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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1891)
Suo. Last week IVter liilyeu his aloou propertv on the south Bide of the 1866. Scio can umke a boast that but few other tonus in the valley can in regard to the collection ol city taxes. Xlie levy irs made in March and every dollar col lected ana in the nanus ot the city trcaa urer by June 1st. Mr Wings, of Hock Creek, has sold his timber raucli in tliat locality for fl-UU The buyer is tfo'mg to erect a mill on L'oc k creek, and is bargaining for all the unioer hind liccanlntnatucitiliborlioou, Santiam Alliance No 17 elected ofticers S-aturdnv. 1 line 20. as follows: l'resi dent. Win M I)aley; vice-president, J T eoiiis; secretary, w Ji nuecner; treas urer, James l.eliler; chnplain, Mrs Mary J rollis; lecturer, lit Darby; steward John Sandner : doorkeeper, VV m linker 3't doorkeeper, Mrs Uuftis Folhs. Is Tim SriiiKo. A line line of tl.izcr jackets for spring wear, in many designs j:iit received by G V Simpson. Also a largo stock of the popular self' "peninj; corsels. WCJ? Cot-SM. Cold'!. InHticim. BroneMiS. ariJIiJ.O Homzim', i.T.oopinj CoLgh, Croup, Sure l::rclt, .tthma, 0:nl c.ury ,i(.Lrtiiil of l.': V;W., LildSariil C.'iCSi.irU'l.i-J.T'.TCiru'.iri'ptlOH. Sf'CxJy ;-.uoLt Miiticui::. Ouuuii.u ...:iw " I, 2i;;c," 3 LAND DEPAUT.UEST. Salsm, Oregon, Jur.e 1, 1801. 1 bo board of com mi:? inner for the le of sefiool mid university lamia nnd fnrllio investment ol' tho funds atiHiig therftl'rom of the state of Oregon, hereby invlle sealed apr-liealiom to purchase tho lollowirttf described latins, to wit: All of the domtlon land claim Mtu.lted in sections IS, Pi, 21 and in Township la South KanKO 1 rte'. known and described on llio soveri.mort surveys as tie donation land claim of John W Moore and wife, being Notilication No 2509, say injr. Iherelrom IS acies sold lo Jacob 2t'ewiuan containing SSO acres. Also bejjiii niiijr 10 cliaias west of the northeast eorner of the northwest quarter of section il. in l'p 12South limine. 1 West, running thence east 80 chains: thence south 40 chain; llieuce west 80 chains; thence norm 40 chains to the placB of hcginninR containing 120 acros. all situated in Linn county, state of Oregon, and containing n all 418 acres more or less. Applications will be opouedat aregtiiar jneoung oi saut board to he bold Tuesday the 14th day of Jul v. 1801. a' 2 o'clock. P ni. Tho right to reject any and all bids areacrveu uy me boani NAi'oi.Kos dav;s. Clerk of tho Uoard. "August Flower" ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE CF APP31NT KEKL ttotick is iikkkiiy given that tlio uu Jctmiio'I lias been duiynp iKlntfd asaigi'OH of the eMato of LT ITennoMF, an insolvent debtor, and that he haH qimiiflfcil RN rucLi flssinoo in the manner prescribe-) by law. All perRon having claims niztiinsl said L T U-ijics.s, xre horeby notified to present the u:ne antler oath oh rooiiircd4by law, to the iersii;nf-d at R.m:k creek, in Linn f-o, Oregon, or to Id'i ottornevn. Geo W "Vrij.;ht and I H N hlackburn, at the iVwolilce of either ol them, in Albany, Oieon, within three mouths from the date hereof. Dated Juno Clli.lSf 1. T. J. AIcC'LARY. fik-o. V. WmonT, AMsitmee. 