Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1945)
Friday, July 13, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH We Publish the B EAVER TO N E N T E R P R IS E TIG A R D S E N T IN E L M ULTNOMAH PRESS ALOI1A NEW S BAB B ITS W A N TE D Top OPA, will pick up ALD ERH K O O K R A B B IT R Y Rt. 1, Bx. 582, Tigard. Ore. Sattler Road and Butler Ave. 31 av /wi/fsrvwG ALL /OLJ CAA / M ISCELLANEOUS FOR S A L E —High land Burbank Seed and eating potatoes $5 per hundred. Phone Tigard 2593. 24 .i BUT EVEN JhOUSH OUR BOYS HAVE THE J A P 5 ON THE ROPES ' IT STILL WON'T BE A C/NCH To F/NiSH THEM, d J T TOU C/4/V HELP FIN AL VICTORY W A N TE D —Live RanDits, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. tf FOR SALE any t / me jack PUT A MAN ON THE ROPES HE WAS A ONCH^D F/MSH H/M — RABBITS W A N T E D Complete Eastern Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published In these columns but In case where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo graphical (oietake occurs. m WORLD'S HEAWWEIGHT CHAMP FROM i9 '9 To 1 9 2 6 AND NOW A COMDR. V in THE US. COAST GUARD, LANDED OH OKINAWA W/THGUR /NVASlOrt FORCES/ safe. W A N TE D — Suburban and Farm Properties—Have cash buyers for small acreage near Multnomah and Tigard. Will gladly appraise your property. No obligation. C H ARLES K H INES Co . K. altoi s 1905 N E 16th, Portland, Phone WE. 5395. 23tf Count each word. Including Name and addreao—O N LY 2c A W ORD No Phone Orders Taken //V y 3 QNO s ' FUCHIAS C S. 1 rtusury Lhfaitt’i. iil FOR SALE—Guernsey family cow 4 gal., Fryers live or dressed. W. H. Sheeley, 624 E 7th St. Beav erton. 24 | FOR S A LE —Full size pre-war bed coil springs, Mrs. Geo. Thyng, Beaverton 3442. 25 : * 4 CAJ.I. B E A V E R TO N 2011 For Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Services & Repairs on all types of I Heating Plants or Fred’s Furnace Service 227 S. Third St., Hillsboro 20tf FOR TO W CAR call V E R M IL Y E FOR S A L E -N e w Zealand White MOTOR CO.. Phone Tigard 3381 tf ] rabbits, young does, and bucks from pedi. stock, excell, condi., 4 • lbs up, $2 up. Witch Hazel Rab- j C LE A N IN G & PRESSING bit Farm, % mi S Witch Hazel i SERVICE Q School or Youngs Market, main I We do quality work and give hiway bet. Beaverton & Hillsboro. I prompt service. T IG A R D C LE A N E R S 25tf j Few doors W’est of Bank at Burn FOR SA LE —Walnut dining room ham and Main Street, Tigard tf furniture, very good condi., table! extension type with extra le a f1 Civilians Can Fly Now folding In center of table. Six i chairs, leather bottom and buffet, j Bernard Airport Two full size beds and rug & pad : S. & M. F L Y IN G SERVICE 15x18. Phone Aloha 6612 or write North End of Field on Cedar St. Geo. F. Gordon, Beaverton route Beaverton, Ore. Phone WE. 7013 3, box 1421, on South Washington 12tf St., Aloha. 24 Oil Tinting on Your Own Wanted — FARM -FARM S-FARM S Photographs Do you really want to sell your Brides a Specialty—Special Kates suburban home or your farm? to Service Men—AT. 1758 1945 is the year to sell. List your property with Portland’s very ag P A P E R IN G — Painting & Kalso-1 gressive Real Estate Company. mining, neat, experienced work "W e Sell ’Em ” . Call us collect i man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A now or write. W e appraise. | Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 8 L A Y T E R R E A L T Y CO M PAN Y 40tf “ In downtown Pot Hand,” . 528 SW Salmon Street. BR. 1146. 51tf HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A BRED G ILT S —FEED PIG S and specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW W E IN E R S. Gotter at Scholls. Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf 20tf FO R SALE—4 ft green slab Aloha district $6 per cord. Block & E d ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Tl- gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block &• Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford. Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf Electrical Appliances Repaired Radios, Refrigerators, Washing ! Machines, Sewing Machine and all household appliances— See EDDIE OLDMAN Johnson Road Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton | tf ; Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. R. Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf FOR SA LE —Dry and green Block ! and Slab Wood, delivered 2-cord lots to Aloha, Beaverton, Tigard, Multnomah. W rite J. O. Johnson. Carlton, Ore., Bx 584. tf r WANTED P. E. IIAGU J h Labor today has its greatest stake In averting all conditions, through taxation or in any other way, that militate against free enterprise.