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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1903)
VOL. V. TROLLEY NEEDED. Crush Yesterday Between Here and Bourne, Near Half-Way House. HERE IS AN OPENING. Twelve Teams in Less Than Half Hour Piled Ip Last Chance Boiler Stuck Shows a Heavy Traffic Opening For an Electric Road To Cracker Creek and Cable Cove. Late yesterday iifternoon the Last Cbanco boiler which is being hauled to tho property not stuck just boyoud tho Half Way house, on tho liuuruo road, and for the space of half an hour whllo tho hitch lasted, traffic wns greatly impeded. M. E. Uaiu. who was returning from tho Cablo Cove district and was a witness to the scone, says: "This littlo incident furnishes a flood text for tho necessity of better transportation facilities botwoeu Sumpter and tho Curcker Crook and Cable Cove districts. Whilo tho jamb lasted, and it was only half an hour, no less than a dozou teams wore caught In it and bad to wait till the boiler could pass on and they could Ret around It. Take this brief period as basis for calculating the dally traffic over this pieco of road, and you can form sonio idea as to its immensity, scores of wagons, loaded with oro, concentrates and mine supplies pass over this road overy day. The traffic is exceptionally heavy, It is daily increasing, and will continue to increase with tho development of theso important mlu lug districts. It is generally known that the rates for hauliug are not tho lowest, and in fact consid ering tho character of the road can not be made very low, by teamsters who are iu the custom business. "The situation demands better transportation facilities. Here is an opening for some enterprising man with money to get in and build an electric line. It would not only greatly aid in the development of MlMMMBMMHBBMMMMMMBMMWMWMMWMMMMMiMMMBpWMMMMMMWMMMWlMWBMMIiM SUMPTER, OREGON, OCTOMBER 14, 1903. the mineral resources of these districts but it would prove a paying Investment to its owners." LAST CHANCE BOILER STUCK ACAIN TODAY. Tho Last Chance pooplo are huviug trotiblo with getting their boiler delivered at tho property. Last night with twolvo horses attached tho bollor stuck near tho Half Way hoiiBO. In n short timo tho heavy frolght was extricated, and moved on. A roport today states that further on tho bollor again stuck lu tho mlddlo of tho road, and a way had to bo made around It to let other teams turn out. WORK BEGUN ON BLUE BIRD MILL. O. C. Wright, president and general manager of the Hluo Bird, loft today to start tho construction of tho mill to be erected at ouco on tho property. The grading for tho foundation has already been completed and tho con struction of tho buildings and tho Installation of tho niuchinory will procoed at ouco. The Illno Uird plant Is to bo n hundred ton concen tration with Sturtevant rolls, and all modern equipment. When completed it will bo among tho best and most complete plants in tho district. A largo force has been eugaged for tho building of tho mill and work will be rapidly carried to completion. TO GET UNDER RICH SHOOT AT ADELENE Warren Cable, superintendent of tho Adolene in the Cable Cove district regarding tbo work at tho property states that tho lowor crosscut he thinks is now within seven or eight feet of the vein. It is his purpose when tho lead Is encountered to drift a dlstauco of some S00 feot lu order to got under the rich oro shoot shown on tho surface. This shoot shows somo very phenomenally high values, on the surface, Mr. Cable states, and with dopth a rich oro body may Ihi expooted. The property is being got in shape for wiuter operations. VEINS PROBABLY MEET. M. E. Bain, who cume in from the Overland in the Cable Covn district, states that the pay streak which showed fifteen inches in the shaft a ' few days ago has widened to four feet and only oue wall has been encountered. It was thought that tho hanging wall had been readied but it looks as if thoro Is a contluouco of two veins, aud tbo oxtout of tho oro body is not known, but it 1b vory much more than expooted. SCANMA TUNNEL. W. Wado, superintendent of tho 8c and In Tunnol iu tho (irimlto district, returned from tho prop roty yesterday. Tho long crosscut Is now In 2,J0 feot with about 8(10 foot further to drivo before encounter ing tho main load. Iu driving tho dlstuuco mentioned, several small veins wero cut, which will bo drifted on later. Tho main ledgo shows a width of from eight to fourteen feot ou tho surface, carrying good values. Tho crosscut will giro a - doptrrof over 1,200 feet. ALAMO TEN STAMP MILL IS GOING IN. All tho machinery for tho Alamo ton-stamp mill has been delivered at Whltuoy aud Superintendent Mo Uuiagii was iu tho city today to ongago teamsters to transfer It to tho property. Tho buildings have been practically completed, Mr. Mcdulguu states, aud work is now proceeding ou the tramway. The sawmill, installed a milo from tho ml no to cut lumbor for tho buildings, is to bo moved nearer tho property aud will bo used to get out mining timbers as thoy are needed. SHIPPING $200 ROCK FROM BEAR GULCH. Camp aud Wado havo arranged to work their Boar (lulch property, lo cated a milo and a half boluw town, on a 7ory much largo scale than here tofore Today thoy put ou two full shifts of men aud will soon bo In polstlou to ship twenty-five tons. Johu Arthur, of the Sumpter Sampling Works was at tho mine yesterday .and estimated that thoy can sort the oro and select that amnuut that will run 8200 a ton. Tho smoltors aro all anxlousfto got this rook, becauso of tho fact that It carries a large per cent of limo. Several parties havo boon trying to buy the property of late, but this now move would indicate that Camp and Wade will operato it themselves. NO. 6. WELL PLEASED Nebraska Man Visits the Cracker Greek District A GREAT MINING GAMP. Mr. Cross, of Lincoln, Thinks Camp Best in Country Talks About Golconda, Cracker Eagle and Cracker Summit Good Work at These Properties. 1. A. McLaughlin, secretary of tho Killen, Warner, Stewart company and A. Cross, of Lincoln, Nebraska, returned last night from a trip to tho Cracker Creek district. This is Mr. Cross's llrst visit to tho camp and ho Is well pleased with what ho saw. Ho says: "I find the mining situation hero vastly better than 1 expected to find It. I was at tho Cracker Summit, Cracker Kaglo and (lolcouda. At tho Cracker Summit tho strength of the vein is well displayed by drifts and I consider this u very promising property. The Cracker Kaglo people are encountering highly mineralized stringers of quartz, and there Is every appearance of the vein's being broken into. The Cracker Summit Is having cabins prepared, and doing prospect aud assessment work ou tho south end of the claims, getting ready for continuous whiter work. Tho drift is now iu over (100 feet showing an ore body twenty feet iu width. "I found tho (lolcouda particularly active, and was greatly impressed with this property. I have visited many other mining rumps in tlilu country, aud so much as I have seen of tho Sumpter camp It compares most favorably with the others I havo seen." IN FROM VALLEY QUEEN. Tom C, dray Is iu from the Valley Queen today ou busiuess. The drift on vein No. 4, he states Is showing up well. Tho face now shows tho vein to bo thirty-six inches carrying 12 1- 0 ore on an average. Mr. dray is just I n 'on a flying trip aud will return ut once. FOUR LOADS OF MACHINERY. Four louds of heavy machinery weut out to tho Alpine yesterday. Tho company Is pushing work towurd tbo installation of its twenty-stamp mill.