1. It. N. IIlatkbukn, Altysfor Asmmiho. (('12) FOB SALE. .Two pood bntriy horsoa, nnd well mroken, toethor witli Kod iiHck r.nd set f doublo barnes. Apply to J F Hack ftmto. resid'Micj corner of Calapuoia ana Kinih fctrots. h SCROFULOUS BOY R(mjiiii rjort-R (.'ovcrcil ills Hnynni Head. iJDit. A A;l 'flrJ. vt! by Ct;.;fi:r:i i;:rn.dl.-.,. '(Him fit noiitlinni.!, i!k ! ti.::ii! ' fY.Ml.l-llil.l to bv.i it, iin-l i-vr !. u I;u.t t,uil. V5Hulli .-.t il, t r ".'. ALiOIit !iV:! ritllilll.H UittT k i "..i;.:if: ejro. uou ;!i.t rd ftM-::r,t. Pi V.i. Imr it v. h.utiL mitl its tin i-: rnni; n:'ro an,: uu-l- 1 It ;o,k t::iu a-r i Im'1 out. A c h wiuvi'i v ii ' !'. 1 ti- -ntd - N ft'Cy v ; liilli nuTf jh : . "v, ; ' sii'i .;,!, i.f cor n, ,t iiit ; i i f " i!t'). VtO wji!k ft ii'.i'n-, t ;:t r- . : . tf tr'ti tlmvn, niij oul.l li.'t .'i u I .- I, ri;-viii i il? ol tils tiitiid. i". - .:t pi-t,l w i: do Ci Tlil'RA llsih'i i. -h'. iii . iy. dm oro nW.T ni-oth'T hi.lril, . :.V"r fi.i-mini; lit fiU'h one of tfirop lhi tWf, !'rt iH-rorclH-iliiu-, which would tl-iallv f..w pn.i u t.ikwi out; ttu-n tficy would hoal i; of t!tt'Po nly hoiio formnilonn 1 jirr-'-.M'.-r t ik'iirf a iloi-n a linlf Imitlc ho fl.-. lr on't'il, niut i nnw, lit iho net? "f iT v . ttr n n:i.lh-.ilUiy rMl 1. Mn". K. I'll!' - MaV U, lSi. 613 K. Clay St., ltUwiiiln.. v,, , Vy (TrmvUrtTi rrmilna rfccV.v well. N,.r-: cr -!in i:o uret, Mu'. K. t. IKIi Klj. T, Blooniliifc-Svs.. Cuticura Resolvent Thr tnw Hlood 1tirtflr, Intftnrtlly (to ctcn:i- i! Mooti of nil iRintirlttp nd pottonont rlrmi-iito Hum irmo tn fnp, and Ctrncciu, ttii f t tkin Cure, nnd rrTUTiiA Hoap, n riqutlto I'.sntiflfr, i:rnAlly (to rWr lh kin nnd ip;ilj jot rptnrthhtr),rnrTrydUf-Kiind hmnei the tklo autl blood, from ptmplet to tcrofula. Hold firrywhpr. Prlw, CtTirmi, IW.; pr. ?V.; jvCOLT!tT, t. TrepumJ by th Vtnn? DRt'ii and CtitvirAL CnnpoRATiON, lloaton. Mf tfod for " How to Car Blood DIm-ma." Pkln and Hratp puriAml and boAtitlrtM hy OCTICCRA lioiP. Absolutely pure BABY'S RHEUMATIC PAINS I n on mlnnte th Cntlmm JLnt . .Mc, Mp, kiiln.r, rtiwt, 1.4 .iiwilp ria. And wtnk.Mt. rnn ic. I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating r.tula heavy load in the pit of my stomtirh. I suffered fre quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas Mclieury, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Ta., in whose employ I had been for seven