Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1943)
PUBLISHED W EEKLY IN OUR PLANT ON Vi IL. 16, \< ». (, Personal Mention SHORT ST. A N D T U A L A T IN H IGH W AY _____ ESTABLISHED 1927 Beaverton, Oregon. Friday. March 12. 1943 Red Cross Blood Plasma Rates Top Priority With Armed Forces Married Men jjgars KA T * U a v z A TT • • 1943 LEGISLATURE i Synthetic Foods Babson Topic Salem, Oregon, March 12, (S pecial) j Old A ge Assistance received a big boost this 1943 session legislatu re- tor the next tw o years $30,000,000 En route on train March 12—T W arned that the n a tion s supply ot has been provided for the old folks o f First'Lieutenant Landis D Mor single men for the armed forces was Oregon F rancis H olboke is home on a fur This will be an increase o f have been in F lorida for a few ris ol Olar. S C . Ins skull fur I saw men busy cutting ‘‘practically exhausted” last month, $10.000,000 or 50', raise over the last weeks. lough. He is a co o k in the m erch rowed by a stupor's bullet at Safi, a senate appropriations subcom m ittee tw o years, when $20.000,000 was ex- I down and uprooting 100-year-old p‘ nc ant m arine and has been in New receives a plasma transfusion at disclosed Monday that m onthly in pended Zealand, E gypt and Brazil He land for an old age pension in trees to plow the land to set out or Walter Reed Hospital. Washing These tw igs they must ductions could be reduced from 400.- this state ed at Mobile, Alabam a, on his way A ccordin g to plan there ange trees. ton, DC One of the first wound 000 to if the im iitnrj strength will In. a m onthly Increase in funds cultivate, spray, prune and fertilize home. ed men returned from No,-t!i was held at 8.000,000 men. for the next tw o years, reaching a 101 •even y « « ‘ » before getting a crop Africa. Morris is eager to get back H ow ard Johnston is a in g a This report from M anpower Chair- peak of $38 $40 monthly old age as New Broves are being set out w ithout into th e light, thanks those who technical school at Norm an, Okie m a s Paul V. M cNutt, was solicited sistance for elderly people "65 years liny thouhgt o f what will becom e o f have donated blood to the Red homa. He has been there since by Senator John H Bankhead i De and over by July 1. 1945 Cross for having saved his life. Governor them *"hen no more fertilizer can be January. m on at-Alabam a ). Bankhead cited Snell recom m ended that this be done purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Johnston recent testim ony from Major G enei- and the 1943 legislature also remem - i Those who now have old trees are drove to Hillside Sunday and visited al Lew is B. Ilershey .selective ser hered the old folks o f Oregon and patiently picking the fruit and using* R ev. and Mrs. G ordon Fraser. A vice d irector, that at the first ol provided the funds. good gasoline to haul it to new C on Miss G enevieve G ustafson o f Fort the year there remained only 600,050 centrate Plants w hich the G overn —V-------- land was overnight guest o f I/br- unm arried men subject to draft, ment has just built. Here the juice Courtesies o f Senate w eie extender! raine Denney Tuesday and visited ruary would finish rm the single am ounting to a half glass per or high school W ednesday. Mrs Paul Patterson o f H illsboro by 'A c c o r d in g to his statement. Feh ange is squeezed out and then boil Mrs Pat David McMinn son o f Mr. and Mrs. m e r '. Bankhead told McNutt. "So m otion o f Senator Fisher. ed down to about l-7th its former- terson was a visitor at the Capitol R . B. M cM inn o f W est Slope, ha.- there we are. From this point out bulk. This is shipped to our sol been chosen as student m anager o f w4 would go into the married men with Paul Patterson, city attorney for diers in A frica at great risk. the college ch oir at W heaton College, category and get several million of several W ashington County cities in H e Can Learn from Germ ans W heaton, Illinois. them O f course that will create behalf o f legislation now pending In the m eantim e the Germ ans may The m oving picture shows at Sa som ething o f a social d istu rb a n ce" R ev R oger Irw in o f V ancouver. lein are fine hut for first class pic tie using the same sunshine, water. V ------------------- W m , w ho is w orking with A m erican lures it reasonable adm ission tin- 