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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1903)
I, THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, May 15, 1903 A.i !V OVER $200,000 DURING APRIL. Output of Sumpter's Big Mines ', ,. For Month. AND, JUST A STARTER. North Pole Maintains Its Monthly Average of, $100,000 Golcbnda Rapidly Com ing to the Front Red Boy'i Output Cut Down on Account of Sinking Shift-Other Big Propeitin Will Shortly Drop Into the List of Dividend Payers. tho ' (loop shaf t', and the fact that no IIvoh wore loHt in thin accident will nlwiiyn retmiin one of the unaolvablo myHtorieft. The Columbia working aro the tloopent on tho mother lodo; that Ih, thoy havo attained the Ki-eutcflt depth on tho great . and E. 1(!1k, ulong which, in n strliiR, are Much honannH uh tho North Polo, Coliitnblii) (Jolconda, South Polo, Appomatox and other. Tho eleva tion of tho doopoat IovoIh on tho North Polo Ih about 1,000 foot higher than tho lowont levels in tho Columliia. In vlow of the fact that tho richoHt oro from tho North Polo Ih found at itn extreme dopth, rIvoh thfi (?filntiililfi ttnnntf) rniiHnii in linllnrn that they have a few toiiH of oro below tlioniHolvoH. WORK ON THE STANDARD. A. S. Hugbet, of Quirttburg, is Well Pleated With Management of Property. A. S. IIiiifhcH, of Quartzbura, ono It Ih next to ImpoHHlblo to procure tin official Htatemoiit roKiirilliiK tho monthly oIoiinupH of tho big milieu in tho city luut wook, tho Huinptor diHtrict, hIiico tho nmoiiK the original opuratorHiu thlH particular invariably keep tho matter to IIiomihoIvoh. Ifowovor, there nro houivoh through which tho information will leak out. TIiIh information which Ih known lo bo reliable placet tho output of the diHtrict at over the mouth of April. of the owuerH of tho Standard, wan in Mr. Hughes hh locntorH of the Standard group of eluinm in 181)1), and Htill retaiiiH an interest. Ho is greatly ploiiHod with the work being done on the property hIiico the Into coiiHolidation of the different mines uudor tho name of the Standard eUOO.UOO for 'Consolidated Minos company, by tho When the fact1 Killeti. Warner. Stewart comimuv. Ih taken into consideration that mill-1 Ho MiyH the Standard is now fairly iug operations hero aro yet in their ' on tho way toward becoming ono of Infancy, that there aro numerous the big thlugH of tho district, properties Just reaching tho produc- j Mr. Hughs is also interested intho iug stage, a safe conclusion may lie Dixit) Iliitto, on which lie says drawn regarding tho future of the district. Following are the amounts yielded in gold bullion by the Hovoral mines during April: Columbia, Cracker creek, $ .'10,000 North Pole, Cracker creek, 100,000 (lolcotida, Cracker creek, 10,000 linuenza, (Joiner, - .'1,000 Ked Hoy, (iraulle, - 15,000 Virtue, 8,0(10 The Itcil lloyV cleanup was small or April, because of (lie fact that the management of that sterling porperty is concent rat lug all lis force on sink ing the big shaft to a lower connect loll with the rich .Mouaich and Ked Hoy piiyshools. What oie was milled during the mouth came from the Concord claims of the company. The North Pole, which Is one of the leully gical gold mines of the world, manages somehow steadily to uiiiiulain an aveiage monthly output clone lo the 100, 000 mark. This llguie, of course, includes the value of crude ore and concent rales shipped to the Taeoma anil Keielt smelters. The tiolcouda, under its new management, is rapidly icgaluiug a place on the list of mother lode bouau'as. It has recently uncovered some marvlously rich fiee milling ore, as well as large bodies of u shipping grade. The Columbia, which Is generally a f 100,000 per month mine, was handi capped during April by a caveiu at aratigementsaro being made for start lug work. WORK ON THE SMELTER SIDING. be Operations Started and Track Will Pushed to Completion, Work was started this week clear ing and grading for the siding to be buill to the smeller by the Sumpter Valley Itailroail company, and the timbers are being framed for the 1 trestle across the gulch. ,7. A. West, 'chief engineer of the company, was in the city Saturday completing the survey. He stated that the work is lo be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. When asked about the extension i beyond Whitney, Mr. West said tho mutter was In the hands of Mr. Kccles, and nothing delluite could be given out at prefcut more than has already been stated. Well Pleated With Sumpter. I It. V. Warner, brother of K. 1 I Warner, of the Killen, Warner, Stewart company, and Charles It. , Foster, both of llelolt, Wli-consiu, 1 have been in the city for several days looking up mining Investments. They evpress themselves well pleased with the outlook of the district. Giant Powder is the best by test in the world. T. (i. Harrison agent. A Chance For Promoters FOUR claims within a short distance of the Red Boy district can be bonded at reason, able terms, to be paid after the end of one year. Work to be commenced immediately. A shaft has been sunk and 300 feet of tunnel driven. A good cabin and fine timber land goes with the claims. Assays make fine show ing. Parties desiring to examine the property will be taken out to the claim. For Further Information Call on The Sumpter Miner A FINE LINE OF .. GROCERIES .. ALWAYS IN STOCK Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily. Prompt Delivery. Give Ub n Trinl and Wo Will Please You. EDLIN 8c STARBUCK Opara Houa Blook Phone 351 SUMPTER. OREGON -rrrrrrmr MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS j t A T fiercer Zrug Zo. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER. OREGON New Merchant Tailor MILL STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF SUMPTER I Have Received a Large and Elegant Line of Suitings and Trouserings for Coming Season, Which You are Kindly Invited to Inspect. Truly Yours, . & CHARLES GEE