Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1944)
FridaV, July 28 , 1944 B E A V E R T O N EN TER PR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon P age i d l l K i ll o r T H E NAZA R FN K Brute Men Tame Down KINTON Mrs. S. C. Sparks passed away July 17, 1944. at the home oi her daughter Mrs. L. P. Dunn of Portland at the age of 82 years and 2 months. All ot her children were at her bedside The funeral services were conducted July 19 in Portland. Dr. W. J. Mil- liken, pastor of the Grace Baptist church, ot which she was a member for years, conducted the services. For the past two years until her re cent illness. Mrs. Sparks made her home with her daughter, Mis. R. K. Pomeroy, Sherwood, Route 4. Sur viving are seven daughters and one son, Mrs. E. B. Brinnon, Mrs. Vein H. Kellogg of Wichita. Kansas, Mrs. D. E. Beck, Mrs. L. P. Dunn, Mrs. James R. Steele, Mrs. George Good rich, of Portland, Mrs. R. (j. Pome roy, Sherwood route 4 and Bert Sparks, Beaverton route 1. Ladies Aid will meet Thursday, August 3, tor a pot-luck dinner at 1 p. m. at the J. Koenig home. After dinner a business meeting will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Van Kleek re ceived word last week that their son Cecil was in a hospital from injuries received while swtmmir^g. Cecil is in camp at Kingman. Arizona. Kinton Grange will meet Tuesday night August 1 at 8 p. m. Guests at the R. F. Pomeroy home the past week were Mrs. Pomeroy's sisters Mrs. E. B. Brinnon, who spent Wednesday afternoon and Thursday with her sister before leaving for her home in Wichita. Kansas, and Mrs. Vern H. Kellogg of Wichita, Kansas, who will spend several days with the Pomeroys. Gi AHDIA.NSHII' ft W II.1-1 AM C. LOW ES Notice of Sale of Kc.d Property No. 49-031 | (r< nerous Uncle Sam is using a part i o fthc money he borrows from us to i help pay for oui butter. Good old | Uncle he is always thinking up way* j to make us happy. There are times Miss Margaret Ann MacDonald, j In the Circuit Court of the State of however, when we wish the old rascal daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mac- : Oregon for the County of Multno would worry a little more about his Donald, is to be married on Los An- j mah Department of Probate. on cred.t Thiet River Falls Times. geles, August 8th to -Darnel J. Gasior- \ IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARD owskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ga- IANSHIP OF WILLIAM C. LOWES, The government is taking earnings siorowski of Portland. Mr. Gasior- Incompetent. of business away at such a rate that owski is an aviation student stationed Notice is hereby given that the un business is not being allowed to save at Santa Ana, Cal. Miss MacDonald dersigned Guardian of the Estate of capitol to convert its plants back. If left Wednesday, accompanied by her William C. Lowes, Incompetent, by that trend continues as it is. going mother, for Los Angeles, where Mr. virtue of an order of sale issued out now, it will have serious effects on MacDonald will Join them later. of the Circuit Court of the State of reemployment of the eleven million Mrs. Clara E. Dunn entertained at Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, men who are in the armed services.— her home in Portland last Monday j Department of Probate, duly made Edwin G. Booz, Pres. Association of evening July 17th with a bridal show and entered on the 20th day of July, Consulting Management Engineers. er for Margaret Ann MacDonald. 1944, In the above entitled estate, li About 45 were present. Many beauti censing the Guardian to sell the here ful and useful gifts were received. in after described real property be Mrs. Glenn Ely and daughters longing to said incompetent, will of Gtenla Ray and Nancy Jo, are spend-1 fer for sale and sell at private sale, V V* • ' ' / / / tng this week at the Baptist Women's for cash or upon such terms as may v\ DO YCJ.7 .1 ’.VAR '.VAR DUTIES 7 Houseparty Camp at Arrah Wanna. be approved by the Court, the follow Miss Margaret Johnson will teach ing described real property situate in M / J the first grade at the Beaverton Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: grade school this fall. Lot Eighteen (18) of Little Fruit R. B., J. F , and W. H. Denney, Farms, in Section Twenty-nine <29 Buy more Mar Beaverton, were among four Oregoi Township One (1) South of Range B o n d » — and Holstein breeders recently admitted One (1). West of Willamette Me cheerfully attend to membership in The Holstein-Frie- ridian, containing ten acres more lo other