Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1943)
*% r»i \ Page 2 Friday, January 22, 1943 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon THE TIMID SOUL RFAVUgflU.-gtEWTERPRlSE I f. f l . J K F F K L K S , P u b lis h e r Published Friday or each weak by tba Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Entered as second-class matter at the pastofflce at Beaverton, Oie O regon One Year _ Bis Months . $1.00 .00 Three Months Subscription Payable $ 3.V In Advance i Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room 6, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6591 Æ ^ Uf O reg I UBLIS ir \ Q AJ»ER I A T I 0N HM.'WMAr VMS IT I CAne Ooww Tow/, To 8UV? OH, I kMOW / No Permits for Speed but have eternal life. John | 3 16. What is the secret then? How do these who so differ in thought end life all come into one mind? New shopping habits ate ahead for Here you have it—When you make Mis America when point rationing Christ your Lord and Savior, He By that of processed foods is introduced gives you a new heart. . sometime in February with the use Dad and Mother; son and daughter; , of War Ration Book Two. The new brother and sister; teacher and gro I system of rationing will mean bud- cer and all the rest, see you keen to 1 geting of points as well as money forgive and to forget and to love | for American homemakers, and ap- your enemies. Let Christ put you into the Royal I pat ently it will result in less ini puisne buying since a given amount Order of Forgivers and Forgetters. of points must last over the ration These love their enemies and in period. Through the new system of their dying breath they pray Fath- i tatinoning, low points values will be er forgive them for they know not i given to foods which at e relatively what they do. plentiful *hile high values will be \ given to those that at e moost scarce. ; Since housewives will be able to get ( i Ttv* dono . «fc. Cloverdale, Oregon 1 more for points by buying foods with I « /L o ccro esr awo 1't.i- sc This space paid for by an Oregon ! OLAO To VtHJK low point values, it is expected that a c c o u n t óo you wo/d r HAVC To OO To S w u CACM j the demand will be relieved for the businessman. ----------------V ------------- — Tin e you want T o b u t j very scarce foods. Advertising is salesmanship. • * ----------- V----------------- y) i Housewives taking in roomers Bo counted among Earnest "scrap” may evict an undesirable tenant seekera. I save ' 101 b / !i«y [i with out permission of the govern- M S V 'j j , nient rent officials if they rent to | WAR. not more than two paying guests. BONDS | J M S This amendment to the Federal Rent ! Control regulations was made ef- ' fective to cooperate with the Wat C lose to dow ntow n Guest program of the National Hous- j ing Agency which is trying to pro- C lose to transportation I vide rooms in private homes in areas j suffering from housing shortage Formerly many homeowners have! been reluctant to rent rooms because • FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ' of the strict OPA requirements for I -nv ATwater 2181 ! eviction . By Webster Mrs. America Goes To War | perish A C sticker doesn’t give you the right to break the speed laws! This admonition was offered to Harry F. Camp, regional OPA ad ministrator, following 'complaints that many C book holders apparently are of the opinion that preferred privileges go with preferred milage rationing. Checks made in major Pacific Coast cities prove that the great ma jority of motorists are observing the governmen's 35-mile speed regulation. Camp said. Not for Peraonal Privilege I-amps that dot the average Ameri MIRACLES COST MONEY The great number of those who are can home—table models, floor lamps, A birth certificate reunited her — - — -........... - - ! bed lamps, are blinking out for the One of the first requisites of sound not, I am sorry to report, are those , . . . . . j duration as long as they contain cri- post-war planning is sound taxation. motorists who, because of occupa family after 42 years of separation. WEST END Mrs. Harold Miller of Beaverton, Oregon taster Lilies in I tical materials. A Wat Production Our Federal tax policy Bhould be di tional reasons, were given preferred 8ELLWOOD BRIDGE mileage. revealed she relates: Danger Unless Protected | Board order, effective immediately, rected