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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1903)
HaaHBHHBaBHallKaaHHaaaBaBHHaHHMBaBHBHHlBjMaHaaHBMHHaHHaHBaaHMMaHMaMaHaa VOL V. ADVANTAGES IN EASTERN OREGON This Camp Skins Them All, Says Professor Eberman, After Visit to Other Mineral Sections. "Sumpter is good enough for nit'," la tho observation Professor Ebormau made tbiH morulng on his return from an extended trip throiiKh the mining sections of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Ho left several weeks ago, going as far east as Chicago, and returniug through thesouthwcst and California to look up certain mining interests. Professor Eberomo Ib not greatly im pressed with conditions in the south west. He says: "While I visited many Reed prop erties, the (treat darw-back in New Mexico and Arizona is the scarcity of lumber, fuel and vater for mining purposes. Tho supply of water has to be used over and over again in mining operations, and all mintug timbers have to bo shipped In from the outside. Owing to tho strlko in the Colorado coal mines, coko for the United Verde at Jerome is now being shipped from the east. TIiIh mine is magnificently equipped, and I visited many other good properties, but the scarcity of wood and wator makes operation expensive, and is the chief disadvantage with whch the country has to contend. Sborriden's retort that water and good society would muko hell n pleasant pi boo, wheu held that theso wero tho chief requirements of Texas, will apply here as for as tho water feature is cor 'erued. 1 am not so much advised as to the other requirement. "1 would not beglu to exchaugo Sumpter for any mining camp 1 visited. I believe the advantages, everything considered, to be far greater here. Things are at a stand still in Colorado on account of the strikes, which also work a hardship in New Mexico and Arizona iu the matter of coke, as I have said." Relative to the business outlook in Chicago and the middle west, Pro fessor Eberman says: "There is not much ubo going further east than Chicago on a mining proposition at present. Industiials are demoralized the and people have not yet sufficiently recovered from the panto to think of anything else. This, however, I think will iu time have a tendenoy to send money to ward mining Investments. In the middle west where the effect Is not so SUMPTER, OREGON, much felt, it is not dllltcult to in terest capital. " RICH CHUNK OF ORE FROM TABOR One of tho richest smupluH of ore yet obtained at tho Tabor fraction was brought in last night by Harry Hon dryx. It la a forty pound chunk from tho bottom of tho shaft and judged by nppearauco it is fabulously rich. What it will run iu tho absonco of an assay is, of course, a matter of conjecture, but with frco gold plus tored over it like molasses on a pan cuko, tho natural supposition is that the ore Is wonderfully rich and that an assay would go into the thousands. Tho sample is on exhibition iu tho offico of tho Uelsor-Heudryx Invest mout company. The shaft la now down 100 feet and the shoot of rich ore shows no Blgus of discontinuance, holding Us strength and valuo with depth. The sinking plant recently Installed Is Iu working order, Mr. Houdryx says. RUSHING WORK AT 1NE GOLDEN WIZARD J. M. McPhco, uuprIutondcnt of the (lolden Wizard, and Dau Kendall, who has charge of tho construction work on the new mill, loft this morn ing for the proporty Tho excavation for the foundation, they state, will be completed iu a few days and work on the buildings will bo rushed to completion in short order. Tho lumber is to bo gotten on the ground at tho earliest possiblo time. Tho machinery for tho twelve stamp Merrill mill has been ordered from San Krai olsco for early delivery, aud no time will bo lost In Mulshing tho plant wheu it arrives. E. AND E. IS AGAIN SHIPPING ORE. Two car loads of high grade ore from the E. and E. came in yesterday for shipment to the Taooma Smelter. This old and well known property so long in the class of eastern Oregon producers, but unfortunatley tied up by litigation for several years, Is again rapidly getting back to formor stand ing. The property is being put iu ship shape throughout, and the re pairs made necessary by long idleness are being cqraploted; It Is under stood, however, that no attempt will be made.tu run the mill until