Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1943)
P U B L IS H E D W EEKLY VOL. 15, x o . 50 Rural Carriers To Sell Bonds IN O U R P L A N T O N S H O R T ST. A N D T U A L A T I N Beaverton, Oregon, Better Police Fridav, lamiarv 15, 19-15 Silk and Nylon Hose Needed r — Protection A im H1GHWAY- _____ ESTABLISHED 1927 Col. Wooten Activities Gives Warning Beaverton High School | A member of the paratroop di- From the Beaverton Hummer | vision gave an interesting explana Exhibit of ruintingH , » tion of training and developing para- Battleship Oregon [ chute troops at the Wenesday dinner brimi,Hns are •.nv.ding- the it- Registrdnt Required to Thirty One Collection • meeting of Beaverton Kiwanis club I Souvenirs Available Centers Listed Through Twenty-four colored productions of Have Classification in Following the meeting members: Indian paintings by Winold Reiss , , 1 1 *p: _ With Bond Purchase j niet with other business and profes I Out Washington County und their story are being exhibited in ‘ OSSeSSlOIl dt dll Times | sional men to discuss an occupational; War savings bonds will be sold tax to provide revenue for increased j A plea foi continued donations of th^ libraiy b> Marjorie l-owe. Salem. Oi , Jan 15 Start of a cam- through rural mail carriers from now expense of improved police protec J old silk and nylon hose, needed in According to Marjorie, the Indians. ,__ „.. to __ locate (or compliance or paign on .according to word teceived by H tion. Paul Patterson, city attorney, j 1 the war effort for making powder juenibers ^ of the Hluckfout j prosecution all Oregon registrants L. MacKenzie, (county bond chair presented instructive figures and | bags, was made this week by Miss t,r1 ‘ b‘“; wh‘ >* *P*n«ling the summer at | , „ ted b> local boarda tt„ delinquent* man, from state bond officials. It is facts of the method of taxation be-J nty chairman of the 1 »lacier National Park, consent to waa announced by Colonel Elmer V. Faye Nichols, count) _________ _______ pointed out that orders can be placed ing used in other towns for similar) women's division of salvage The P03* 111 ,he ,,lbal dress for artists vVooten, state director of Selective with the can iers and delivered by purpose. kind of hose wanted are all silk, all Although educated they take pnde in j S e r v i c e f o l l o w j n K a conference with them or by registered mail. 1 Those in attendance favorably ac nylon, mixtures of silk and nylon. the" trlbal customs and dancts. United States District Attorney Carl Minute Man flags are flying from cepted the suggested solution, ex-, silk and cotton and nylon cotton. I ------ — j C. Donaugh and representatives of sidewalk flbgpoles along H^lsboro pressing themselves strongly on an ' 1 hitry-one collection centers in dif- Food Problems Loom the Federal Bureau of Investigation, business streets and will be displayed immediate provision being made fo r ' fertnt sections of the county are re- Anything to eat today W ilful violators of the Selective regularly during good weather, Chair such protection and the financing of ceivlng the old hose regularly. Ap- The meat and sugar situation has Training and Service Act can expect man MacKenzie announced. A num 1 it. predation of the co-operation given become acute to the cafeteria super- speedy prosecution and stringent ber of flags have been sold and they I Mayor Masters and the council will j b\ the women of the county was vole- visor, Miss Voget. penalties. United States District At- are available from J. L. Searcy at the proceed to complete the proposed j , ed by Miss Nichols, who says the old Although the cafeteria receives an torney Donaugh has assured the Chief Justice J. O. Baile\ Commercial National hank or from plan for an occupational tax and ful llfi •. t .a* stockings am coming in nicely allotment of sugar every two months. State Director. Maximum penalty MacKenzie at his garage. These flags fillment, from suggestions offered by ministered the oath of o c* o .ov One hundred pound pounds of the mater- it is not as much as could be used, under the act is 5 years in prison can only be displayed by business or forty business m en. attending the j ernor Earl Snell Wednesday is I was sent out Tuesday she states. or $10,000 fine, or both 1 — — professional firms participating