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About Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1902)
ft "Ml- . '' if" , r. Why HeDisfavors ular Election of Senators. f7;.Sfe V '(.Journal SpaclsJ BeryicOTi 'i HEW YORK. AprU 12. - la 7 recent Speech Senator ChaunoeyM. Depow too -. anion around against , th ! election of United: State Senators by popular vote. r This is a natursj position for.Rspubli- uu iii this itat, In -which th Loglsla tura la nearly always controlled by th Republican party, although the Demo crats freauentl loot their Ut 4ioket la conformity ;wh this Mas. It I bch tlceebl that, while the names pi a nura her of Republicans ara mentioned lo con taction with th Senatorial places, no one hea suggested' th nam of a Mngi Democrat ;;.'., Mv-v:,f ', v''-"' It is tlja general dpinlon that Senator platt will necessarily succeed himself aa there is such great heed for party i 8is,rlon.:: i1':-" i'. ?'' . '.'''-:"'"'i'' ''.':'3 i' It la too far to tall what Senator pew Will do thre years hence, but aa- cordlng to present day tendencies those In a . poaltlon to ' know say they would not be surprised to See him succeeded by a, democrat, j,. t 7 " ; NEVf. THEATER. New York' to Have One on Upper 1 j i . CJmirna.1 Snaclal Bervlca.) s ; NEW ; TORK, April IS."- A Bw' epoch' In th davalopmant of Kaw York hu bean marked by tha purchase or a large -block of valuable property- on ajjpper . proadway for m theater- alta; :-nV" Within one ceneraUon ' tbia . city b. ean. the theatrical center, moved . from Fourteenth, street to Twenty-third street; then to Thirtieth- street, hd flnoJly, to Forty-socend. ' But now it seems to be. destined to be earrled I fcinua. further north.' ( s Oregon Grown Tobacco." l1 i (Journal Special Service.) ' f ' . THE DALLES, AprU 1?.-That the cli mate and sotl of' Eastern Orearon Ms adapted to growina; tebadco has been proven, Last : year on. lot : 15x100 feet oh 1 Mahi; Street 'this feityV1 ttjlrfth raised 125, pqund$ 'of tho, wed,ftMr.. w rich, whff lf n tRperi cltrmaRer,t hav. inc been 'employed. In that buatneas tn - the ' Philippine Islands, claims that the tobacco', he raised: in-, this elty ia of as nne flavorjand jus.llty as that produced in Havana. Tha .oar; and aulUvation . of tne-crop coat hint " na he" eeu tnsvtea jh ,ytell ''.fe..;worjh doUar . a poundiibr VSt In the afcgreKt. K??ehw fttsip, sown the field in. tobahea this jrear. San Francisco Labor Troubles. man,7 is ''to 'receipt .jo ,&&Jp stating that the boycott placed jjpon the Carpenters? 35 Vnlon n br ? 4h. uildifig Trades (Totmclf is effecting, to 'some ex tent all llnea pf ;labor,; Tne swftjusneiui of the matter, he aaya. is kept ut jt the. papers, with the hope that the trouble may . aoott be eat la factor lly , settled., . he ays. the iiuinlmr of men included In the boycoU- is 'enormous, and that! all- work on the fcunoe of buildings hpder: coh stpuotion has been: practically . suspended. He concludes:' ... r . JW':t "The tonion - here thinks if has; scored , big victory in getting. Neustader Bros., to use, the union stamp and leave the Mer chants' and ' Employers Association, and loin' the ranks - of organised labor." Food Commissioner Is : : Slow t6 Act; . - 'Complaints" are' pouring' into ' Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey's office con. cernlng diseased beef, adulterated butter, Watered milk " snd Impure ' foodstuffs. Commissioner O. B. Kllltn of Clackamas County complains that' butchers In. Hub tard arc sending decomposed beef to (hli . city and desires an Investigation and ai rist. "But Air. Bailey evades the matter by saying he would go to Hubbard only after it had been shown htm that .the evidence had been gathered." This seems to be the usual method of Commissioner Bailey. He appears- too busy with other matters to attend to the business for tyhich he was appointed, and while 'playing to the grandstand" and making the public believe he is a very ; diligent official he seems slow to act In cases that' directly affect the health of the people. ' ? V . 