home* sian Association of America by un or less, as recorded in plat filed frontdiKies. Let's animous vote of the Board of Direc in Washington County, Oregon. tors at Brattleboro, Vermont. gel ibis *ar won That said sa.e will be had on or Mrs. Howard A. Harrison and son after the 28th day of August, 1944, at quickly! David, left Tuesday night, July 25th the trust department of the PORT for Williamsburg, Va., to join her LAND TRUST AND SAVINGS husband. This will be the first time BANK, 311 SW Washington St., Port he will see his on who sis now two land, 4, Oregon, and will be made months old. subject to the confirmation of the Mrs. Frances Holboke left last week above entitled Court. for San Francisco to visit with her PORTLAND TRUST AND husband. SAVINGS HANK Charles O’Keefe, Carrol, Iowa, is vis iting his brother Rev. George O’Keefe. Guardian of the Estate of William C. Lowes, Incompetent. Date of first publication July 28, Walkers Dept. Store, complete store under one roof. 3tf 1944. Date of last publication August 25, While shopping, eat at the Grey l N I Louis S. Dunsmore, Attorney for hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. Guardian, 602 McKay Building, Port land, 4, Oregon. Here and There Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Glade Baker Supt. 11 a. m. Morning worship. All about, the people were drinking, We are dismissing our evening ssr- i screaming, crying and fighting. But vice in favor of the closing services those within the hall were singing at the District Camp Meeting in Port-1 hymns and listening to God’s Word. land. The camp is located 3 miles Almost to a man, these had been south of Portland, on 82nd. saved from the life outside—Report Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and from Gautemala, Central America. Praise service. Yes- From every tongue, tribe and nation, God is now calling out a peo W EST H U X S ple for his name. These, he in 1,1'TUEKAN CHURCH breathes with himeslf and they set Canyon Hoad, near Sylvan forth a new order of life here among Werner J. Fritz, Minister men. 8th Sunday after Trinity ONE—God offered up Ch.rist, the Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Lamb without blemish, for the sins of Divine Service 11 a. m. your whole lifetime. For the blood Dr. L. Ludwig, Portland, will of Jesus Christ, God s, Son, cleanses preach. Everybody Invited and wel from all sin. come. TW O— Now with Christ dying in your place, the penalty is paid. So C H IK C H OF CUBIST soon as you accept Christ’s work, George W. Springer, Pastor to clear you, God inbreathes you 9:45 a. m. Worship and preaching. done with himself. By this, he creates Topic Christ, The Wisdom and Pow you anew. He becomes your eternal er of God. You have his nature for Following the sermon, the Lord’s Father. ever. Old things have passed away. supper will be observed. All things have become new. 11 a. m. Bible School. Stand on the Bible, that Christ paid C. E. 7 p. m. the penalty for all your sins,. Count The evening sermon will be Christ yourself cleared. NEXT Feelings The Wisdom and Power of God. Midweek prayer and Bible study or no feelings, having Christ as Sa Give Wednesday 8 p. m. Study will be vlor, God now indwells you. him the right of way in your eveiy 11 Corinthians Chapter 5. thought, word and deed. Show all men that you now belong to the new ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH order of created beings on the earth. Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Live by Power From on High. Sunday School 10 a. m. Packages for Service Men Mary Antrim Supt. Will Have to be Mailed Morning worship 11 a. m. Youth fellowship 7 p. m. Ethelene 3101 SW McChesney Road, Before October 15 Rydman, senior supervisor. Mary Portland, Oregon Antrim, junior supervisor. This space paid for by an Oregon Packages for servicemen for Christ 8 p. m. Evening worship. businessman. mas presents should be mailed be Wednesday, prayermeeUng 8 p. m. tween September 15 and October 15, In order to assure their delivery by Butter Raised to T H E VALLEY Christmas. It would be better to COMMUNITY CHURCH 16 Points Per Pound mall parcels by the last of September. UNITED PR ESBYTE R IA N I Overseas packages can be mailed 4110 SW Gabel Lane The ration value of creamery but | without the usual written request, Rev. H. A. Armitage. pastor ter has been increased to 16 points a should be mnrked "Christmas gift 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship ' pound from 12 points effective last package”, should not weigh more Je Redhead