Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1943)
V O L . ir,. \< » ; P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N H IG H W AY— Beaverton. Oregon» Friday, March 19, 1943 Babson Says Effect of Factionalism On Business May Be Disastrous Here and There In Itile Con versal ion JEAN CAMERON ____ E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 UK ( A M A I L ! REPORTER Beaverton 2514 Neat Rationing Plans Underway Bab»on Park, Maas . March 1 » - , ____________________________ ________ Charles H Hillier. route 2. Beav- Lusiness Volume continues at ex. Action to place into operation in eiton. was admitted to citizenship tionally high levels A rising output Washington county the new meat March 10, before Judge K. Frank management program designed to of war materials has been fed by ' Peters. record productions in steel, electric I pi event black maiket operations and FARM WORKERS Robert Wai nor Anderson has been provide foi fail distribution of meat power and other basic industries. ! Mal e a nd F e m a l e E m p l o y m e n t inducted into the marine corps and supplies was announced yesterday by mph wages and increased spending I i t ip 'r r n «/ I n mi/fioM« o f p+ 'n m *\ has left for the training camp at San John W. Kanina, chairman of the power have boosted retail business. I Diego. count IISDA Wai Board. At the same time many non-essential JAN 1943 J* " ’ 341 JAN.1942 Rebekah Lodge Assembly of Wash- ! Butchers, local slaughterers, live businesses have suffered. For most ington County will hold their district ' stock dealers and farmeis will parti businessmen, regardless of their oc j convention at Beaverton April 10 at cipate in the program, which is de cupation. the days since Pearl Har- I I O. O. F. hall. It will be an all day I signed to obtain adequate supplies of bor have been filled with uncertainty | session. meat for direct war needs, and to and confusion. What the future ; secure the control necessary for fair holds for business now depends mote ! Receiving felicitations on the birth upon leadership than upon orders j distribution to civilians through con of a son Walter S born March 2 are Congress and the New Heal sumer rationing. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huff of Beaver Orders issued by Secretary of Agri If the President and the Chairman! ton. culture Claude R Wickard require of the board of a corporation are in i Mis Bert Wilson. Mrs Elmer Bel disagrrMjnent, they can usually all slaughterers and livestock dealer» kins, and Mrs. Nelson Walker, a t - 1 through some third party be made to to operate under a permit system be tenjjed the Skyline Boulevard Grange ; bury the hatchet for the good of the | ginning April 1 The county USDA nieeting last Monday evening company. Probably if only two o r 1 War Board has been assigned the The Beaverton Grange No. 324 met three individuals were responsible ! task of acquainting all concerned last Saturday morning for a regular for the administration of our war 1 with the new program and of issuing nieeting. E. A Brown of the Even effort, we would be much further | , the required permits. ing Star in Portland, was a guest along the road to a solution of our 1 All commercial slaughterers In the SOURCE. O c y l. o j t o n , m erco * S *7 Charles Van Kleek of Hiteon met i business problems and to winning of county are invited tot discuss these with an accident last Friday when he the War. But it is characteristic of new regulations with a county USDA fell from a seeder drill. a democracyy such as ours that fa c-! Was Bqard representative in the The Friendly Circle met at the tional competition exists. AAA office in the court house in St. Marys’ of the Valley home of Mrs. Albert Shultz last Fri-1 Hillsboro Application forms are Hence, we have labor and capital, day for a luncheon meeting. The available and permits will be issued farmers and wage workers, a two- The honor students for the past 'to those requesting them. All farm party political system, stockholders J six-weeks period were Geraldine birthdays of Mrs. R. B. Scott and i.o o sc T a lk M a? OY\ ers who slaughter meat for sale may and management and a host of other O'Connoi Angelina Sohler, Martha Mrs Waltei Van Kleek were observ ed with a beautifully decorated cake. ' .. < become acquainted at the AAA office competing groups at each other’s 1-aVoie, Rita Schneider. Catherine with the regulations affecting them throats. A serious example of fac- \nzalone. Patriicia Harden, and Dora Decorations in keeping with St Pat ricks day were used There were Kumna