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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1899)
Wednesday, September 27, 1899 THE SUMPTER MINER. LIGHT andWATER w, L. VINSON TO FURNISH SUMP TER PLENTY OF BOTH. He Takes Charge of the Electric Light Plant October I Will Pot in New Ma chinery, 750 Incandescent and SO Arc Lights Large Force of Men on Water Works Be Completed December I One Million Gallons a Day. V. I.. Vinson will take charge of the electric light plant October i. As soon ;in he Krts control It will lie operated ;ill night, Hv the middle of tlic iniinth he will have Installed new machinery of far greater capacltythan that in use at pres ent. There will be a Mo-horse power boiler, us-horse power Corlis engine, a dynamo lor supplying 750 id-candlc power incandescent lights and 502,000 candle power arc lights. I here are at present only 250 incandes cent lights In town, that being the full capacity of the plant. 'I here are several au lamps In position on the streets around tow 11 but no light radiates Irom them. .Mr. Vinson says lie already has orders lor several hundred additional in candesient lights and about fort vnrcs, sup posing that the city takes ten. I he city Council has not vet decided detinitelv how many street lamps will be necessary, but it has decided that tile streets shall be lighted. Not satlsiied with turning night into day; the work not being sullicieut In keep him Interested, .Mr. Vinson Is rushing Ills water works plant to an early completion. Last week he put twenty men to work digging the ditches from the reservoir to the citv for the conduit pipe, mid has been increasing the number every dav until there ale now employed fully liftv men. And Mr. Vinson savs lie will be ready to supply customers with water by Decem ber 1. When completed, no town in the state will have so ample a supply ol pure water as that furnished Stnupter. It comes from I'ole and Wind creeks, 75 Indies ol It, or How ol something over a million gal lons a day, 770 gallons eery minute. Resides this lonstant supply, the reser voir holds oxer i.poo.cco gallons. It is constructed at an elevation ol jco feet above the business 1 enter of the town, about 1. sco lot Irom the city limits. With this naltiial pressure, gravitation and other 11 impediments considered, a stream of water can be throw 11 over about seven of the t 1II1M buildings In town, piled on top of e.-uh other. l:oi rand a half miles of main will be I ild at once, a ten huh pipe being used to con Juct the water (mm the reservoir down tow 11. 'I hits it will be see.i that .Mi. Vinson Is a lenel.utor to the town; tout while he Is t jrolng an ho'iest dollar lor himself, he Is I'cnelittlug every cltlen ol Sumpler, not onlv bv supplvlug them with con veniences and cOiiilorts demanded by modern civilizatien: but more materially bv UiiOvMng the bottom out ot the almost prohibitory prevailing live and eight and even ten per cent Insurance rates. Wuh tills lne.h iiistlble water sapply, excellent lire protection is furnished, and insuraiue tales bv all law. Mil opiilv should be cut in t a.i .it least. riiNwill save thedti ze is ol Sumpler IhnusanJs ol dollars an u.allv and Keep the money at home. ,N 1. Vinson Is a good, valrahle citizen; Lis deat, active b a In is busy with other gig uitic projects tor the good ol the com munity at large, as well as himself-he Is worth a carload of ordinary men toanv tow II. Mf:llnj to Consider Smelter Proposition. A meeting ol many til the represent.! live citizens ol Sumpler was held at Ihe opera house .Mond iv evening t determine ,i near as possible what disposition be made of the matter of establishing the smelter plant mentioned in last week's Issue of Till: MlNUK. After a canvass of the situation during the past week, it was found that the original subscribers to the proposition in the district were more in favor of giving a bonus to the com pany offering the plant for sale, and ,al lowing the manufacturers to operate It, thnti to