1 ' Xt is a good thing for the public that the end of Bailey's official career is near at hand. . Arother River Steamer. The steamer Astorlan, owned by H. B. barker, of Astoria, will be in service on . the river1 by" the first of the week. She Is sl present on the gridiron In Young's Bay, around Smith's Point from Astoria, having her bottom copper painted.' 8lnce - the first of the year she has not been able to draw her usual subsidy from the com peting line's, and being too valuable a boat to lie Idle her owner has arranged Vith a sufficient number of shippers at each end pf the route to enable him to' place her in commission. ; Arrangements have been made for her - to dock at the Regulator line, at, the foot ; of Oak street. By this arrangement the ; lino will Wnot? onljKfbo'vwell represented here, but in addition will give the people of Astoria anothertboat to The Dalles. Rountree & Diamond ; . :Recl Estate, r " Loans and Insurance. . Phone Grant 291 v 241 Stark St. giud urn SOMETWUrG fine; ROOMING HOUSE Csst ia the city. Good lease. if you want it tee about P. Oe Bbil 554 CITY; IS 173 Third SU '- -- ' ' - V..-:-r. o.. . J, - ,..16 CvrnsUrch, ptkage . ;..i..4,vA.v BoraJv powdered, package..... :..,.. A. JSo Jam and jelUea. each. Two cans cream lie Shrimps ... Ide Two Uble peaches..'.'. ... tfa Two tabls peara..... to Two table apricots. ."..............f SSo Creamery Dutter45c Dairy tuttej.;;,;;.35c ao;40c Fresh t anchjggsi i6itu.3$c Full creant'eheeseti' i:..VCi.lSc Half cream 'chfe8ev.i.u..;..10e Best. Hams;a.i3!4 . U Grand. Creamery, 264 Yamhillr Hunter's NePpiiiIr - ;?fi s o to ree ? i ' Our specialty-Oregon-' eressed poultry. Hunter's for butter, eess and cheese? unter'f for-fresh IrulU and uble deli rton Main n;. izt Fifth street. - MARINE NOTES. 1 The British v four-masted bark Norma na arrived at xjueenstown, after The tug Oeorge ft' owned by George T. Myers, a, weil-)tnowB Columbia, River canneryinatu. has been purchased by the Pacifie Packing 4 Navigation Company The Chilian Wk YosemlU, which sail ed from Seattle 13( days ago, "with a car go of wheat for Callao, has not been heard' fro s1nW "err departure, " (al though Baltour, Quthrie Co., er char terers., are not Worrying over jher ;:,fate. v 1 Prosecuting Attorney Full ont of. King County, JVashlngton"; claims thai the .re cently enacted statute exmpting Vessels H$Mt&:tplS& ;'eistosji;tiouse fa that Ute from taxation, ia invalid for the tmH6h' thtf TH?M MS'atreetcdnflict with (he tale nsom4RM4$ Ifthls- opinion Ui'lcF ly"he courts, (thV'sfeVelral couh-tfesn- fheBound wilfgTeaOy profit by it. 'niienMLiaWt' '.otontlOB sheds In San Frsicucovhreicomtng restless'- and- demand lther to be et fre or their hnme1late4pOatlo ,to China. The TreaurjK Department.- haa - ordered ' the steamship companies" bringing them to thls;;eountry: tQ return :them forthwith. far.ta so. et,ect,.v .i;t W. C. iAUoway; general agent for the Regulator Line., (a in tha city arranalng for fhe coming summer traffic, which is expected to, he of Jarge. proportions. Al though an agreement is. in .effect .between this line and the White Collar Line, hold lng good until November 1. it is expected that tnere wut pe some warm compeuuon on this , picturesque route, .