emphasized that all farm tionalism at the moment is the New May Moos era slaughtering any meat animals foi Dealers vs Businessmen in Wash ' The home economics classes show- eight members and two child!en pres ent ington Another is Congress vs Ad- i ed a fine spirit of cooperation by More About Our Boys 'sale must obtain permits and operat» Mrs. Woodrow Weaver and daugh under quotas This does not apply ministration Leaders also, of course, making a group of stuffed dogs, ele- Dei Bremerton, Draft Board: to meat slaughtered for home con- The manlage of Mr Jay Gibson in Washington. It ¡4 interesting to phanta, hoises and dolls which were ter Marylyn Louise of Washington, are visiting Mrs. Weav Ji . of Beaverton, to Miss Teiesa * 11 Beaverton group George sumption on the farm. note, as illustrative of the change in disposed of by the student body Af- parents Mr. and Mrs. W. C. D-.iighteiy of Spokane, was soiemn- I aiiy and I are the only ones left I The control over meat distribution world affaiis, that we no longer hear 1 tei a delightful half hour spent in ers Wright. Barry willifor which the new regulations have **pd a* 4:30 Satuidn.v of last week in II ..........."option center. talk of the importance of Ixtndon a s , buying shares on the stuffed animals, The Beaverton Community Garden th , United Presbyterian church in l>!"babl\ lie hupped any time l am been designed will be accomplished a business or financial center New Shrove Tuesday, they donated the mi >.ii'cial detail in the medical de- through the following requirements York City is destined to become the : proceeds to the Vacation School club will meet at the home of Mrs. 1 Spokane. partment and may remain here u n-! for all slaughterers: most impoi tant city of the world. Fund. The following girls are now Inez Whitworth at 11 FYiday. March Only members of the immediate 19. (today) Members bring sand- assigned for some time i i. Obtain a permit before April 1. This is one reason why I am bullish! the possessors o f new pets Geral- family were present. wiches. ■ hanks a lot for the box of food ' 2. Slaughter within monthly or on certain J pw York, City hank dine Konkel. Albertina Bucher, Car- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson Sr., The Tuesday Bridge club met at of and the sewing kit. they have come quarterly quotas. stocks and real estate. 1 ol Huckelberry, Betty Lou DuVan. the home of Mrs. A E Hanson this Beaverton, the bridegrooms patents, VPD h iud\ and were veiy much, 3. Identify each wholesale cut of Sabotage of Effort Rita Schneider. Nora Machado, Mai spent the week end in Spokane. appreciated. n eat with the permit number as- W e shall not know until the end ! garet Mathisen, Helen Maschino, week Mrs. John Summers and Mrs. Yours truly, signed. The marriage of Miss Barbara Ann Continued on Page 2 Jeanne Marie Whitsett, Ilean Schul a “™ K' " ‘S,S Mr>’ *’vf- MALCOLM JOHNSON 4 Collect lation points for all Is^ac to Mr LaVon Rex, son of Mr ------------------V ------------------ enberg. Patricia Ledwith, Maureen j * a Z /-.n- . i . Stuait Hanna has been visiting his and Mrs. Basil Doane of Beaverton, rort Lewis, W ash, March 8. meat sold. OBrien. Catherine Anzalone, and M a - 'i .- .n ,, . .. * , . tllyn Marchant. The Vaniimn . . . hnnl . . family and friends in the community Parking Restrictions .. . — * J is being announced by the brides ,, , * * 5. Maintain adequate sanitary fa- Vacation Sr School, this week. He is attending a school ditties pioject is the patents. Mr and Mrs _ i Leo A . Isaac Dear Mrs. Gllhnm: particular interest of Put into Effect in of ~. engineering at San Francisco U fie I am in good old sunny Calif. | Permits will also be issued to all . , , Of Portland the Mission unit of the Sodality. To with the 1»» , , Beaverton Jobs Daughters held | Business Section attended the University and o n k e v a in r e 6with ° ,dwn ' 1 lnK P*r* ° livestock, n* bu> in* and "el‘- * ' p* ° t an Informal ;............ «n a S u e e ^ u B r Broun«} wttB ° me including dealers, ng . i from national headquarters, special -____ , , , „ dance .. , at the Masonic <>f Oregon, where she announced her | We are in fht infantry and like it Pnts selling on commission, and auc Beaverton city council has com-' ,, ,r , Temple last Saturday evening. -i . > . , efforts are being made by all stu- Di., pleted arrangements for the enforce- . . . , , • . , Hill Woods, son of Mi and Mrs V engagement to her sorority sisteis of fine. tioneers. These permits will require , , , j, , i dents to complete any stamp books . ... . - . , Alpha Chi Omega at the sorority ment of several ordinances in ref- that are tiallv fU](;d .p£_ of Beaverton, was The ____j new 1 A. L" Woods, --------- formerly *“ “ WM house on Innmrv ti lu*‘ doing work In radio and an inventory as of April 1. and that ence to parking in the business sec- 1 drive was launched early in th* • ently on a 15 day furlough ' '' M u ik. ralkk and 1 , n r ) good records be kept of all tranaactlons tion of the town. and visited friends here He is sta ^¡J- and Mis Rex will he at home opportunity to advance in a hurry. Farmers are not required to obtain sons have parked their cars le a v in g !^ ,a M ,ikmg anangiment of posti^is t|one(j at Taft. California, in the Ar- at ’rh'’ Dalles after a wedding trip, Our address is ^ , , , Ia permit to buy and sell livestock, them all day, which has prohibited i appeals bulletin my Air Corps. Thtirsdav morning it 10 o'clock ,, . * Vt K 1IE N D E R S O N ; put are expected to keep records. shoppers from conveniently carrying: F)nal det a i ,8 f the vocation W e e k ; “ d ^ Jfohn Hou^ ar' th^ at the First Presbyterian church n" ‘P Ro,,er,!,• ^ “ Hfojrni»........ | Successful operation of the pro on their business in the town o f 1 under wav at S M V *),olul ParPat» ° f a son born March Miss Lois Ann Selby, daughter of Mr Best W tabes gram will depend on the full coopera C L A R E N C E HtfND C -tliON 1 tlon of all livestock producers deal- This will no, be ..tor- * " j '« '* ">* < • " » « • » « « ' and Mrs. J D. Selby. Bend, became ated in the future, streets have been ¡cuss ' : ers and slaughterers. the chairman vocations to the leligious. mar- 1 ,Pt ScoU Melton Metcalf is having a weeks the bride of Donald Ray Short, son marked, signs posted showing where tied and single state, and particularly Cump Rucker, March d said. The consumer la affected, too. of Mr. and Mrs. L W Short of Beav- | vacation at his home. parking is allowed and prohibited. 1 am in Alabama. When I got to he pointed out. Rationing of meats the avocations of teaching and nurs- Miss Maxine Cady. Miss Ida Fel- eiton. The Rev. John A. Glasse read l*oi t Lewis on the next Wednesday * I cannot be effective If some of the Those using business streets for thp service in the presence of rela ] ing. sher. Miss Marjorie Junor and James parking purposes to transact business] went to the hospital for 17 days but supplies by-pass the rationing pro- ----------- V------------------ ¡Cameron were home last week from tives and a few close friends must not park closer than 10 feet am *' 8 OK down here in Ala gram, with the result that consumers The bride was given in marriage banin the University of Oregon for spring to a fire hydrant, out of safety zones, ^ but there's no place like home. 1 in some areas get more than their by her father and wore a diess of Pvt JOHN MOORE vacation not over one foot from the curb, on I Sign-up Blood Plasma share, while those In other areas get Miss Frances Maty Downing was white crepe with square neckline em the wrong side bf the street, or Urged of Local Folk none. borne from Oregon State College. hroidered, with daisies She carried Dear Drnft Board double park, block the sidewalks in “Washington county farmers have Failure to stop Registration for the donation of Spending several weeks with her » large spray of carioka roses and I have covered quite a bit of terri- the lostricted area, raised their share of the record pro Mr and^ Mrs Fred wM** freesias Her headdress was a tory since the last time I at Stop Signs and at traffic lanes blood plasma by Washington coun- grandparents duction of livestock, and the farm will also bring forth a ticket for the ty lesidents as soon as possible is be- Goyt of Beaverton is Barbara Goyt CI,P with daisies and white Beaverton, and hit it lucky and lan- plans signed for 1943 Indicate that offense. Mrs. F. Abendrotb.: °^ Portland: Portland: 'led armored fo forces reco they will maintain or even I n c r e a s e offense ing urged by Mrs I Abend rot 1 *>f V" . . ||,<I in 1,1 the ,l"' Nrmoifad M l with •• uh raeo Two officers will be on duty to en county chairman of the Red Cioss The Beaverton Rebekah lodge No e "irles only attendant was mendation for radio school this production," Kamna said. “But Clark blood plasma campaign. Chairmen 248 met last Tuesday. March 16. foi * 188 1 p'mce avidson of St Paul. Yours truly the meat produced will not contribute force the ordinances, Flank meeting 31 members 'shp wore a grey flowered Hvt P E T E R H E I8 E L to winning the war unless It Is prop during the day and Mr. Antrobus at will be named