Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1945)
Pagel --------- -- — • — ■■ t 'r l l f Y Y '* / ! S o r w i n o c X I O C i V IK * C u ( l i t 1U II O F TI1K ft.4ZAKK.NK L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a .m. W orsh ip service. 6:45 N. Y. P. 8. and Hi-N-Y. 7 45 p. m. E van gelistic service. 1 3 ,,f (he people in the w orld still An O klahom an reports that a tor ■ t Listen to “ Show ers o f B lessing” , | T o p ic —A Great D eliverance for a Major Weed lo be nado he got mixed up with blew all I Coast |o Coast broadc. ist Of PurpOOO. _________________ - | las pockets wrongside out. He was Church o f the N a za jen e Sunday 3:30 F ollow in g the serm on, the L ord 's Discharged August 30 j, m (>n station K W JJ. In U. S. censuses, m ore men than a typical taxpayer, however, and no loss was incurred.—Ex. M ajor W ilbur W. W eed, w ife and wom en refuse to give their age. W ednesday 7:4ft itdid-wnek prayer Bihle School class session 11 a. m. tw o sons, spent last week with his meeting. 1 Christian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. parents at the N ational Iris Gardens. : _____ j E ven ing w orship service 8 p. m. R E P O R T OF C O N D ITIO N O F C H U RCH O F C U B IS T 1 M idweek Bibie study and praysi M ajor W eed is on term inal leave service Wed. at 8 p. m. expecting to be disch arged August G eorge W. S pringer, Pastor j 30. He is spending the sum m er with M orning worship and preaching a t , W E S T I1U.I.S friends and relatives in O regon e x 9:45 a. m. L U T H E R A N C H U R CH pecting to reenter Federal em p loy ment at Shasta Dam, near R edding, j C alifornia, about Septem ber 1. M ajor W eed served as a private in W orld W ar I and was co m m issio n e d 1 2nd Lt. in 1921 in the In fan try R e serve. He w as called to extended : activité duty from R edding, C alifor TH E VALLEY nia Auguat 22, 1941. His first sta COMMUNITY C H U R CH tion was at M inter Field near Ba- U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N K ersfield. C alifornia. SW Gabel Lane at F airw ay Dr., E ight m onths o f his service initi- Rev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor ally was spent in landscape develop 10:30 a. m.. guest speaker the R ev. ment o f Minter Field. T he area de W m. R. Rotzler, D. D., Pittsburgh, veloped was approxim ately 50 acres Pu. Special m usic by y ou n g w o in extent. The w ork was done un men's ch oral group from O regon C ity der W P A assistance fo r labor and , Violin o ffe rto ry num ber by M iss Ja m aterials. In June 1942 M ajor W eed j net Shafer. becam e C om m anding O ffice r o f t h e , 8 p. m. guest speaker the R ev. T. 739th B asic F lying T rain in g Squad C lifford S trangew ay D. D., o f P itts- ron at M inter Field and held that ! burgh. Pa. A union service in w h ich i position until April, 1943. when he the M ultnom ah United P resbyterian was tran sferred to Carlsbad A rm y con gregation will participate. S p ec-I A ir Field, Carlsbad, N. M. H e .c o m - ial m usic by a girl's ch oru s and m anded the 905th Guard Squadron, i string ensem ble from the M ultnom ah (he 327th B om bardier T rain in g church. A cord ial in vitation to all. G roup and the 938th B om bardier --------- T rain in g Squadron successfully. In M E TH O D IST C H U R C H F ebruary o f 1944 he was appointed 4th and W atson Sts. C om m andant o f Students at C arls Rev. E verett L. B ow ers. P astor bad A rm y A ir Field and held that P arson age: 356 B roadw ay position until recom m ended fo r Church School 9:45 a. m. M rs M edical D ischarge. In M arch, 1945, Nan Bourquim , Supt. Carlsbad A rm y A ir Field was reeog- T he hand o f Christian e d u c a tio n ' nized as the largest bom bardier is extended to all ages. W e w elcom e | school. you. M orning w orship 11 a. m. Called for Jury Duty Serm on O f Such Faith W e M ight Partake. T he follow in g persons have been Services to be follow ed by b rief called fo r the C ircuit Court at Hills session o f the o fficia l board. B eaverton — R. ‘‘G od takes no vacation.” — E. L. B. boro for July term : R. W alker, M arion T albert; V enita M. B outw ell and F rankie B utts— P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R C H route 1 and L eonard U nderw ood, T he Bible C hurch route 2 B eaverton. B ox 697, B eaverton T ig a rd —John Pearson and W illiam F arm ington Rd. at Menlo D rive C om stock o f route 1. W aiter R . Buhl, P astor Divine Services 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. LEGAL NOTICE $ 52.50 A KNEEHOLE DESK FOR THE LIVING ROOM $ 24.75 A Smaller Type For the BOY and GIRL \V u x i v n j vzudhing. Joï the 9/oms. PHONE 3535 B eaverton B R O A D W A Y A T W A TSO N CHURCH of the NAZARENE BEAVERTON, OREGON “ Come Unto Me” No invitation cou ld be m ore sought after than this one p ro ffe re d by Christ Him self. Y et this is a standing invitation. A re y o u - tired o f the w ay you ’ re liv in g ? Are you w eary with life ’s problem s? “ Com e unto m e,” says Jesus. T w ill give you rest." lé o n a r d C. Johnson P hone 3691 L isten BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R CH R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, P astor 9:4ft a. in. Church School. Miss j Am arette Barns, Supt. 11 a. m. M orning service. 5:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y ou n g . People. 6:30 p. m. Senior Y ou n g People. N otice to C lerks o f All School Dis- tricts in County T hat in order to participate in the distribution o f the State S ch ool sup port fu n d —all budgets must be filed on or b efore July 15, 1945. A U STIN S C R A F F O R D County School Supt. C H A P E L S E R V IC E B E A V E R T O N FULL GOSPEL O rville J. Poulin, M inister I. O. O. F. Hall. B eaverton Sundays J :4 5 p. m. E verybody welcom e. A cu stom er pointed to the Chinese ! ch aracters on his laundry ticket and asked the Chinam an, “ Is that my name,” ' ‘N o nam e: description.” J the Chinese answ ered. "M ean bald o'l man, cross eyed, no teeth.” — W all Street Journal. to 3:30 ‘‘Showers o f B lessings” Sunday K W JJ (deal Cleaners A l.O H A C O M M U N ITY C H U R CH G raydon D. L oree, P astor Sum^iy School 9:50 a. ai. Mary Antrim , Supt. M orning w orship 11 a. m. Y outh Fellow ship 7 p. m. E ven ing service by paBtor. ST. C E C E L IA CH U R CH M asses 8:25 and 10:25 during the I w inter months. W hy not favor your own city and community by taking all your clothes to the ID E AL CLEAN ERS. OU R M O T T O : G O OD S E R V IC E G O OD C LE A N IN G S A T IS F IE D C U STO M E R S K E H D V IIJ.E COM M U N ITY P K I.S B Y T H U IA N CH U R CH R ev. H am pton, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. G. I Geiger, Supt. W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. Y oun g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. F o u r Days Service 621 Canyon Hiway & Cedar St., Beaverton HILLSBORO ELECTRIC COMPANY N E W C AN N IN G J A R S COMMERCIAL, MILL AT *nd H O U SE W IR IN G E. now available . M ILLERS GROCERY General M aintenance Workmanship NOW OPEN Guaranteed ‘ No Job T oo Small or T oo Large” For Service — E lectrical Supplies, F ixtures, H ousew ares, H ardw are, Kem- len e, Dutch I’ alnt, E lectrical R epairing Phone Hillsboro 16F 14 JAS. E. W O L F O R D . Ow ner ELECTRIC HOME STORE Aloha, Oregon Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS -ASSI more than the premium on tiie fa c e o f the policy O regon Mutual •urptiaa requ ired by O regon maintains more than three Insurance la w s Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company JA M E S H IG G IN S : Organized 1894— . 40 years of Reliable Service Chea. L Walker, Agent Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection’’ HELP WANTED SHIPPING CLERK-Starting Sal. $200 mo. JANITOR-Starting Salary $175 month A LO IIA A SS E M B R I O F GO D Sunday School 10 a. m. W orship 11 a. m. Thursdays 7:45 p. m. Carpenter’s Helper Wanted 4624 S. W . B E R T H A -B E A V E R T O N Phone BEacon 6389 Glencullen HIGHWAY Glencullen. Oregon Bus Service A state hanking institution organized and operated under the banking laws o f this State and a m em ber o f the Federal R eserve System . P ub lished in a ccord a n ce with a call made by the State B anking A uthori ties and by Federal R eserve Bank o f this D istrict. ASSETS Loans and discounts, including *1137.80 ov erd rafts) ..... - * 191,735.51 l nited States G overnm ent obligations direct and guaranteed 2,429t409’.00 O bligations o f State and p olitical subdivisons 53,006.50 C orporate stock s including *1150.00 stock o f Fed. Res. bank) 1,150.00 Cash, balances with other banks including reserve balance, and cash item s in process o f collection ............................. ...... 886,264*7? B ank prem ises ow ned $3.750.00 furn. and fix *3.250.00................... 7,000 00 Other assets 84.53 TOTAL A SSE TS right to the Door ...... $3.568,630.31 L IA B IL IT IE S D em and deposits o f individuals, partnerships and corp o ra tio n s*1,8*7,689.19 Tim e deposits o f individuals, partnerships, and corp oration s 1,188.166.35 D eposits o f U. S. G overnm ent, including postal sa v in g s)....... .... 362,681.28 D eposits o f States and P olitical subdivisions ........................ ..... „ 65,7416.24 Other D eposits (certified and o ffice rs ch ecks, etc.) ...... _.............. 30 432.87 T O T A L D E P O S IT S ........................... .......... *3,504,715.93 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S (n ot including subordinated obiiga- tions show n below ) ................................................. - .......... *3.504,715 9« C A P IT A L ACCOUN TS Capital B efore providing for Capital notes and debentures Surplus before providing for Capital notes and debentures U ndivided p rofits ........ ................... ........... ........................ ...... ............ R eserves (and retirem ent accou n t for preferred cap ital) 25,000.00 5.000.00 25.614.38 8,300.00 T O T A L C A P IT A L ACCOU N TS .................. ...................... 63.914.38 T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S A N D C A P IT A L ACCOUN TS t Ttiis bank s capital consists o f: Capital notes and deben tures *8,300.00 C om m on stock, with total par value o f *25.000.00 3,568,630 31 M EM ORANDA P ledged arsets (and securities loan ed) (b ook va lu e): IJ. S. G ov obligation s, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities .................. ....................... 466.000. 00 T O T A L .... ......................................... ......... ..................... ................ Secured and preferred liabilities: Deposits secured by pledg ed assets pursuant to requirem ents o f law .............................. TOTAL 466.000. 00 426.927.52 .....- ........................................... ....... ............... .................. 426.927.52 I, F. W . Fauteck, assistant cashier, o f the above-nam ed bank, hereby certify that the above statem ent is true to the best o f m y k n ow ledge and belief. F. W . F A U T E C K C orrect—A ttest : H. P. D O W N IN G JOH N E. BLU M J A Y G IBSO N State o f O regon. C ounty o f W ash in gton ss: Sworn and subscribed to b efore me this 11th day o f July. 1945. W . E. M cCloskey, N otary P ublic My com m ission expires N ov. 2, 1948. But It Means More Sleeping Cars For Veterans Operation of over-night sleeping cars from Portland to Southern Ore gon points and to Coos Bay points will be discontinued with the last trip from Portland Friday, July 13th, and from destination points, Satur day July 14th, by Order No. 52 of the United States Office of Defense T ransportation. 1 he new regulations eliminate ail Pullman sleeping cars operating for distances o f 450 miles or less. T he reason for this ord er^ s that addition al sleeping cars must be obtained to provide accom m odation s fo r the returning veterans from Europe, w ho are reaching A tlantic ports in large num bers. These veterans are com ing hom e for discharge, or fo r furlough before goin g on to fight again in the P acific. T hey deserve the most com forta b le transportation service we can give them. we ow e so m uch W e know the fam ilies o f these O regon boys w h o are com ing hom e will have no question as to the merit o f this new regulation. A s far as Southern P a cific is concerned our guiding principle has been "T h e M ilitary com es first” , and we are co-operatin g 100 per cen t in carry in g out the provisions o f the above O.D.T. order. W ith nearly 20.000 South ern P a cific men and w om en in the armed forces we. too. have a real and personal in terest in the w elfare and com fort of service men and wom en. cars have been built O ver h alf o f the sleep in exclusive use by the were not enough for this T. ord er resulted. So you may know how this ord er applies to Southern P a cific service generally, we show pelow the Pullm an sleeping car service on our lines w hich will he discontinued after the last trip, from P ortland. July 13th, and from destination points July 14th. C oach service will still be available betw een these points. Sleeping Cars To Be Discontinued Pacific Lines Texas & New Orleans Lines Between And P ortland Southern Oakland D unsm uir P ortland C oos Between O regon B ay N ew , Orleans F resno L os San R afael E u rek a L os A ngeles Sacram ento Angeles Phoenix And L ake Charles H ouston N ew H ouston Shreveport H ou ston R en o L os Angeles AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. June SO, 1945 Discontinuance of Short Overnight Pullman Service Affects Oakland WAR COU N TY, O R E G O N At the Close of business W hile discvmtiniwinee o f short distance rieeping car operations will cause in con ven iences to m any people, w e feel sure that the citizens o f O regon will approve this effort to better serve the men from overseas to w hom Hillsboro, Oregon E S S E N T IA L — POST OF B E A V E R T O N , W A SH IN G TO N D irectors No new sleeping since Pearl H arbor. ing cars have been m ilitary. But they rew task. T he O. D. o r M c M in n v il l e New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. First Security Bank Canyon R oad, near Sylvan W erner J. Fritz, M inister 7th Sunday after T rin ity Church School 9:45 a. m. M orning Service 11 o ’clock. July 22 Church dinner. M %S I Friday, July li, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Orleans D allas H ouston San A ntonio H ouston Austin H ouston C orpus H ouston B row nsville G alveston D allas S.P. The Friendly Southern Pacific Christi