- , S It., was . established yesterday that Che Columbia river la navigable through Hell Qae to a point W hilles above the mouth of -lha.fipakiuiv . The. teamr jCamanoT 4tHB, by Cptan Griggs, mads the trip yesieraay . wna succew,, ppma , ins nr veaej to navigate those .lsr;." J'c ? The British snip Benator was enartereo yesterday by Oeorge cNesr. for lumber from jujisouna ?J ?f "ifJ!?,0- V, ' One of the unchartered vessels' was of fered yesterday forwheat idadlng to the United yKlngdom at s, 6d, with no tak ers.. W?5f V-' C "!' '' The Portland m' fee the first steamer to leave for : Nome. Bhe will leave. San Francisco tomorrow,, carrying the. United States wail.. ' The Portland has been thorouchlr u overhauled, and has . been sheathed with Iron wood at several thou sand dollars' expense to make this trip so that she ia today the hast equipped of any vessel In this trade for" working her way through the Ioe. ao.4 she has tho prospect of being the first boat to reach Noma this season. Tho launch Hoo Hoo is undergoing re pairs at the 8upple boatyard. . Coal Coal Coal ' WESTERN - FEED (So FUEL CO. . Peal en fn all kinds. of . Coal; Coke, Charcoal " Try tha Pemoug - -v- ROCK SPRINGS COAt . Both"- -?r. '-ir: :. . Phone. . , .wnicer 154 wortB 5 u W, A- 8haw. -' A. 8. Shaw. Offlca phono Clay U2;.Rea4. Front 114. W. A. SHAW a Co. BEAL EST A TO ' - 1,. AND GENERAL. AUCTIONEERS. 1 FurntsheoT. Grain, fruit and dairy farma a specialty, Renting and collecting. -.Property, token rhargV of for. non-residents, .... rarm unaf t operuuiy, 243 Stark Btreeet ; PORTLAND OR. Business Opchihg Grocery, doing fine business: heart of city; Invoice about ll.SOO: will, pay you to Investigate. '......' G. II. 5HITII Gl CO. rdliible lniwlrieni Chance Brokers. 301 tailing ItuliUing. Telephona Clay 19S. MrP(lRlmflm ITsVlIi I w I w I 1 Advfertlie' ydur vvaots la ;cjjci s uiai t, jc3 w -e!l the 'people NORTH 4; . 't 'Tsja, jJjsjae. AAs) SM Alii fl4 r der construction $ev- Specifications lor street , 1 grading have been pre ; pared, anfrvork vvill . , soonbe well under way. . f I North Irvinston Park , is being put in . line - 7 : fv 'J? 1 conditJorvand its beau- v - -f, '' ti tiful lawns and shade .. trees will; nuke it a most delightful resort ; lor the residents : or ;f North Iryington and a : recreation .ground for v- ; , their childrea ..." V r . North Irvi'ngtonls , beautifully located, well 7 drained, has cityjwater ' ;:;It'and' splendid car; ser -t v-$'5!vice.. Lots' are selling ' , fast size 50x100, and 1; the price only $100 to r a $500 each;tbes;yery : , low prices will not con-"' -- X one-fourth cash, balance ten oouars a montn. f;TltIe perlect'lnd uarv -' 7 anteed. . - For maps anrf ' , j plats call on. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. , - 6 and T Chamber of Commerce, . 11 4 OR AT'TH Cr NORTH IRVINGTON OfriCE Corner Union Avenue and JFeU'rig Street. (Take Woodlawn or Vancouver Car.) 4 k $50 A LOT. 't ciotifd'lbts a! Point Vleir HlgH, jlgfitty ;: ajfdTti ealthy Mixtion impure air; pure water fine vit.';- i ;Point View overlooks the tcene of Portland' three greatest enterprises The . extension of the O . R. & N Co.'s line to St. Johns and rojmd the. Peninsular; ' -' - ' - The. proposed site of he big dry The probable site of the Lewis and Dark Centermial Expositioni 7 Lots at Point Vieir will largely increase value, ij.,, Buy a few while they are cheap. Title perfectTerms easy, v Title Guarantee & Trust Co. q and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. Fourth-street side. lv 4 y; -1 -A?! -ti jiij ifr !tfjij?r iIfp-- f')1.' 'If'' ':C-. : DVRINO THE .; si We obtained by forScIogbre e number of pieces of property Jn COUCH ADDITION and la other choice residence locations. ' Some are In shape ' for homes; others, are at tractive Investments. - AU ' are offered at reasonable prices. ' ' ' CaU on us Jor partkularav ' PMUID IBS mm Of OfiEQOD 7 109 THIRD STREET. ROOMS FOR RENT. PUBNIBHED ROOMS, for one -or- two gentlemen r an conveniences aeeirable locality. 436 Alder street. - , . HAT MANUFACTURERS,' " ' HAT" MAN UFACTURERS AND RENO- (Aivna-vuiy vises in rortiana ' lor good work; union hatters.