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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 17, 1905 El RECENT DEALS IN GOLCONDA STOCK. Interesting Reports of Some Huge Transactions. ltoKarriliiK recent deiilH in Onluoudn ntouk Hoinu very lntorcnUiiK and, apparently, well iiuthontlcitted HtorloHiiro Iming related, under IioixIh of Htmrooy, liy people who Intro tho reputation of IkiIiik on tho limldo of tliiiiKH Kcnorally. Oiki of tlioHo 1m that an a roritilt of a vIhII to Huniptor and (ho (iolconda iiiinn two or throe wcokx hIiiuo ly lion Norman, of Chicago, Hcurotnry .1. A, Howard roiilred an order a fow dayN hIihio for 50,000 Hliaron of Htock at a prico much higher than that received liy any of the local Htock holdera, when they Intro "nlnlfod olf" a Hinall block on tho (pilot, to rulMi a llttlo iniioli needed ready money. And, hoiiio people will Hay, hIiuiiko to rolato, tho ordor ran not ho Mind, Tho InloroHtiiiK feature of thin inuldont Ih that lion Norman Ih privato Nonrotary for .1. II. Kekoln, comptroller of tho currouey during tho Cleveland adinliiNtratlon, and at proHont protddont of tint Conti nental National Imnk, of CIiIcmko. Air. Eckelx, It Ih roportod, already owiih '!(), 000 nharoH of (Iolconda and wIhIioh to InoroiiHo IiIh holding, at a llKiiro vory llttlo lend than that aHkod for troiiHiiry Htock, an quoted ly Loo 8. Ovltt, tho lineal iiKout. Another roport Ih that G. H. Wado, tho I'oudlotnu Imnkor, who Ih porlinpM tho lurwHt Individual Htockholdor in tlm company, hart during tho puhI fow wiH)kn bought 100,000 Hliaron; lircriiiniiilily from pooplo wIioho feet Itocuino cold, IIhIoiiIuk to tho con- tlnnoiiH pnrforiuanco of tho knocking ohoriiH, which Ihim been particularly actlvo in condiimniiiK thin mini). It Ih quite Kouorally known that hoiiio of tho I'ondloton pooplo who put inonoy into thin company when It wmh rourKauized about a year ago, havo folt very noro over the fact that certain of tho promote havo unloaded tholr Interest; from which fact they vory naturally concluded that they wore left "holding tho Hack." Home eekH Hluce the rumor win cliciilalcil around amoiiK thexo minority Htock holder that Mr. Wade waH hIho realiiiiK prolltn an fimt an poHHllde. On hearing thin report, ho promptly produced IiIh Mock cert III eaten, proving thai ho had not nold ii bhure and demount rut ili the fact thai he wiih playing the Kami) liko u wiiaro thoroughbred. The Miner huIiiiiHh IIiIh, pomdhly, unimportant piece of corroborative evidence in Hiipporl of the correct ness of thin report of Mr. Wnde'n recent purcluiHii: Until within ahoul nix vvcckn nlnce, the (Solcouda manage incut wiih over a trllle more than willing to furiitHli the press with the details of all encouraging uewn pertaining to tho miuo; ovory uuuBiinlly high assuy was reported, every now body of oro uncovored was promptly cotnnninlcutcd to tho uowHpaporH in fact, tho proposition had tho ear mark of an olfort to boom Htock hiiI oh. liut about six weeks hIiico Seerotury Howard informed u Miner representative that ho had Im;oii instructed to glvo' out no moro information to the press. It Is not a "far fetched "conclusion that tho purpose of this chimgo of policy wiih to incroiiHO tho dogrco of frigidity of those who woro Mifforiug from cold feot, that Mr. Wado might moro easily relievo them of their HUfforingH. All of which, Interpreted in to plain oiikIIhIi, Is that tho Uolcoudii Ih what Iiiih been cliiimoJ for it, u great, rich miuo; that tho Mayors, the men with norvo uro tho pooplo who will iniike tho big inonoy and that tho quitters have mado inoroly n ChineHo digging! cleanup and that Ih iih It should bo. Spokano county, and superintendent of tho mineral department of tho Spokan fair to bo held October 5th and Kith Inclusive, arrived in tho city this week to got a collection of j ores together from this district. Mr Coplen says, that a great deal of interest is shown at Spokano in this camp, much capital is being in ! vested, and ho would liko to have a I croditablo exhibit from hero. Ho i will bo in tho city about a week and j will visit tho different properties in tho vicinity. j Use Giant