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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, December 13, 1899 COUNTY RECORDS. 1 ne loiiowing is the record ot oniciai business transacted at the county seat of 'i .. .... Baker county for the week ending Mon- day, December 1 1 : HEAL l-STATIi TRANSI-KRS. Patent Dec. 6, 'gj, United States to Ell Watklns, swtf secgtwp 10 N r 38 I I'atent May 6, '88, United States to I Asa Fleetwood, s of se sec 20, :;i 01 sw;4 sec 21 ip 12 s, r jo I'atent Dec. 13, '82, United States to Asa Elcetwood, sr, w'A of nwtf sec 28, ni of ne4 sec 21; tp 12 s, r 3 Warranty deed Dec 5, John G Hlh bard to Emily J Hlbrurd, wife, lots 1 and 3, hlk 11, l.cvens'add. Baker City Warranty deed-July 13, II K Skllleu to I: M Cupping, lot 2 hlk (, Sniilh Suinpter add Warranty deed Dec 6, Jas McWhlte 100 00 et ux to U K Noiiiuvin, My, 01 se , '4 , eH of ne4 sec 7 and se!4 of se '4 set. 6 tp 1 1 s, r 43 2000 I Warranty deed Nov 15, M J Klggs et vlr to David Copping, lot 4, hlk 4, Suinpter Heights add 350 Warranty deed Sept (1, Clark Taher et al tu J.isS Snyder, w'4 lots 7 and 8, hlk 1, Suinpter Heights add go Warranty deed Nov 18, Charles ( I llama et ux to It II Salisbury, ue.'4 ot ne'f .if sec 30 tp 10 s, r y I: W ' M.. .. . .210! (.lull Jaiiu dred De,. 6, l; J l.ick et u to Ales llamlirld, hlk 30, I I. even's add and s! of hlk 7, Kel Ingg's add, HaKrr City. 1 Warranty deed-Nov 21;, 1K08, AC J Chur, 11 rt iin tu W HI.kKli.m-, lot 10 t hlk M, DeHon's add, Maker City... 45" Warranty deed May ft, I. H Hard- j man rt u tu l; I. tiardm.m, w,' 11 sv'4 -.ev. )2, se'4 se'4 sec 31 tp ' 1 1, lots 3 and 4 se 5 tp 12 s, r 37... 500 I Warranty deed-Dei 4, J B Bridges j rt u tu Jiiliu waterman, lot 10 and w,'i lot 11 hlk 4, Sturgls & Ciuwrll's add, Baker..: 1800 (,)ull claim deed Dec 8, J C Enerle rt u to Eastern Gold Mining Co, w'i setf, v'a sw 1-4 sec 28 tp 8 s, r jrtr I (,)ult cl.ilm deed-Dr. 7, Win Clup- pellet u to (1 W Welg.ind, lot mi s of Cracker cree. in Bourne. Unit Claim deed-April ft, Win Robin Minct u to S.I1110I Dist No 3, .ra:t 12 rds by 12 rds on Sutton week 203 Warranty deed-Nov 27, A W Kills rt ux tu M A Shrrid.iu, sw 100 Irrt by. 'out lot ig hlk 11, Suinpter 25 misji;i.i.ani;ous. Uen-Decft, G It Stoddard vs J E Cupid, tract lu lot 1 hlk g, Suinp ter, lor material furnislird 247 Hill of salr-Nov 27, I. M Robinson to G I Beutlev et al. utlice lixturrs aim iiiriiiiurr I.r.isr Nov 3. I. H Cli:imllrr In I 4K1 W H.ubrr, 1200 ewes for 2 years al x per head per AttUes of Incorporation Dec 8, Sumpter Tnwnsltr Co, Incorporators Chas S Warren, Tom C Gray and Win K Calder Articles of Incorporation Dec 8, Bellinger-Ritchie Co, Incorporators. I' D Bellinger, tiro It Tedrnweaiui Erederic Ritchie, capital Mock 5000 las deed-Dec 6, Slierllf to Jas D Ferguson, wi se 1-4, sw 1-4 ne 1-4, eh nw 1-4, ne 1-4 sw 1-4 sec 17 tp ') s, r jge 14 MINING MATTERS. Ouil Claim deed-Sept ju, J W Hol land and l: G Jewell to Hard Mtabble Con Mng Co, the Hard rabble, Verde, Manner and Trade Dollar quartz claims 5000 Warranty deed-Chloride Mining & Milling Co to Chloride Con Gold Mining Co, the Chloride, Ketchum ,V Forest City Fraction quart claims and Chloride mill site 14300 Quit claim dred Dec 2, Chas Curtis et u to Wm Neper gill, the Prite quartz claim 125 Quit claim deed Dec 4, J C Young rt u to Chas Rlmbol. their record interest in Hop Sing ditch 1 Articles of Incorporation Dec 7, Gold King Mining & Milling Company, capital stock 975,000; incorporators Jas H Graham, R W Thompson, and John Monahan Articles of Incorporation Dec 7, Golden Sceptre Mining and Milling Co; capital stock 175,900; Incor porators Jas H Graham. M Wrieht . ... and K n 1 nompson 1 Articles of incorporation