements to the pres intellectual goal. It has not been proven that and George Coffeen. Fm jrther sp pointments were not made at this carriages still were cause enough a dining car. The only money he ent dance committee. Inasmuch as to break up church when one of ever spent on any railroad, so far I it had been unusually successful in the two colleges could be consolidated and op meeting. The Armistice program given the contraptions went spluttering as can be learned. W. S. Bnrnum ’ the present series of dances, net- ■ spent on his own line as an invest 1 ting the chamber nearly a hundred erated at a financial saving without lessening during the lecturer’s hour by the past on a Sunday morning Medford American Legion and a Old Barnum, adorned in his swal ment that paid handsomely back dollars the first month following male quartet from the Medford low-tailed coat and conductor's In the days when railroads were j operation that was plunging that educational benefits. club was much appreciated by body deeper into debt each week. cap, would stand on the roar plat the last word in transportation. So long as Oregon State is at Corvallis, and Glee form of his string of one or two Paved roads nnd the Increasing Last week-end. partly due to the I those in attendance. Paul McDon l>assongcr coaches, yell "all-ahoard” j popularity of gasoline has since re holiday, more than 500 persons so long as the University of Oregon is in Eu ald gave a talk of exceptional in and then alight to the ground. He duced this famous old railroad to crowded Into the famous old hall terest on the details of the signing would hurry forward to the cab of ; a weed-covered right-of-way dotted and the chamber group netted, on gene, why can’t the student body, the faculty of the Armistice. his panting engine, doff the cap here and there with a few rotting . admissions alone, nearly 840, which About 30 of the Grange members and swallowtail, heave in a few ties, rusty rails, a decayed depot will help to retire some 8600 indebt and the alumni let it go at that and try to make expect to go to Central Point this sticks of cordwood—enough to fire and one remaining crossing sign. edness Incurred last summer. Al the best—instead of the worst—of it? There Friday evening, where the degree her up for a mile or so—wash his Barnum’s Special has gone west, Stewart and his Royal Oregonians work will be conferred. --------- •--------- grimy hands in n barrel of water but not without leaving a heritage orchestra has been furnishing mu is room for two state-owned colleges in Oregon he always carried in the tender, set of tradition for the territory it sic for the affairs and has been re- LOST—Australian Bhepherd dog, the throttle so the train would served In Its inimitable manner forlceiving much favorable continent providing they deliver the goods, but the sov- blue-gray; small reward. Route (Continued on page four) chug along about four miles an many years. 2, box 306, Medford. on his improved renditions. ■ I A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL SAYS TEXAS EDITOR Oregon’s Siamese Twins BARNUM MUST HAVE BEEN RIGHT ON J’VILLE SPECIAL By C. M. PAYNE