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About Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1902)
rairtntw c Htfls-glrf was thrown vfo lertly rom..ihe,j wheeU striking it hts head." J : . The Injured boy was removed to the office of . hi father. Grand avenue and ast Washington streets, and afterward taken to his heme,' H was resting easier today. ' " - . - - I t J f !( PAD H LESS-FM.CESSES.P:OlcRll The Secoiid Arfnual Field Day io Be Held May SI. the;hunt!CLUb;.- ,'j "'""i'J. f-S f. J''. v ' ';, ' 'H' ' ; - " e Ml- j n Hunt CJlwb held meeting t th OjBc of Downing, Hi)kln Company. In 4he Chamber or Clommerca building : Tti'.er&iy to complete Ijy program of 5 vent far 1U second annuul Flold Dy. " to oeVheld'at the Irvlngton rc track, ' ' Jkjay JL There were preent H. C. Cirap- bell, the Vice-President; Ralph H. Jenk ' n,"Maater of Hounds; C, B. Williams, - Secretary TV. O. Downing, Treasurer. Meenrs. TMsdom and Cronln were also In , attendance. ( " ; The program and rules governing the entries and the conduct of the several vent which make up the program were " SieU8ed. Another meeting will be held tobiorrow evening to Anally determine the affair. The program has been settled, :and will comprise the following events; 1, High School Exhibition. . . I, Oentlenw n's Running Race One mile, i ' l. - Ttthdem Trot One mile. 4.- Ladies' Race Three-eighth's of "a A mile. - . j8. Trap Show Singles, doubles and v tandems. ' . Pony Race One-quarter mile. V.: Mile Trot Ladles' and gentlemen. . 8. Steeple Chase One-quarter mile; six hurdles. ' ' - t- , ' The Hunt -Club now comprises about , 3)0 members and is two year old. The lUt of -.entries for Field Day are op4n ' only to club members or those whom they may InvHte. The proceeds will be devoted to charitable purposes. The receipt last : year were divided between the Babies' Home and the Boys' A Girls' Aid Society. THIS IS THE WAY TO 1 BUil& W THE STATE Secretary Moore, of the Board of Trade, Is sending out letters, outlining' the plans and purposes' of s the Columbia:, River Board of Trade and enclosing the con , atltutlon Of this body, to all commercial organliations throughout the'; Columbia Hfver baaln. ' The Becretary also got out a few thou sand envelopes adverttHing the Lewis - Clark Centennial, i - It la understood that a committee from ; ' the Board of Trade will call on the man-. agers of the Union depot, requesting' the 1 - placing; of a sign thereto direct travel ' crs and homeseekera to the. Board of Trade for information. ..- Every merchant Is Invited to call at the ' Secretary's office to secure descriptive pamphlets about Oregon to enclose -with i letters. , ,s The South, erri Paclflc Company has tak . en 10,000 circulars about Oregon's "re : souroea from the Beard and will dlstrlb-" ule them on their lines. Bicyclist Hurt. Roy Hatfield, the 10-year-old son . of Hatfield, residing on past Washlng toh street between East Eleventh and Bast Twelfth streets, met with quite a " serious accident yesterday, , Whil rjdlng. his blccle'oA ast Washington street hej " ' ; ..." ,: . hPO TEST TH13 , VALUE of this paper as an advertising medium, we will ac cept the accompanying: coupon if presented THIS WEEK, as; part payment on the purchase price of a BOY'S SUIT, or as part payment on the purchase prfee of a MAN'S SUIT. - Not more than One Coupon for Each Purchase Our Prices WHEN YOU ALONG . .THE- COAST Mary Holmes, a reCeiit arrival from Ban Francisco, attempted suicide at Van couver, BV-C , , , j . Clackamas CountyOr., has been sued by James Peterson for 12600 damages for Injuries alleged? to have been received through the bad condition of a road near Eagir Creek, July tv im. Liveryman M.