-Boston Hat Company, ft Fourth street. . . HELP WANTED MALE, FALLENS, hook tenders, rigging rustlers, euesera, parsers, jacasoreir men, skid road men. swampers, boom men, engl. neers, firemen, sawyers, ratchet setters, oarrlage men, edger men, planer men. mill hands, yard men, sailors, boat pull era, net tenders, fishermen, seiners, car penters, blacksmiths, - machinists,, rook men, laborers, .men with (earns, railroad laborers, wood choppers, bolt - cutters, farm hands, milkers, : eookr, - flunkey. -Work for L00O men and woman. . inn wages. Csll and see us and flame your iob, 126', t-ununn -umpiggrmtni VO-mpany, Morrison; branches 14? BurnsMio CALIFORNIA. -WORK ,w NAT ADA Tunnelmen. tin els . and rfAtihi -- kan4 drillers. UN to tZW a dayt maobine run ners, aj; muckers, gf to 2. outside la. borers, tl. 76, for California.'- - - : Two and four horse scraper teamsters, holders, eumoera U to iz.jfi a da v labor. eri!; rockmen, U to R50, for Jievada C. ft HAK8EN A'CO.,-'Kmplorment Agents, M North Second street. Portland, Or. , IRVIWGTOW TIMES imSSIFiED IIAVB YQU A WAlT? KJ JfQ3'6ALEHQM3E3 AND LOTS. tMiOO-Modern . ull lot. a-room house,' Bunnyslde, 1100 lots, windmills. 64 fins fruit trees, . harlnr. nsar fcT line. - 1S0O-1O acres on base lint, near Jift Ta - ; nor. : . -. HOO Kttio, 4 blks. from Burkhart BMg. ' TW-Lot on Uth street Bear1 DivUloa st - ISO acres to exchanae for lot. . luO acres, U in eulUVatton U ex- f - . enange. -v. DISL A BEGI3TER, BH Alder 8t FOR SALEREAL- ESTATbV mmmdrmm-w-1im!m'mm'mw s ..ea THIRTT-NINE acres land above Oregon City, one-quarter mile from- river; part rt A : vinwr, some veuar, sow:. bo agent. UL The Journal. Good Sugar Pine Claims to locate timber clalma on. " Call at once. W, H- Kldg REAL - Estate and General Business Agency.) U. fi. Budd. iia First BL . For 8alo M Iscallaneous. - HALL'S safe, standard of the world) ., aarea soia on easy payments; traae yo old aafe for a new one. -Norrla Sale Lock Co., Second and Stark eta. furniture wagons, trucks, hacks, coupes; also 200 other vehicles, Q sets harness, 100 saddles. , TomUnson, Hall, KU wasmngton street. :.:-Ai-.-,.f- MONEY TO LOAN. MONET to Loan on City lota and Im proved farms. w. a. gnaw m Co., MS auars street. W. JL HATHA WATMoney to loan. 10 wasningtotn Building. Phone Hood 41a, ATTORNEYS. Paxton, Beach Blmon, 10 Chamber of , vpnuntrca, t!i Vi;" . ij. H. K. Sargent. General Practice, notary vuoua, sit-0iie Chamber of Commerce, Charles cAues Boom 029 Chamber of flaw James Gleason, 3 and S if ulkey Building. ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. ' aturtoni 8 Phone Brown 450. 818 Cham, of Com. Bookkeeping, ex- Parting., teaching. AS8AYEB AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Assayer and Analyist; gold dust boughU" 2281. Stark st. ARCHITECT AND EN0INEER. Fred A. Ballln, 48 d st ;Tel. Oak 7B, Ves- (f aU kinds do BARBERS. Joseph Beldl, sea Morrison L Pullllovs 4 Moore; 2S3 Washington, g V. Hare, laB Fifth street . Brownings Navaio Herbs and Vina Roots - tor ttandrfuft and' falling hair, 100- 1st. r BARBERsVsiippilES. G? 1 hacbers" suppip bouao, Paclflo .oastv i LEWIS-8TENOER Barber Bupply'Ca "MiuiMB oi u narp ooge iooib a ps Clalty. 14 First, BL I . 6ICYClpE3.' Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.. 105-111 6th st BILLIARD, TABLE8. . The' iBroiiswick-BaTki' 'olkmr ''''Oo'e) Third street. . itii , BOOTS AND SHOES. A. Dreyers, 91 Third street J. Banger, Repair Shop, 49 Washington. Tho Nelspn Shoe Store, 48.. North Sd st. Harks Shoe Store, 238 Morrison st., near 3rd. Agents Jenness Jdliler Shoes. BUTCHERS. B. F. Jones, 172 8d street. BroCTnrTrtACTOrtr Smyth Howard Co., 13 Chamber of Commerce. , ., .. CARPENTERS AND" BUILDERS. John A. Melton, Carpenter and Builder; SOT Stark St.: office nndf stor fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses. Phono; Main 747. - 1 1 " f " CAFES,' Thi Bell Saloon, 836 Washington street The Knob Hill Saloon. 