Powder, Fuse and Caps. SEE THE LATEST STYLES III HATS AT THE THE SEIV MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING PARLORS NIXT DOOR TO NR1T NAT L IANK, GRANITE T Draw Cutting School In Connection. CHALLENGE TO DRILL AGAIN. Bourne Team Dissatisfied With Results At Granite Saturday. The Uoitrno contingent at tho drilling contest at (Jraiilto Saturday Ih somewhat dissatisfied with tho roHiiltH. Tho Houruo team, Hendor hoii and .Johns, won third placo, drill ing thirty-four and sevou-olghth inches iu tho allotted timo. ThU wiih tho first team to drill through tho rock, and It Ih claimed that there wiih some delay on account of this unexpected exigency which might havo changed tho decision. Anyway it gave tho following teams tho bouellt of the first oiio'h oxporiouco, and it Ih claimed iu a measure obviated tho delay whou tho rock wiih drilled through. F. K. lloliimn, of liourue, was In (ho city Monday, and states that tho citizens of Houruo will put up u purse of from 6100 to 9200 and back their team agaiiiHt the first or second teams iu tho (Iranlto contest at any ilato between now and tho -5th of June, and pay all necessary ex penses. In view of the fact that tho rock was not siilllelently large, and their team had to contend with tho confusion of being tho llrst one to go through it, he says that they do not think it wiih exactly a square deal. ORE COLLECTION FOR SPOKANE FAIR. Mr. Coplen Here (or Thli Purpose and Will Visit PropttlU. W. A. Coplen of Spokane, St. Louis Imposition Commissioner for, IUESSEN & CLARKE MINING & CIVIL ENGINEERS SPECIALTIES Expert Eliminations. Reports on Mining Properties. Designing and Installing Mills anJ Cower Plants. U. S. Mineral ni UnJerurounJ Surveys. Management of Mining Properties. SUMPTER, OREOON. PHILBRICK & FENNER MINING & CIVIL CNCINEERS U. S. DEPUTY MINCRALSURVEYORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 4 4, BANK Of SUMPTER BLDQ. SUMPTER, OREOON. LADIES' BAZAAR Mrs. J. H. Bray Mill St., seenni door south of StoJJirJ's Store Ladies' and Children's HOME MADE APRONS DRESS MAKING HOTEL DIRECTORY ...TIlB... - METROPOLITAN MRS. SMITH CENTER NORTH STREETS SUMPTER - - OREGON ...THE CAPITAL HOTEL... EUROPEAN PLAN rates: si per day FREE BUS TO & FROM TRAINS NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED A. J. DENNY, Prop. Hotel Griffin H. S. GRIFFIN. Po. RaUs: $1 and 1.26 Par Day All Modern Improvement Haarfquartars for Mlnars and Worklnaman SUMPTER OREGON Books are now open for subscriptions to the Pacific Lumber nnd Live Stock Company, an industrial of unusual merit. Look into it. A group of mines with 000 feet of de velopment work done, demonstrating value will be sold as a whole or will sell one-half interest and work the property in connection with purchaser. Best chance in the district. Buy Listen Lake stock at $2.00 before the advance. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON COLOEN EAGLE HOTEL W. II. MATHER, lROIR. A Flitt Class. Madern Hetsl RiUs; 11.00 and 11.00 par day Half Hack from Oapot SUM ITER ORKGON Delmonico Hotel M. SPENOLER, PROPR. RATEB, SI. 2B PER OAY AND UP FREE BATHB ron ntaui4n 04iiol' COR, COLUMBIA A AUBURN STS. ONE BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT Sl'MITKU - OUKUON fjotpe's Cafe & Cobging OPEN ALL NIGHT THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN (5. IP. l0ttC proprietor ZTtar Depot Sumptcr, Oregon kfvtttvy'.'fvfvfyfyy p lurniniu uiuiiin uruio p t XMCniUMR MIRIRb RLffO IS THE ONLY genuine mime newspaper IN THE EAST OHicitli ol tee National torermnsnt Recegniie it as an Authority. COLORADO ROOMING HOUSE GRANITK STRKKT MRS. K. O. M'KKN.IE, l'uop. NICKI.YFURNISIIKDROOMS J..r)0 1KK WKKK AMI HI1 No one interested iu mining can afford to be without it. Sample free if you mention the 5 SUMl'TER MINER. 5 r Published every Saturday by AMERICAN MINING NEWS CO. 4 11 Broadway, New York. U1 ew iorK. 0 -vayfyfyfyj New Merchant Tailor MILL STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF SUMPTER I Have Received a Large and Elegant Line of Suitini, and Trouserings for Coming Season, Which You are Kindly Invited to Inspect. Truly Yours, aje , CHARLES GEE