-Westfall of Lebanon, Or., dropped dead while watering a horse in hi torn. r;j ' , . , "Pug"; Ryan, in Jail at Seattle, is to be returned to Denver for trial tgp murder, He ha ft' scrt Qt charges to answer fWj In . Color ftdo besides that of being one of a party who kitted sheriff in isvi ' Pour' masked men robbed five Japanese of 136 In the section house 10 miles north of Spokane. .. - t Independence citliens have bought the disused Hllmlck flouring mill and will have it hi operation June 1. The - 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Robert . Brown, of North Colfax. Wash., fell into a ehlldren's bonfire and 'was badly burned.- .A human fiend outraged Sus'ie. the 10 v.arM iiauvhter of Zachary Taylof of Taeoma, as she was returning, fronv scheoV - He was masked and may never be caught. ' The child will recover. . t Patrick Parrell of Olney. Clatsop Coun ty, Or., Is insane from illness. Corvslllsy Or.,-, is -having , a building boom. . , , " Horace Rich; the adopted son of Sam Rich, a well-known 'cltlSen of Blackfoot, Idaho, ' was ' fouhd lying .alongside the track lust south of Ross Fork at. day light Thursday. He had been murdered for his money.' . ' , ;.i . j ! Notes From the Barracks. Captain B. r,"HardawV. J7th Infantry, has been ranted a wonthi' leave of b- n:!U C - " ' Lieutenant Ralph McCoy; 17th Infantry, will report' at Vancouver Barracks folr duty as soon as he has transferred the publlo property at BoUe Barracks. lieutenant ''Oerrit V, 8. Quackenbush leaves for Boise .City, having been as signed to Company B, stationed there. Colonel Tully McCrea will preside at a court-martial to be held this , week at Fort ZAWton. Th other officers of the court are Captains Charles O. French, terfton A. Caldwell and William L. Kcnly, all pf Vancouver Barracks, ?(y: .;; it ,1 'urn ..'...! ALLEN'S PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU y EsUbllshed In 1888. Portland. 1 San Francisco. Los Angeles. Advance reports on all contracting work- in the Paolflo ..States Newspaper clippings of all kinds, business, personal and political. A staff Of SO people read (.000 Coast papers . per ; week. - Pointers on all lines of business. . Write or call for particulars. ALLEN'S PRK88 CLIPPINC BUREAU, -i . McKay Bldg.; Portland, Ore. Telephone Main-666,- - . . . X I,-.-'- V COUPON ! Good for 25 cents on the pur chase of a BOY'S SUIT, or 50 cents on the purchase of a MAN'S SUIT, if presented be fore April 19th. Moyer Clothing Co. The Lowest In the City SEE IT IN OUR AD. IT'S SO. Third and Oak Streets. -.WS.X.sUvsi v" DR, W. A. OURlPRICES re not high; ii fact we bake th lowest possible prices consistent with first-class work! which" ls'ihe only kind of work thaV ever ' leaves bur of flees or laboratories. i.a- We make a specialty of winnlnf arid keeping the' confidence of little folk. We itj-eat children with the greatest gentleness. i-M - .. ' .1- . ! '' " " r I'''1 ' BIPTPPN a. a. a. . m . ji s7 a . : ' .' ft iTo .' . ) 1 .X--S WISE - ', C J'"' Vv THE NEW FAILING S. B. Corner Third and Washington Sts. .1 t' " BOTH PHONES: Ore. South 229 1 ; Columbia 368. UtiTiil iTiitis ilil Hi FROST :HURTS CROP Reports have bien received relative to the frosts occurring along the Snake river, during the pust week. These show that the- peach and cherry crops haVe suffered considerably. The fruit has been killed out in spots. It is estimated that the damage to the peach crop in certain localities Is fully 60 per cent. Cherries have suffered ' a loss of at least 25 per cent. ." " '- . , . v. In more favored places, where the trees have been partly protected, the damage runs from IB per cent upward. The general condition, however, of fruits is-good. Along the Columbia river orcht ards, are iri full "bloum. The fruljt la life advanced in the Qrand Ronde ana vvaim Walli" districts. 