— Dave Beck Seattle A F L leader The Low Down From Hickory Grove Around About Manhattan: Francis Dee strolling 1l\rough Central park and looking ctee-lightful in spring finery. . . . Bespectacled Rob ert Walker in a walker-talker ses sion with Anita Ellis on Madison avenue. . . . Henry L. Petit, restau rant manager of the Henry Hudson hotel, who has cheffed at many fa mous gourmet havens here and abroad, standing before a Broadway window and watching a doughnut as sembly line in complete fascination. . . . Soulful-eyed Peter Lorre explod ing into a smile at Peter Donald’s anecdoting at the Stork. . . . Alicia Markova, ballet dancer, tip-toeing ! across a puddle of water on Sixth : avenue. . . . Victor Borge, the un- ; melancholy Dane, breathlessly rac ing from the Roxy theater to the CBS studios for a guest shot and then to the Waldorf's Wedgwood Room where he’s currently starring. . . . | “ Remember," he sighs, “ when half a dozen taxis almost knocked you 1 down to get a customer?” CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY V E T E R IN A R IA N —Dr. Raymond G. Vernon, Tigard, Ore., 2nd hse S ’ l Lone Oak Garage, Phone Tigard 2572. tf I DRESSM AKING A SEW ING All kinds of Clothing Made TIIE I.M A DEW Tigard 2484 tf | tf ! TR A C T O R W O R K W ANTED Plowing and Grading PH O NE CHerry 3437 2nd house North of Kraft Cheese Co. 50 tf W A N T E LE C TR IC STOVE Phone Beaverton 2321. tf W A N T LO C K E R —In vicinity of Beaverton.Phone Beaverton 2321. tf • PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds The Man W ho Is Contented to W ait For Customers % T o Find His Store W ill Find Instead When I t ’s T o o Late That He Need Not W ait A m more TELL W H A T YOU HAVE FOB SALE With an Advertisement In This Newspaper Tell it with a classified ad. WASHINGTON. - A bureau of la bor statistics report said recently that the cost of living in January was 2.3 per cent higher than a year earlier. The index now is 27 1 per cent higher than the 1935-39 average. Between mid-December and mid- January, retail prices to city wage earners and lower-salaried workers rose one-tenth of 1 per cent. Coincidrrce Hrys In G j run Prison HUDSON, PA.- Two army air forces sergeants w up togeth er, entered the service at the same time and now they’ re pris oners in the same German camp. Sgt. William B. Richmond and Harold Botwright were shot down on thfe same day while on a mis sion in different planes it was re ported. Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra co,t Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,00». Y o u N e v e r C le a n e d Y o u r \ .DENTAL PLATES I So Easily J K I r r n it r end» messy. ha rm ful brushing. Just put »our plate or bridge id • g la « » of » i t i T . Add a little h i « * » _ _ mtr. Pre sto t Stain», die» coloration», denture odor disappear. Your teeth sparkle like new. Ask your druggist today fo r Kleenite. K L E E N I T E the Brvihhs ■«»t K l.H r.N IT K today ut Beaverton 'harimicy, mid nil good druggist« • Cuff Notes: When Evelyn Knight opens her Loew’s State engagement, WANTED she will try out a Portuguese ditty on the unsuspecting customers. The I lovely Knight is boning up for her Rio de Janeiro engagement in May. . . . Janet Waldo, one of Eddie Bracken’s radio ingenues and Bing Crosby’s protege, is being sought by | the Shuberts for a new musical. . . . Essential Industry Nancy Walker’s figure is now so trim I they’ve padded her costumes to give EXPERIENCE 1 that robust look her comedy char acterization in "On the Town” re NOT NECESSARY quires. . . . Phil Baker has com missioned Ken Roberts, announcer- Steady Work with Overtimj emcee, to paint Mrs. Baker’s por trait. . . . Burl Ives has been asked APPLY AT I to guest lecture on American folk ballads at Yale. . . . A publishing j house wants to buy the title to the | I forum program, “ Let’s Face the Is sue,” for a postwar political maga- { 1 fine. Cent in Year, Report : bug at La Martinique. DON’T WAIT- CUSTOM TR AC TO R W O R K —Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf W E CURE AND SMOKE YO U R P O R K CUTS 25 years Experience AI DER M A R K E T Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and Washington St. PO R TLA N D . OREGON W E ST END SEJ.LWOOI) UK ID LE ACREAG E Si HOMES W A N TE D We can sell your