1,11 ;ini1 "ttlnsmla Ul make synthetic Sunday School Union, was the speak Report Submitted by show s put on at Hillsboro, Forest "Dy> sim ilar con cen trate which er at W h ltford hall Sunday evening. Grove. Tigard and Beaverton are U ate'4 ju » ' »>* and has m ore vl- Camp-Hospital Council A large delegation from the N orw ood ( 0p ,i tanrins without bothering with plant- district near Tualatin drove over to , , , ing trees! Consider also that H enry Mrs. E. A. G riffith, chairm an o f the hear the message and see the picture W allace talks about giving a quart o f Red Cross Camp and llpspital Set The follow in g men left Beaverton, slides o f the w ork being done .1 W Barni". City Manager for cow 's milk to every H otentot; while vice C ouncil .submits the follow ing th iou g h ou t Oregon. W ashington and Saturdaj M in h 6, it 2:15 , 1 lillsboio, accom panied by W. H Henry Ford says that synthetic milk rep- it to date with several com m uni Idaho. T he previous week R ev. Ft Lewis. W ashington. W eber. city managei for Forest iB healthle5 than cow 's milk. So it ties' ?o hear ftom . R ed Cross war fund cam paign col R3 Beaverton Grove, appealed before the Senate|g0ea Samuel Castle o f the Soudan Int M arvin F. O 'C onnor, lections are lollin g along it a good H .ilsboro com m unity ca id party Tiga rd Mission showed pictures o f the w ork W m J. H ynes Load and H ighw ays com m ittee hear- Yet, look through the graduate list clip and it is hoped to be over the Feb 22 $315.54. Cash donations R aym ond J. McCallen R5. Poi in this part o f A fiica . top on the county';) quota o f $13.300 H illsboro organizations $45: H illsboro ing on HR No. 216 Monday which Qf any A gricultural College and you B yron J. E ckard R3 H illsboro alt. The Misses L orrain e Denney. B etty Owen R. Helm, Jr. before M arch 31, closing date o f the high school $25; Reedvi$lle, $5; Lau provides that 15'i o f all gas tax b e ; flnd that not m ole than 20G R4 She! wood used in repairing streets in cities ot |lonegt dirt farm ers; while look K oopm an o f Tigard, and G enevieve drive, accordin g to County Chairman rel $9.25; Helvetia and West Union Earl R. Di or baugh Beaver ten G ustafson o f Portland have been Taril B. Kleinpell through the graduate list o f any En- O B. Gates. Many com m unities $15 Gaston $1725; Forest G rove $45 Oregon. R l. Tigard given full ch arge o f the you ng peo W m . D. T ally * * * • gineering College and you ’ll find that failed to make a return on the first and Sherwood, $50 Total, $527.04. R8. Portland ples Christian service program s over week's collections. H e have received num erous don a The courtesies o f Semite were e x - '* 0 '* * "* now follow in g their profes- W m W . Caldwell R l. B eaver'on K W JJ at 1 p. m. Sundays fo r the We have a large jo b ahead o f us, tions but in ord er to com plete the tended Monday to Mrs. H «nry Hesse. ’ 81003 Som ething is w rong! When R onald L. Flagman R l. Sherwood next tw o months, during the absence but if all com m unities and the public recreation room, for the coast guard w ife o f R epresentative Hesse, also I was a boy w orking on a farm in W arren E. Beard R l, Sherwood o f R ev. Burcaw . The girls will a r C hester W. Tooze will give this great humanitarian we still need chairs, desks, etc. The Mis. Thom pson o f Salem and form Massachusetts. I had never heard o f R3 Sherwood range their own program s o f songs D ario J. Casale cause support, we will make our 1 eqt it ion loom has been com pleted. erly o f Scholls, who were guests of fertilizers that cam e in bags. The Beaverton only kind that 1 knew cam e from and spiritual readings. W rile our principal object given to Senator Fisher. quota declared Chairman Gates. He Albert C. Brink RK Portland horses, mule^ and cows. Y et the asks all com m unity chairm en to ou r cou nty has been the Coast Guard • • • Mr. and Mi s. John Baden ( H arriet Ernest M. M etcalf Beaverton make their- reports im m ediately at bujW ing in Portland, we are helping land adjoining that farm house has W est) who are m aking their hom e in Jam es D. Bossich Beaverton The Salem fire departm ent sounds been planted continually for over 100 the end o f the week. out with hospital and cam ps a Ion / M ichigan, announce the birth o f a Joh p F. Um land Ra Sherwood ihe coart w herever