841 Washington. Tho Oriental Cafe, 828 Washington st.' 9HJRpoPYAW?WAWc.UBrf9 Wm. Deveny and Esteile Deveny. 801 Allsky Bldg., 3d and .Morrison. L. Mitchell. Expert Chiropodist, Knight's Shoe Store, 2M Waslu sL Phono Hood , 728. .,r- ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Fred Boekowns, 27? Washington st ' '" Dreyfus 4k Oermalne, Set IThlrd street PUaa Cigar Btore, 811 Third st Tho Railroad Cigar Btore. 884 Wash, st CYCLISTS AND MACHINERY. B. P. Keenan, Columbia, Hartford and Vtdetto Bicycles, Aluer- st. Phono Red 1863. -- ', Sewing Machines and Bicycles, 835 Mor rison street . v. curiosv Andrew Kan A Co.. Morrison and 4th sta CONFECTIONERY. A. J. Coffman, Chocolates and Bon Bona, , 880 Washington st - . e wV 1. Powell. Candles and Cigars, 420 : Washington street . . . Henry Blumfhauer, Manufactnrlns; Coa , fectienor, 430 Washington st 7T, . v CORNICESSKYLIGHTS. Metal 8k: kyllghts. Galvanised Iran ear. . C. Bayer, 2 Second it. nices. 'CREAMERIES. Grande Creamery Company, buttar:' f eggs and coeesa, aot xamnui st Phona L Or Main T70. ; '-- t v. f. ArMngton Creamary, butter, eggs, cheese, etc. 367 Burnslde st ' --t EtEcrmcwoRKs. f PORTLAND EteotHcal Worke-Offlca, 8t8 Washington Bt Western Electric Works, 80S.. Wash, at COAL AND WOOd! ; Oregon Fuel Co dealers in all kinds oil coal and wood, 844 Morrison. 1 t. . ' ' ' Banfleld-Veysey met Co dry Sat wood, . to 8d st Phono Main 8S8 and CoL 171. H. pV Chrtstensen," - wall papers, apd painter, 141 8th street, comer Aider. E. ft Modre house 4 Co wall papera, 807 , Washington street : ' 7-' -; 7 ' 7n DENTISTS. -' ' J ' C. T, Prehol ' room 18 Hamilton Bldg 181 Third street- f. it. Hamby; D. V. B., room 8 Wash Ington bldg., .Washington and 4tk sts, Theodore B. Thomson, 80-61 Washington bldg., Washington and 4ta sts. pbono ttooo ait. .. . r . - 1. B; LANGWORTHT. Rooms T and I Benaon ' BuUding, ivi Morrison street, , near Fifth. .Vy.-. X :-' . - Hlekey ft Hlekey, rooms 81f te 818 Dekuni bid 84 and Wash, sta Phona South 81, 7"7;7;. DRES8MAKER8.' 77 " Miss' LougallnTl4 Lewis hldgv ! Mrs. B. Oliver, Mlllintry Parlers, ree 408 Macleay bldg. DRUGGISTS. Oradon Koehler. 841 First street O. F. 8." Plummet1, 860-268 84 street Rowo ft Martin, 6th and Wash sts. Frank J. Strelblg, lit Wash, street Laue-Davis Drug Co 17S Sdatl Phona 648 ELECTRICIANS. ARTHUR T.- WALKER, Room fl. Oam brtdg building. Phone Red 8964. Resi dence Pink 12U, . Mrs. O. S. Fery, SSlVs Morrison at ENGRAVERS. Hlcks-Chatten Engraving Co.,; Morrison, betwsaa 1st and ad sts. ' ELECTRO PLAT1NG. Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, etc, Fetiinsu. lar riating wrks,4sia vyasn. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. CANAXttAN V Employment Bureau, 828 siorrison street, i-none uranv Oregon Employment Co, 22T Burnslde at ACME Emp. Bureau, 186 Morrison Help tree to emoloyera Phone North 23U. Col. 287. FORD'S Employment Agency, 149V First street, Portland, uregon. FINANCIAL. 8800,000 to loan at 8 and 6 per eent Wm. Book, 821 Morrison at FURRIERS. The BllVerdeld Fur Mfg. Co., son street 289 Morrl- GAS SUPPLIES. Paclflo Specialty and Gas Lamp Co., 848 ; Morrison Street, , ; - , ' GROCERS. Y Dresser 'ToT3$3& !Vra8S stre5C Owen H. Berpls ft 3o.K Fancy .Gcycerles. 863 Morrison street' 1 ' M F. B. Godfrey. Family Grocery. Sixth and Burnslde. Telephone Black 2932. HAIRDRESSING. MANICURING. PartTWalrnstSre oate nair aressera, ,. The Arista Beauty Parlors, manicuring and massage: 8S2 Morrison street Mrs. F. J. Lynch, skin snd scalp special ist, 80S Allsky bldg, Sd and Morrison. ROSENTHAL SISTERS - Wlg-maklng and manicuring. 