take the responsibility upon them selves (which no doubt Is a wise move, as if the plant can be operated successfully by experienced people there Is no doubt it would be a benefit to the town for more reasons than one. The parties offering the plant for sale, which it will be re membered was of 50 tons capacity, claim it would cost approximately $15,000,1101 Including the money necessary to pur chase ores when In operation; that the pay roll in connection therewith would be 1 55,000 to J6,ooo per month and that if the citizens of Sumpler would subsidize them to the extent of $5,000, thev would sup-, ply and operate the plant themselves. Some differences as to how the matter of payments of the subsidy should be made took up the principal time of the meeting. I Ills question will probably be decided at a later date, if ever. Col. Hudson Quit at the Right Time. .1. Nat Hudson, at present editor of the Cove Ledger, founder of the Sumpter News, was in town last week. While here he paid a friendly visit to 'Mil: (Hike and inspected admiringly this thoroughly up-to-date printing plant. When asked if he hadn't iuil Sumpter too soon, he replied: "No, I think I got out just at the right time I'm not overly fond ol hard work." And that remark seemed to imply that he appreciated Un true situation In the newspaper business here at this transition period. Nuisance Should Be Abated. What Is already a public nuisance, and bids fair to create much sickness in town, Is the dumping of refuse in the creek crossing, at the loot of Granite street, thereby stopping the small tlnw of water, and causing a stagnant pool to torm. It is to be hoped this matter will receive at tention trom the proper authorities, and steps taken at once to clear the oh stnu lions, which the small volume ot water hi ttie stream can not wash away. TIM!: CARD. I INKS Ol IHL Sumpter Stage & Transfer Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. sw.mimiu-camon not n. 11 (.1 p 111. I It ..uniprr Ar i iu.o .1. m. I n j. in. I At l.llllof J L I P v 4. m. I i, p. in. I.v I.IU!rJ Al , j.o .1. m. 1 in p. in. I Ar Aiitiln I , )iu, in. f .innt-.ilnL- at Aui in uliti itjfi-t lur (.anion (.'lit jnj (silnit I u p m Iv CllllnrJ Ar ' t. o i 111. iw p m. 1 Vi llon-ima I.v , 1.. (o t. 111. c.ntinr-tllni; .0 II.iiuiim uliti un fur ', Miilltikiintlllr, W'mlrv, Vliclnlj. Dun Juan jnj IVklu-i mliifv MIMI'IIIM.IMNIli: KOtni- it hi p m Iv unt-ir Art ioiuj. n. 4 iu p m Al tirjnli? It ' im a. in. I Kni Ml I. utility 1.1 Nnrlh InlL. IJJ ll.n. Iljn- rl r anj jUJirrnt mine. , SlIVlPllK-IIOUHM MOW II I 11 10 p IM Iv Sumpler Ar 1 g.,o a. m. tu p m At llournr Iv 8.a. m. t p. n t Oiltimtli Iv ri m. I liulujm,- Niirl'i Pole. I A I' . Uinuv, Ohio an.1 .ij,ienl mlnet MINES, MINING AND REAL ESTATE : List your mines and prospects with me and I will effect a stle lor you. W.we Eastern buyers lor good mining properties. ..,rl. Is 1 rC I I bi l:ooi Ciranite St' Sumpter, Or. Basche Hardware Successors to W. R. HAWLEY. Sumpter, Oregon. J 'miV J General Dealers in. Shelf And Heavy Hardware Iron Steel Pipe Mining And Machiney. Agents For!. 'Hercules' Powder Fuse And Caps... C. C. Batch ...Manager... h. J. jory MINING ENGINEER. Northwestern Assay Office Samples bv mall receive careful Attention. Mines examined, reports and maps furnished. BOX i2i Sumpter, Or. New Bakery v v . AND CONFKCTIONKKY All kinds of Fresh Fruit in Season. O. HIUiCinEL, - Proprietor 1 Opposite S. V. Ry. Depot. 1 General Brass and Iron Pounders I and Machinists. I Baker City Iron Works ( il.O. I;. MCI VNN, Proprietor :::::: Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all Kinds of machinery. M-ikr ritv. Telephone Red lot ''. t I Phil V. I Nebergall 1 t practical Siotii Writer iiouse painter arte Decorator. CAPITAL HOTEL Qlinintur fmirn wnnirn. JlCfrUU. r4 L. N. CRANE & Co. Contractors and Builders. Cabinet AnUiuK. UpholsterliiR and Alnt tress .Making a Specialty. iirst-cuss work cuwRANTrrn. Leave orders at the SU.MPTUrT AtlNER office. t till ti V