in meeting. Depots that are now ready to re Although willful violators of the the 10 per cent or more payroll de ceive collections h i p located through Proving Ground Ni*ur A act can expepet no leniency. Colonel duction plan foi war bond purchase. out the county: “ The truth will out“ in term pa- j Wooton indicated that registrants More About Our Boys The county bond organization is Beaverton Martin D iy Goods, pets written by the senior English wbo bad become delinquent only being lined up as quickly as possible Dear Friend: Barry’s Five and Ten. Walker’s De classes on topics of their own choice ; through unintentional neglect to no- MacKenzie said Tuesday. It is pint incut store. Aloha Economy I am at Camp Robert, Calif., I 1 he students will attempt to put j tify local hoards o f changes of ad- planned to have two-minute speak- thank you for the kit. Market. Sherwood Variety I have 13 Store. int„ practice what they have so fai dress or other unintentional minor eis on war bonds at both Hillsboro weeks of training here. ' Carlton & Shei k Co., Cash store learned,” said Miss Sanford, hope-1 in,actions of the law would teceive Don’t know theatres Wednesday night. 1 Tigard EJckmeyci Dress Sfriop. fully. where I will go from here. 1 less stringent treatment. Reed ’Hie Reedvtlle Grocery. Tu Battleship Oregon souvenirs are I find your kit handy in lots of "Any person who voluntarily re available at all issuing agencies and ways. Want to thank everyone for it. al.iti.i John Jut gen's Store, Tualatin Kroah In Argument will be given with bond purchases Mer. Co. j Spice in the Orientation diet comes ports to his local board during the Pvt. V. L. SM ITH through the month of January. This Co. A K4 Inf Camp Roberts, Cal. Deposits of the First Security Bank ! Salvage officials have been asked with a recent program of debate In rn.onth of January 1943 and whose program got under way December 15. at Beaverton, climbing shai ply since by dettnning plant on the Pacific the fifth period class. The subject delinquency was not willful is likely 'D ear Beaverton: organization, are well on the way to coast to educate the Oregon public is "Should all radio advertising; be to be given a chance to comply with his obligations and not be prosecut Just a line to let you know I'm OI> a million and a half dollars. Ac- 1° ^>ep on the Cans, full Weight. 1 abolished from the United States?" "In the \ and feeling fine. The army is a l-1 cording to a report to the Comptroll- thereby reducing the bulk. By this The affirmative team consists of ed," Colonel Wooten said Newspapers Giver. right but I ’d rather be back in Beav- er of Currency, as of December 31. procedure the cans have about an Bud Sayre and Wallace Branch, and event such persons have been listed Limitation Order erton again, with my folks und 1942, deposits were $1.34'> 430.82, an eighth on an inch clearance between tb,> negativ« team of Ron Shay and by the local board as delinquents but not yet reported to the United Chairman is Gwen Newspaper publishers may use in sweetheart in Beaverton and when j increase of $437.063 49 since last July. Ibe walls, which Is sufficient for de - 1 pjlwin Paxson States District Attorney, the decision This is the first time in the history tinning purposes This also will re- ; Smith. 1943 sufficient paper stock to pro I this war is over she and I ate gett- will rest with the local board. duce his net paid circulation plus 3 • ing married and I'm going to fight of a Beaverton bank that deposits duce the transportation cost as it will Colonel Wooton stated that assist- all I can for freedom too Good by have topped the million mark, which permit greater weight in the ^ar. Soph Debate Tournament per cent spoilage allowance, the War I The sophomore ______ touina ance of newspapers and radio had V debate Production Board has announced, ef for now. I'll be back again with ail is a record for a community of its ment is in its second week with the b*en ehsted in the hopes of locating fective January 1st. Support Given Victory first debate having been held last "tany 1 egistrants now listed as delin- The Printing and Publishing Divi Wednesday. quent but whose delinquency was jj- G a .o e n s at S a tu r d a y sion of W PB estimates that the order Hq Co 3td Bat 56th a i r APO- 262 -U D S. Army, Camp Campbell Ky. BfOwn-Horton Wedding Debating on the first day were Ptobably unintentional and consisted will effect a reduction of approxim Hillsboro Meeting 1 1 al Nelson and Robert Bacon, nffir chiefly ° r forgetting to report a Event of January 8th ately 10 per cent in current consump a igainst Eugene Anderson change of address to local boards The marriage of Miss R. i Victory garden conference to mative tion of print paper, but stressed the Dear Sirs: iv. Jean e ■■«in " A ■ v iiiim . v i"ii'ii vunierence , , , V . «.