160 tilth Pt. rnone Hood 814. .,, . .t. v, '.' HAY AND GRAIN. W.8. Lauthers, ilONbrth 8rd street, lime, shingles and cement HOTEL8. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe, 61 North Third atreet, corner Davis. - Hotel Belvedere, European plan. Fourth and Alder streets. Eamond-Hotefc Ratea European, 80c to 1.60 pef; day. ' Front and Morrison sts. Merchants Hotel. Bates. 81.00 a day , up ward. Third and Davis street. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home Furnishers Furniture, Carpets, Sea 1. Gev- urts ft Sons. 173-1 78 First 218-225 Yam hill. Both Phones wa. IN8URANCE. G. Rosenblatt rooms 220-223 Sherlock bldg, 8d and Oak sts. Phone, Mala 132. Puffer, Burgard A Co, 851 Wash, st JEWELERS. Beidlng Bros, Diamonds, Watches, ate., 46 Third street '.w-.-.T ,', The L. C. Henrichsen Co, jewelers and opticians 284 Washington street The G. Heltkemper Co, manufacturing Jewelers, 886 Morrison st John A. Beck, watches, diamonds, eta, 207 Morrison street:. ; 7 , anderburB Wktch Hous 140H 8d st Uncle Myers, Jeweler, 148 8rd St. LAUNDRIES. Clean Towels Dally, Comb, brush, soan. tl ner month. novtiny ovelty Supply Co, 40- ,48 N. Ninth st TeU 410. LIVERY 8TABLES. Mlsner Hayoen irasmoa Livery Stables, .sin uu v , Burnslde Livery Stables, corner Fourth ana uurnaiae sw. ruM vi.. ouus uu. McLean Livery Stable, Both phones 80. No. 200. to aw 010 street, MASSAGE. W. H. Faulkner, room is ih Morrison street -: . -. ' . .. ; -i-. MU8ICAL. FLUTE. Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo In struction. Prof. E. , A. ; Smith, ree. 8M Twelfth. Phono Brown (95, .-.j -:, ,-.:? OSTEOPATH. L. B.'8mltiu Parlors, jroom 40 Oregonlaa bUlldtng. : ;'-:.:i: v-v, v,i. . OREGON VIAVl COMPANY. Lewis Bldg. Para and Morrison. Send lor neaun book, r uwauiuuoo iree. - LADIES TAILORING. ttADTKB' tailor-made i suiter fancy em i broldered and " applique dresses r and trimming. Stephan'a, 8U Alder St PATENT MECICIN Eprlnkstrem MedToln "'dtM ' Allsky nuiiuing. ., - Help WsatLtMr Ui.M.W.0- II For Rent, per Line Se Wanted. Reoms, per Line For Bale, par Lue-.,......-..... , Contract Bates on Appliiattaa,. - MONUMENTSV Otto Schumann, monomental and build- in wora, mm xwr at Esttmataa aa ' first class work stock only. PAWaT BROKERn. - Unolo Henry, a North Third street, i Portland Loan Offlee, Dan Marx, prop, 74 Third st, near Oak, phone Brown 478. PAINTS AND OILS. " -'.''''' Fisher, Thorson !o- Front anV Mor . risoa Bts, . . , T?m?y''; f IANOS. - "" 7,-'" ' ' V7 ttoule Bros. Piano Co, 124 Washlr-aioa Bt '.-.'..-!.; 1 a 1 1 I -. .... -J . " Ellens Piano House, High-Grade Pianos . and Orgapa 861 Washington St - T i Plane for sal or rent 8, Blnaheimer. 78 Third Bt .. s. Fisher Music Stor. Everything in Musis. Phono, Red 862; IM ThW Bt - PHOTOGRAPHERS, B, W." Moore,' Crayon and Oil portraits.' Third and Washington Bta. : w plumbers; Taylor ft unton plumbing and steam Blxtr street . fltUng, REAL E8TATE. ' Lehman Lmb anoTcollecUon Agejwy.", ' TO? Chamber of Commerce. - ,-. J.F. Compton. , Phono Black 888. 802 The king Real Estate Association. Tfl ; vnamper el ocmmw.-tM$ -ifi E. F. Riley, 808 Chamber of Commerce. Chaa. H. Korell, real esute an4 mortgage loans, got yvasningtoTi. stain sea. R. H. DUNN, real estate an4Jlnanclal agent, wo. lft first etreet, jforuano. vregon. - -.- ; --, - RESTAURANTS. Morris' Lunch and Coffee House. Below Imperial Hotel, New Tort Restaurant n Oyster Housa 63 Third and 87 Pine Bta. , Strouae's Restaurant. 828 Washlngtoa Bt Billys Coffee House. 848 Tamhrl BL' City Chop Bonaa and Reauurant, 18 Third Bt, N, F. .. . . y ,' U. ' ". .; RUBBER STAMPS AND STENCILS. phas. BJ. Potter ft Co.. tnfrs. rubber sumps, seala. Stencils. 881 Falling Bid. ORIENTAL 8HObTINa .GAt.UEnY The latest auartlacop views. 