we are requested the big siren every day 12 noon and years and today is raising big crops, - V little son, R oger Jam es, on February Bert E* Smith R3 B eaveiton everybody for miles around the city «Id -F ash ion ed F arm ing C om m ended by the field director to help. 25. T his is their third child. M r Allan L. Y oung Sherw ooJ Work of Volunteers quit for dinner. My Krai„ifather. who ow ned the W r could never have accom plished and Mrs. H. A W est o f G arden W m . J. W est i Portland i this alone, but with the help from all farm , never saw the inside o f an ag H om e are the grandparents. Donald E. W orley R3 H illsboro Throughout County over the county, we are able to say The farm con - SR No. 192 passed Senate again ricu ltu ra l college. R6 Portland Praised by Leader Mr. and Mrs. O tto Keil entertain Louis K eith Osborn W ashington county is doin g its part Monday foi the second time after a »isted o f only a few acres, plus wild Portland with a dinner party at Nendels W ed K enneth F. Peterson for 'the Camp and Hospital council hard fight led by Senator Fisher and I pasture and woodlots. On it he rais R3 Sherwood Mrs. Harry R. M organ o f H illsboro nesday evening in honor o f F ra n c's Janies W m . C rothers recreational w ork others by a close vote 16-14 and , ed seven able children and died at 76 Joseph. B. Fann B eaverton subm itted her resignation this week H olboke w h o is hom e on' leave. went again to the House. SB No. without ow in g a penny but leaving a Delton P. Moon • R8 Portland as chairm an o f the W ashington Mr. and Mrs. A nton N ussbaum er 192 provides com pensation from the good estate in G overnm ent and other- WPB Suggests Ralph W . Johnson. R oute 1, Tigard, County Volunteer Service o f the O f and children have returned to their dog con trol fund be extended to do , bonds. M oreover, he never received Civilian Defense, effective ‘Birth Control’ hom e on the B ertha-B eaverton high was inducted into the Navy .Febru fice o f m estic chickens, ducks, geese and any G overnm ent aid nor advice from im m ediately to Orange Phelps ary 27, 1943. w ay after having spent the last six rabbits, that m ay be killed by stray county ugents I believe we must county co-ordinator. She gave as W ashington, M arch 12 Represen dogs. m ouths at H olboke. Oregon. either go back to nature’s m ethod o f ! her reason for giving up the ch air : tative J. W. Flannagan, Virginia, a Mrs. Jewel Criger, form erly of • * . 1 farm in g or else use more synthetic manship press o f other duties. Virginia farm er, reported to the B eaverton, was visiting friends here About Our Roys Hon. Laym an R oss o f Huber, form - ( In her letter o f resignation, Mrs. house Friday what he culled the lat Sunday. Today, too many o f our fruit g row M organ said the local volunteer- est suggestion o f the W P B "w onder er State Senator for W ashington ers and farm ers have sw itched from D ear Citizens: Mr. and Mrs. E arl R . E nger o f county, was visiting the legislature ' boys.” chairm en in the fou r areas ure to be T hanks fo r the sew ing kits and B eaverton are the patents o f a live stock to tractors and trucks. An Idaho sheep rancher, he said, last o f the week renewing old friend Instead o f raising their “ pow er” in thank the school kids for those lunch com m ended for the very fine job they daughter Dianne L. .born Feb. 19. T hey were all right. It's have done in the registration w oik. applied for perm ission to buy can ships with form er colleagues. Mrs. Russell Todd, route 2, B ea v boxes. j the form o f hay and oats, they buy it The bad news which had to be done along with the vas to build lam bing pens, and the erton, was hostess to the Fir G rove been all tight so far. Senate Joint R esolution No. IT *■ * aao,,n*- Then they buy nitrates^ many other activities they carry on 1 W P B gave him this answer F arm erettes at their M arch 10 m eet doesn't start until M onday when they potash and phosphorous instead o f as well as the m any other war activ- "It is im possible to allow you such adopted by Senate: : ing. Chas. J. W eber. Portland 4-H start giving us shots getting these in natural manure the Be It resolved by the Senate o f the They have a nice chapel here. I i ities the have taken on extra. These a large amount o f canvas for th-> leader, discussed