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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 1 2, 1903 il .1 The SumDter Miner PUIILISHEI) BVBRV WEDNtJUAY BY JAMES LOOIE T. 0. r.WVNNIi. EDITOR Entered t the pottofflce In Sumpter. Oregon, (or tranmilin through the millt teconJ cl matter. iUHSCUII'TION RATES One Year ... Sin Month ,$9 00 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. Ol HUM. PAPER OP Till: CITV OI! SUMPTER This week has brought tint biggest hunch of KiiHternurs to tin camp tlmt Iihh been not; 1 1 hero ut miy nnu tiinu dur ing tint h'Hhoii. They camu hcru at thu instance of llio various niiniiiK llrniH to investigate properties nr to look after interests already acntiircd. The mini belonging to lilt! latter class who !h ills Hiitlsllcd Vk it li hiit nt'iiiiiltion iiimI Ih ready to let go, Ih yet to lie (omul. On t lie oilier hiintl, in almost every instance holdings hiivtt Ih'cii inereiiHed, while the iitiwt'omiir without exception Ih IllOst en thusiastic, Hlltl invt'MlH IiIh money with 11 reiidineHH which heHitnktt IiIh fuitli in the district. Tint Kastcrncr, thousands of iiiIIoh from tint iit'tuiil sconu of mining opera tioiiH, Iiiih of necessity totlepend largely tlM)ii thu Htlvit'ii hiiiI word of ol hern, says thu Daily Milling Itocord. An unserup iiIoiih or tiniiiforiiied iuformaut putM him on tint wrong track. Tint Kastcrncr IIiIh mid hit bImo kuowH tlmt it Ih more iutmrtaut that ho thoroughly in vestigate IiIh source of iuforiiiatiou than thu proMiHlion hit thinks of going into. A ritliahltt iiiforiuaiit may roxrt adverse ly on a prospect which aftitrwaril devel oped into a Then again, hit may report fuvoralily, hut in good faith, tiMin a fake, l-'or the iuohI part, tint man who follow m the advice of a rellahle guide Iuih tint satisfaction of knowing that hit look a fair business rink, even though IiIh inveHtnieiit pro veil a failure and thin ih all tint average inventor nt tpilros. Them would Hi'eui, in thin con nection, to Ut a ureal neceHMlty for min ing hureaiiH, designed for thodisscmiiui lion of rellahle information. These, should 1st organized in all tint iuiHirtant mining centers. Tney Hhould Ihi puhlie institutions, run in tint interest of no one mini, net of men, mining company or mining companion. They hhould Ih (roe frotn political iiitliiouce; main tallied upon the highest Htaiidaril for houcllllng tint puhlie generally. Such institutions would prove invaluahle to thu inventing puhlie iih well us tending to rid tho sections they represent from tint harmful influence of fake concerns. IMPERIAL SHIPPING. Btwn Sixty and Stvtntv Tons Sot lo Sumpter Smelter. Captain Paul, mtperiuti'iulent of thu lmKrial, in tint Cuhlu Cove district, wiih here yesterday looking after ore ship inenlH, Thu Imperial in shipping right along to thu ninelter and han bouu for some time. Hot ween ttixty and seventy-live tons of ore Iihh accumulated. It is high grade 11 tuff which will average from fiV to 7o to the ton. Lawn Party. Tho lawn party given under thu aim plcen of thu Methodist church on thu lawiiH of Mend a m on Kahler and Neil I Monday evening wan in every way a success. Thu ladien roalizotl f :t5.2.". OREGON MONARCH LOOKING WELL Vice President Sieg, of Killen Warner Stewart Company Visits Property. Charles II. .Sieg, of New York, vice president of the Killen Warner Stewart company, watt at thu Oregon Monarch a fuw days ago and reports this property looking exceptionally flue. Thu winze being sunk on thu first vein encountered in thu long crosscut is in ore thu full width, which hat every indication of be- inn high grade. This vein is over seven feet witlu and thu values and width are increasing with depth. Thu crosscut is now in 1,-100 feet. In driving this distance seven Reed veins went cut. This crosscut is huing driven for thu Golden Monarch lead of the Ited Hoy, which will probably ho encounter ed he fore long. It has already heoli car ried further than was at first thought necessary, as thu vein Ih dipping away to the west. Whilo in this particular thu management has had to expend more work than was anticipated when operations weru started, thu fact that seven other good veins have leen en countered more than pays for thu unex pected length of thu crosscut. These veins will he thoroughly opened ttpafter thu main lead is cut. Thu crosscut gives a depth of I MX) feet under thu apex of thu hill. Thu inanagemunt is highly pleased over the showing the property is mak ing, and Superintendent Moffett will push development work iih rapidly as M)ssihlu. E. & E. TO RESUME Hoisting Plant Received and Preliminary Work Begun. It is understood that operations are to In resumed at thu K. it K. in a short time. A small hoisting plant has been received and contracts, it is stated, let for H.OOO cords of wood. Sueriutitudunt Thomas took charge of thu proNtrty somo time