68 Sd st STORAGE AND TRANSFER. a a Plek,..mes 8S First St, bet. Stark and Oak! nhnna ROA. Ptanna and furni ture moved and packed for shtppingf commodious nre-prooi dticb wereaouse, Front and. Clay etew-a- f;p ;VXi Storage at low rates ean bsjhsd at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 81 N. Front Bt: ITnrnlttir. Plana and Bafe Moving and Packer. Charles M. Olson, 128 First street STATIONERY. The KUham Stationery Co, 867 Morrison , ac . . , s- ,.- James R. Ewlng. Bookseller, T.iM. C-A. . Bid-, 168 Fourth St, Portland.' : : 8LOT MACHINE1. V All avlaa ranalrlnr: Dhonosranhs. orda. Transcontinental Machine Co, 848 Washington at TAILORS. Nlcoll the Tailor, fashionable tailoring, 108 Third Bt , - -?J.i t; We call for, clean, press and deliver one suit each Week for 81.00 per, month. 488 - Washington Bt, -1 ;'r y zx 'i ; "l" Pants 84 to 810: suit 818.60 to SSoV ChX - ley Lee, 108 N. Third 1.1,,7 v. Bon Ton Tailoring Co, 84 TWri Bt, opp. Chamber of Commeres. : . TRUNK, FACTORY x Phillips Trunk Co, Ml Morrison strelT Old trunks taken in exchange . r Harris Trunk Co, trunks, valises, satch els, etc, 281 Morrison St-, , , v - The Smith-Prrmler Typewriter, .128 Third atreet. AH maaea 01 (ypawniars r rent. Supplies ton gll machines,' M. Alexander ft Co, agents. -. L. ft SPIRITUALISTS Mrs. C. Cornelius, Allsky Big., Third and Morrison, Circles Fridays, sittings dally. - - wallpaper: Ernest Miller ft Co. Wall paper orations. 127 First Bt , . BANKS. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE- With Which is amalgamated. THE BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Capital paM. up :..,,.,....,....j..8j0(,ooo hfialftrV a.seesoo' .UW,UUU Transacts a General Banking Business, IlCvinob BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sums of 810 and np wards and Interest allowed on minimum monthly blaneea Bates on application. m0H T244 WASHINGTON fl E. A- WTLD. Manager. MhBeAdNKi. Transact a General ..Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collisions made at all POhi&on favor- ihia terms. . v. . ivaUablo in Europe nd . tho Eastern ail'ht Exchange and Teleraphl Trans fefs'iold onew York. Washington, Chi- ."hlngton. Jdaho, Montana and British CExchaMdontnd Faris, Berlin, Frankfort and' Hong-Kong.. . v-, - -. mitrCHANTS NATIONAL BANK MEB PORTLAND OREGON. t FRANK WATSQNTTrr5:,'3eB! R. LrrURHAM.........Vic.Preeldent r W. HOTT...... ........."......Cashier rivet W. HOxT....i....a,ssisian casnier ?r2nSACT8 AcN4L .BANKING Vtf.B avail. all parts of the world. ' v . .specialty., Gold dust bought-..-::'':;:''-:::.'" ? . ' cLONDOH BAN FRANCI8CD BANK, C1",WCT -LIMITKD. ' Chamber of Commew building. Third Head Office, 69 Old Broad street. London. Tki. K.nk transacts a general banking bnalaess. makes loans, discounts bills and Issued Titters it eredlt available for W elers and tho purchase of niershandle In any city of the world. Deals la for- eifji n and domestic exchange. aterest . iiaii on hot w".. ' 7W, Ak MACRAE aianager. UNITED STATES NAT K -AL BANK-. Transacts a uentrmi B.u.ins ounineaa. Drafts avsilsble In all clti.i of tho ; United States and Fur- . PreaMent TTUbR V JWATIT) Vli-I rf.-,;'...'iit ..i.tumm'tO. i KA.MM C r ...F. C. -iJLLi..t EA V0C! 1 ,.-" I luil 1 u t y j t if SOUTH Oepot Fifth and I ' I Btreeta , -'' Amta Leava- 80 p ai 8:39 a m (press train a. 17 ms a at " ror naiem. jKose-i ' burg, Ashland. Satf-I ramento. Orden f7:ta a sn. Baa Francisco. Mo-i Uave, Lo Angeleal ; , E1 Paso. New Oi-r ' Ueans and the East. I , I At ' - Wa odbitnl' vi' ;.7V:-'i' "7"''i; Kdally except 8un- s" jday, morning train! wnnecis wnu traint -s for Mt. Angel, Bil- verton. Brown s-f vine, npnngneia.i ' and Natron, andl S, . Albany Local fori Mt Angel and 811-1 ' " " Albany passenger ..110:10 a sa Corvallls passenger6:60 p m 4:09 pm 7:50 a m U4:&0 p m SheHdan passenger! 