toward two objectives: First It is not comforting to an A book I was born in a hospital at Irving,! I restricts the use of critical materials paying for the war; Second, main At the Oregon’s infant Easter lily grow-1 ln portable electric lamps and wire taining a financially strong indus holder, driving along the highway, to N Y , on Lake Erie in 1900. CREM ATORIUM Until this ac trial structure. Industry should be see car after car bearing O stickers 1 age of 9 months was adopted by Mr. ing industry needs constant protec- frames for shades. production of lamps and and Mrs. C. I Stafford of Falcon, N tion from the introduction of any lily tion. encouraged to build reserves to meet | 8pf.ed nonchalantly ^by, M AUSOLEUM However, this will not go on indef Y , and lived there until six years of stock carrying mosaid diseases, says shades has been limited to 60 percent ; the inevitable and gigantic costs of initely. The names of drivers ar I age, when we came to Oregon City' Dr. F. P. McWhorter, plant patholo- Q f the 19*0 output. However, even CEMETERY reconversion to peace-time needs. I was known gist at Oregon State college. go ¡t was reported that manufactur-! Unless this is done, plans for the fu rested and convicted of speeding will | and made our home. A few lily strains developed by the j ers were unable to get and use cop- I ture, both of government and indus be certified to their local War Price as Dorothy Staffouf until I married Complete Funeral Service In New try, will be doomed to failure. In and Rationing Boards, to whom they At the age of 20 I found out I was USDA are proving important for A m -; pe(| wire ancj other materials. Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost will have to answer. j an adopted child onran production and may be v a l u - __________ y ____________ dustry will be hampered in rebuild Riverview is a co-operative asso Preferred mileage is extended un-1 v\'hei e I am employed at present. able when introduced into northwest ing a war-torn world. Government GOD'S M ELTING POT ciation with assets of over $800,00») Dr. McWhorter, hampered in its efforts to encourage der the promise that transportation a bj,.(k certificate is required so I plantings, says Miss Trot About never did give j full employment, and collect needed is necessary to aid some phase of the wrote to the county seat near the These, as well as the Oregon lilies war effort not to provide extra pel- town where I was born and referred are now free from disease. Any in- herself to reading the newspap- j tax revenues. i to the town clerk. The birth certi- troduction of Japanese lilies or Cre-|eIS All sbe knew was the gossip' The depression consumed practic sonal privilges. ----------------V ficate came, and a month later the °*e lilies from the southern states 4be hour. Into the church that al! of industry’s cash reserves.. Un Mr. Studious, SEPARATORS — MILKERS i clerk recalled having corrected a would probably introduce disease Ieceived her came wise tax laws, and misguided social i Deferment* for Age COM PLETE EQUIPM ENT AND j birth certficate of similar name, which would utterly ruin the Oregon; Most like,y you wouId find him off reforms have prevented the re-ac-1 | in a quiet corner deep in his favor- I SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY cumulation of reserves. j Registrants who are 45 years old wrote the woman and found it was ('f°ft lilies, he says. After she talked INDUSTRY i ite book, gleaning the wisdom of Industry has shown during t h e | and over are deferred by law» under ] my sister Grace. the ages. And we ask, how can pust year that It has the imagination! »he recent amendment to the Selec- with the clerk I was contacted TH E H EAR T S DESIRE j these two, so far apart in thinking, ' nmf capacity cuunpitv to in respond ruunnn/I U i.Vw>« our ¡live tlvA Tminintr and when Training Hllil and Service Act Act. Thev Theyj caught the next train East and there BY RUTH TAYLOR ever work together? national existence is threatened iare 1° be placed in Class IV— A and 1 found I had three sisters and two "Freedom is the right to seek for And now comes Mrs. Off Horse ' Never has the world seen our equal! cannot be inducted for military ser- I brothers living. ones heart's desire and to let the i and never will she team up with in military production thanks to vice