soil analysis and V- same as God intended them to do. I Mrs. L .L Hervey, purpose o f m aking lam bing sheds State of Oregon, the House o f R epre am not appealing either for synthetic ju st cam e from theie, and there was chairm en are: gardening. sentatives jointly con cu rrin g: Forest G rove; Mrs. Mary Hadley, As an alternative, we suggest that a fine turnout, and a good sonh Mr. and Mrs. E lm er P erkins and food or self-perpetuating and self- That the w elfare com m ission o f the H illsboro; Mrs John T Osfleld, Beav you postpone you r lam bing season Sincerely Mrs. Nelson W alk er attended the T i service. contained farm s; but I ask If we state o f Oregon be and it hereby is erton, and M is. B lanche Jones, Sher until m ore favorable w eather.” O W E N H ELM . Jr. gard gran ge social nite M atch 3. should not aim for one or the wood. —Oregonian instructed to ndvise Its agents and other. T here w as a short program . T hose T acom a. W ashington em ployes adm inistrating the old age ----------- v------- ----- -v m em bers w ho received the first and V assistance fund, and especially those Nationul Kuln Possible. second degrees at Tualatin the week God Intended that most o f us Drivers’ Permits Salvage Nylon called "case w ork ers” to adopt a prior received the third and fou rth D ear F riends: should live on the land and all should sym pathetic, dignified and courteous Extended to ’45 I left hom e Jan. 18 and arrive* Silk Continues degrees. applicants fo r and *Pen<l som e time w orking the land, Drivers o f autom obiles in Oregon attitude toward Cam p Allen is a Na Mrs. Jay G ibson Sr., left last w eek here the 23id. Em phasizing that the salvage of recipients o f old-age assistance «Vcle was to raise the food fo r will not need to renew their present val C onstruction training cam p I fo r M oscow . Iijtiho, a fte r spending nylon and silk hosiery is a con ,r _ __ i both man and beast from sunshine, permits until June 30. 1945, under was recom m ended as cat penter'r the w inter with her son and dau gh 1 tinuous program fo r the duration ol ! water, air and the minerals o f the I the war, Miss Fae Nichols, vice- ' terms o f a senate trill, passed by the Sector Leader* ter in law, Mr and Mrs. Jay Gibson m ate 3rd class. ground. Then these minerals would W e have just about finished up our chairm an wom en's division W ashing house M onday and sent to Governor o f Beaverton. | return back to the land in a natural For BlocW. Plan Earl Snell. basic training and will soon be sent ton county salvage com m ittee, today Mrs. E dna Shellaf entertained the w ay; while all, o f us would do some The tw'o-yeat extension was a d v o Listed for County C heerio clu b at H eidelberg P ark to an advanced training cam p in Va.. asked that all residents o f this area I w ork with our hands (R ead I. Thes- .t o renew their deposits o f worn and cated by Secretary o f State Rober* last Friday. Guest o f the club was o r possibly Calif. B lock warden ch iefs under t h e ' salonlans 4:11.) lie held that m an block leader plan o f civilian defense j T oday we are not only buying the I have found the sew ing kit you discarded stockings with retail stotes S Farrell Jr. Mrs. V iola Johnson . Already l - having wom en's or misses' hosiery power required to renew the permits have The R ebekah Social and Needle gave me most useful. been announced fo r several i m inerals In bags, but we are shtpp- would he saved for the War effort, more county com m unities, accordin g jnK Dur foods w hich contain these clu b met at the I O. O. I ' .hall lost have used it to sew on buttons, torn departments. that the state did not need the addi Silk and nylon are needed for the Friday. L uncheon was ¿served at pants, etc to Orange Phelps, count defense minerals to cities. Then when the I like the navy fine, but will he production o f powder- hag«*, paiach u te tional revenue, which. Mrs. A V. Butts and Mrs E v cou ncil co-ord in ator food is eaten, the refuse con tain ing V fabric and other war materials. Miss elyn S cott were hostesses There glad to get out in actual service T hey are as follow s Mrs Allen these precious m inerals goes down Sincerely. N ichols explained Powder bags used Kiwanis-Legion Show were 11 m em bers present. Knight. Forest G rove; Mrs M C. Me- the sew ers for the fish to use in LA MONT K L IC K by the aim ed services are woven Mrs. E lm er Stipe and Mrs. C a itie K ercher, B eaverton; Mrs. G. R. Fish m aking vitam ins! This destruction Plans Developing Fas! I^eonard attended the w edding o f En Bat. 67. Co. D-fi Camp Allen, Not silk bags into which charges o f pow burn, Garden Hom e, and Mrs Norton |n addition to the corrosion o f the An exeellent evenings entertain sign Frahk H. Allhands Jr., and folk, Va. L Peck, West Slope. soil due to m echanical farm ing and der are placed fo r generating the ment is being arranged for the K i power required to expel! shell.