8:2S a m Dally, UDally except Sunday. s , Rebate tickets on sale between Porta land. Sacramento and Ban Francisco. Net rate 817.69 first-class and 814 second -class. Second-class includes sleeper nrst-clas does not. - Rate and ticket to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONO- LULU and AUSTRALIA.- Can b ob tained at Ticket Ottice, No, 264. corner Washington and Third, - YAMHILL DIVI8ION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson St, ; Leave Portland dally 7:20 a, . m, 12:80, ', 1:65, S.ti., 4:40. :25. 8 30 p. m. Dslry ekl eept Sunday, 6:30, 6:40 a. m, 6:06, 11J0 p. iu. ouuunir onijr, . uu Arrive Poitland dally. 8:80, 10:68 a, m. :m. 9.iv. ,-u. s:io. cw. id n. n m. Daily except Sunday, 8:36, 8:80, 10:50 a. t : ex cept Monday,. 1Z;40 a. 10.05 a. m. Sunday only. Leave for Dallas dally etcept Sunday, 6:06 p. m. Arrive Portland - 0:30 a. m. ' Passenger train leaves Dallas far Atrll Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:64 p, m. Returns Tuesdays and Saturdays, :; - 'Except Sunday.- , :, - V. A. SCHILLING, It , MILLER, City Tkt. Agt Gen. Frt ft Pass. AgL TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND v Leaves. "ArrlveaJ Overland Express ....... 8:00 pfti 7:00 am, Twin City, St., Louis ft -v ? - Kan. City Special U:80 pm 7:48 pnt Puget Sound Limited for , . ,, ,,vs . , Y South Bend, Gray's , Harbor, Olympla, Ta- 1 ,' ' 1 ' coma and Seattle 8:81 ant 1:80 pn " Two trains dally to Spokane, Butte.' galena, Minneapolis, Bt Paul and the ast . " . AD. CHARLTON.', , A est General Pass. Agt. - 868 Morrison atreet Portland, ore a IV ,-ae-iO'l SiiojvrLiTaE AUfrtOriPACIHC THREE TRAINS DAILY , ' -I ; FOR ALL P0INT5 EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave. Arrive. I'OO-PdRTLANb 9:00 am 30 pm: SPECIAL. uaiiy (-Daily v For the East via Hunt- " ington. ' sp61anb FLYER."'' For Eastern Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew iston, Coeur d'Alane and Gt. Northern points. - 6:15 pm 7.06 am Daily Daily . rTtsrfTTtTEXPREga: 8:50 'pm' 8:10 am For to sst via iuni ' - Ington. UDally i?ay OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOB, SAN FRAN. From- CISCO. , - Ains- t.'M'lC ' 8a Columbia 1 worth " 5-wPB" April 7, 17, 27. Dock BS. Geo. W. Elder 8:00 pm J" V Aprll 8,12 22. ' FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 pnJ 5:00 pui way points,, connecting Dally Dally with str. for Ilwaco and ex Sun ex Sun 1 North Beach, str. Has- Sat. 10 -salo. Ash street dock. - p m FO"RJ CORVALLIS and :45 am 6:00 pm way v points, steamer Mon, Tues, , . Ruth; Ash street dock. Wed.. Thura (Water permitting.) Fri. , ' :. Sat. ; FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 am' 3:00pni City and Yamhill; River Tues,;- Mon. points, str. Modoc., Ash Thur, Wed.. , street dock. .. -; -,.-,. Sat- .--:(. Frt. (Water permlttiag.4 ); TICKET OB'FICB. Third and Washing ton. Telephone, Main 712. Portland & Asiatic ! steamship co. ; '' For Yokohama and Hongkong, calllna at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer for Ma . nlla. Port Arthur and Vladivostock. . For rates and full information call oir : or address ofilcials or agents of the O. R. ft N. Co. 1 1 DANDRUFF CURE. R. Shields, 46 Third St. N. Herplclde, In dividual application or by the bottle. PRINTER AND STATIONERY. J. R. Rogers, Job printing. 828 Morrison, TEAS AND COFFEE. Haines Tea Store, Famous Mkuteto Tea Fifth St, opp. Postofllce. OPTICIAN. D. O. Gengrich. the leading gradual op tician. 8(2 , Yamhill at PHYSICIANS AND 8URGEONS. pr, Amelia Zlegler; SOS.Marquaat Bldg. ' Dr. Cora 'C."1 Talbott, years expert- See In diseases of women. Writs or calU 18 Salmon st SIGN WRITER. JESSIE WADDELL, 8IGN PAINTER, .sua Aluer auvnw :w vuuim . TICKET OFFCIES. Overland Tlht Ortlre, 83 to 8J0 saved tj Tall polnta 140 Third St , e? H. THOMPSON'S Cut Ret TlVet C fice. 12 Third St Flume aialu (. . OVKRLANI Tl''' Third stri-ei. j i