years. Fiually I used August Flower, and after using just one bottle for two weeks, was en tirely relieved of all the trouble. I can now eat things I dared not touch before. I would like to refer you to Mr. McIIenry, for whom I worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the medi cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City.Ta. Signed, lonx D. Ccx. y G. G. GUI-EX Sole Mam:f.ic;tircr. W'c-iilbnrr, .New Jersey, I.. S. A. lliTiH Kriifl H.ii-1 :vt ,:n;p,liili! iu?nt T:-.c. LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIOHARY-&C 5u J. Joseph, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. ONLY WHITE LIBOR OPLOYtifi). PROFESSIONAL CARDS H. WKATI5KICFOKlf . - . . At'ineva V"I pn.-'.UMin all courts of the U, Oillrci-fliuti bl.)cli, Alba:iy, Ortvuu. A'toniny r.t it'l S ii'i .-it r in Ch imvrT. Co! lee tiniM tiri ie 011 all ii'Mii'. L hvh H--'.Uuir.l fia Uv- oralilu terms. Alluny, OiYyou. 1i:t. V. WRIGHT, a A'tornevat l.w.and N'otan I'lihltfi. WiM nrac'K-c in al! t Airt i tin fiiitt! an-1 in fhu I'liitt-.l tit it-: r-urt T(roon. iillrr t -hrout rauiud over j;uik oi "TJ C. WAT.SU 11. Attfr:icy at I-t. : In thj S'.-i'.rin hl(vk u, amirs'. Albany, Orti,'ji.. ShcriiT Scott proposes tomako it warm for delinquent tax pay em unless tliey ettlcat once. The following notice has been published several weeks: but it does not work as eileotively aa it should: liy order n( the Count v Court I am di rected to f iM the enlieciion ol oil taxes standing unpaid rn nHOsiront rolls of this eou;(y. If mich taxes are not paid iamiMJiiUely I hhall proceed to levy upon xmj noli he property of Ooitnqueuts to make collection. 1 moan hnvjno.-s. . SCOTT. Shoriffof Linn county Xow lie proposes to enforce tho collec tion of all unpaid taxes, which, though not the pleasantest business in tho world, must be dune. Delmguents should come to time and pay up, thereby avoiding legal nnwccuiiiga, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This id positively the last call, hook out for tiie explosion of the bomb. J 'tiiii'.iiutfr A(inJ OUELPS. Job. Printer, ACAD KM Y OF Our La'lj of Pcrprtua! Eelp, 4LBANY, - - E5ECON Conducted by tho Slstt.., f St. Jlenediet Tuition in solect day sohool ranges from $5 to $10. Fortorin Bnardin;; Soh "ol or ny prtiorlars apply Pt tii Ak 'otv nr id ftdusn Sister Suporiore riiviiii boon entirely F..'r.oi1c:e i. this old and popular restaurant muI bv inula trsi clar.s n cvory repeet. Tho pahlic will be siven H'vd meaU at ail lioarn for ouly 25 jonts. ICverythnig and Attractive, Private boxes. Untcrs io every style. Iarunin.i in choice roc;ri;; always oo ai;ctrt d of Alien llruj,, h'i'mn lilock. ONION SEED GroAii From Selected nnlb; Kirlv llcl jwr IS $t f0 Wcthcnt!toM 1 f.U Yollnw lUnvcri M 1 White I'ortUffal " 2 In mmjuirinir prices ptrana rrinember that above uotatloiit include 1'onrius. f-Icc Onr Need n Trial. TTpndcncf olkitnl. TRUMBULL - & - BEEBE lWrORTH, QMWT.M ANIt DIALKF.S IS Seeds, Trees, Bulbs and Plants, 4UM21, 8insom rraadse. flTAieHn this papor. ar. siMCKiii u?.', AttnrtM.vat Liw. Will pr.vjtio In a'l tha cvirU Ore i," mi, vxrupt tho oiuuty cuurt if Linn cminty Ail Im-tine-w will recoivo prttnpt ntteutiuii. 