unless the law Is changed My parents, John and Antoinette 0the'r man hunt foi his' 1 anyone. She must have her own | Manufacturen A DiitHbutori Registrants who are 38 years old Descenzo were both born in Italy industry. And now with the prob £ V £ R Y T H IN G Doesn't this thought express the | way and the est come to it or else j lems of peace arising, it will again and over are deferred from induction and belonged to the professional ideals and dreams of all of us? We . . . Next add the big company of It seemed my mother was through Selective Service only be- class be up to industry to work a miracle. They cry. All to- IUBi U K inm ea — — the - armed ..... - forces will not ac very ill at a hospital, apd the doctor ale ' seekets after our hearts de- Joyful Doers. causa Millions oi of persons U must be shifted from wiu< jobs to peace jobs Indus- cept them for induction at this time, and attendants thought she would not s' le' mat vision tnai^ is our guiding gether now, and things move ahead, try must supply the jobs It must except through enlistments to pro- live, so I was placed in an orphanage stal' leading us on tmougn dlscoui- How shall such opposites as we have produce as never before or t h i s 1 vide certain needed skills. They without consent of my parents »this agement, heartache and despan to- here. *Ver take hold together? Even 135 N\V Park AT. 6481 country will face state socialism. th e i«'e to be placed in Class 1V-H and was sometimes done on payment of " a,l‘ a sn,mn*»' Koal al ltle ‘ “ m oo" 9 though Christ gave commandment that induction good money by orphanages). Wmen e ,' they love one another, how can very thing the war has 1 he right to seek freedom to they? prevent. I unless National Headquar srs should mother was finally able to go home, For a move about, to be no man s slave and Yet they do. Witness Onesimus When peace comes, industry must advise local boards of a change in she was told I was gone. j no mans master, but free to search (the runaway slave and thief and his j while they tried to locate me. hnve cash reserves to remodel fac- policy concerning them. the wealthy Philemon. 1 was first adopted by a wealthy fam for those things which we want, a master, tori«*, to fashion a better clvllisa-| ------------- -— V---------- - , v/ > ily, but yowled so loud they brought bome- economic security, a job in Master and man. owner and serf, tion. If taxes take all the profits, 100.000 me back. Later my paients were t wb'cb Ve can serve others because ( they were and yet brothers in Where Rolls The Oregon there will be no reserves. Q u ic k H um r in g told by the hospital attendants that 1 1 we U l8b »° serve- That is a right j Christ. Do you ask the secret? The first problem of Congress In N Now that the Old Oregon Trail Cen was dead, forever laid down to us in the Con- Then journey with me out beyond 1943 will be taxes In the wise so FRUIT I felt perfectly at home on meeting etitution. That is a right wc will the Holy City on that April day in lution of that problem lie the success ' tennial Year has been ushered in and I the name Oregon is on everyone’s atrangers when I got off the train at 1 never abiogate. though we may v ol-, the iong ago Outlined against the or failure of plans for peace. lips, the question will often be asked: j Npw y o ,.k stntion and n,et them all. untnnly lay it aside in times of com-1 deep bluo dome of heaven, three NUT Where did Oregon get it’s name? ........ M|.„ , j _____ , acP _____ LaDuca of Silver _____ Creek, mon 'linger , ___ _________ „ suffer crucifiction on Roman cross- AN UNPLEASANT FICTURE That is a qustion which historians Qe0|g(, and Mary Descenzo of Sheri- ®UI heaits desiie the goal of e8 Through the morning their TREES have been trying to answer for years dan Linn of Dunkllk and Mrs. Jen- happiness which is common to all of live« ehh awav. At n o o n d a y , dark L A. Warren, nationally known fig without success ne ^ Schantz of Pittsburgh and had ness settles down and shrouds the Plant Tualatin Valley Nurseries quick- ure in the food supply field, has pre but ln 1765, Major Robert Rogers used R ^ n d e r fu itlm e but through it all u ° ur heart’s desiie is for the bet earth. bearing trees ior greater profits. We haw Here fix your eye on that sented some interesting figures for the name Ouragon in describing the thprp