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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1891)
I! i i ; i r I'KUYEllTlxU FACTO. President Harrison In very careless In tngklng statements in his public speeches at he "swings around the circle," or lie Is Ignorant oi the history o! legislation in congress. A few days ago we called at. tcntlon to his statement that "we have put coffee, tea and hides on the free list," when in truth, and in fact, (these articles have been on the free list for many years. Down In Tennessee and at other points in the south he said : "We have a common heritage. The confederate soldier has full, honorable, andjungrudged participation in all the ben. elits of a great and just government." This was said, as every one can see, for the purpose of courting favor with the confederates to make himself "6olld with them in his next campaign for the presi dency . But he should not resort to de ception or make anexhibitlon of ignorance about the matter. It Is all light, we sup pose for the president to repair his politi cal fences while swinging over the country but this repairing should not be done by sacrificing the facts of history. The truth is, that every confederate soldier Is abso lutely debarred from holding any position In the army of the United States, section mS of the Revised StatuttE, enacted on the aSth of July, 1S66, reading as follows: "No person who has served in any ca pacity in the military, naval, or civil ser vice of the so-called coi.federate states, or of either of the states in insurrection dur ing the late rebellion, shall be appointed to -Anv position In the army of the United jjtotes." The really significant feature of this matter Is, not the fact that Mr Harrison was guilty of a serious blunder cf ignor ance or forgetfulncss, but rather the fact that it was Mr Harrison's vol; In the senate five years ago this very month which turned the scales and kept on the statute book the most odious and galling ol all the discriminations which could possibly be placed upon the confederate soldier. On the 7th of April, iSS6, the senate was con sidering a bill to Increase the efficiency of the army, when Mr Gibson of Louisiana proposed an additional section repealing the section of the Revised Statutes just quoted, so that men who had served the confederacy might be eligible as ap pointees to the new places in the army created by the bill. W hen the vote was taker.,it resuited In 24 yeas for the amend ment repealing the statute and 25 nays. Among those recorded as absent was Mr Harrison, but he had taken the pre caution to make sure that his absense should net prevent his position on the question from appearing. The Cotignss inal Rcco'd contains this statement I Mr Berry (when '.he name of Mr Jones Ol Arkansas was called) My colleague Mr Jones of Arkansas Is paired with the Senator from Indiana Mr Harrison. If my colleague were here, he wonld vote 'Yea.' " Senator Dolph, "our Joe", made a speech on "protection" at a bunquet given by the Protective Tariff League at New York, Wed nesday evening, in which he said: The people of the Pacific coast understand that while New England manufacturers the wool grown upon the Pacific coast, her manu factures create a market for the Pacific coatt product, and not that alone, but for our food products also. The Senator has a design i.i this st&lemtnt to make farmers believe they, too, receive a a benefit from protection," but they are no longer to be hoodwinked by such clap trap. The food product of the Oregon farmer is wheat, the market for which is in Europe and not in New England. Mr Dolph can not be lieve his own statement. He knows better. It is not to his credit to make such a state ment, but he must have some kind of piop to stay the crumbling structure cf protectionism and the above seems to he the best he could obtain. The olfactometer recently exhibited to the Academy of S:i?nces in Paris is a little ap paratus for testing the smelling powers of in dividuals. It determines the weight of oJorous vapor in a cubi: centimeter of air which is perceptable by the olfactory sense of h person. In relation to his scheme for a tubular railway across the Strait of Do.'cr, Sir E G Reed points out that, unlike the tunnel, the tube can be destroyed, if required, with torpedoes or mines by the fleet, and hence could ncyer be used by an enemy to main tain the communications of an army of invasion. Six western utates show an increase in the winter-wheat acreage of 1,450,000 acres; Michigan, 5S,ooo Increase; Illinois, 12S,ooo increase, Indiana, 240,000 In crease; Missouri, 320,000 Increase; Kan sas, 527,000 increase, and Ohio, 177,000 increase. J ' i 'j One of the m t remarkable features of the presidents speeches which he is miking as he "swings around the circle" is the entire ab sence of any reference to the Force bill. Every endorsement of rtciprocitv is anen lorrement of free trade. Hear in minu that lllaine is one nf the most distinguished free traders ol the country. British gold in the hands ol the Cob.len Club is doing its mighty, telling work. CKKIHTAHI.i:, The Ortgoniau calls attention to the fat t that In the states of Connecticut, Rhcde Island, and New Hampshire the constitu lions require candidates to receive popular majorities, that Is a candidate for an olli.