Brünett« Blond« Sunday. According to Price Adminis than five pounds when wrapped and BETHEL trator Chester Bowles the hike was i cannot measure more than 15 inches CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH necewsaxy because “morie creamery in length nor more than 36 inches in Get G rayvita V itam ins Ye*, people the nation over have reported Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor butter is being sought with red length and girth combined. G R A Y V IT A Vitamin* W ORK, and that their 9:45 a. m. Church School. stamps at the present time than hus hair is returning to its natural color No perishable foods, intoxicants, gray R A Y V ITA Vitamin* contain the same amount 11 a. m. Worship been allocated to civilians by the war weapons of any kind, inflammable G of “ anti gray hair vitamin” (Plus 450 Int units food administration.” materials (including matches and Bi) as tested by a leading housekeeping mag a M ETHODIST CHURCH line. Of those tested, 8 8 % had return of hair Farm and processed butter will lighter fluid) is prohibited. Albert S. Hisey, D. D , Minister color. G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non-fatten continue at 8 and 4 red points a Greeting cards must be sent in ing, can’ t harm your “ permanent.” 30 day 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. pound. sealed envelopes and can be mailed supply $1.50; 100 days, $4.00. Phone 11 a. m. Preaching service. ' | any time during or after the 30-day BEAVERTON PH AR M ACY W. S. C. S. meets Wednesday. Striai reductions on all mdse, at package mailing period. Phone B eaverton 2 3 1 1 bargain counters, Walkers Dept. PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH 3tf Store. Church Advertising Pays The Bible Church Bo* 697, Beaverton While shopping eat at the Grey- Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive A joint advertising project in Se- j hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. Walter R. Buhl, Pastor attle, Wash., among Episcopal j churches has brought splenjlid re- | •Sunday School 10 a. m. Turn war stamps Into Bonds suits. One palish has checked six j Divine Services 11 a. m. new families, coming directly in re- ! K E E O V IU .K COMMUNITY sponse to the advertising. One of I PK LSB YTH KIAN CHURCH I these families has pledged enough \ money toward the parish budget to | Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto | offset the entire advertising cost fo r 1 George, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. ! a year. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. S M I3 III3 III5 IIIS III3 III3 III3 III3 III3 III3 III5 III3 III Prayer Meeting and Bible study. TR IA N G LE 'Thursday, 7 p. m. * GRAY H A I R ? Tk M While in Beaverton be sure to eat i I at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. If he’s too stupid to see the point | j he must eventually feel it. Visit our special bargain counter- ’ new mdse each week. Walkers Dept. 1 Store. 3tf National Distillers Produci» Con oration New York 86 Proof ' oh marge , w hat n e w s / m o t h e r a n d D A D Ä ß E C O M IN G . LET'S G O DOW N AND B U Y THAT NEW BEDROOM F U R N IT U R E AT n m While In Beaverton be sure te eat at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. ST. CECELIA CHURCH Masses 7:55 to 9:55 a. m. on Sunday during summer months. ALOHA ASSEM BLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Young people 6:30 p. m. , Evangelistic 7 45 p. m. Prayer and Bible study 7:45 p. m. Thursday. Southwest Pacific’s Market Quotations Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seat» S Elmonica Grocery TIGARD. OR EGO N— T E I - 2525 Best Pictures — De I.uxe Sound III j= Admission 50c, children 20c, indù tax Men In Uniform 20c Anytime 2nd show Approximately 9 o'clock Continuous Show Sunday at 2:30 2 = Saturday, July 29— i i — GROCERIES H E N R Y ALDRICH BOY SCOUT -C A N ’T E A T - You don’t have to worry and fret because CONSTIPATION or GAS PRESSURE discomforts won't let you eat. Instead of feel ing nervous—blue or bewildered, take a dash of G et A 4 U r,k m frmrnm > # « ' 4rm§a*mG tm4m r Beaverton Pharmacy Beaverton. 2311 W. E. PEGG MORTICIAN Beaverton. Oregon Estab 1910 Serving 33 years PHONE B E A VERTON M U MILLING CO. TH E HEAT’S ON LET'S FACE IT SOMETHING ABOUT A II IM PERIAL FEEDS a / - — - 'v E n x d h in a . ¿ o í th e W ow s. esoeucis with 1 a s « C r««a | IDLY SALE III Sign Up for WALLPAPER & PAINTS Lockers NOW— Beaverton 3177 Living Room Papers 18 and 30 inch width Plain anil Tapestry Effects at 25, 35, 50. 