wag a ,jnk of 8ildness a complete assortment of Peaches Apples My terment of ourselves and of those we ccntpl crosa for there you and I Pears. Cherries, Plums. Prunes, Apricots. public consideration. Following the district west of the P.reat Lakes In fathel. had di,.d |n n- j mv own hold dear. It may be sacrifice that have an interest. On that cross i Figs, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Chest government's announced plan for ra 1772. he used It again, spelling it mofhel. dje(i at midnight last Christ- '*» ou«' heart's desire, the priests who Jesus Christ, the Son of Cod, is dy nuts, Hickory Nuts, etc Comptete assort ment of Berry Plants. Shrubs, Roses. Most tioning of canned goods, Mr. Warren QurUton The piesent spelling was mag pvp at thp aKP of S4 8,in be. , went to minister unto the lepers ing for oui sins. all varieties of Flowering and Shade trees All we like sheep Mid 1 first * used in print in 1778 by Jona- lipvlnK j wa, dead ¡were so motivated; it may be the have gone astray, we have turned Send for 40-page catalog. It will pay to ’ Somewhere along the line a lot o f ' thBn Cai ver ln hi8 book. Travels drive out to our nurseries. Drive out Bar j building of a home that is our heart's --------------- V - every one to his own way. and the bur Blvd. from Portland on Hiway 9DW canned goods have disappeared 11 Through the Interior, parts of North desire the conquering of the wilder Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of Out 17 miles, 1 mile past sir Corners don t believe that food has been con | America. He said that he first toward Newberg. Or we will ship your ness was the fruit of this wish; it us all. BIBLE. order by parcel post or express. sumed. It is around, either in pack- j hpard thp wo|.d in n6« flonl Indians i may be greater benefits for our child- At heart it is a love affair—For .•d pantries or In warehouses of ,,vt on thp headwaters of the j ren our free schools, our great uni God so loved the world, that he TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES speculators, or still In the canneries. MlaatMj _, and connected it with versities, our high spirited teachers gave his only begotten Son that who Rt. 3, B o x 310, MIKKWOOI). OREGON One of the situation, is the di.ap thplr 0reat Rlv„ of the Weat which are the fulfillment of that dream. soever believeth in Him should not/ ■P. _ pearance of the pea pack The pack f,owp(1 ,nto thp ,,ac|flc 0oPan He Our hearts' desire is not the same for any of us but it is ours, created IV h*tw* I " . 22'000-* throws no further light on its derlva- 000 and 23.000,000 cases. This year tjon i out of our needs, our hope and our . faith not by the will of another * ° Vernment^ ‘i “ 1Z J‘*b" K Rees claims that It origin- Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS I man. ^ °°,T .r^ o n n PavCk, ,W“ * UP’ *ted In the Sho.hon, language, was Changing Years ped to 35.000.000 eases^ Yet the eup- p>, Qn , hp 3|oux tribe and em “To let the other man hunt for Oregon Mutual Bolides are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay Ply of canned peas has disappeared | p, Kp<1 throUKh various Indian. Hello Folks: Oil" we cannot keep freedom to more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual 1 Flench and Spanish interpretations, Dawggone. I reckon changin ourselves. Freedom is never a maintains more than three time« the surplus required hy On-goo All people must join in plans to into its piesent spelling and pro- yaara u aoltPr i,k,, H snake a chan- lonely thing, a right of one man for Insurance laws. save or distribute needed food sup nounrtatton. gjn’ bl8 blde f,M n new one Of himself alone. Special privilege is plies Grocery stoles are doing their best to a t> Doit ion f o o d f a l r t v t o m a k e I Th,> WO,d 0 r«Kon mÍRh, V 11 h? V' eoaise, I aint never been a snake, license not liberty Freedom by its Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company ____ Pf.............. .. ____ . been lost in the mists of forgetful , notwithstands evolution) but I very nature is universal Hi must o f M c M i n n v i l l e supplies go around, before compul * ness had not William Cullen Bryant. (UM> a anakH fe,.