■ Onlv hv immediately contacting I'm in the signal corps, like it fine Horton of Portland, and Fi 5-irst Lt coo. dinoto the launching of the pro-■ am’ Jack negative; Norman fact that this was an over-all estimate can registrants suspect- for the industry and by no means Thanks for the help in making my Gene L. Brown of Beaver ton. was gram for 1943 in Washingtoi county B,eakman ,ind Keith C" ,,k' negative; °cai noatus delinquency hope to clear Sincerely solemnized Friday, Januar y 8. at was held at Hillsboro January 9th. ! Charles Haberly and Bill Gaither, j meant that each publisher would be transfer. substitutes | themselves, he pointed out. prrts Pvt. LEO J EI/SEN Westminister Presbyterian church in re 1’aimer S. Tor vend, county cut 10 per cent. Under the order Debates, held once a week at noon Beginning February 1, 1943, delin- Rev. Perry Hopper offi- age [ e * . ) t . ______ ________ _ _ peopl** Evidence that _ more ■ume publishers will be cut more and Co. D 5 Bn* SORTC, Camp Hohle. Portland. ciated wlir he I rile reefed in growing a ga.- ‘n Roun‘ 15- w l'l huve sealed de-'quent registrants can expect law en- some less, depending upon how they Sacramento. Calif ------------ A reception was held in the chapel den and helping provide their home c*s'ons he revealed on the final forcemeat officers to ("crack down use their allotment of print paper, was ** was indicated by Colonel 1 Draft Board: afterwards and the young couple left food supply for the coming year w as; daV- bard' a mattei entirely up to them. ! Wooten “ In time of war even uu- Have been shipped on a long hard j for coast cities and Eugene to visit shown by the discussion. At the j --------------- V— i intentional shirking of a prime duty 'trip. W e are now at our training friends, where the groom attended meeting members of farm organlza-| ° ° r sh,,w rreaenltxl center. I am stationed with the ar- University of Oregon. They left tions, garden and service clubs, youth „ 1 n!,ron* of Npn,lel s Inn on New of citizenship is reprehensible, and u W ar Bond Buying mored division which is considered for Fort Benning, Ga , to make their organizations. and other agencies ^ eal s k' ve saw H complete floot deliberate attempt to evade servio« Real Opportunity the best in the army outside the air home there. added their encouragement and sup 3,’ ow by Beaverton high students for fhe nation cannot he condoned." corps The more I see of it the bet- Beaverton people attending the port to the Victory garden program Main show of the evening was ( olonel Wooten declared, By L. M. Graham, president Wash ter I like it. Thanks for drafting wedding included: Mr. and Mrs for 1943 Generai methods of pro- 1>'rk Lindsey and his orchestra play- i n connection with the new re ington County Bar Association quirement that a registrant have me None of the other Beaverton Lee Richey, Mr. and Mrs Pat By moting the program were discussed | inK f,f’ m * 30 t0u° n,e ° C ° , are down here. Were any field, Mr. and Mrs. Osfield and Jan- by the group and their recommenda- 'v th th,‘ orchestra was Marion notice of classification in his posses For many months now I have boys here pi e -' ice. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hunkapiller, tions and suggestions for carrying kmdaey. sion, Colonel Wooten urged regis- heard ■some citizens of Washington I Heavertoit boys stationed The B.V.D dance team, consisting ; tranla between 18 and 4S tQ ob£ ln Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, and Mr. out the plan were divided into sever- county say, “ We want to help win viously? of Lauren* Mayfield and Nornm Rlsh- dupUcate classification notices from Private E W. VAN HORN and Mrs. Carl Klinge. Gaston, Ore. nl sub headings. the war ,but what can we do? Give op presented a comio dance number. lx)Cal b,)al(U if the originals have —V -------- us a goal to shoot at, and we will Co. B 10th Bn A F R TC Fort Knox. Lenience Mayfield gave an Impel son- logt A1, registrants have been U. S. Army. Ky. attain it." In announcing the War Oregon 18-year-old Maxine Cady Receives ation of a man riding a congested (.la88lfjp(, w„ h , hp exception of the V Bond quota Campaign ,the treasury Portland trolley car. John Tennant j ^ y HRI oltlB who registered during Registration 4973 Melvin Smith has a new rating High Grade Average department has given us that goal sag the popular song Der Führers|the lattel. pa, t o { Decpmbe|. University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan —for our pocketbooks. Yet we are that of Sergeant. Legist i at ion of Oregon youths who Face. V 115 Maxine E. Cady. University of t V, ,7, not asked to give anything. We are 18 years of age since last Corporal Ruvie Campbell of Camp Oregon student from Beaverton, re permitted to make a loan at com I N O TIC E TO REG ISTRAN TS: Hood.' Texss ¡a .¿n d 7 „/ . l . d.y Ä Ä ? d O -jji.n Onl/nnldl pound interest, and to the soundest s are re -1 1. A Government Appeal Agent, boi rower in the world Uncle Sam. 31. totaled 4973, it was announced I minded that Oregon commemorates and in most instances an Associata placing her on the fall term honor Each time you buy a War Bond, Mrs. A. V. Butts Friday by Colonel Elmer V. Wooten, the Old Oregon Trail Centennial j Government Appeal Agent, has been - -----------A * - ---- - ¡roll, Clifford L. Constance, assistant . toll, f'lifford you need not imagine yourself a hero state director of selective service. 1843-1943 appointed for each local Selective lieutenant ijg ) George W. Will, registrar, announced this week. or a sacrificial lamb. You are, In The registration was carried o u t1 In 1843i the first American civil Service hoard. o f 2958 students at the university fact, doing your share, and many of 6810 S W Canyon crest, recently com- over a period of three weeks government was founded west of th e! 2 . Any registrant may _______ ___„. without you will do it at the price of person missioned as it naval reserve officer, fall term 153 made the honor roll, a Izater in that year a g rea t; charge, obtain from these officers al comfort and desires But you is scheduled to complete an indoc record slightly higher in proportion ,f APP>ox,mat‘,,y 3" P“ r cent of 1548 Rockies new 1 egistrants. are lesidents wagon train crossed the country to advice as to their rights under Se- should think of your bond purchase trination course at the naval train to enrollment than that of a year of Multnomah county | re-enforce the Provisional govern- lective Service Law and Regulations ing school at Tucson. Arizona. ago, Constance said The fall term in these terms: The sixth registration will bring ment of the Oregon Count! y. | and, where necessary, obtain assist- — V ---- 1941, honor roll, showed 177 names in “ I am storing up funds against the the number of Oregon registrants to Because of these two history-shap- nnce in taking appeals Dear friend: comparison to an emollmet of 3444 future. I am buying a job for the Thanks for Christmas card just re- Fifteen students this year earned more than 385,000 but only about half ¡ing events the American flag flies 3. Thit names and addresses of future, checking inflation and hold that, number are within the eligible over the shores of the Pacific, ceived Have been in Pennsylvania straight A's, of four-point GPA's. these officers for this local board are ing down war costs, assuring an edu military age limits. No future group | The library has many books on as follows: two weeks and certainly miss the . x -----------v cation for my children And above registration will be held, since y o u n g Oregon history fiction and non-flc-' warm Florida sun. It was down to all, I am lending money to an insti •re to regiatol on tbeil 18th tion that me available for student iiul ’ ■ Patterson, Government Ap- 4 deg a few days after my arrival, | Beaverton Girl Pledged tution in which I believe, which I Oregon. Eugene. Jan birthday in MOOrdaace with a dlfec M 4 I |,,a.1 A- ,n ' Hillsboro, Oregon. then it snowed and stayed cold for aj Unlversity know, will use that money for the Felshet. University o f tlve is.