65; 75, 90c roll ph o n e 3535 B eaverton VIGRAN S quibb A • • - C - D O C A PSU lIf roaMii m ici $4 1« tot too camuhs 100 CAPSULES » These are terribledays. and the devil is capitalizing on fear. He is a great meta physician and knows the pai-alyzing tSlfert of fear—that it is the great enemy of faith— that faith is the great secret of help “ What time I am afraid,” said David the Psalmist, ”1 will trust in Thee.” “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment.” Rev. I conurd C. Johnson Jesus is the anti-dote for fear! PHONE 3691 äh te fc A u to m o b ile Insurance N a tion al s ta n d a r d N o n -A s ses sa b le P olicy CURRENT RATES FOR Ceiling apeciaii„us 1M rolls of white • s and ivorv CTil- isc roll Dutch Boy Paints and Enamels $3.45 to $5.70 gal Dutch Boy Wonsover Covers with one coat white, ivory, cream, peach. It. blue and It. green Gallon $2.58 Quart 72c Pebeco Enamel Special .... ..... 95c quart SMITH'S w allpaper BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE Dining Room, Hall, Nook and Bedroom Patterns at 15, 20. 25, 35, to 75c roll n for Future Reference ATTENTION! A IL Home Canners Before you begin your 1SM4 cann ing. Good Housekeeping Magazine advises you use the boiling-water bath-method for tomatoes and fruits, only. Can all vegetables ex cept tomatoes by the correct use of a pressure cooker to be sure of killing botullnus germs. In the last few years, cases of botullnus food poisoning havs cropped up In wide ly different parts of the country. Buy. borrow, share a pressure cook er—but don’t can low-acid vege tables any other way If you want further Information, write Good Housekeeping Magazine. 9 5 9 Eighth AV»., New York 1». N T B m íM . X a . FRESH FRUIT ^ All the Latest News Events while they are still In the Headlines AH programs Complete with finest Select Short Subjects Including Cartoons. Sports . Band Reels, all I-a/f Come i dies ATTENTION! ALL HOME CANNEBS! » CORTLAND, OREGON I TH ER E'S =1113111311131113111311)31113111311151113111311131111 | SOLDIER I COYER GIRL TH E KANSAN i MIKAOI.E OF M ORGAN’S CHEEK W OM AN OF TOW N THE SULLIVANS THOUSANDS CHEEK H E AVE N L Y BODY 1 ALA BABA and THE «41 TII1EY E.A Cut this out A S TS 4 I C C C&S N. T IL L A M O O K ST. W H A T A WOMAN Also Gloria Jean —Fay Helm in Moonlight in Vermont ADLER-I-KA as directed on label to quickly ex pel gas to soften and assist food wastes thru a comfortable bowel movement. Enjoy that clean, re freshed feeling that lifts spirit* rekindles smiles improves appe tite. Buy Itt Try it! You’ll never be without Adlerika again. TRIANGLE VEG E TABLE S Brian Aherne in Grass skirt Corn cob pipe Chicken (alive) Wed.-Sat., Aug. t-ft— Sack of rice BING CROSBY Rooster (alive) Sack of sugar In Bird wing pouch Celluloid ear-rings D I X I E Pig-tooth necklace Mirror P lu a - Wooden comb Tin of tobacco Charles Starett In Shell beads Red cloth sash SUNDOWN VA LL EY 3 straw bracelets Candy bar Canteen cup of flour 1 pineapple Soon on the living screen of Tl- IJj Flashlight Bow and 6 arrows gard’s beautiful JOY THEATRE Red comb 8 bananas (green) ill Hunting knife Coral bowling hall MADAM CURIE SPIDER WOMAN Glass beads Cocoanut shell cup TIM BER QUEEN Can corned beef War club RIDING HIGH Tin of cigarettes 2 papayas SO PROUDLY W E HAIL Shoes Nothing NO TIM E FOR LOVE Money Anything LIFE’S Little TROUBLES supply. M EATS The Ghost Walks Alone Native MR and MRS. BEN IAMB «annan* Sun.-Mon.-Tues., July 3()-Aug. 1 -or j ill The Aldrich Family Rosalind Russell Increase your egg profits with this palatable, scientifically built "Vitamin balanced" feed. Supplies the high-producing layers with their requirements for more extra grade eggs Y o u r local food d e a le r h o t a fresh Under new m anagem ent jjj Plus Arthur Lake in Guadalcanal (Delayed» Here aire the latest quotations on Marine-native trading along the local bourse: X -T Z 1A EGG PRODUCER h ouse 427 H IV 2 n d . n r. W a s h in g t o n Telephone AT. 4810 “ A” 5-\0-5 Bodily Injury & Property Damage RATION in CARDS Washlington County $9.54 for the first six months $4.54 semi-annually thereafter Also Ask About Farmers' 80G-2CHV Collision and Upset Insurance Protection for Your Own Car "Farmers” Pays 80ri of the dam ages You pay 20 rr (Your 20ic portion cannot exceed $25) Ja m e s D ou glas Insurance A g e n c y 210 N. W. Cedar Street, Beaverton, Ore. AGENT FDR FARMERS AUTOM OBILE Inter-INSURANCE Exchange EA. If ______ Oregon’s Leading C om pany VE 3191 SEPTIC TANKS “Concrete” SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ava., Portland. 1. Oregon AT. 8384