1 :' i'f. i " . GOOD FOR SJX BTS. Each Moyer Clothing Coupon is Worth the Money. . - - " The coupon sale ' of clothing at the Moyer Clothing Company Third and Oak streets, is proving a great success. It did not take many. days for mothers to see that her$ is a way to save definite money on purchases or clothing for their, sons They clip out the coupons from the Moyer clothing ad. lit The Journal, and each one Is worth 75 Cents when used at the store mentioned in paying for a suit oT 'clothes. ' " ' .:' f?: ' It Is Just the same a money In paying for a, man's . suit Wf.faw'toay'i suit. The sale will continue todays and ' tomorrow. The ad. appears Jn rThS Journal today. Everybody intendlng..'to, get a spring or summer- suit had . better take advantage of this chance tp save money. The Jour nal takes special interest in such' sales, for -It Is a -new departure , in the Selling Una and not only 'bring Immediate re turns for the advertiser In this paper, but gives all readers of The Journal a chance to save the price, of about two months' subscription. Tujs Is trus sntrprlse( and the shrewd shoppers; bf -ths lty are prov ing themselves altvo to "plain snaps of this kind. It Is IIUS finding money. The readers of this pape may expect many similar surprises in. the future. 'Keep your .eye on TbJ Jotirnal'ii' columns and you will profit and save money, Just now. cut out the Moyer coupons and taks your trade thsrs,H"-'?'.'f.. - .v ,.t.;..-.r- . .-! HOME MISSION SOCIETY. Richmond, Va., AprlY M.JThe general convention uf the Mission Society of th. Methodist Episcopal Church' South, Is In session' here- with a large attendance of delegates and visitors. The sessions are being held in the Centenary church with Mrs. M,cDonnell . presiding in , the ab absenos of the president, Mrs. . Hard grove. , of Kansas, .. Th. reports of ths various officers "and committees; show1 a year of activity in the inlssionfleld with enooursgiag- Itfcywtef. ?' niii i v i , r i mi c. ,";' Canadian Pacific Extensions.: The Canadian Pacino announces : ths opsnlnr; At," Usa4anaVFoVk ; ft Ksttls r"rl i It l-KUII '. . . t : i '.f . .. 4- (I- OUR METHODS of crpvnrandJbrdg;ework,)of : yi titlizih 'nerves, of extract in; teeth, arox positively- painless. Formerly; to .have . a tooth ex-" tract ed meant to a sensitive per- shock after the 'tooth was 1 kill a"rid;!.remo"ve!'a".-nerve . 'i..a ' A. - " st - si . was aays oi loirure, wniie xne devitaliiins ; aent was acting. ; We:avoId;aII that. Dental; science nas advanced, and we extract teethf entirely; without i : ::pain;ior!! process of devitalizing exposed 4 nerves Is ABSOLlltLY ; PAINLESS. IT, DIDN' ..J; ' .-'ji 'K.':- 'V.'l'if "I' 'f t" J ' - ' ' ' ' ' "'" ' ? ' ' DENTISTS V I - -T I n i i nf asiH tiiyei'. Railway and 4he Jlapubjlo ft'Oraad Fofks. . RaJlroad." These vare ' auxiliary lines to, that company. These lines are built from Midway on th. Canadian Pa cific in the-Kootenay district to Republic. This gives, the company direct connection with the great mining 'district, and one that- Is practically exclusive. Heretofore It has been ' necessary to ' haul freight by team from Grand Forks on the Cana dian aide, vor Marcus, Vossburg and My ers' Falls, via the Great Northern or Northern Pacific. Frelghf service has already been Inau gurated and tariffs are being prepared and passenger accommodations will be provided as rapidly as possible. OREGON CITY. '"?. (Journal Special Service.) 1 QRECK-4aiy.Al'rt -48-The , caade E5ate.on be Cltisens' tietllTrtTfe campaigaf ai uiwckd ;ujmerrow nignv, when'coahty, affairs aii4 Hsatlort .will hp presented.' ' Chairman Jlp. fJampbell and Secrejtorjr Tom P. Randajjl. ffitthe! Repub lican County Central Committee,- have called, a meeting for next Wednesday, to arrange ; the .