-* from Miss Vera H aulenbeck at C orv al Mrs Church o f the Portland O ffice destroying forests. This policy con- ri ani- L egion show dated March 20 guns o f m ajor calibre. Bags <r>e o f C ivilian Defense held a class o f tinned will ultim ately ruin our lis last M onday evening at the high school. Scheduled on Henry Johnson Elected placed in the breach o f the gun A instruction for sector leaders in the nation, W ord has been received here that thr program In’ an hour and a half cou ncil cham bers at tire H illsboro liewure « f Politicians W arren Sm ith o f the Aviation Caile* Member of Farmers’ Board fuse attached, is ignited to cause tin • how by the Journal Juniors. togeth hall Tuesday night. explosion that expels the shell Only R eserve is nettv at L incoln. N ebraska W e shall win W ar II; but shall we Henry Johnson o f B eaverton, pre. 1 silk can be used for bags because if ei with five professional arts — , ---- V -------- win the peace afterw ard s? This The Past Noble Grands o f the R e T ickets are now available, purchase winning o f the peace will require bekah lodge met at the hom e o f Mrs. ent o f W ashington County Farm ers' burns com pletely and leaves no hot rou rs to be sure o f getting them Happy Gardener* som ething more than disarm ing G er F rancin a G estring on Canyon Road Union was elected board mem ber o' embers. V Meet April 15 Nylon cannot be used for powder many and Japan or policllng the last W ednesday evening There was the State Farm ers' Union at the 33rd annual convention held at Dallas Executivc Board to Meet b a g * because nylon results in a gu m . . . . v world It may require a com plete initiation for a new member. M is " u,;,-v G ardeners o f Aloha im , o f our own form o i o o v - recently. my substance that will not burn rom The executive board o f Beaverton D oris Ready. 30 p m . April 15 at , rnm , nt and the elim ination o f pletely. Instead nylon is used in the PTA will meet Tuesday. March 16. will meet at - --------------V---------------- Mr. and Mrs H arry Barnes are labo,. blocs em ployer m anufacture o f parachute fabrsr for a noon potlnck luncheon, at the the hom e o f the new president. Mrs farm b|oc, visiting Mrs. Barnes sister anu b roth Livestock Taken stockings are wanted all silk, all home o f Mrs J E R obinson, 8405 er in lav» Mr and Mr. Cam pbell and i«K . _ , .. ,. 'b lo c s and other selfish groups En- Mrs VV E W ilhelm , ( olum bla die- K, neer9 ,h ou ld take the G overnm ent The follow in g classification of SW Cashm ur I.ane, West Slope Mrs. B arnes brother, Harold P eter Two three-m onths-old heifers re on9 now he|d by lawyers All are requested! to attend, plans trirt vice-president. will he guest nylon, m lxtu ie o f silk and nylon son in C alifornia this week cen tly were stolen from the farm o f Th(|I do(>9 fhat people are A goin g aw ay party was given by T hom as W olfe. 12090 SW Boones Fer mixture o f silk and rayon, m ixture will be discussed for the Marrh PTA speaker and will talk on herbs and V gardens A review o f the hook. , to t the ,r fo o d from “ pills ". the you ng people o f the C ongrega- ry road, it has been reported to a o f nylon and rayon, mixture o f silk meeting. _________ „ _ %T H ennessey on R oses will be given by N ot on , dM| the atom arh need bulk, and cotton and m ixture o f nylon and tional ch urch at R ev and Mrs. W il deputy sheriff. Theft o f 68 ch ic k * ' * R ob *’I t . but eating is a great joy to most peo- lard B H all’s' hom e tor R obert B ar ens and nine turkeys in recent weeks cotton. Hold •oint Inspection ------------------ V ------------------- A fter the program and business H ence. no over all radical or nes and Ernest M etcalf, w ho are now from W olfe's place also was reported Joint inspection by the grand ma meeting light refreshm ents will be gudden chan|fe to take place. W e R. 1». 