home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds of buy You know, it is getting so folks ers that have cash. Your Wash ington County specialist. I-ocated ! skip over, and don't read these row- | on-row of figures about what it is in Portland at foot of Canyon Rd. | costing to run the Govt, and the Call UK. 1475 or write j States. I f the paper says there are W A Y N E E. N AG LE ¡2 million more folks than necessary 1800 SvV Jefferson, Portland 1, Ore. tf on the tax-payer’s back and they are pullin' down around 4000 million in ; salaries a year not counting their LOST l swindle-sheets nobody murmurs. It ; is more fun to read the funnies. If LOST—In Beaverton Bank, Mon it is 10 million or 101 billion what of day. July 9. one dark brown, gold it,—taxes are not due for awhile capped Eversharp pen, please mail and maybe the other guy will have to bx 362. Beaverton. Sentimental to pay it anyway, and especially if . . . value, Reward. 24 the money is being, spent in Ala bama which is far away, if you hap Faces and Places: Helen Mencken pen to live in Idaho or So. Dakota. playing hostess at supper for three S TR A YE D Young sow, red. be Folks are fed-up on figures, but soldiers at Theodore’s—always sup- longs at Rt. 2, bx 261, Tigard. they are hot for pictures so give Greenburg Rd., near Crabtree Rd. them pictures funnies or any kind. ping for the boys. . . . At La Conga, Reward for return, Howard If the papers say the Director of Chucho Martinez, the Mexican trou- Mack. 24 Uplift gets 10 thousand a year, and bador, giving an excellent imita- free gas. nobody stirs, but if you tion of a Mexican jumping bean by Have clients waiting for farms, would paint the gent's picture on the leaping from his seat every minute acreage and homes the door of his shiny car, with his or two to greet friends. . . . Frank salary beneath same, folks would Buck ordering his steak very, very In and around Beaverton open an eye. And the mayor's car, rare at Bradley’s. . . . “ You know,” and a million others, puint all of he tells the waiter, “ bring it back PH O NE BE. 7853 COLLECT them and with pictures. Let ev j practically alive." . . . Vincent Lo- or address card to erybody see what the people on the i pez, the amateur astrologist, having tax-payer's back look like. Let MRS. GEORGE K E L L E R folks see via pictures versus figures f his palm read by the 1-2-3 club’s 3102 SW McCbesney Kd. | Diana—and returning the compli it might clear the atmosphere. Portland 1, Oregon ment by casting her horoscope right Yours with the low down, 24 then and there. . . . Sheila Barrett, JO SERRA the satirist, having the time of her D c u t l stocl1 plcked up free of life at the Ruban Bleu as Mervyn charge anywhere. Cali Nelson impersonates her. . . . Jose collect. UN. 1221; night cali D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO., Living Costs Up 2.3 Per Greco, the strictly long-hair concert Portland. tf : dancer, jitterbugging with a glitter- riSHER THGRSEN PAINTS L. II. BRAWAN'D For quality, fair price and Builder and Cabinet Maker service Metzger, Oregon Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 J. B. Imlay & Sons Unit cabinets, precision built, any ALOHA, ORE. REEDVHJJ5 style drawers and doors; finish ed all sides. Anyone can set them. For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry A L L K IN D S OF BUILD ING Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3281. tf • nd C A B IN E T M A KIN G 51tf W A N TE D —Any amount of live J poultry, good prices, picked ug> on farm, also any kind of berries. Call evetlings, Beaverton 2369. Hazel May, R t 3, Bx 59 .Beaverton. 25 M EN W A N T E D — Woodworkers, ' nailers and lumber carriers, es sential Industry 90c to $1.22’-j per hour, with time and a half for Saturday Air King Mfg. Corp Tigard. Oregon. 26 | Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons, Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel Route 1, Box 28, Tigard, Oregon ! Phone Tigard 2446 tf I W A N TE D — Suburban and farm ! properties—Have cash buyers for \ small acreages near Beaverton and West Slope. W ill gladly ap- j praise your property. No obliga-;- tion. C H ARLES K H IN E S CO . Realtors. 1905 N E 16th, Portland Phone WE. 5395. 23tf by L L.STEVENSON • Now Blooming at C AM E I.IA LA N D NURSERY Many varieties to choose from 1 Ti Blocks off liiway on Walnut Ave., Tigard 26 FOR SA LE —Banty’s, 3 hens and rooster $1.50. 500 SW Main St., Beaverton. 