spring, wheu the 'mine will again be put in full blast. Jn the meantime, devel DECEMBER 2, 190$ opment work and shipments wiU bo continued. Reports from tho uiluo state that very rich ore is being encountered. HIGH VALUES AT THE VALLEY QUEEN Charles Wnrren, Jr., vlco president of tho Valley Queen company, before leaving for linker City yesterday, imparted tho informal Ion that the showing at the proporty Ib vastly hotter than ever before In Ms history. Assays of ore taken from tho No. 4 vein, which is now being drifted upon, shows average values of 8118 to the tou iu gold, silver aud copper. This is by far tho host ever encoun tered at tho Valloy Queen, and car ries out the theory that values will continue to increase as tho main ledge is approached. Heretofore there has beou a steady improvement in the quality of ore, but the rich strlko was hardly anticipated a this tlmo. , Vein No. 4 la subsidiary to the main lead and Is bolng drifted on to the confluence of tho two, where, ac cording to all precedent in mining, the richest values yet may lie ex pected. The vein has Increased in strength aud now measures over live foot iu width. Tho distance on tho vein now attained Is near 100 feet. TO START WORK AT THE PULASKI At a meeting of tho officers aud directors of the Pulaski (iold Mining aud Milling compauy, held last night in tho offices of Marr & Davidson, a contract was let to Joseph Jacobsou to continue the crosscut to the main lead of tho property, and drift both ways ou the ledge. Tho crosscut Is startod in the direction of a shaft which is down some forty feet on the vein, aud when reached It Is the pur pose to make an upralso to connect. Work will bo started tho first of the mouth, aud the present plan is to develop tho property as rapidly as possible. The oompau has nine well watered aud well timbered claims only a short distance nutsido the city, ou the lino of the projected rail road to Bourne. Tho officers present at tho meeting were, President T. W. Davidson, Treasurer It. L. Neill, aud Secretary R. A. Marr. To Visit Cable Cove Properties. T. K. Clark, of Haker City, who Is interested in tho Coustollatlon aud other Cable Cove properties, ai rived here this morning and In company with Eugene Bartbolf, who is Inter ested with him, left for the Cove. They will take a general survey of these properties.. NO. i KADISH WILL BUY ORE FOR SMELTER Arrangements Consummated That Guarantee Continuous Run. llella Knillsh was iu town today fot tho purpose of consummating u deal with the smelter mauagemoiit here that has been pending tor sonic time, and was foreshadowed in theso columns several days since. He has been autliori'cd to buy, through the sampling works In liakor City, owned by himself and leased to the smelter, all ores that are shipped to linker City. The contract further piovldos that the Oregon Reduction company, shall have the first call ou all ores that he buys. Heretofore- Mr. Kadlsh has shipped his ore to various smelters, principally to those ou Ptiget Sound. This contract nam for a long time, the exact dates of which arc not made public. (ieneral Manager Mueller, of tho smelter, reluctantly continued tho truth of the above statmentN thla afternoon; but declined to go fruther Into details; except that this ar rangement enables them to handle all tho shipping ores produced In eastern Oregon, that has heretofore been sent to distant smelters, and will provido a steady and ample supply to keep the smelter here running continu ously. There is now scarcely a doubt but what a test run will lie made at an early date; after which the slight alterations that are inevitably neces sary will be made and the plant will bo in position and condition to do its destined great work for eastorn Oregon. LOOKING AFTER A MINING PROPERTY. Kd Haggerty, of (iraud Encamp incut, Wyoming, who was here so mo time ago looking after mining mat ters, returned today from I'roscott, Washington. Mr. Haggerty is greatly pleased" with the camp, and It is his purpose to get hold of a property and develop It. He is an experienced mining man, having been formerly connected with some well kuowu properties. To Complete Assessment Work. A. W. Ellis anil Morris Hullivau left for the Ureoiibonis today to com plete the assessment work for the year on the Last Chance, a property which, they own iu conjunction.