-aicd by the president -----V ---- Mamma H Tongue, Associate Gov week, then it turned to slush for a 15- -Connie ernment Appeal Agent, Hillsboro, very end I desire—victory over the Oregon student from Beaverton, re Washington County registered 174 Forest Grove Wins Opener Oregon few days, and now it is raining forces of oppression in the world.” Harrisburg'"la'Thi capltar'and” about centJy pledged Sigma Kappa, wo Let us think of War Bonds as an the size of Salem, only everything is mpn ■ so<,ial *>rortty More Women Jurors F !?m B a r t o n Basketeers Local Board No. 1, Washington opportunity rather than a duty. * Beaverton high school basketeers County, Manning Bldg .Beaverfton, quite old. The capital is a huge old- | The total number of girls pledging _ When we do. we can be sure we will lost the game Friday with Forest Oregon. style building erected soon after the sororities at the end of the wintei term r O r e c a s t for 1943 not only meet our Quota, we will Civil Wai Jury lists in 1943 are likely to in -, Grove 20 to 17. Thid was winners ' _ A tall column in center rush week totaled 26, accoiding to re beat it. Registrants with Local Board No of the main street was elected in leases from the dean of women's elude more women than in previous opening game for the Tualatin-Yam yeats. members of the Washington hill Valley conference basketball^ Washington. County, whose order 1869 to men who had been killed in offlce- V county court announced as the championship. I numbers a r e No. 11605 to No 11674 the war. They may have to tear it Beaverton Rebekahs natiip» were being drawn from the ............. —V ................ - ■ inclusive. down and build a new one after this Health Board Reports Rationing Board Opel. war. Report of the Oregon State Board Install Officers There have been this day mailed to The clet k's office this week started My work here is interesting and I of Health for the week ending Janu The Beaverton Rebekah lodge No. you Questionnaires which you are re- Days a Week sending notices to women that their o lX 248 held their installation of new am kept busy. In fact. I have had no ary 10th shows Washington county hav« been drawn fot the jury The Rationing Board at Beaverton' by /', l' ' ' lve T ,a *n' nk an<l movies and the with 41 rases of measles, 1 pneumon officers. The following were in free evenings foi list which includes 1000 names of will be open to the public six days a Serv‘°* Act of ,{M0 to a"<l like. ! ia. 5 chickenpox, 8 mumps. 1 syphilis stalled: Noble Grand May New return within 10 days from date both men and women. week from 10 a. m to 3 p in each If any selectees want to make a ____________» ____________ comer; vice giand -I/aura B uffam ; Notice of being Included on the day This conformity of hours will j hereof. Word was received this week by secretary Sarah Walker; treasurer — good score on the GCT test given all Failure to complete and return jury list means only one name may eliminate future confusion. Edna Sheets, R S. N G Rose Stev entrants, so they will have a better Mrs. Miller of Hazeldale that her b« drawn and tfow BOt afng y --------------- f®®1 Questionnaire is an offense pun ens: L S. N G. Adeline Frost; R. chance to be selected for Officer's daughter. Mrs. Buster Rhinehatdtat called foi Jury service Women have D J R u v e rs A tte n tio n Ishable by Imprisonment and fine Macy s Juneau, Alaska, was the mother of a the option of rejecting Jury service 8. V. G. Myrtle Hardman: L. S. V. School, tell them to send .. . * , . , Any registrant whose order number Store in N Y and get ‘ Army GCT hany boy <Donny Javl horn at Saint if they so desire < , El l en 11 : To * purchasing defense |a included above and who seeks a Ann's hospital. Dec. 22. 