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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1903)
ijU. I EXTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT. (Continual From l'ge One. , vurloiiH places and depths, wo got an assay of 1480.00 lu gold. Wo con sider UilHtoo hlKli for tho averago value, but as U was tbo least wo wore able to secure, wo have quit trying to not nu averago. Hut any of it is rich enough, mill wo shall wnlt until wo lire ready for 11 mill, which wo boliovo will Im) Home tlmo thin full, and thou wo shall more ciirefully tent tho ore to ilotormlno tho kind and u.paulty of tho reduction plant to bo erected. Tho ore Ih vory frco mill- ....i nf It hIiowh freo gold to tho imkod y. Tl,,, umi ,lt ,h" inluo oft on criiHli tho ore with tholr hamiiiorH and pan out tho gold lu n Hhovol. TIiIhhIiowh tho froo nature of tlio oro. Tho coucoutratoH are vory rich, although thoro Ih not a vory largo amount to tho ton, ituothor feature in our favor. Wo hJiiiII treat tho ore at tho inluo, with tho ..v iilmi of some of tho very to tho Bmeltor hero In Sumpter, as tho percentage of loss In a mill, on this rich ore, is woll worth saving. "It will be several weekB before wo can get any maenmery " ground, but we shall Increase the forco of men at once and there will be ,m Intnrmlttance until we have the niiue ready for the mill." TALK OF THE TOWN. his homo in Spokane. rv M. Kelloa. of the Sumpter Transportation company, went to . . . i 1 Ikl. .mll Baker City louay, wue m ..... resides. Arthur Phllbrlck and K. O. Mc Ewen returned yesterday from the Ureonhorns, where they did some surveying for the Snow Creek com pany. Lookloz After Mlnlog Interest. r. a .TnnkHon. general manager of the Portland Journal, spent severall days in the city this week looking after his mining inwrew .. "Toe SoeUI." The Independent Order of LionB, will give a "toe social" next Tuesday night at the K. of P. Hall. There will be dancing and refreshments. Dr. (Jrant, of Houruo, was iu tho l city this wook. A. W. SuyleH, a Denver machine , man Ih hero today. K. .1. Thorp, superintendent of tho llluo Hlnl, is In "io euy rem,,. K. 1). Lo Clair, of Hakor City, is I.uhIiichh visitor lu Sumpter today. (. J. Barrett, of tho May Quoon Hpont some tlmo in "io cuy week. V. W. HobbliiH, uuiuager of the exception of some of h vor " ' . , ft lul(t wctk to visit richest, which will o shipped direct jSouth 1 olo, mi MINING INVESTMENTS LET US BUY OR SELL FOR YOUR ACCOUNT MARR ft DAVIDSON LEADING BROKERS Sumpter, B SOB- ,.L.i.iiifWBS J Klr8t National Bank. HKrKKKNCLSj B(Ulk of Sumpter. (MKNTION THK MINKH) Ich will bo Hhlpped .lireci oom.i - . ,tA k 5iV 1 1 SVJKj IVIIIN " . n. ., j I l: a. uuil As Bv Everyone Else Who Has Seen It. IS Endorsed By . P-l. JIXX S. . note num " " "" " Sumpter, Oregon, May 21, lOuH. ill. lh tlrm of Vhii Vleot & Wright, of this City, a number of A taw mouths "u, thmiwh correspondence, ,1 t jjn l.Hlled to tho Sumpter District as a good Held .mrtleH in lM.lladolphla, Including melf, hud their attonu for legitimate mining investments. l (o Sumnter to investigate tho merits of l'linuiimt to thin correspondence, by request of these parue , of tho proporUe8 Df ,ho , and more especially tho conditions pertaining to tl c old H g , IL. Van Vleet .V Wright lmvo the ; " JX mlnes of tho district, including the Gold Vr.-Hl.lont of tho (Sold Mug MlnliiK Company, vlsl ' " r rt ln wbich.i largo and vory rich ore shoot has J g Mine. 1 ttont into tho tunnel on tho main vol f thl sporty oxcopUon ovory ! :;,.:, oihmI ..,. for over 200 feet, and ''JS eye ,J o ro above the tunnel has been stoped out. I ox ,,,,., , f ro secured showed freo gold to ho i u kl i . J conditions obtain lu regard to Its u ,,, tho .... on tho dump at the mouth o f f J 0 culrt that appear lu tho Uold ttlJ rlohneHH. 1 Iho ww tho nrlicliinl usnay certllk. 'J "'" "liwl thnt tho values are so uniformly high. Upon J were made, and after seeing tho ore am no t .1 h Ue, " rcrt..ente,l. In fact, many fea- thorough examination of tho mine, I taund ox.oini g lures had been eoi.H.rvutlvely under-en inuited. , (,evelo,, ,n(o KOod, producing Fro... what I huw. there U no doubt In my mind t m luc,U(1UlK water power ,,,. is In " "vor. Thoro Is ... aim n nti ol of tnnuclH( wh, , , h I clout to operate tho machinery. The M no Is ol g ontn .1 I 0 How for ,lllolf, alM, t ho values In tho ore are uiiiimi"" "" - "- i, .. Mint tho uirocioruio i .""'" - , . . .... .rwinont of the entire .llHlrlot, and from tho f. c 'U h IlIIK0 110 nnreasonblo about rem their ......uIhos In .oganl to their other 'IVXitVat ... other oNperienced mining men could do. 1 I one. 1 ..... jUHtlthsl in believing hoy wHI 1 " f J .ro'success Is ...snred. A. evidence o HlM, l,.levo that the 1I..I.1 I!.. - "-.' l , , , c o increase my holdings in the near future. I shall this belief, 1 lmvo mhmiuhI a block of tho atuvK I imn,o...l Hold H.iK stock to all my friends. (SlgiuHl) W. H. PAKBON8. 4213 Leluy .we. rmimii)ui . ... " ., ... SHOOT OF RICH ORE that runs from eao to 11,700 in GOLD ...... ..... (SOLD HUU MINK and see the big SHOOl V?".. nromeetm ,! .ample of this RICH rasrsirr sJ.ri SU--CENT STOCk is left ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OFJO C taittoio o, ,,. MINE. Wo wlvlso you to write or wire us io re-.- Do so today. . - T jj T7T7T' O WRIGHT .L o -..., Fiscal Agents ror i nc v.u.i..7. SUMPTER, OREGON. 4 4.4. 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4