(ireliinlnartee for fh"cariii palgn. Each set of candidates will likely, visit eacbi precinct lri lhe county as dis tinct bodtes, and as th. Cltisens have al ready begun their campaign, It is not be lieved' any'. challenges will 'be made "for Joint tdscussloos, . on their part, A good crowd greeted the' First Monu ment Fund entertainment given by Meade Post, O. A. R., last night at the Willam ette hall. The principal' speaker of th. evenlhg was Daniel Drew, an x-iegro slave -who was followed wltft short ad dresses by State : Senator Oeorg.. C. Brownell ana Hon. Charles B. Moores. Mrs. E. H.. Cooper sang a solo. This is the fimlmoVe made by Mead. Post to ward erecting monument on the cem etery lot presented It by, ths elty. , . y, ' Dr. William A. Mowry of Boston, au thor of "Marcus Whitman and the Early Days of Oregon, will be the guest of ths Men's Club of the Congregational Church ebout May t. He will be banqueted, on this occasion, and the publlo will be given an opportunity to hear him lecture.' ; r,"3iZH&ni.ot New Era has recelvsd r." turns from a teholec lot of Burbanlt po-" tatoes shipped to San Francisco.. tTho shipment brought him U.75 per" hundred pounds, the freight and commission foot ing up 28 cents per hundred. 'The net pries for ths potatoes was fi.7. Tho commission ' house .advised Mr. Hulras that, unless larger shipments began to Strive,, choice potatoes would advance to Wper hundred. - v;1f;';;f:ifJ:j;. . Mrs.. Ethel Hamlin of tR6se6urg, who has been Visiting her sister, J4ra. Charles Pope,; returned horns this morning. - , Peter Kngie, a weu-Known old resident of JSew:Era precinct. Is very low -with slcknsss. ' He Is a Orand Army veteran and ons of ths oldest members of the post'hers.. i':.; ftfi ''...' t FAM ILY ROOMS i'i Cntlemen'a R.sWrt - ' . .. Louis Dammasch - Goodnough building, 168 snd- . 170 6th street. Opposlta oosUJ-'-'a" Cold LunclMS. SchfiU ber on draught BIT rrTy'rrTjovftw' ---.V ia-ej.j-ist -.--sJ-i--- outi v -':'.-'.!' -'- i - rv'i . i . . . A. .JV .T i T ' i,. GITY BRIEFS. John O. Wooley, candidate for Presi dent on the Prohibition ticket In 1900, will come to Portland, May 21, to de liver campaign speeches-, ; : .; The closing; exercises of the Boys' Bi ble Class of the T. M. C. A. will bs held next Sunday at Jt p. m. The exer cises will consist of stereoptlcon "views of the Ufa of Christ. .This is for boys only. i. 5. '- .- Portland Club,' Fifth and Alder. '.'.',. Finest lunch bit olty."' ' " .'' Portland aub, Flftb and Alder. The Veterans' Octet veterans of ths Civil War, each of whom Is over 65 years will sing In the T. M. C. A. auditorium next Sunday at 4 p. m. : President Edwin McQrue of Pacific College will deliver an address' en "How Shall We Escape." Ua -iarg;vand fytlax1' w&9dp&VPS i jrtgar. stand , will b opened up. in th. toDoy ;Or tne .rerKins Hotoi on ine nrsv Of May. -The glass doors .at ths corner W ths Washington and Fifth street trahce will be removed and Witl be re placed by large and elegant plats glass windows. f.-jv "j "ft - " Watson's Restaurant, open.. nights to I aym; : ) ''':.Y.,jyJ''ty; '. ,', OVER THE WIRES. . PARIS.-fDqn Franolsoo . d'Assls, , ex Klng of Spain, Is dead, aged go years. He was exiled from bis native country in ' COPENHAGEN.-a! Strike of dock la borers her. threatens to tie" up the trade of this port. Th ' United Steamship Company's laborers all 'went out today, and th. sailors have, given notice of their, intention or joining xne sinning laoorers. ; CONSTANTlNOPLE.-'-The report' pub lished by a news agency In the United States that a body of Kurdish irregulars had massacred 300 Christians at Djabeklr,, In; Kurdistan( Is untrua ' , 1 ST. ' PETERSBtmo.-Colonel MftxlmoB has been sentenced, to two. years' imprlsr onment for killing Prince Wittgenstein in a duel. The court . commanded that ths Colonel ba pardoned,. Av'Ht'- . . ,i.,i'..- .'.'. r" t ''iJ,i' ,l i:fc'.: VANCOUVER,' B. ;t eOrsat; U.sartlU quakes are reported as having occunred on March 10 on th New-Hebrides ' Isl ands, . Australia. Six hours after the first, shock : the., country round about became a mass of light.' and, Albrlm, Lo pevl and 'Ttngoi,-. volcanoes, burst Into action, th. last-named blowing out a new throat into the. sea abd sending a great waterspout' over the land. The devasta tion caused by the aarthciuak was wide spread., ky ; ; V , V, J ' i DONDON.U.Miss Marl. Josephib East wick of Philadelphia, who was sentenced to six .months' imprisonment November 18 last, after having pleaded guilty to th. charg. of forging a 8100,000 railroad certlftcate, ' was released today. . Her htfttthwas hot affected by her confine ment in . prison, v-. A8TORXA,'Or.'