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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1903)
COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT VALUABLE OPINION REGARDING DISTRICT. I). C. JohiiHon, formerly oro biiyor for (ha I'ligot Sound Reduction com pany locittod at Kvorott, Washington, hut now con noflted with tho Amorlcnu Hiiiulting ""'I Huflnliig company, otherwise known ns tho smoltor trust, ii mii interview with Tho Minor In regard to tho H-unptor tllntrlct Buys: "1 hiivo lionii coming to Suuiiiter for tho liiHt four or llvu yours in tho capacity of oro buyer, hikI 1 am rathitr familiar with tho district. My IiusIiiohh takt'H mo to tho vurioiiH mining (!a m m of tho country, and of course I iiiii In n poHltiou to npoiik moro or l(iHHii(lvln(xlly mutrdlng tholr relative merit and tholr future poMHlhllltloH. My oliMirvntioiiH hero lend mo to wiy that I havo ultimiito faith In tlm camp iih a good producer, mid iiiii fully convinced that it will hecmuo ouo of tho groutoxt In tho country. The mineral wealth Ih here lioyond any iiieHtloii, and tho KreatncHH of Humpter lien In IIh de velopment which Ih hound In follow in tho natural courne of evenlH. "Home (lino into, I had occiihIoii In look up the numlierof HO-ealled mining companleH iIiiIiik IiuhIiiohh In the Htalo of WiiHhlllgtnu. I found (hero woro almut 5,11(10. In Oregon (hero wero alioul r(IO. Hut ouo good prndiicer in the Humpler dlntrlct will turn out more gold than (ho entire xtato of VViiHhiiiglou. 'I'll I h Ih no dream, 1 know what 1 am tiilkiug uliiiut. Tint half Iiiih not heou (old. Kumpler Ih Hteadlly coining In (ho front, and the day Ih not far (Mutant when It will rank anions the tlrnt gold campH of the country. TIiIh Ih the I'ritlmatcl placed on the Hituatiou the llrnt time I camo here. I have heeii coUHlautly in touch with It hIiico and my vIcwh cnnci'ruiug it have undergone no change. II Ih only a ipieHtlou of time and development." Mr. .lohuHou Ih a mining man pany. train. Ho loft on thin atfernoon'H NOT TO BE BUILT BY CONTRACT. Colonel John Temple Grayson, of Portland, second of.tyo president and manager of the Alpine Con solidated Hold Mlues company, Is hero to look aftor tho construction of tho Alpine utamn mill. It was announced somo tlroo.ago that a con tract for building the plant would be lot on Ootobor 10. Colonel Gray hou states, however, that ho baa changed his plans and will not lot tho work by contract, but will do It hlniHolf. To thia end ho Iibh Hpcurod tho srevlces of Millwright Potter, of liakor City, who will suprlutond the building and placing of tho machinery. Tho work Is being hurried along iih rapidly as possible Tho matrolal Ih being assembled, and tho machlnoy transferred to tho proproty. Colonol Grayson hluiHolf loft yesterday after noon for tho scone of operations. MR. HUGHES. OF SEATTLE. VISITS THE ALAMO. ,1. W. HughoH, of Seattle, president of tho North American Gold Mlnlug company, operating tho Porcupine group, and IntorcHtod in tho Alamo, accompanied by A. K. liryiin, who Iiiih had chiirgo of tho Porcupino, returned to the Alamo OiIh morning. Mr. Ilryau, an stated a fow days ago, Iiiih HuIhIioiI IiIh ougiigumout at (lie Porcupine, and after a short stay in Seattle with IiIh family, will leave for HouduriiH on mining biiHluoHH. Mr. Hughes was well pleased with the progress of tho work at the Alamo. Tho llrnt load of machinery for the new stamp mill, ho Hinted, was hauled from Whitney today. Tho bullldings are practically completed and the machinery Ih to bo placed at once, lluth gentlemen left (IiIh afternoon for Seattle. experience, his IiunIuchh taking him to tho (intercut mining camps all over the world, and his opinions naturally carry weight with llietu. Ho Iiiih spent several days In the district In connection with IiIh com- WILL WAIT TILL LAW IS TESTED. Regarding the action of the Psyche Mining company in the matter of paying tho corporation tax levied Under tho toldy law. John P. llreen, of t treasurer of (ho company, and a well known attorney of Omaha, says: "Wo havo not paid the tax and we do not propose doing so until tho constitutionality of (lie law is tested. The concensus of legal opinion is that the law is unconstitutional, ami IN THE RICH GREENHORNS ARE LOCATED THE PROPERTIES OF THE Smuggler Gold Mining Company Nearly 1,000 Feet of Development Work, Tumult, Shafts, and Crou cult ruve Proven a Contmunui Ore Body tor a Lengih of 3,00 Feet. The Ore Assays From $4 to $150 per ton, and In Place the Vein rs 48 Feet Wide WE WANT TO SELL 100.000 Share, of Treasury Stock at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Per Snare, to Install a Sinking Plant. J For Full Information Regarding This Really Gill-Edged Proportion, Address ELI ROWLES, - Fiscal Agent 409 Hayden Building, Columbus, Ohio. Or SMUGGLER GOLD MINING COMPANY SUMPTER, OREGON. that the amounts levied against the several corporations doing business Id the state cannot bo legally collected. lee Creaml Ice Cream! On, and each day after May 1st the renowned Hazelwood Ice Cream and Ico Cream Soda will be had at Sturglll's. 10 cents a dish, 25 cents per pint. NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer cantile company. Notice Is hereby given that a meet ing, of the stockholders of the Little Ciacker Gold Mining and Milling company will be held In the office of the company at Sumtper, Oregon, November 5, 1003, at the honr of 10 o'clock, a. m. to elect officers for the ensuing year and transact any other business that may come before said meeting. D. E. W1LLARD. Secretary. How to Get Interest If you wish to deposit money for a specified time and get interest, bring it to tins bank and take one of our Time Certificates BANK OF SUMPTER SUMPTER, OREGON . P. GOSS, I'retlJent and Cashier SYDNEY S. Foster. Aisl. Caihler Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of iiopular novels, the leading periodical!! and a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor (eiT) OF SUMPTER Capital Stock - $25,000 Surplus, $500 OFFICERS J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, R. H. MILLER H. S. DURGAN Prasldan - Vice- President Cashier Assistant Cashier Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business OREGON SMELTING AND REFINING COMPANY J BUYERS OF GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER ORES, CON CENTRATES, PLACER GOLD, BULLION AND AMALGAM Sumpter, Oregon ?&& &r-