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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1903)
Wednesday, August q, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER ORDINANCE NO. 198. An ordinance providing for the incur ring of an indebtedness by the City of Sumpter, iu Baker County, Oregon, of 815,000 for the purpose of constructing a sewer system iu accordance with tho map aud draw ings thereof, entitled: "Map of sewer system of the City of Sump tor, "and specifications thoreof on titled "Specifications for Sumpter sewer system," prepared by C. H. Fenuer, City Engineer, and which are now on file in the office of the Recorder of the City of Sump eor, and providing for tho sale of bonds of the City of Sumpter, in Baker County, Oregon, to the amount of said sum of 815,000 for said purposes and provldo for the time and manner of tho sale of said bonds. . The City of Sumpter does ordain as follews: Sec 1, That an Indebtedness of 815,000 bo incurred by the City of Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, for tho purposo of establishing aud con structing a sower systom in said City of Sumpter in accordanco with tho map and drawings thereof, entitled "Map of sower systom of tho City of Sumpter," aud tho specifications thereof, entitled: "Specifications for Sumpter sower systom," prepared by C. II. Founor, City Eugiuoor, all of which aro now on fllo iu tho oftlco of the City Recorder of tho City of Sumpter, Baker Couuty, Oregon, and aro horoby referred to aud mado a part of this ordinance Soc. 2. That said City of Sumpter, Baker Couuty, Oregon, bo bonded for said sum of 815,000 for tho purposo of providing fuuds for con structing said sower system as horelnboforo designated. See. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Sumpter shall immediately proouro blank bonds of suitable design, and cause tho same to be pro perly filled out lu amouuts of 8100 each, or any multiple thoreof, up to 81,000, each of said bonds to boar date 1003, and to bo mado payable lu payments nf Ouo Thousand Dollars yearly uutil tho said sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars is paid. Said bonds to bear interest at tho rate of six per cent por anuum from said date thereof, said interest to be paid semiannually, principal and Interest on said bonds to be paid at the oftlco of the City Treasurer of the City of Sumpfer, iu Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, when duo, said bonds to be issued on said 1003. Sec. 4. That said bonds shall bo plaood lu tho hands of tho City Treasurer of the City of Sumpter, who shall keep a register in which shall be entered by him tho uumber and amount of such bonds and tho date of the issue tnoroof and tho name of the person to whom issued. Sec. 5. That said bonds aud each thereof shall be signed by the Mayor and Recorder of the City of Sumpter under their name of office at the time of their issuance. Sec. 0. That the expense of mak ing any estimates of the coat of said sewer system and the expenses of making any estimates under said bond Issue, shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, and the same shall be deemed a part of the expense of said sewer system. That said sewer system shall be con structed and said improvement made as soon after the issuance of said bonds as practicable, and within one year from the date thereof. Said sewer system and said Improvement is to be made by contract let to the lowest responsible bidder thorofor as provided by tho charter of tho City of Sumpter, and such ordinaucos and resolutions as may bo made and passed by tho Common Council of said City in regard thereto. Sec. 7. That the said Mayor and Recorder of tho City of Sumpter are horoby authorized aud instructed to advertise said bonds for salo lu tho "BOND BUYER," a paper of general circulation published iu Now York City, N. Y., onco each week for a period of two weeks, making three insertions, aud also for the samo period in tho official paper of the City of Sumpter, aud also iu threo issues of tho Sunday Oregouian in Portland, Oregon, tho samo boing the dally issue of said paper published on Sunday, and that sealed hlds for said bond issue shall bo forwarded by persons bidding for tho samo to tho City Recorder of said City of Sumpter, and that said bids shall bo opened by tho common council of shIiI City of Sumpter at tho hour of Eight o'clock P. M. on tho 25th day of August, 1003. That said bonds shall bo sold at uot less than par, nor othorwiso than for cash, and shall bo sold to tho highest bidder for cash. That all bids must bo unconditional, othorwiso they will uot bo considered. That said City of Sumpter reserves the right to reject uuy aud all bids. That ouch bid shall bo accompanied by a cortilled chock payable to tho ordor of tho City Treasurer of tho City of Sumpter in tho sum of 8750.00 as an ovidouco of tho good faith of said bid, and in caso of the accoptauco of auy bid by tho City of Sumpter, it shall bo tho duty of tho recorder of said City to immediately notify tho successful biddor of such accoptauco, and said bonds shall bo issuod to tho party or parties whoso bid shall be so accopted, provldod that said bidder shall deposit within twenty days after tho accoptauco of his or its bid, with tho Treasurer of said City of Sumpter, iu lawful money of tho United States of Amorica, tho amount covered by bis or its bid. All other oortlflod checks shall bo returned by said City Treasurer to tho person or persons who depositod the same. That In caso any person, firm, or corporation to whom said bonds aro awarded shall fail, negloot, or refuso to pay Into the bands of the City Treasurer of tho City of Sump tor, the purchase price of tho samo within Ton days after tho accoptauco of bis or its bid, tho amount of tho cortifled chock so depositod with his or its bid shall bo forfeited to said City