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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1899)
THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 20, 1899. IO TALK OF THE TOWN. Mrs. Nelll has returned from a visit to friends In Portland. H. H. Dunshee Is here In the Interest of Mntta mining men. Eagau Tribe No, 2, I. O. R. M., will give a grand mas(iicrade ball at Bills opera house Monday evening. Claude Masche has been distributing some unusually handsome calendars, ad vertlslng his big hardware house. Gagcn v Sloan, igents for Olympia beer, received a full carload of that bever age last week, bottled and on draught. John Hughes, Interested with United States Marshal Houser In mining opera tions In this district, was in Similiter Monday. Dan Jaeger, a milling man of Hutte, lias been In town the pastueek, acquaint i.ig Iti.iitclf concerning the of the district. Jor I'earcr, a gambler, about forty-live yeals ol age, died here Monday of the uii'.iiles. He had unknown relatives In these parts. J. J. Worcester, superintendent of the liuffalo mine, passed through Sumpter Saturday en route to I'eudletou to spend the holidays. Charles I. I:llnn, ot the cigar manufac turing linn of f-lyiiri .Morton, Maker City, has been In town this week, selling his famous "I Humph" to Sumpter deal ers. A. V. Ellis returned Saturday evening from a business trip ol a week's duration at Portland, driving from llaker City here that he might be ptcseul at the meeting of the council. James Hay, u Idle scullllng u it li a friend, lell and broke his arm below the elbow, causing what Is known as a Colllrs trac tive, according to Dr. Mrock, who set the broken member, and May is doing well. George II. Hill, a leading lawyer, and I. II. Allistou, of Insurance fame, of Port land, were the guests of Tom Mcliwen early this week. These gentlemen were heie In the interest of a local Masonic lodge. A. P. Goes returned several days since from Portland. He refuses to go Into de tails regarding the Inducements offered by W. I.. Vinson to get him to go along, but acknowledges that they were very tempt ing and panned out according to represen tations. Mrs. P. C. Robertson, wife of the mill superintent at the Golconda, and Mrs. H. Cooper, whose husband Is employed at the same mine, the latter a daughter of Governor Geer, spent several days in town last week, theguestsof Dr.and Mrs. Mrock, at their home on Granite street. John C. Adims, representing the Idaho Statesman, was in Sumpter this week on business connected with the circulation of Ills paper. The Statesman Is a good newspaper, and delivers in Sumpter fresli associated press news before any other 1 journal. To further perfect Its service in this camp, Mr. Adams appointed a live resident correspondent and arranged for delivering the paper by carrier. We Art "Setting 'Em Up." And they are "beauties." Chairs, all kinds of chairs (two carloads at one time) special goods suitable for "Christmas"! presents. Don't buy until you see our line. We olfer you a J 1 5,000 stock to se lect from and on cash orders over $50 we pay freight to Sumpter. Let us make you an estimate on orders, large or small, fur niture, carpets, paints, wall paper, shades, curtains, etc. Queen City Puriilture Co., Maker City. Powder, caps and fuse by the carload or less lots, at Johns iV Co. Wanted Roommate; call on C. K. Ilaight, corner Mouana and Clifford strests. Handsome parlor and bedroom sets at Case, Looney & Co.'s. The Sumpter Grocery company has just received a car load of choice Eagle Valley apples. Muy your wife a cape, jacket, muff or collarette from Johns ' Co. Those Pendleton blankets at Johns & Co. are the tilings for Christmas presents PONT KICK "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, 110 doubt, will need furniture for their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There Is always plenty here for every room hi the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Med Room Suits, 515.00 Med Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (tami iirr), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. patterso&hppi..ger Phone Red )6i. MAKER CITY, OREGON SUMPTER FISH & POULTRY MARKET trr Mcl'f n ft Slun' lUin, Crnlfr Stirrl. FRESH FISH AND POULTRY EACH DAY OYSTER COCKTAILS OUR SPECIALTY CECIL HOSEASON, Manager. GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS MLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. ... Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works ... PORTLAND, OREGON. REPRESENTED BY F. M. WADE. Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Rollers, Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc. Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut, Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination, or made up Complete J J PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED J hmnnnnri PRESCRIPTIONS CAREEULLY COMPOUNDED hmnnnnri "I A. HILLIER&CO. The Druggists TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, OPT ICAL GOODS SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Sumpter Feed, Livery and Freight Stable CORNWELL & SULLIVAN: Props. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. 3-HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHS THE BEST APPOINTED. S & Pharmacy IN EASTERN OREGON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night.) A complete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. d The Sumpter Drug Co. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. SUMPTER, OREGON. I