|8 a little tondei never forget that the mastei is slave Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent sory* rationing is inaugurated A,‘ the youthful poet, rescued It from ob- w hpn hp >I|pa out on bl8 bplly with as well as the man; the jailei as well of u. can coopetate and help in *b‘* , ü^oÍTTn ^m ortaTY hanatopsi New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 llvion in "hU his T immortal Thanatopsis ht(| npw btde and thats the wav I feel ,ul ,be captive Our homes are safe necessary task written in 1812 and published in 1817 wben | 8tep out int0 the new yeai I as we lespect out neighbor's home tVe all know what a run on a hank " Every For™ of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon mysterious dldn., O ou| into l this New Our children grow in strength and u ' l l l do H a a t u f i A n t» fi toi i « i i n n l v w i l l In which he refers to the . »• , ciiiiii i K jkO olii beadfiist 1 11 s i imo i l l S INt'W A will ** * ' " *■* oui op oppor- accomplish the same lesult misery ^ *ver West In the well-known y ea, Hnd on my y^eiiv like a heap of ' '<>a,n wisdom as we make __ ____ „ .epoits our i »unities iuomt » free n«r«- to w all «•> child.e, We 7 Ti „ .* n “ ' »< ..... .. ,h" 'em did __________ akkordin' to reports in cur W , go the .. people Oregon and hears no sound save his iand j w,,nt ouj into this New Year freely to worship as we allow- oui ----------\ own dashings sober but with some tender feelins neighbor the same privilege The name Oregon will be foievei Just athinkin' of some mighty fine church, legauiless of denomination safer than its neighboting cathed ★ 7 shrouded in mystery, but it stands fyiends who got tangled up in the alone. Inscrutable, colorful and allur- Cog — ----- k — ---- ------ - c----- 1 — Wheels of ole 1942 and' the ole —* ral. church, Freedom Wluä If 044. ßu y W itk ing, It breathes of romance, cour year swallowed em up In death. '* based on or the synagogue self-respect of man. age and adventure, an inspiration to I'll never see 'em again this side of an<» on his corresponding respect for the writer, the poet and the artist Eternity You know the balance of b'a neighbor as a man. There is no other Oregon us will strike a year some of these Freedom is the right to seek foi times that will have our number ter on,> 9 heart s desire and to let th.’ . nty Well, well here's hopin o<b»'f man h' mt f'". his GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE Electric equipment ia scarce bo- oui New T om IMS will at J cause the raw materials are going to us a Recess fer the world to call ^ what you do need. FAITH SEIX what you don't need. into the War Effort. But you can Peace again. save now and get back $4 for ev BARBWIRE BIIJ. Trust in the Lord with all thine ------V ------ ------------ ery S3 you invest in War Bonds so | heart, and lean not upon thine own you can buy that range or whatever ' understanding In all thy ways ack- SAVE YOUR TIRES— owtedge him, and he shall direct thy you want after the war is won. BU YD E TEN SE BONDS pat ha Proverbs 3 5, 6 A saving faith comes not of a per- Ride a B os— Right to the door I son. but of Truth's presence and pow i er Sou) not sense, receives and 1 of the gives it Mary Baker Eddy 1 While reason is puultng herself about the mystery .faith Is turning it into her daily bread and feeding on ! It thankfully In he8 heart of hearts On T aylor Street, bt. 4th & 5th Frederick D Huntington PORTl-AND Faith does nothing alone nothing j of itself, but everything under God. Tasty Food* by God. through God Stoughton Dinners— Lunches There ta a limit whete the intellect : fails and breaks down, and this limit Banquets is where the questions concerning I God, and freewill, and Immortality BR. 1 4 2 3 for Reservation Join the army ,»( J*.MN).*oe who ' ariee Kant. The step« of faith fall on the seera- will be in the Payroll Savings Plan Claude Brereton for regular War Bond Purchase by I Ing void, but find the fork beneath G jwv A ’ There tint muco time b'toie AT THE New Year s Day. Stop spending and ! Whittier. _ _ _ _ _ _ V ___________ Mew Y rtr s— iirf we cotti sign up trr aave, and let's “ Tap that Tea Per WI NT ER GARDEN An ad telle It effectively et • mint.1 W u B° odt W I c e n t." U. i , V tf* r t s m Bum coat. CENTRAL LOCATION I. P. Finley & Son Birth Certificate Re-unites Family After Forty-two Years Riverview Cemetery De Laval Monroe k Oriteli FQ^VICTORY W i l l HUNDS BUY U N IT E D LiT Aimer says — S T A T E S Winter Garden W AR BONDS AND STAMPS