24 Riverview Cemetery Lights oÉ New York LAND C LE A R IN G — Tractors Available. L. H. COBB, Phone Beaverton 2881. 48t( Muit Accompany All C LASSIFIED ADS Page 3 BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 1320 H. E. Water Ave.. Portland j | ! ! ’ : ; 1 | • * —All Herrles, Prunes, ».nipos— F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W E E V IL BAITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. Beaverton 3271 Kepler Davenport Co. B E A VE R TO N , OREGON j • • • This & That: Joan Edwards’ pet ambition, to have a biography writ- ten of her famous uncle, will be real- ized this summer. The story of the life of Gus Edwards is being whipped into shape in Hollywood with vari- ous members of the family writing parts of the book. . . . On the menu in Ruby Foo's Den is this piece of a sagacity written by Yuan Mei, Chi nese philosopher, in 1739; “ There is a difference between dining and eating. When you eat to get the most out of your focal, to please the palate as well as to satiate the uppe- tite, that my friend, is dining.” B UYE R S— PACKERS i ! i j 1 Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Evenings by Appointment 0e Laval SE PARATO R S — M ILK ERS CO M PLETE EQ U IPM EN T 4 M ' SU PPLIE S FOR TH E ITA1IIT IN D U STR Y * Ilf re & There: Style-wise Helena Bliss, the diva of “ Song of Norway.” putting her best foot forward at Club 21 —with huckles of red velvet roses on her toes. . . Arlene Francis, in search of on after-curfew snack, j swishing into an automat in silver I fox and emeralds. . . . Fanny Ward, the pin-up girl of the Spanish-Amer- | ican war. breaking into a maidenly blush at the Reuban Bleu as host Ju You can use classified advs. to ad lius Monk compliments her on her vantage. Plant one in this paper. youthful appearance. . . . Lovely Jane Pickens lunching at the Ver sailles with five—count ’em—hand- j some navy officers — what’s this about a man power shortage? , . , Mary Pickford and Marion Hutton in the Simplon discussing a contract— Miss Pickford wants Marion to be STEADY WORK come the first star in the new Pick ford film unit. • Men Wanted HHorne tfrifell f orti ame » Cat.-1 alt L a m ( it / 135 NW Park AT. «4SI CENTRALLY . ___ A TE I» ■AJ Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. • • • TIGARD Concrete Products Addenda: If the New York Soci ety of Models has its way, a bunch of gorgeous gals will be coming over your postwar television set. The so- \ IN C O R PO R ATE D ciety’s placement bureau has just added a television department. . . . MORTICIAN While shopping in Beaverton stop Eight months ago when he was on SW FOCrtTH A T MONTGOMERY in at the Greyhound Coffe Shop for the road, Woody Herman lost one of ATwmter 21 HI his trunks. The express company Lunch. recently located it and sent it to him. When he opened the trunk, he found a dozen cartons of cigarettes he had forgotten all about. . . . Ken W A N TED I Murray says the only difference be tween death and taxation is that death doesn’t get worse every time | congress convenes. Budget I. P. Finley & Sen D rain age and Sewage Disposal Sin kin g Fund RECEIPTS A e lu s i tor F is to l Yesr Jsa I . 1942 to jume so. j 94: A etu sl for f i x a i Yesr July 1. 1942 ro June SO 1943 A elu s i tor F i sc s i Y ts r July 1. 1943 to June 30. 1944 I I MI ( Mt TURKEYS A ctu o l July 1. 1944 to A p r il 30. 1945 * * (rcnt'iwtl I und l n\ f nil» « t ioti* 2 ,7 * 2 .7 0 1945 44 F U S O A N D C L A S S IF IC A T IO N Budget 1944.45 K*tim*t<*d f «»li ILilnn<< B*B Syndicate. — WNU Feature«. Toful R r r f i p t i « n d fatili It.ihtn*«’ " : ....... » m EXPENDITURES Engineering Survey 425.00 Dated V Beaverton. Oregon, this 29th day o f May. 1945. Approved by the Budget Committee o f the City of Beaverton fc A M. D. MURPHY. Chairman. 1 Signed ) E. H. MASTERS, M. B. BINGAMAN. Secretary. (Signed) R. C. DOTY, Recorder-T reaau rer. Live Poultry and Eg^s 4.« n u m m i •MMMMM» Mayor. “1 ALSO Farmer Orders One Pig; He Receives Nine NORTHWOOD, IOWA —A farm er ordered a brood sow from a Brookings, S. D., dealer, and when the sow arrived in Man kato she gave birth to eight pig lets The farmer was notified by the transportation company, and the crate not being large enough for the family he started out in a truck to bring home his bargain. Receiving St Dressing Planta Portland, McMinnville, Salem. Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. Main Office and Plant Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak Strert, Portland, Ore Phone l ’A st 5141 (