-e must receive rrtore votes than the aggro- gregate vote of all other candidates tnr the same oihee. Lnder this system the minority has been ruling for years in both Connecticut and Rhode Island. It Is creditable In the Ortgauhii to denounce this system as "utterly Incompatible with the theory of popular government." Year alter year the democrats of these states go to the polls and cast more votes for their candidates for governor and other 6tate officers than do the republicans for their candidates. Hut there are usually pro hlblilon and labor candidates who receive a few hundred votes and as the democrats are unable to cast more votes for fthclr candidates than for all others combined, the election Is thrown Into the legislature. Legislative districts are so gerrymandered that an ordinary "land slide would not Jen. able democrat to elect a majority of that body. Hence republican candldates.dtfeated byjthe people,are elected by the legislature, L.E.BLAIN'3 COLUMN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE- To Geo V Patterson. A Uackleman.W V Crowder. Frank l'Vrrall, F Who & Co., Harlan HuUiurt, rreu C.ummer.C VV Seam, Jamei Urienfheldt, C H Hoai, Mra t Blount. Oregon & California Kailrcad Com pany, I F hadley oud J O Bunnell ewuern of the real property oiljicent to and abut ting upon Sixth streets, between tho eaat ine ot Montgomery eirots ana tne cast line o f JetTcreor. htrett," iu t'1 city cf Albany. Von tnd each of you are hcHiy natiflcU that trie city oi A:uy, iu lie stale of Oro fron, propoe to improve all that pirt of Sixth street, in said city, lying between th east line of Montgomery and tho rant linoo! Jcirjr3on streets, in said city of Albvi, at tne expense and cost of it.o "wuetsaud holdeLs of thereat property adjacent to and abutting cpmsaid portion ofaiid Sixth street. And yon and eacli of you are here- ! by further notified that said city pmpofe to make such improvement in the follovin? nanner: To grade said portion of said Sixth street in accordance with the ordinances of said city establishing the grade cf said Sixtr street, and to put a coat of gravel on sai l 1 portion of said Sixth street, s'.x inches thfrk at the center cf said street and tape. ini to three iuches thick at the gutter on either side of said street. And you are further notified that the Council nf said city will.on the 12th day of Ma), 'l$yi, at the hoar ol 7:30 o'clock p m of said day, at thei- ch -inner, in the said city of Albany, hear and determine all objections ard remonstrances to said proposed improvement. Done by order of the Common Council of the city of Albiay, Oregon ifiwl a April 2Sth, N IU.VTOX. Recorder of the city of Albany. Alhiny, Or., May 1st, 1891. m I7'ANTED.-Plaoe to do general house f rorK. in a lamtlvoi iwo or lour Leave word at the Democrat office. i GENTS WANTED. Address Ntuart i V x inompiou.sialioners, port land, Or TUSSOLUTION NOTICE. Th nart XJ nernhip heretofore existing between A Mtraney and O Nairlev. in the liverv business in Albany, Oregon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Slranry will continue, the httsinessattheolil stand and assume all debts owing by the firm and collect all acuountb aue tlie firm April 1.18)1. A.STKANKY. 41. JSAGLEY. Vh are now ready for Springer ado Mi ho largest and best selected stock of Clothing that will be shown in tho county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to please the most fastidious. We have many fine makes including iss!sssti NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR. Notice Is hereby given that lids will be received for a new school hou'e for Dist No 24, of Ur.u count, Oregon, up to the evening of May 4th. Bids will bi opened on May 5th at 2 p mi. Plans and peclflcitlons may be found at the drug store of O L Klsckmin. Tin right to rejfict any or ail bids is resorvecl. Sea led bids may be mailed to G L Keece, e'erk of Pist No 21, Albany, Oregon. T.-VUl SALE CHEAP. -Pointer puppv, o imntbs old; is tho making of a grand flelddr If any spur: in Albany wants a good dog now is your chanee. Write to 4. 8. Cameron, Corvaliis, Oiegcn, lor further information. The recent cenui of the German Kmphe gives a population 0(49,420,842, which is an increase of 2,065.188 since 1SS5. Men of science declare that the orange was originally a berry, an.', that in evolution has Rong on more than a thousaud years. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. By orclor of the County Court I sm dl rpctid to fit co the collection of all taxes standing unpaid rn the assessment rolls of ibis county. If such taxes are not paid iinmiM.iatoty I shall proceed to lovv I'pnn nnd sell he property of delinquent's 1 1 make collection. I mean business. M. SCOTT. Shsriff cf Linn county. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. -VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT fit-in will bean annual mo;'t ing o ihe strx-kl.ol.inrs of the Albany Woolen Mills Company, hold at their ofllco In Albany. Oregon, on Tuoid ij th" 12th Cny of y.nv, IsiUl. at tho hour of 1 o'clock p m of said day. for the mirnose n n leot ing four directors to serve for ont yeesr nnd the t'ansantlon of such other biii unss as mr.y legally como before such men. J. P. GALItKAITII, Secretary Then we havo the full lire of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in tho Albany Woolc Mills goods, that'.' we, specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this year during tight times ,cast and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments. The merchant tailoring department, under charge of Mr. E. A. Sehifller, is well stocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It will pay pat rons of tailor shops to see goods and get prices. L. E. BLAIN.' STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. V"OTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT .iA the annual meeting nf tho stock hold r.ofths Albany Farmer Co, will be held at the olhce of said company In Albany, Oregon, on May tilth, )!!, at 1 o'clock, p m. ol said day. for the purpose of electing seven (7) n I rector, to serve the ensuing year and tho transaction of suh other business as mav properly come het'nr said montlng. Done by or der of the board of directors. M II. Wir.PS, At:est: P. B. MAnsiMi.1., President, Seretary. FARM FOR SALE. A farm of JJacresof land 2'i mi'es .est of Millers Sution on O. A C. K R All fenced, 13') asros in cultivation. 30' slashed, good house and barn Mid shed lor slock, woll wat -red, good, young orchard bearing all kinds Irult. Good grain firm. Plenty timber. C'lIARLl'.S WETZEL. m PARK -- ADDITlO ym TO THE zg-TOWN OF LEBANONt: This Beautifu! Addition Now,tor Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to Suit the People. We would much prefer that al' who wish to purchase lots in this, ad.iw;,-,, ... ,. ami personally inspect the grounds and learn tor themselves the many and varied tages tins aouuion pieseiits to uiu pinMiv. iy u, ijl-i miuui inspection you will tf-' tho followin facts: l! This canal will give steady rk to hundred, m iisli inill-Hitos lor many inaniifm turics and tl,'. . 1 mis mm oincr auvuiiliig. s will lie a citv olaii-T 1ti'."-oV,;'''1r'y ,l'ml,l!;', population intlieUrtt A l.) ),0H) paper mill is now cuinnletud .nil J Lebanon lias n population of 15tK. One hundred uud twenty-live new mibstttiitiul houses were built here during the yenr. Tho Lebanon nnd Sniitiiim ('anal Company lias been ineorpornted, and work will begin thereon us soon as tho ncccDKiiry preliminaries can bo urranged. begun tlieriu this July 1st. -3STOW FOR THE- It lies along the route of tho Lebanon and ?antiam Canal. It is platted with wido level avenues; planted with most bcuutifu vountr shul. each lot fully largo enough for a comfortable residence, ami each has! a natural dn We sell no lots that are unsuitable lor innMing purposes, ami give a clear title toei This addition joins the beautiful Isabella l'ark from which it derives its namt. which will afford to residents in tho addition beautiful recreation grounds. All nts are (d leet lront and trom l.Yl to 1.) leet deep. Iirr THIS FACT 1113 ItKM12MII12UKI)( SS?" The price of all these lots will bo advanced 25 per cent, after May lafr This property will be shown to parties iletiiiliig to purelinne by J. E. & H. Y. Eirkpatiick Or by Petersen & Garland, Lebanon, Or. HOW DO YOU DO? Tlieic is 110 doubt ILat k Sliiit's NE W Stock of SILVEKWARK. conslstliiK of spoons, knives, forks, fruit dishes, etc. gold and silver watches. Jewel y, etc, is the largest and best lu the city, and by far the host ever brought to Alii any. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. You'd Better Call on the Albany Furniture Co., I'alHciora block, (or FURNITURE ot kinds. t3fTlio atock is large 'and complete. They alsoTl ttT Kaveflno WuvmhI ;baby cairiaKtH, t-af- t,ll ttf pcta, .wall i'Rrcr, ant n.any 1 sterna vett'ci, all for sate at bedrock prices. TrJt TWO MKN AND ONE Y.OY FOUND DEAD!! Ho has received a largo and choice stock of sprit; Goods, new sty'es and shades. Wash fabrics, con.i ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chanibre. Aco: liif.f minla floiinpiri!TS. llOSierV. i gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for tin trade. A largo and complete assortment for e youth's. l?oots, shoes, hats, caps and furr.ishinggoi-I if you want the best bargains you will have to call o: -:F. L. KENTON, :- Dealer in GROCERIES Near the Post Office, Albany, Ot Tl LADIES BAZAA -Is the Leading- While trying to Crowd theii WAV INTO DEYOE & FROMAN BROS Store, where they always have on hand the larpest Stock ttouth of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an Immense Mock of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Hammock, Camp Choirs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Xleimii Sliop in connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen in the State to do any tnd ail kinds of work. Come one, Come at. No rouble to (how gocda. "Small profit and quick ftis-V is oui motto. and Fancy Goods Store of j They carry nil the l.ntcst Style niul Novelties In the "''"""Jh a complete stork ot L.nuieH nnu Children s furnihuins it"" 'j j,econvi garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest FIRST STJIEET, FBOMANBW 1 OR KENT. I In If illrm .1 ! lenc, ih bn licit p f . iiI.d vomer ot llutiltl hln 1 1 A 'j 1 x i ini Custom - C We hnvo rn lianil at all I linen hay, onta, and chop, ar.d wi'l aell In quan Illy to suit. AlfcO wieat bought and sold. "Farmara, bring na your witpat, oata an J hay. Highest cash pries paid. Morris & Blount, rvirnur First and UaLnr j ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s retail G . o CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE Jrflf KINDS, INiLARQE::OR SMALL "V1 I IN THEIR SEA5Ui Flinn Block. -:- ALBANY, , w We are the People Who carry tho most complete line o ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in t"0 MATTHEWS & WASHf