'M V N 4 both in the service. Gam es weer p la y R D Hanna o f R cedvllle, but fo r tron, M rrjorle Simpson. o ' Beaver served. can, how ever, expect fou r develop- ed. The club Is giving a card party on ments o f our food program . m erly o f Beaverton, died W ednesday Chapter o f Beaverton and Orenomalr CAMP FIRE NEWS A beautifully decorated cake in of Multnomah Eastern Star, was held the afternoon o f March 25 at the from over exertion while fighting a red, white and blue, with the w ords at Beaverton home o f Mrs R T Ferris. Blanton Four C om in g Changes Seventh and eighth grade Camp grass fire near his home He wa W ednesday evening (1-) W e will be m ore carefu l about G ood Luck, written on it, was the M asonic Temple. road, to raise a fund for club work our diet in order to increaae our e f cen terpiece o f the refreshm ent table F ire girls met at the home o f Mrs r born near I^afayette 73 years ago hu ----- V ------------------- -------------------V ------------------- spent most o f his life In this com ficien cy and decreaae our doctors* E ach hoy was presented with a Chas. W ilhelm s, their guardian IIM 1K V C L A R E N C E U RIG H T A fter a short business m eeting we muntty. bills F or m ost o f us this will mean leather station ery kit by the grou p On Jury Panel Harry' C larence W righ t o f route 3. and R ev. Hall gave the boys each a discussed plans for a program which | He w as postm aster at B eaverton box 1314. R eedville, Or., died March Beaverton persons on the ju rv pnr- eating less, -and reducing our con- is to be given by both groups at the j -»our vears and owned the W hitehall el fo r the March term o f the Clreult sum ption o f sweets, starches and pro- devotional book Cafe for years, also had been a mail t He was husband o f Viola W iigh t, Court include T hom as .1 B am sdall telns next P TA m eeting (2.) F arm ers will enrich ---- V------------— R eedville; father o f Mrs Harriet Mo Our doughnut sale was a grand I clerk on train J r . F loren ce Miller. W illiam C Me- their soil and seeds by needed m ln- Beaverton high was defeated by St rey, gran dfath er o f Fred J Morey Jr . erals aa well as by fertilizers (2.) H elens high in the last o f a series o f success and have decided to try it 1 Surviving are tw o sons: Chester son o f Mrs Sarah V. DeShlelds, KrII and Pearl A Mvers. soon Thanking all that i o f Portland, and Stewart S . o f C alif Il-iusewlves will use m ore con cen - to d ecide the inner-district ch a m again brother o f Archie W right. Portland Funeral arrangem ents have been helped in this one I 4 M F S C. NMITII trates and vitalize their food s with pionship March 6 at H illsboro Funeral services were held Monda ’ For our get together this month postponed until the son in California James C Smith o f Hazeldale. died tha electric w aves and chem icals, T he St Helens Lions after d efea t in Finley’s R ose Chapel. Interment W E P egg is in at the s ->• o f 66 years He was hus- such as thoae o f the am ino group, ing B eaverton 34-27 at B eaverton on we have planned an afternoon picnic can be reached G reenw ood Hill. i-seri o f C -therlne M Smith, grand- <4 > T he Secretary o f A griculture March 2 in the first o f the series and roller skating party at H illsboro ch arge o f arrangem ents _____________V ----------------— W e will soon be having a m em b er f8 tp „r o f James F dw ard iFC onnor will be a chem ist instead o f a farm er, lost M arch 4. when B eaverton's team It's too bad that there’s so Marriage I.tce-ns^s ship drive at school and hope to in Funeral services w ere held Sundav People In cities will continue to be went to St Helens. m uch w rong In this world Fav Saxton R3 Bx 125 Beaverton, afternoon s f Pegg*s M ortuarv. Beav- fed from great private and cooper- St H elen's, the winner will play in crease our little rank to a full sire and so few people w ho want and Edna W olf, R oute 1, box 785 erton Interm ent C rescent G rove ativ# farm s These will becom e lar- the state tournam ent as represents- j group Beaverton. to do anything about it. Arietta Bog*, scribe cem etery Continued on Page 4 L vee o f zone 3 V Inductions Red Cross War Fund Collection Rolling Along f