.''A.TraUlnger;:r CltU sens. nominee for County Assessor, de clines to ratu ; A saimon, ciam and crab dinner Wilt be served ths T. P. A. dele gates In this ' city , during the national assoctat!on'rIslt.,ia 3wiiiln.i Furniture repairing- at 808 Fourth trsst' ' i' r I L. --- -'I-'- I--- - l - V.'4,',V'v-i-i"'.-';.-.''i fBWlFliTKTII. WHI not always remaliv beautiful If they are not properly cared for. W ' examine 'your teeth free of charge -and tell you exactly what Is required -to keep them beautiful. i We employ lid denUl studenti in - any : capacity. ; cieanllness ' Is the "watchword throughout our estab lishment. :'';:';':,- . BUte Senator J.1 N. - Williamson, tbs Republican candidate for Congress In the Seoond district, baa. returned to Prine- ville, and this was his first home visit since he donned the toga of Malcolm A. Moody. To reach, Prlneville it is neoes. sarr to: rids:.'manj(. miles, in,i .stag,';, and . last- evening the vehicle bearing; the fa-; vorits son was met several miles out of town by a special carriage. Into which the candidate was lifted. The entire pop uiatton was at Polndexter's hotel and llso tened to Speeches from the Mayor of the town, Mr.. Williamson and Alfred Holman of Portland. There was a supper for the reception committee. s " A petition Is being- circulated at Salem ; ftshlnc l9r.a meeting to be interest of the enactment of a proposed r law for direct nomination of candidates -at i party - primaries.. :. The - slgnsrs .Will form v a- Direct Nomination - League. Among the citliens of all parties whose . Signatures' are appended- to . the call are-1 Governor deer. Mayor Bishop, W M raiser, Tllman , Ford. H. B. Thlelsou. K...J, Judah and W.-T. Slate. The certificates of acceptance of nom ination of C B, 8. Wood for United i States:. Senate, and." of B. F. Johnson, , nominee for Supreme Judge, of the Dem-. porattc State ' Convention, were .filed yea-, terday '.with, the Secretary of, Stats at , The Democratic committee of Clacka-. mas t County wtl) ; hold -a meeting Thurs-j day, ApriJI 26. for, the purpose of nomlnat- . (ng "a candidate for Joint Representative . or Mu,ltnop . t rerry, a,, xruiunger,-wno was nominal-, . eel for Assessor by the Cltlseua' conven . tioa at Clatsop County, has. declined to . accept the, nomination..'. He. gave as his -reason the pressure of private , business. , Th Republicans of. Harney -County do' .' Bot . seem to be very- nthusiastlo in their "i Support , of State , Senator, ' Williamson in his race for Congress. ' At their county' convention j. set of resolutions was ; passed In which Mr. Williamson's nam raa.;not;,mentibned;ilJf , ':Afj'i:,. j The Roosevelt Republican Culb, which has headauarters at 688. Milwaukee street, ' Js negotiating for tbs erection, of a mam- . moth , tent oik Grand 'avenue In" which t " hold the political meetings of the Eighth - ward during. the campaign. f;:;). .;t-..Jr; ' Qood Cigars Given Away. 'A had rlvar Vnnoka Votir chanGSS STlA ' a good cigar helps your chances. If yu are a canaiaate you are naeiy io pe giving away cigars, for it is a genteel and grace- fut means of introducing a conversation. Take i good advice and always provide yourself with good Quality cigars from Big Slcbsl ft Co, 82 Third streew v - Upholstering at lowast prices, 808 4th at. Importers wholesale and retail dealers In Bilks, Carpets, Mattings, Teas and Rica, Japanese Fancy Goods, Rugs, Em broidery, Shewls. Crepes,.- Underwear. Ivory Carvings, Inlaid and Lacquered Oooda. , ta TAMHUX 8TREETJ '. ji I! ;ij'. ; tew i , . . -'.:., it-.i.'MvWSir:;; 4, i' i ',- t. . iV4'J, !'i -.'rtf.-.'M ft V-- .'&.