Dec 7, i Weatherby Go Id and Copper M In Ine Co. capital stobk In- ! corporators F L Bowen, R H Thompson, O C Stern and C M , Kellogg 1 Articles of incorporation December ! o. Concord Gold Mlnliisr Comnanv capital stock 2oo,ooo; Incorporators Jacob M Kobhlns, wm M Kobblns I and James A Howard ' Quit claim deed Nov 2g, P Basche I et al to Eugene Way, the Last I Chance and another claim not i named 72$ j Lease and Agreement Sept 20. A W j Manning et al to Wm K Stude- baker, to sell Herculean mining 1 claim 25,000 I Deed Nov 2, Geo P MImms, trustee 1 to Hanette Con Mng Co, his In 1 tercst in option to purchase Ban- ette and Hanette No 2 qt. claims l Deed Nov 20, D E Consolus to C S Van Duyn, Noyo qt. claim... 5: Drrd Nov 20, D E Consolus to C b Van Duyn, 'A hit in Monday qt. claim 08 Drrd-Nov 25, C S Van Duyn to M Walton et al, !S hit In Noyo and Monday qtz claim 1 Deed-Dec 6, Frank E Gelser to F P Hayes, Protection and Alaska qt. claims 8gg Deed-Dec 6, G G Thomas to R R l:ru In, Hope qtz claim 8gg Drrd Oct zi, Edward Oliver to J G and J T English, the Apple and Mouuta Chrkto placer claim 2 Deed-Oct 2. C II McCulloch et ux to A W Ellis, ', tut in claims in sec 21) and 32 tp g s r 37 e 100 Dred Dec ft. (J W Tape et ux to A W Ellis, Risk qt claim 100 Quit claim drrd Drc 1, Chas F Catrs Jr rt al to Chloride Con Gold Mng Co, 3 water rights 1 Quit claim dred-Drc 6, J K Romlg to Chloride Con Gold Mng Co, his hit lu mill site near Chloride quart, mine 2 Jewelry and Watches ... JEWELRY FACTORY ... LEADING JEWELERS, Mitchell Smith, M?r. Baker City LINES OF THE Sumpter Stag Transfer Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. MIMPTCH-CANYON HOUTn. if o p. in. I Lv . .Sumpift. Ar I N ! nt. I Ai CllHorJ .Lv I 40 l m. I lv UlflnrJ .Ar .oj. m. I Al Autlln Lv 10: o a. m. I tu a. m. Tlo a. m, )iui, Cimnrctlng at Autlln with ttigrt lor Can) on City anj Intrilui paitntt. T4U p. m. I Lv i p. m. I Ai CllltorJ .tlonaiwa. .Arl . Lvl t:o a. m. 6.o a. Connrttlng al tlunania llh tta lor I'y. KoNntonvlllr, Wofly, Virginia, Don Juan aaj L'tkhrr mlnrt. sumiter-(;ranite houte. it. (o p. m. I Lv ffi j. m. I Al Sum sumplti.....Ai I laoo a. m. iranlt. ,. -LvJ,ooa. . Ulan Llvny al Ctanlu lo Notth Folk, Uti Hoy, Ban irti anj aJ(cnl mints. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. p. m. I Lv Sumpirr.. . tiouino .. u:o a. m. (.ou a. m. t:o . m. loot, a, Ar )Q P- m. I Af . . ..LolumHa . UtluJIn North Pole. E. A E., Cllmai,Ok4oM4a4 Jaceni mines. - , Ji2Mii GOOD IS HALF MADAME! conducts a strictly first class restaurant and boarding house where single meals are served at 35 cents. Regular board J 5.00 per week. Short orders at any time. ' Elegantly furnished rooms In connection with the house. tfJJJJJJJJjjjjJJjjjJaVaiBvm I Woods Building, Mill St. Old Overholt CAPITAL "?' Ily iheNillleor Hie case j w -spppt Canadian Club rlFt .nkt BylheNillleorcae Al ( ( I Jas. Watson's Scotch Monogram FANK ROGERS & COMP'Y Proprietors Hennessy , 3-Star Brandy by bottle or case. ALL KINDS or inTpn 1 irsir WIINbb... The New Cash Market and Grocery WM. MAYER 4 CO., Proprietors "1 A fresh, new and complete line of fancy and staple groceries, canned goods and delicacies. We are also prepared to furnish at any time fresh fish, poultry, and game. Our stock and store is new, but we are old hands at the business. Wm. Mayer Corner Center SUMPTER MEAT MARKET Fresh Sumpter Livery Stable & McEwen & Sloan, Props. LIVING OF LIFE. BRITTEN 1 Sumptr, Orgon & Co:, Props. and Sumpter Streets A. MANNS, Rroprietor. 5fe Butcher and Packer and ured Meats, and Sausage of all Kinds. First Class Uivery Rig and Saddle Horses ALWAYS ON HAND MODERATE PRICES Experienced Guides to all the Mining Camps. Your patronage solicited. K A ri