of Sumpter, Oregon, aud shall be treated as liquidated damages for tho failure, neglect, or refusal of said biddor to purchase said bonds, and shall bo aocopted by tho said City of Sumpter as complete satisfac tion for any and all damage and Injury sustained by said .City by reason of such failure, neglect or re fusal. Sec 8. That the Mayor and Recorder of said City of Sumpter, Oregon, are hereby autborizedt directed, and Instructed to perform and do any and all things that they may deem advisable, not In conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Sumpter in the matter of advertising said bonds for sale and furnishing prospective buyers with Information and data to the end that said bonds may be negotiated for the best price possible. Passed the Council of the City of Sumpter, Oregon, this 28th day of July, 1003. (Attest) S. S. START, Recorder of tho Clfy of Sumpter. Approved by tho Mayor of tho City of Sumpter, Oregon, tho 28th day of July, 1003. C. II. McCOLLOCH, Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 199. An Ordinance providing for tho time aud manner of improving Auburn street from tho oast lino of Ceutor street easterly to a point where tho west Hue of the alloj lu tho confer of block 11, Sumpter Heights, McEwou's addition to the City of Sumpter, as shown on tho plat of said addition of record lu tho fotlleo of the Recorder of Con veyances of Baker County, Oregon, extended southerly would cross said Auburn street. WHEREAS, duo and legal notice of tho proposed Improvement of that part of Auburn street hereinafter described has been given by publica tion as by law required, and no legal remonstrance thereto has boon filed by tho owners liable for the cost of said improvement and the time for filing auy remonstrance thereto hav ing expired, NOW THEREFORE, the Clfy of Sumpter duos ordain as follews: Soc. 1. That that portion or Auburn street in said City extending from tho east Hue of Center street easterly to a point where (he west lino of tho alley In tho coutor of block 11, Sumpter Heights, McEweu's addition to tho City of Sumpter, as shown on tho plat of said addition of record lu tho olllco of tho Recorder of Conveyances of Baker Couuty, Oregon, oxtonded southerly would cross said Auburn streot, bo Improved by removing all obstructions there from, grading tho samo to tho grade heretofore determined by C,. II. Founor, City Eugiuoor aud ostab- 11 shod by nrdlnauco of tho City of Sumpter, aud covorlug said streot with n layer of gravol to a depth of sovou-touths of a foot in tho center of tho streot and to the depth of four-tonths of a foot at tho gutter lino, which shall bo laid on tho top of tho earth, aud tho laying of all nocossury gutters along said stroot. Soc. 2. Said improvement shall Ito oomplotod to tho satisfaction of tho City Eugiuoor within thirty days aftor tho lottiug of tho contract thorofor, aud, from tho time .of commencemout, suid work shall bo pushed continuously until completed. Soc 3. Said Improvement shall bo mado at tho expense of tho abutting proporty owners as provided lu tho Churtor of tho City of Sump eor, aud tho contract for making said Improvoiuout shall contain a stipula tion to tho offect that tho parties or firm to whom such contract is lot shall look ouly to tho fund asMossod upou tho property liable for such Improvement aud paid into tho City Treasury for that purposo, aud (hat said contractor will uot require nor attempt to require tho City of Sump ter by legal process or othorwiso, to pay the same or any part thereof out of any otbor fuud. Sec 4. The contract or contracts for said improvement shall also be subject to the provisions of Ordin ance No. 134 of the City of Sumpter, entitled: "An ordinance to provide for the giving of bouds for the performance of contracts made by contractors of the City of Sumpter, and for the protection of laborers doing work and material mon furnish ing material on saltl contracts," and said ordinance shall bo mado a part of said contract. Sec 5. The City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for and receive bids for making said improvement, aud tho Committee on streets and public property is authorized to outer into u contract for (ho Improvement speci fied iu this ordinance, subject to the approval of tho Common Council of the City of Sumpter, Oregon. Sect). The City Engineer is also required to prepare an estimate of the probable cost of the Improvement above proposed, including cost of engineering aud superintendence and file tho same with the City Recorder. Passed the Council this Aug. 4, 1003. (Attest) S. S. START, Recorder. Approved Aug. 4, 1003. C. II. McCOLLOCH, Mayor. THE WORLDS GREATEST GOLD FIELD THE GREENHORN MOUNTAINS OREGON Stock Now 5 Cents Per Share Par Value $1.00 Tho mlno of tho liroonhorn (inld Mines and Dovoloplng Company is located on tho (Ireenhorn mountain, near Urcouhorn City and Sumpter, Oregon. Is organized under tho laws of tho Stale of Oregon. Prominent mining men of Oregon and business men of Milwaukee aro its officers. Capitalization 81,000,- 000, 8000,000 treasury stock. Of the 100,000 shares to 1m sold at 5c por share nearly 50,000 shares have boon sulmcrilwd for, tho balance, 50.000 shares, of the 5o stock, Is being quickly bought. Tho next allotment will bo sold at 10c per share. Tho mine is surrounded by several producing mines, (ho company has a clear title of the proporty. has no debts, no promoter's stock, all claims on tho vein. Will bo a producer aud dividend payer within a short (lino. Work has been com menced and stock will Im advaucod as development work progresses. This Is a business proposition, uot a speculation. For further particu lars, write for prospectus. Address CHAS. SCROLL, Secretary, or MOSES P. KEOtlH, Treasurer, of the Ureonhoru Gold Mines aud Developing Company. Offices, 307 Matthews building, Milwaukee, Wis.