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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1899)
Wednesday, December ij, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. GREAT MINING EXPERT CaptainJ. R. Wood Determined to Invest in This District. Captain J. R. Wood, the eminent min ing expert whose arrival in Sumpter was mentioned in THE MINER last week, left for his home In Chicago several days since. Prior to his departure he said to a representative of this paper that the state ment made in the Spokane Review and repeated in these columns, that he repre sents the Tanner syndicate, is a mistake; that lie was formerly with that syndicate, but that Governor Tanner has become so engrossed in politics that he Is not paying as much attention to his mining interests as formerly, and that he, Captain Wood, represents only himself and a fw friends In Chicago. He talked with several mine owners while here, with a view to buying, but found that properties which he wished to purchase are not now on the market. They may be, however, in a month or two, and he will return the latter part of January or the first of February, when he hopes to secure a property. Several which he has in view are now bonded to other parties, the options expiring in from thirty to sixty days. These he lias the second call on. Others will soon be sufficiently developed to show their value. Captain Wood says that he would pre fer to buy a producing mine, one with a stamp mill already on It; that he doesn't care to consider a prospect proposition. There Is any amount of money, he says, In Chicago seeking investment in good mining property, but it must be gilt edge, now earning dividends or sure to be at an early day. Regarding this district, he says that he is most favorably impressed with what he has seen and heard. Asked what he thinks of the local boast that there has never been a failure where a prospect has been intelligently and extensively devel oped, Captain Wood said: "It seems to be a remarkable statement; one that can be applied to no other district with which I am familiar, and I can not vouch for Its truth on my personal knowl edge; but men whom I have known for years, whose judgment I know to be good, and in whose word I place implicit re liance, tell me that such is the case. It Is surely a wonderful record." The gentleman has been engaged in min ing for nearly forty ytars, has vi.sited most of the camps on this continent in a professional opacity, and his judgment is considered as near infallble as things human generally get to be. Sumpter should congratulate itself on the fact that such a man has visited its mines and de termined to Invest much money here. J. B. Dibnty Pleased With Sumpter District J. R. Dabuey, on being asked concern ing his recent purchase of the Knapp prop erty on Rock creek, near Sumpter, replied: "Yes, I have taken up the Knapp prop erty, and have commenced work, with both day and night shifts. I have shipped in a complete steam plant, of sufficient ca pacity to go down to the Doo-foot level. I am also running a tunnel on the property which will cut the vein at a depth of 400 feet." In response to the question if it was his intention to build a mill 011 the property at once, he replied: "No, I shall not build a mill at present, but expect to do so in the early spring. The ore is similar to all of the Sumpter ores, partly free milling, but is to a large extent a con centrating ore. I believe that Sumpter camp has a very bright future before It," continued Mr. Dabney. "The ore bodies are large and. the ore bf good grade, and there is no doubt but some of the largest gold properties of the country will be opened up there." Spokane Stock Report. To the Ladle of Sumpter. You are respectfully invited to inspect a beautiful line of modern hand-made Point and Rattenburg lace work. I also have or will design patterns for any lace pieces desired, furnish materials, give lessons, 6f make work to order. The largest line and variety of genuine Mexican drawn work ever shown in eastern Oregon, and at such prices as will permit you to make handsome Christmas presents at moder ate amounts. Call at the home of Mrs. Dr. Tape, adjoining the office, where I am temporarily located. MRS. MARSH. The Bellinger-Ritchie Company .OF SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors OP Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch Imported 1881 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Wines and Cigars. New and Elegant Mixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. ..The Magnolia... The Bellinger-Ritchie Company, u Proprietors. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Rid.) L. N. CRANE & Co. Contractors and Builders. Cabinet Making, Upholstering and Mat tress Making a Specialty. IIHSTCLASS WOHK l.UAKAN ftCI). Leave orders at the SUMPTER MINER office. ' General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works GEO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor- : Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. B'lker City. Telephone Red 161 New Harness Shop. MCEWEN & SLOAN, Proprietors. SUMPTER, OREGON. !'-, REPAIRING - A - SPECIALTY Jt SHOP -J OPPOSITE THE LIVERY STABLE. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF FASCINATORS Now in at the Red Front. Be sure and come and see our fine Line of Comforts, all-wool Oregon Blankets, large Cotton Bats, Etc. Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings, Gents' Under wear of all weights, Overalls, Shoes, Hats and Winter Caps. In our Grocery Department we carry a full line of Gordon & Dilworth's high grade Jellies, Plum Puddings, Mince Meat, etc.; also Heintz' relishes, which need no other rec ommendation than the name. Fancy Lunch Goods to suit the most fastidious are also on the shelves, with a full assortment of staple groceries. Remember the place. ee THE RED FRONT W. C. CALDER, Proprietor OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BlYJ.IARD AND POOL TABLES Agentsfor Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of. Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON Kahler & Hawley . . Postoffice'Store FRESH GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAlLY Complete New Stock of Men's and Roys' Winter Wear, Clothing, Over coats, Underwear and Footwear of all kinds. Special a fine Hue of general STATIONERY GOODS KAHLER & HAWLEY, SUMPTER, OREGON