0(Uc Od-i IVllow Ycin.'L', Albmiy, Or. J. J. WII1TXEY, Attornuy ai hw, aivi N.Uarjr AHwtijr Phyclclan and Surjenn, OFFICE Corner First "an Ferry street, Ailwtiy, Oregon. riiv-nuiati aTl Siroiii. OFFICE 0;mitt lh lKaooRiT otCc( Albany, Oregon. W. U, SlV IJf Phvslclmi and Sureon. OFFICE Unatilri in' the Slrnhan hlofk ; M ir h-j f raul at hU otfico day or JJK. . A. WHITNEY, Pliyalrlan and Surion. Cira-linto cf Ilellevtia Med ictil Col'iye, Now Yirk Oiw. Dltuxsnft ot -mion a hpecialty. UPFIL'S Fr:mn hlujk, Albany, Oregon TE1IKST NATIOXAI, BINK, S' OF ALBANY, OBKGON, roiV)it VU -a Pi CbUcut i Cblor LFMNN E.VOt Nti ,...K, W. LAKUDON TRANS ACTS A GENF.UALbanltinaljnBiiiesa. ACCOUNTS KEPT huh'it to tWA. Sir.HT EXCIIANOK mid U'l rtphin tranter, cld New ?ork, S-n Francisco, Chicigu an I i'itland e:-'in CO-LUimOX? HADE on (?.oral le tflrma. DII13CT0RA E. Yorsa E, W. IjAxqdi.i L H Llain, L. Flikn Edward P . Sox. LB.WCO NATIONAL BAXEi, OK ALBAMYf OK HOOK. CAPITAL STOCK ItCO.f-On. Prer.H'nt J T, COWAN, vico-President.... J M It ALSTON. CPhir Gbo E CII.Ml!KKLAIN, AsstCashitr O A AKCU1UOLD. II RFCT0RS. J L Cowan. J M Ralut on. (Ion K Chamberlain, V H LailJ. W il OoUra. J A Craw lord and O A ArchiboUl. TRANSACTS a ponoral haiikin? huflnc. UKAWSIOU1 JiKAFTSou Now York, San ait P-il4r I, f Oretron. LOAN MOSEY on approved security RECEIVE deposit subject check. BANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, OREGON. Prwidont Vice-President CashW Tranftftctn a yrncral bruikin? hmlni-H Kxch:mi;o nu;'ht and 6!l on nil citloB hi the United St;iti!8t iila.ion En : France and fierniatiy. Collcctiormmado at ill neswiltife r1 able terms. Interest allowed ti:no dtp'rtitd. ..II F MERRILL . E .1 LANNINt! ... ti t. W LLAIN t!if principal l.ind, Ireland, 1 J AXIi or HVHr Presldpnt Vice- President .., Cusliier J S Morris, 11 Uryant SCIO, OKKOON. riaacriii": E Uoins, ... .1 S Msnn: ...,Jr;"- Mvfrs OS Mat Pons a irenerl bartkiixr ),d , SU'ht dnvfti inane 1 on Al'uin, t rancuco. Prtliiitl -a-I bun ALBANY NURSERIES rtTE HAVE ON HAND t cr nnra.rr If on the CorTalll road, one half oil from town, at fine a lot of fruit reea ofallkloda aaean befoandanT- hre OB the coaat. If you eontemplat.I i .i . u i i i . VH ... f .i.unu n mil yj juiiupnnM iocs ana gi ur pnora. vamiagu dh H YVIAK A BROWKHLL. POHTI.ANO RtVIC!t IliJili, or roHTI.AM). ORKOOK. nun up cnvitui . tVA,mt I""""U ITUlllJ 0i),0 Interfrt illrtwM rm Mrir(.