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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
Wednesday, July i$, 1905 THE SUMPTER MINER INVESTORS 2 2 (This ad will not appear again.) desiring to place $20 or more in two equal monthly payments can learn of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the pui chase of a Mining property, situated in a good Mining district in Oregon. NO MONEY IS TO BE SENT NOW, but those who would like, an option on $20 worth or more as above until they can investigate further, should cut out and mail to us the blank form indicating the amount they desire to invest providing, however, the information they are to receive concerning the property, is satisfactory. REFERENCE BY PERMISSION Merchant's National Bank Portland, Oregon CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS E. A. CLEM CO. Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please send me particulars of the Mining property ou have under option contract for the purchase of which additional capital is required and enter me an option on $ worth of the purchase price for thirty days, until I have time to investigate; it being understood that no obligation on my part is created by this reservation, the same to be binding must be confirmed by me in writing after receiving details from you; that the options requested are to be listed in the order in which they are received and that you reserve the right to cancel my option if received after the necessary capital has been fully subscribed. Signed City or Town Street State GOLD HILL IS SOLD FOR $250,000. Property Taken Over By Nicholas Brothers, Of Portland. Accord tag to tho Baker City papers tbe Gold Hill property, situated uear tbe town of Durkee, and operated by tbe Burnt River Gold Mining company, was sold last week to J. H. Nicholas and bis brother, Portland mining brokers, for $250,000, $25,000 of which was paid down. The mluo has been operated for tbo last seven years by the Burnt Rlvor company, with Colonel James A. Panting as gojoral manager. The equipment on tbo Gold Hill consists of a ten-stamp mill, complete, with ore crushes and four. Johnson concentrators. Tbe stamps weigh 1,000 pounds each and have a rapid stroke. Tbe dally capacity of tbe mill is 35 tons. A flfty-horese power boiler and a 45-horse power engine provides the required power for operating all tbe machinery. Coal is used principally for fuel. Tbe Burnt River Gold Mining company, of wbiob, J. P. Hanna was president, and Colonel James A. Panting vice president had very large holding about the mine. These were included in tbe sale. It owned 1,050 acres of land. Two small farms immedlatly below the mill are a part of the property. An excellent water right was secured and Colonel Pant ing contemplated putting in an eloo trio plant. In many respects Gold Hill Is a model eastern Oregon initio. Al tougb iu size and equipmout it is small, Colouol Pautiug showed ad nirlnblo skill In tho mauiigomout of tho proporty. I. X. L. MILL STARTS. Recent Strike Continue! to Yield High Averages. Tbo flvo stamp mill ou tho I. X. L., F. T. Kelly, mauagor rooontly completed, was startod up this wook. Tboro Is sutllolcut oro blocked out to koop tho plant In operation for quito a whilo, and Mr. Kolly states that it is his Intention to coutiuuo development work with rouowed enorgy. Tbo recont striko of high k ratio oro on tho 100 foot level moutioued In a former issuo, continues to yield high averages, It is stated. Tboro is a vein width of botweon flvo and six feet, two feet of which averages from $100 to $115, wbile'the rest is good ore. The property is maklug a good showing. Cranio at The Gem. Walt Cronln, the well known mixer of all kinds of temperance beverages,' formerly connected with Hotel Sump ter, has accepted a placo with Andy Stlnson, of tbe Gem. Mr. Cronln is one of tbe most popular dispensers in tbe district. Vkit Monumental. Major J. V. Bonta, in company with G. J. Allen, managing owner of tbe Monumontal, visited this property a few days ago relativo to Major Bonta's proposed electric road. AT THE SOUTH POLE. Seat of Operations Transferred To This Side Of Divide. Bobbins will spend tbo winter with bor sous wherever tboy conclude to attend school. Tho otllcos and living apart nionts occttpiod by tbo Bobbins family on CJ ran I to and Mill streets, have lieen rented by Dr. Mueller. Hon. J. II. Robblus, of tho South Polo, was at tho proporty last wook. Ho states that work preliminary to transferring tbo seat of operations to this sldo of tho divldo on tbo Yanko Jim claim aro bolug conducted with a view to establishing tbo pormauout worklugs. Tbo forco is now niakitig open cuts aud traolug tho voln to dotormtnlno tho best point at which to start a pormauont lovol. Mr. Bobbins took n party of prospective invstors to tho mine, and whilo nothing dollulto is stated it Is vaguoly rumored that tboro Is a doal ponding for tbo salo of tho pro perty. LEAVES ON VACATION. Hon. J. H. Robbini and Family to Spend Some Time at Prieit'i Lake, Idaho. Hon. J. II. Robblns and family will loavo probably tbo lattor part of this weok for Priest's Lake, Idaho, to spend their vacation. Mr. Robblns has some business matters ot attend to in Baker City, and Mrs. Robblus will go to Pendlotou, her old homo, wboro she will meet sevoial of hor friends who are to join tho camping party. Mr. Robbnis states that ho will roturu hero about Septomber 1, aud will opon au ofllco in tbo First Natloual bank building whoro ho will transact South Polo business. Mrs. Help Build Up The Wot. Tho low rates from tho east to tho west and tbe nortbwust, Fobuary 15 to April 30, will undoubtedly bring out thousands ot settlers. Whore they will go is largely a question of inducement. If you aro Interested in securing any eastern people for your section of the west, send their names and addresaos to tbo undersigned. All the facts and figures about tbo trip will Ik) promptly sent them. II. 8. Itowe, General Agent, Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Hallway, 134 Third Street, Portland, Oro. Use Giant Powder, Fuse and Caps. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAW LEYS