1942 He is Chambeilain condig tress Thelma Test No. 1" at $1.50 I believe V _ bonds of any denomination there is s deferred classification, may, within 5 Yours. : thr second child, a daughter is now Newcomer: chaplain Frankie Butts; ’ ►•*' battleship Oregon ,|ay, froln the date hereof. luhm.t FOREST L L L O RR Lt TH U R LO W W EED • 1 year old. I G Ida Harris; O G. Bertha W il-, Forest Lee Ot r. 20 months old son available at the local postoffice ploper affidavits to this Local Hoard. ---- ------------V---------------- Box *31. Harrisburg. Pa P O son: musician—Fern Haze. of Mr and Mrs James Orr of Huber, Come in. buy a bond and get yours. | pje may submit such affidavits in the ---- ----------- V— ------------- Congratulations are being rent to is th<- ‘ invitation being sent out to space provided in his Questionnaira P N G Doris Rady was presented in a fish pond Sunday, It Is !" V* Mr and Mis Gurnie Wilmoth <Ger- drowned ____ , local folks Move Over Senator! or submit them separately. Af^r other with her past noble grand pin and a reported ° r I*>b«nn Ndrtt “ qualified person seeking deferred lovely gift from the lodge Although legisiators_ xvho ~ received ,r,1'i*“ Ma,zk‘" Neighbor children had been play-1 Caiolina. on the birth of a son. Da only $3 a day In previous sessions Receives Foreign Money c l a r i f i c a t i o n for the registrant shall There were 30 guests present. are now being paid $8 a day thev are vid Franklin, on Jan 6 OO the IOC of tho pond when trying M l« Thelma Dowglalio A S S sill 11,0 Form 4] (Claim for Deferred ----------------V---------------- ---------- A --------------- not "prezacly living the life o' R i to teach the toys the strain on the prised to teceive an envelope of pa- Classification by Dependent, Employ- HI KT W II.I.IA M H A R M S ley" The cspitol is crowded As Announcement top«- tied mound him caused It to per money Thursday morning The *r- or Other Person), or other appli- Burt William Baines of Hillsboro. sembly of the Oregon Legislature at Florence Miller arrived home to- become untied was cable forms available at th* office of It ls believed that money, sent by her husband, Oregon, superintendent of schools Salem. Is. in one respect at least, like day. and « ill have Beauty Salon the shock of the cold water brought from Southwest Pacific countries and, Ibis Local Board. for Washington county, died January Washington D C . it is easier to get open from no« on W ill tie glad to • • ith. the parents said, for they had Is arousing much interest around the Failure o f the regietrant or any II Husband of Minnie W Barnes. a job here than it 1 » to get a room »have my friends and customets call been on the othei side of the house. Greyhound Coffee Shop other person concerned to exerciee Hillsboro; father of Warren Burt of Restaurants ate full even between Thursday. Jan 21. 9 a m till 6 p heard him scream and tan to hia — V • " ny f*kht or privilege within the Forest Grove; survived by 5 grand meal hours When a Job hunter (and m Vesta Rutherford from Hills- rescue GF.NFROLH RESPONSE time authorised by the Selective Ser- children and also survived by the they are rare birds herei ask a legis- boro, will have truly new spring The funeral was held Tuesday at 3 Mrs M C McKercher. T B. Seal v*c* Regulation# or within an exten- following stepmother. Mrs 8. 8 lator fot a position the reply is sure dresses on display at my place p ni In charge of W E Peru Con- Sale chairman for the Beaverton »ton ° f time granted by the Local Barnes. Salem; 3 brothers and 1 sis to he D<> you kn » when- I < Riease c ome and see these quality rludirg set vires Rivervie-« cemetery community, reports an exceptionally Board, may constitute a waiver of ter. Ralph of Portland. John of Re get a place to live here in Salem "' plus low price She has half and V- -------- generous response on the local Seal «ach right or privilege. publican City. Neb ; Frank of Mc large sizes This i- an easy way to ("lean your nail file When a file Sale campaign to date. 80 that the R E U B E N W. W'EIL. Minnville. Or.; Mrs Leroy Miller of Was the prophet who forecast % save gas and money tiecomes clogged, it acts worn out reports may he made to County and Member of Local Board McMinnville, Or Il.O P .E N rE R E A L T Y SALON Bp<l needs a good cleaning t'se a State the chairman would appreciate! ~V _ Services were held at Hillsboro un ces or was it a profiteer who did the First and Watson St., acroe« from stiff little brush to clean out all ere- having all of the returns sent to her | Tell your lawyer to tend your la- ion high school Wednesday, Jan. 13 predicting? J telephone company. Paid Adv. vices, especially on the fine side, before February le t ¡**1» to this paper. Beaverton Bank Deposits Nearly IV2 Million Dollars '■*««> « ........i S ' i l » ...... - 'I A |»»B S .ÏS Â