-s deo-isit, iw folloirs: ononn.ry Having. Imolti ....4 l orretil pm unnum. Ontfrm rir.f: hk 0 per cnt per unniim. ft thtnt mADths 4 per cnt per .nnurn: i" . !"""" Pr Pt nmnn: twMr. monlhx fliwr oent per annam' VHKXK IlKKritf, lTem.lrnt Tl l: THOMPSON. eo llMidrnt. n. C, STRATTOK. CMbl.n EAST AND SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Routa SHASTA LINE. Exj-rivs Tiiuns n.- 1' ..-tWrid iMily i"uiy Ia a m i r'l in.i-ip:-) .v !l;.'ti r m Ah no t'-ams st-.p m!v nt f..! lowing tt:alontt m.rtli of it.Mi.tiur:. K!Wt I'oitUiid, Ort-'-u City Wo... mini, SaVtn, Alhanv,,-.Til, sii-xM. lUUvy liar !t!iurB', JunciifU fity, lrinir, Kjnvim. ROiKKlRQ St A Ui, r.MLV. P;'Vl a ti - Lv " P.rtbr.d Ar'-l:'p ru i i,v Ail.anv Lv I 1 l Ar L l , lo:l:..v u Ar 'i it ;U u Oo p u ALUAKT l.oru( DAILY RL'arr SlXIUt) l'r(l.iud Arl":);mVi; Lv I R:.) a u Lv I 1-v 7r:i'JA II I All uny :;iasg. niiAM !i, l-nliation AKniiy I.uiaiinii nr I :: A a l v B: III A M Ar I 4:-jtl il l.v S:i0r x PULLMAW DUFFET SLEEPEilS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, for AirnniiiMiilnllnn oj fcrixiil-l'hi., rnin 4!er., atlarlinl in Lxiirctn 1 rulin. VVHt Klll. I.lvl!nn. BETMIX.V UltlXAMI AU C'OIEVALLIH. ilAil. .tliKDAllT (PueptSuixia.v.) 9IK I :I0 r 11 Purlluml Curvallw I .:3'i r 11 I 12:66 ril RzrRSUTlAlN DA1LT (Except Surdar. Slip II I 2 m i' Tli.lll I VI. Mi:mvil!e Ar I :'.!!) a 11 I.V I MS A H rriiroii?rli 'JTiclsetw , Ti all iinl EAST, SOUTH. Fi fuii inforraitio 1 rerardiii' rates, mar. ou Compfinv uniiLKH Ak'tnt at Al'tany K P. IIOOKKS Aes'tG. F. and P. Ac YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o fan Pacific Railroad. T B llot.u, BcrclT. r. Orsgoii DevelopmanS Co's Steamers, Short IJ110 to uHiuriiiti. Tlrul.nlnt-a II.. 1. if1" '1"ft0" I'orWami and nil points ta t!ioWillamelt ValMy to nnd fro UkWan Kisnoiaco, Cul. iv.fl mK8 riosd nonnoction at Alban with tra:nn Oi tho Orccnn Paciii Itailroad TiasS0!!KPi;t,K CTrept Arrl.-e Yaqui,,,, ::'s r. M.Arnvo Allmny, il: 13 a. I O. A; C. trains oonnont ai AKmiivpnd Oorvallis. I ho abovo trains connoctat Vaouiua with tlin Orojrou Dovoiopment Company's Line of Kt-jamsliip:, i.atwson a'jiuna and San 1'ranciNuo. MIMS1 DATE . FROM TAJ'W. Wiilamett. Valley, Jum 4tli ; 13lh ; : mo SAit riiAxcisco Wi'i:mcttoV.illT, MaySlstj Jono l:h lSt!i;571h ICho Compa nvs tho ngut to IJvaKOTOilinR datos without nollce. J?m Passongsrs from Portland and v dlnnietto Valley points can make closo sonuor.lion with the trains of the Yaqulna route at Albany or Corrallis, and it des rtnod to San Francisco should orrsnceto rrtTo t Yiauina tho ovoninsr before date 'nailinjr firfaairu-rrr nn VrrKbt r.-ilci always Hie E.UWCKI Tir jut.irmitlTi apply t a It llliapmm, Proluht and iokot Aeent, Albany, j;. DoiilK. O. F. orfl p. Alfen .!. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTIl'P. IR HFREtlT OITEX TO AM. mini 11 tor. perni In th. tat ot William Conn aMl, that in th. rd day .1 June, I611 I niti my ftaal account in Mid matter In th. county 1 1 Una .nitatr. Oregon, aori Lh.t Mu l tt th. nth day .t July, 1191. at th. a... .1 1. lo.. ra, .( aalil day aa th. thn. lor kH.. ..j j ij "iuiiv aaa tor l 1. . wwvm.m. " VmUJT: AdBla'i..atw. aiMruy. i".. fa, .1 mi ttliar all ahj. taal Mjaailt. aM Jmlii, hi IN Store. Cost stock or 2nd pgr ;oods In the Va y, and the moat reas ,aio prices, both t sollinK. i have on hand FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PIUTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. west of S E Young's oi aiore L. C0TTL?B ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18SO, 1891. flralTerat SciiMiubcr laik, mm. A full eerps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY TuMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. 1 Mines at atudT arranoad ax l. w of all irrades of students, Sffil iMtamni tjwml l stnintt frm abrtai. Mf.lUMf II IT Embracing all tho latest Novelties in Dress Goods Roth in WOOLEN ami WASH KAMiTCr -To The Ladies,- t nr-i... a .:ii.. ..r T v;...i.. 1 iuuku ii i?jn;t.iaui)' ui jjiti tus umienvBi'T m i IviiusKD ami Muslix. rily 1 incK-i arc (iLG LO'iVKST ami my Goods tho Ikst. Am sob t gout for tho Cclobratud Y. S, E MOSISKI, (iuaraiilecd slaiuloss, Warranted absolutely fast, and Freo from Poison. : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Fnmisliino: -:- Ciooi I have n Irga Stork :: O n l,owcnt Prici ( v,t c!lbrt;t! i i!,Ti!V 1 cany ill lino of liiti worlJ-ivnowfil liilOAUIfKAD K'"i",rwa f.T wer' : Gniaii. I.ari;i) uiock ff ):.r.ii'H!)EKi!:?i FLorxcixoi arid li cor cci! tha A'liui y i t her I est trailing point i;t Oregon. BUY THE "KSSTCHELL WAGfli,' AcikBsowlcdjjcd Monarch oi 3 lie Ko: Wo carry a full lino of ITacl:. ISuck'oh nd Crtrriaiov; alnn Farm ImplomuiitH oftll kifula. 'v ChYi dd ua hi, ('ore puit'auMng Klewhoi Mitclitrll & Lewis Co., Albany, 0k W 8 Music 0 & m can it!i-c our Mat firt'lunus "fo'ffTTY 1 Tj' S5 JTi'ia most popular piano among"nW' Ti A 17 1? IP fl-r- IT if (Celfil.rated foi its. brUlii: J a jjijuj Jliti. Ci. JJ. 1 llnish and duraliiwy. VOSE & SON nZTJSSrr I'alnce and Karhnfl' IIoiiho I'rool' Org'uiH, Onitars, Violins o Aitontsforthn Now IKonie, EEilririco 15. and ojlmr SowlnR Maclilw Supplies fur all liimln ol Kow'iitf Mnclilnos. Wo Rusrd our customers interosts and giiaritmoo tiatisfaction. 1Te rnrry a Tull asM.rtmcnt of Mnilc nml lti.nk ' Cor. Second and Perry sts., (?cnii for cntaioguc.) Albany, C' The Hew York C. B. B. Stn Is tha Place to Buy o-0 TEY Their Field Tliyer Shoes McFarland Block, ABLANJf. ALBANY OR. WRITSMAH & EULBZET BROS, Real EsUU Agents Farm, and Raoohe. (or sal. Also oitT broaertj in Albao aad Caryallis. PAISLEY & SMILE- -WaolaaaU .alr I"' TOBACCO - ard alkaar. ft