in every community a -egular and in every organization to h a n d le 1 were preaent. silk diess and carried an arm bou- Fort Knox, Kentucky erly distributed and utilized ” night. such registration anil people may; The Past Noble Grands of the lodge (lu*y of carnations ----- ------------ V --------------— V ------------------ The best man was Ray Walton of also sign up at county Red Cross met Tuesday and sowed for the Red Arrived here this morning to start Portland. Navy Military Training headquarters At 123 N 3rd a v e n u e , Cross a 36 to f>6 days of basic training for Hillsboro. Mrs. Levo Best, who makes her After the ceremony a wedding the air corps As yet we have not Examination Scheduled u \ V B 11 1 s bmakfast was served at the Albany »... . .,,, the d » , The following men were accepted' This area will he required to furn- home with Mr and ' i| i ft a mil i nm but will find out In a few davs A p r i l L at Beaverton ish 2.000 blood donors a week to meet >s visiting this w* eek m En“tci n "'•'l March 11, 1943 into nnval foices Examinations will be given at the mate friends ” Have Examln the requests of the army and navy,' Oregon. nave used useu the tne sewing kit already already! Volunteers: \f Km not have h>vp After a a short short wedding weddimr tiip tiin to I O the the to tn sew u*' V* on ah the rio. air ............ Hpflvattfin Hig-h School on April 2. Rt fl Portland Mrs Abendroth said She hopes to Mi and Mrs H M Baines Arter corps insignia sure Beaverton Thomas R. Haynes ' - • to c.,ii Oregon beached thi bride and brldi uni hand tl inks , i,,t IMS, between )»-tw. the hours of nine and Sherwood have this county participating 100 returned from a weeks trip Floyd E. Martin groom w ill be at home at 932 W Sev ten a m to any boy* who are Inter- . fornla. Yours truly Rt 1, Beaverton per cent Denver D. Buxton Robert Bernes left Thursday morn enth St., Albany. Pvt E R N E S T M ETC AI F p8,e‘* ln qualifying for a commission Rt 5 Portland Mobile I nit Coming Merville M Mead The bride was graduated from the Kiesno, California in the United States Navy. Theae ing for Army service It is hoped to have a mobile unit Rt 3. Beavertor David W Lynch I niveraity of Oregon at Eugene in hoy* must have the following qualifi for taking blood plasma in this coun Corvallis, Robert W. Anderson, -he spring of .942 in aociology and T W Q D a y A d u h p o r u m cations. ty in the near future, according to is now employed by the State Public - -------- (a ) High School and preparatory LIBRARY NOTES The following men left for Fort Mis. Abendroth weifiii, Commission of Linn < •<• mty Arranged at Beaverton school graduates who will have at- Members of some local organiza- Lewis Thursday. March 18, 1943 An excellent new book in the li- as a c a s e wo. ker with headquarters Every- adult and especially parents t 'ined then 17th but not their 20th Beaverton tions have already gone into head- John H Waters Wiaconsin by in Albany. brary is Wind Over ate cordially invited to come to the birthdays by - July 1, 1943. regardless Rt 1. Beaverton quarters in Portland to make their Talford L. Strain August Deileth. Ml short I S a senior at Oieron «penally rrangt d meeting sponsored of whp,*>er they are now attending Rt 6, Portland donations, which are so very iniport- Robert J Christner It is the thrilling and dramatic I Beavi rton ‘' ° ,lpK« ' Beaverton ant to the lives of American boys. Murdo M Hickox story of Wisconsin In the 1830's and _______ in civil , ¿ 0|d a|)d rtn High school anil pieparatorv Rt 3. Hlllaboro on the haul'fronts A¡>j.ointments Jack M McDonald ". * _ „ . , , „a centers around an idealist Chalfonte teserv* bool senior s who will be graduated Rt 6. Portland for donations in Portland must he t , ____ . . _ Robert W. Sittel I that whites ^ » « » e i n b e r of Pi Mu Epsilon, hon 23rd p. school t,v July *• provided they will Rt 1. Beaverton made aht ad of time and people will Pierman. who Earl R. Ward and Indians can work together oiarv fiaierntty. At Mondays foruin, Major Pratt h" v,‘ * ttaln*d their 17th but not their Rt 4. Sherwood then he notified when to report. Willard R Yates Both Mi .nd Mis Short attended of the White Shield Home, and Mr. W h birthdays by that date Portland Donors between the ages of 18 and but . . . because of events of the Black Eldon R. Riley the Beaverton high school ees hi 1 ideas (c) Students who will have at Bortzmelei of the Court of Domestic Francis A Beller Rt eiation defeated ------------ V ----------- B« »tions Portland, will give facts tained their 17th but not their 20th Beaverton their legal guaidians, while others Robert L. Barnes However with Black Hawks final and figures that everyone with inter- bY 1 . 