ago, and it wasstatetl at thu time that preliminary work toward gutting thu propurty in shape foroperatiou was to begin. Slnco then thu matters in litigation have beun settled, thu fatuous old mine passing hack to thu control of Jonathan Ilournu. WORK AT BEAR GULCH. Will Reach Ledge in About Two Weelr, Il Is Thought. At thu Hear Gulch property where thu strike in limestone was made re cently, the crosscut is now alxmt twenty live feet distant from the ledgu. This will give ii depth of about tlfty feet. Mr. Camp thiiiKs hu will reach thu vein In about two weeks. Thu run of ore from the overllow gave satisfactory results at thu Sumpter Sampling Works. Speaker at Mining Congress. The following persons have consented to read paH'rs or deliver addresses be foro thu next meeting of the American Mining Congress. The list is incom plete and other names will be added from time to time: Franklin It. Car pouter, Denver, Colo. ; Nelson 11. Dar ton, Washington, D. C. ; Chas. W. Mer rill, Lead, S. D.; Dr. J. K. Todd, Vermillion, S. I). ; K. W. Parker, Wash- ington, I). C. ; Prof. C. If. Fulton, State , School of Mines, Hnpld City, S. I). ; J. D. ' Irving, Washington, 1). C; C. C. ' O'Hurra, Itapld City, S. I).; John Hlatchford, Terry, S. D.; Prof. J. A. Holmes, Chief Department Mines and Metallurgy, St. Louis Kxpoeition, St. Lou's, Mo. ; C. K. Van Dozen, Nevada. Eastern Representatives Expected. Warren Cahlu, superintendent of tho Adclenu group, on Hock creek, is in the city today. Hu says that ho expects tho eastern reprusuutat ves of the company hero in the course ol a week. He thinks arrangements will be made for a mill when they arrive. EX-MEMBERS OF CONGRESS HERE President of Cracker Highland Thinks Well of Camp. Hon. G. A. Mathews, of Brooking, South Dakota, who was a delegatu from tho territory to thu Fifty-First Con gress, arrived in thu city a few days ago to look after the Cracker Kaglu property, of which hu is president. A good lot of development work has boon completed on this property. This com prises about 800 feet of tunnels. Mr. Mathews is well pleased with thu dis trict. He says: "Ah a matter of course, my first inter est was to tnko in thu Cracker Eagle. Thu development work in this meets my approval. Generally shaking, the Sumpter district presents grent Kpsibll ities. With tho judicious expenditure of capital, I am fully persuaded that the natural conditions hero afford tho mak ing of one of thu greatest mining dis tricts in the country. It is all a matter of capital and development. The mill oral resources aru hero." New Restaurant. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. M. Grant, formerly in charge of thu Hotel Sumpter dining room, hnvu taken thu old Hinihol stand on Mill street, changing its name to the Palacu Restaurant. Thu pluco hits been thoroughly renovated and everything Ih up-to-date. All the latest novelties in Neill Mercantile company's. hats a Special Round Trip Rates. Hetwoon Juno 4th and August 2Cth Tho Illinois Central will sell round trip tickets from Oregon and Wash Ington points to Chicago, Cairo, Memphlss and New Orleans ut Greatly Jtcducod Rates. Tiukotri good for three months. Going limit tun days. Returning limit ton days after starting west. Stop ovor privileges olthor wuy, west of thu Missouri Rlvor. Sale dates tiro ariuuged to be con venient for delegates to convoutionu of National Educational Association ut Doston; Elks at Haltlmoro; Wood men ut Indianapolis; Eagles at Now York; Shrluora ut Saratoga; Knights of Pythius nt Louisville and Com mercial Travelers ut Indianapolis. You cau tako your choice of Six teen different routes. Write- us. Wo will cheerfully giro yrti any de tailed information you want. H. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent, 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. L THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET 7S" AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON ...THE CAPITAL HOTEL... EUROPEAN PLAN RATES '. SI TO. SI. SO RIR DAY FRCC BUS TO &. FROM TRAINS NO CHINAMEN CMPLOVCD A. J. DENNY, Prop. PHILBRICK & FENNER MINING 4 CIVIL CNCINCCR8 U. S DEPUTY MINERALSURVEYORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 4, 4, BANK OF SUMPTER BLDO. SUMPTER, OREGON. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and inde pendent paper, devoted to the inter est of mining and current events, which is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of the papers in thu east aru, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 32 BROADWAY, NKW YORK . AMERICAN MINING NEWS t IS THE ONLY 8EN1INE HIMIMQ NEWSPAPER IN THE CAST Officials ol tin Mattoial ftmrimint iKftjniie it at an AuUwritr. No one interested in mining can afford to be without it. i Sample free if you mention the ouoiiidii allien. Published every Saturday by AMERICAN MINING NEWS GO. a n nroauway, aw iorx. -f &.ysysysv3