19 43. who do not Willamette must be from 21 to 60 and not under Virgil R. Allison defeat Chalfonte joins with the othe , Sylva.i Lights Mean bold certificates of graduation from eat in our Portland 110 Bounds in weight No mother a secondary school but who are now their education in an ac- college or university. to be eligible for se- pplicant must: male citizen of the (.out a Life Weddings Inductions blrthday" BIRTHS Cedar Mill School Active in W ar Work J«*y Volunteers who heled cataletto ’ step foi ' -.f. Wright Baptist Assent- ' b) moinlly and physically books at the library la*t Satin d tv o f -. hool childien. S h e ri" Martin hliei will »peak on the place of the il " allf,pd f° r this piogram. including Mr. and Mrs Robert M Heintz afternoon were Betty Hogan. Helen I Platt pointed out church in the life of our childien * mlnirn,lm uncorrected visual acuity Tigard. Feb 16. i son Timothy .1 At first the motorists were wame.i Every Item is of vital importance of ,R 20 ,or pach py* Mr ami Mrs Arthur Speight. R6 The Cedar Mill School attained and Randall Thelma Cullen. Barbara Hoi passed its goal of one thousand dol- land and Roy Wilson •trd let off With suspended fine* but at this time and we cordially urge all ,c) *** un'"“ "*»«*. and agree to By 611. Feb 18. a son Larry C. lately those arrested for failing to .idult.« to attend remain unmarried until commission- Lt and Mrs Jack H Boon route 8 lars sale of war bonds and s t a m p s ----------------V ed. unless sooner released by the tor 169S. a son Howard R Missionary Guild Organized »a\e have been fined $10 Some hen the ' Navy Department. 7 0 — nave been | iven suspended st Mr and Mrs Frederick Eibs. Hu months ahead of schedule when M) Evidence potential officer sales totaled *1039 95 on Friday of Women of the West Hills Lutheran Thp li n k e r lights are on from 8 a Engagement Announced ber. 1'eb. 14. a daughter. Vivian E. Mi and Mrs Walter S Carpenter, qualifications, including appearance church. Canyon Road, met a week m ,0 ® P m except Saturdays and Mr aryl Mrs. Noel R Feilenz last week i.i mii Pa- announce the engage- and scholarship records. Ninety five per cent of the schools ag0 at the home of Mrs W J. Fritz, Sundays, when ambet lights ar* on Beaverton. Feb 15, daughter Dora R - ____ y of eighty-seven pupils 7021 SW Canyon Crest, and organized Amber lights also are on befoie 8 a nirnt of theli daughter. Miss Nell Mr and Mrs Robert F Casteel enrollment - Moehofs | D I _____J month so the a missionary guild The main ob- ’i 1 and after 5 p m on school days Aloha. Feb 22, daughter. Delores M bought stamps last of Ml i M rs E (} MO L O t* fly* a jectives of the guild are to study and These are »0 warn motorists of the k Mr and Mrs Clarence W Hills school is now entitled to dangerous intersection For V ic to ry Gardens borough. Feb 25. a son Clarence D Schools at War pennant on the flag assist In the Christian missionary en A number of city lots have been Large sign* reading Watch Traffic Will t.e an event of the near future Mr. and Mrs Thomas ArmitsteAd pole Stamp* sale per capita for the deavoi at home and abroad Officers H U , 11 _r peopl« are students at ployed for Victory gardens but the elected are Mrs W Fritz, presi Signals have been placed at the ap Beaverton. Feb 19. a daughter Cher school year is $1195 ” ’ ’ ' ’ v ,,f Oiegon where Miss city has others which can be used If Mrs C Schandt, program pi oacbea to the intersection Recent bond-buyers are LJoyd Hlck- dent yl E Carp, ntei , ¡ humor* is a member application Is made at the city hall Mrs. I-e* Webster treas ------------------V ----------------- ethier. Kenneth Larson .Paul C ’hoban chairman: Mr and Mrs Harold S Huff. Beav-, of th' 111 * hl Beta sorority and I>og owners are again warned to keep ("has dtmson. secretary. urer: Mrs The Beavertor fire department erton. March 2. and a son Walter S and Douglas Ketel M -»lofsk , Alpha Tsq Omega, their dogs at home if this la not done The April meeting will be held at was called to the Polsky house on V- ----------------- V ------------------ Mr and Mrs Curtis W Johnson in the law- school He owners are subject to a heavy fine. It The home town paper la like bread the home of Mrs D P McDonald in rout* l Thursday A large hols was routs 5. box 456 A. March 2. a son be commisaionsd In th e , is necessary that gardens should bs Beaverton. Bruc* C and meat to men 1 burned In th* roof. army soon protected *•»